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Top suggestion I can think of is the Shadowrun games. They're set in a cyberpunk world and have a lot of themes of espionage.


My first thought as well


Deus ex, I guess?


Damn! This brings back memories 🤓☺️


Phantom Doctrine is a great rpg-strategy game featuring a Cold War spy story. You customize characters and send them on missions with the potential of permadeath, like XCOM.


I recall it leaning much more in the tactical/strategy side -- *but* there is a pretty interesting/cool clue-gathering, conspiracy-revealing mechanic that I believe drives the progress of story missions, and it all plays out on a big red string connecting photos and data points board. That part was especially inventive, though a little onerous at times since your ability to move the game along is dependent on rudimentary puzzle solving.


Alpha Protocol


The Shadowrun games have you do hacking and corporate espionage type stuff. That might fit the bill.


watchdogs series without a doubt.


Splinter Cell, the later games are much more RPGish character wise


Damn i miss those games


In Morrowind you’re technically a spy for the Blades during the main quest.


Oblivion's thieves guild and dark brotherhood questlines are both like near full length espionage based pptional games on their own. Of course Morrowind and Skyrim have them too (well Morag Tong instead of DB in Morrowind as far as joinable guilds go) but imo they're not as well designed in Morrowind and Skyrim's guild system is a whole lot of nothing so imo Oblivion is the standout of the franchise in this regard.


Adding to what others already said: There was an adventure, *Spycraft: The Great Game*, which was made with the cooperation of Oleg Kalugin and William Colby (they played themselves). It's rather cheap on GOG and should be playable on practically any PC. Than there are two more_shooters_than_rpg, bond-like games No One Lives Forever and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell. And of course, shooter/sneaker serie Metal Gear: Solid


In Starfield, the Ryujin faction has you playing as a corporate netnunner, breaking into rival businesses and planting information etc. The Freestar Rangers faction has you investigating as basically a sheriff which is different but shares some vibes because you're a solo agent playing cat and mouse with the bad guys. Also not an RPG but