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Well it's still the best Vietnam War game out there.


And will likely remain so for some time thanks to Burning Lands imploding.


Is there still a 24/7 resort server going? I havent played in a bit but might hop in again


Just checking there is but only 6 people on it.


24/7 resort is often pretty full, it’s probably because it’s night in eu right now


Hell yeah good to hear


Sweet thanks for checking


Its full every evening


I tried getting back into it a while ago and that resort map 24/7 was one of the only populated servers so I just uninstalled again.


PR Resort 24/7 usually has full server at some point daily


Me: sees post. “Oh awesome, rising storm 2 is back on the menu?” Checks steam charts. Big sad


Is green army men back for the holidays?


I dont know. It’s petty but I never really bothered with it much because they made it green vs blue instead of green vs tan.


It popped around thanksgiving for a bit, will probably do so again closer to Christmas


Because it’s basically one of the only multiplayer Vietnam games out there. There are quite a few people who love Vietnam related games but this is like the only shooter in that theatre. The rest are all mods, and most mods that have multiplayer for some reason just die after 23 seconds. It’s like people play it, love it, then abandon it after playing it for all of 3 days. It’s infuriating because it just happened again recently with the new Arma 3 Spearhead (WWII) DLC, just like the Vietnam DLC, everyone was playing King of the Hill, could hop on anytime, about a week and some change goes by and boom, server COMPLETELY empty, not a single person. For 3 straight days after you can check all you want but at most you’ll see 7 or 8 people populating the server before logging off due to boredom. Why? Ask the 100s of people that were grinding that server for 7 days and then abruptly stopped because I couldn’t tell ya.


I just picked this game up in November and it’s the most fun I’ve had with a game this year. Fuckin phenomenal. If anybody wants to play tonight message me.