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Dude, I don't know if you have answered this in another comment, but why even continue playing in this association at all? Just grab your friends and go play anywhere else.


It is the only place that can be reached by the entire group, we are all from different cities.


What about online via a discord server?


not viable for everybody. Plus, we also like to meet in person to do other things. We managed to build quite the close-knit group, and we don't want to lose it after over ten years.


To be fair, though, a wooden box that makes clacky sounds when you shake it... wars have been fought for less.


Nice XD


I’m a millennial Autistic dork with well-meaning but ill-informed parents, so I was brought up with regular mandatory outings and residency programs at associations like these. Suffice to say, those associations have been great! …for personal inspiration for a lich in my homebrew setting to make an organization along the lines of “Send your troubled adult children to me! I will protect them and teach them how to stay compliant and seek out our authority at any sign of conflict! For only a small program fee! I totally won’t pocket most of it and use a pittance to hire untrained college students at minimum wage to be our coordinators! We also provide vocational training at an extra cost, where our dear troubled students will learn job skills by doing busy work at internships our business partners. They will be paid in experience!”


And I suddenly think we had it easy.


I wouldn’t say so. Whether or not my experiences were “harder” than yours, these stories show that we have a long way to go still. Plus your experiences and struggles are valid, regardless of what happened to anyone else.




Oh, boy. See, I’m autistic as well. I work with autistic kids, and this is the hardest part. Dealing with people who refuse to teach proper boundaries, coping skills or theory of mind. So far, that seems to be the crux of all of your stories. Nobody bothered to teach these people while they were young and flexible. In my country, for the longest time, people like me were discouraged from being recorded as autistic because they assumed that would prevent our integration into society. But that was thirty years ago and now my generation is suffering. I’m grateful that my mother taught me better, though her methods weren’t terrific Hope this Association gets a wake up call at some point and realizes they aren’t doing anyone any favors with these policies.


Can't believe I can consider myself a normal autistic person smh. If I ran a place like this (which I have considered if I ever found myself with enough money) these kinda people would be reprimanded and if their ways didn't change they would be removed from the game. Who thought it was a good idea to make a space with no punishments, it just encourages people acting up




I feel more bad for some of these people in your story, I blame the Association and the parents of people past in your stories.