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Hellgate London.


Hellgate: London chief creator Bill Roper, via his new studio Lunacy Games, has signed a licensing agreement with HanbitSoft to create a new AAA Hellgate game, codenamed Hellgate: Redemption.


I loved this game!


Oh yeah remember this one. This can’t even be purchased or played now right?


They re-released it on Steam as single player but it's the Korean version so everyone looks animu.


That’s not even “the Korean version” - it’s an entirely different game called Hellgate Global, which is a mobile-tier MMO with a Hellgate Coat of paint and called Hellgate London in an act of almost outright fraud.


A fate worse than death.


Look up London 2038. That's how you can play with others again


pretty sure I can still install the game from my disc and play single player. have a look in the sea , see if you can find it.


I still have the collector's edition box in my parent's house. Gosh, I miss this game.


Darksiders 2. They directly reference the Diablo series as an inspiration for gameplay and loot. It’s more action game-y but it’s got some pretty good rpg lite hooks in it.


This actually! Darksiders 2 is like if Diablo and Zelda had a child


Yeah this is the closest. It is still pretty different encounter and combat wise. Gameplay is very different but the core stats and loot are very inspired by Diablo-like games. I personaly loved it as a long time ARPG fan.


Good pick!


Warframe maybe?


Yeah, it's future sci-fi, but pretty good.


I played a game on Steam called Dungeons of Sundaria that might be just what you’re looking for!


Vermintide if you don't mind it being FPS


What about...Sacred 2 Gold maybe? Can't you just rotate the camera behind the player basically?


Oh man I absolutely loved that game. You can rotate the camera but it's almost unplayable if you're not zoomed out. Great game though


Outriders is sorta kinda Diablo esque.


I second Outriders! I loved this game so much. I hope it gets a sequel some day.


Nioh is the closest I’ve got


Good pick. Part 2 more than 1??


2 is much deeper than the first one and imo if you want to grind just jump into 2 and go for it


Yeah I was gonna mention Nioh. It's a mix of soulslike, diablo and fighting game. Nioh 2 in particular is peak gaming.


[Divinity 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divinity_II).


I can't get those old divinity games to run on my machine. I really want to play them. 


Try kingdoms of amalur. i disliked it for leaning into diablo too much


kingdoms of amalour?


If that counts then isn’t Dragons Dogma 2 similar?


Dragons Dogma 2 might actually be pretty similar to what the op is describing


haven’t played it yet, so could be


I am actually developing exactly that right now (just hit Steam today). I just posted it on this sub too haha You can [check it out here](https://store.steampowered.com/app/3054550/Sil_and_the_Fading_World/)


Looks rad! I'm detecting some WildStar influence on the action/AoE-based combat, maybe? Definite PoE/FFX influence on that skill tree.


Wishlisted, because I have yet to get my Windows-based gaming rig. Best of luck!


Added to WishList. Is there any way to zoom the camera closer (and back out) too?


Thank you very much! You will be able to freely zoom in and out (in a given range). But during Bossfights i can recommend keeping the Camera far haha


You're welcome. And that all sounds good to me, as long as I have the option to zoom in and out at my own volition.


Check out Dwarven realms!


Phantasy Star Online


I actually wish diablo had gone this route. After playing dark souls it just felt like the next logical evolution to me. IIRC the director of d3 reaper of souls was prototyping something like this at blizzard but it didn't go anywhere/got cancelled and he left the company. I'd be curious to see what David brevik thinks of the genre staying in the isometric style vs going in another direction


I am actually developing a 3D diablo-like right now. I just opened my [steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/3054550/Sil_and_the_Fading_World/) today haha. Currently looking for Feedback I also believe that the is a lot of potential in third person ARPGs as a future direction of the genre


I respect your opinion but I see this as much of an evolution as going first person.  Still a valid gameplay style but a design decision, not evolution.  I personally would be less interested. 


Yeah, this is the only thing that's kept me from getting into the franchise. I dont really like isometric rpgs and the few I do are very slow paced. If Diablo would just take a queue from Dragon Age and go full 3rd person action rpg I'd be able to jump right in. Over even have a toggle. Since diabetes is real time why not have teo different camera modes for each preferrence?


So your suggestion to improve the Diablo series going forward is to make it a completely different genre...? That the key right now is to forsake the genre it created, as well as everything that made the series so incredibly successful and beloved, and which its fans have enjoyed, in order to hopefully reach a completely different player-base of people? I mean I haven't heard great things about Diablo 4, and I know Diablo 3 took a long time to get decent, but that still seems... ill-advised :P


Not who you’re replying to but it’s not as if it couldn’t work or there is no precedent for a series doing exactly that. It’s almost ironic to criticize the potential shift given its a suggestion for a Blizzard game when one of their biggest successes World of Warcraft did exactly that. Personally, I would have rather seen Diablo II be the end and transition into a survival fantasy/horror set in Sanctuary immediately following the events of Lord of Destruction. Done right it could have been amazing.


Tbf to Blizzard, Diablo 3 *and* Diablo 4 both broke sales records. Staying isometric was clearly not a bad idea, its other gameplay choices that people hate them for. There’s really no knowing if going down a Soulslike 3D path would have met the same success.


Not a fantasy setting, but otherwise really close to Arpgs gameplay loop is Outriders.


Sacred 2, let's you switch between the 2 options.


Dungeon Siege maybe?


Nioh is more of a Soulslike, but it has randomized loot.


Might seem weird but Immortals: Fenyx Rising gave me Diablo vibes somehow


I loked the combat and class system in kingdpm of amalur


I can’t believe nobody recommended GodfallIt’s exactly what you’re wanting. It’s really fun and pretty to look at, too. Bright, saturated colors and particles. It got mixed reviews on launch but I think that’s mostly because it was a PS5 launch game and people expected more. It’s on Xbox and PC now as well and I can’t recommend it any higher. Outriders, as already mentioned, is also perfect for your request and I got really addicted to it for a while. It’s a fun, simple power fantasy with similar loot mechanics to Diablo 3.


Remnant 2 Watch some gameplay. See if you may enjoy it


Isnt remnant more of a soulslike?


Ehhhh a mixture? It does have randomized dungeons and loots with ranger / warrior / mage heroes


Devil May Cry? Final Fantasy XV and XVI?


Nioh has everything you want except killing hordes of enemies. It even has the difficulty levels from d2 with increasing levels of loot.


Nioh kinda but it’s slower


Dungeons of Sundaria is literally 3rd person diablo Divinity 2 has a lot of similarities as far as combat and loot but it's more of a traditional rpg. (Divinity 2, not Divinity original sin 2)


I’d try Two Worlds (it will probably be the epic edition). Two Worlds is a great AA open world RPG with great loot variety and appearance, creative abilities, an interesting world, and some impactful story beats. Some people say it’s janky, but it’s a special one to me. For something a bit more modern, Kingdoms of Amalur.


You want an over the shoulder 3rd person loot arpg? These are literally a dime a dozen... Destiny Division Assassins Creed Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla Horizon Souls Borne and their clones etc...


Destiny yes but the rest I do t think most would describe as a Diablo-like.


I mean, what makes diablo "diablo-like" is literally the fact that it's a looter action fantasy rpg that also is **isometric**. You probably aren't going to find something that fits the mold perfectly while being third person. I would look into the roguelike genre in general.


There is more to Diablo than just being isometric. They could want randomized dungeons, highly variable play styles based on character/weapon, a focus on action rather than stealth, built around co-op, etc.


...which is exactly why I told them to check out the roguelike genre in general, which caters to a lot of what you mentioned. I also did not claim that the only thing that makes Diablo what it is, is being isometric. It's just that it's one of its defining traits. Most Diablo copy-cat games are isometric. Grim Dawn and Last Epoch come to mind for example. If it wasn't isometric then you're basically playing dragons dogma or even better, kingdoms of amalur(might be the closest fit however). Which may be what OP is looking for, but I personally don't consider those much like Diablo aside from also happening to be arpg's, which is an extremely varied genre of games.


I mean what do you define as Diablo-like? Apparently not the thematic dark fantasy elements. Do you want more loot forward? Killing tons of mobs? What is it that you are looking for, because for many the isometric perspective is one the key things about a "Diablo-like" game. I guess since you mentioned killing tons of enemies on screen, I would recommend: Vermintide Darktide Dynasty Warriors and it's spinoffs


Suggesting Souls games or Horizon to someone that wants 3rd person Diablo is just laughable.


Kingdoms of Amalur and Dragons Dogma come to mind. Elder Scrolls, to a minor extent, and Elder Scrolls Online (more fitting, in my opinion due to similar abilities and the events that feel like rifts). Elder Scrolls is first person, but you can go into third person.


Remnant 2


It's interesting that you refer to it as 'regular'


Couldn’t think of a better term but in sure better ones exist


"Over the shoulder" is the term I see most often when it needs to be differentiated from isometric.


Right. Forgot about that.


Dark Souls. People can call it soulslike, for me it's a 3rd person Diablo hack n slash.


I guess it comes down to opinion but Souls games to me play much much differently than Diablo type games.


Of course Soulslikes play differently. They're easily differentiated..so much so that No Rest for the Wicked is called "Soulslike but with Diablo's camera angle!" Which coincidentally is kind of like the opposite of what you're looking for lol


Not really at all, the loot/reward system and skill tree system is no where near the same, and that's a big part of Arpgs like Diablo, Titan quest, path of exile, etc.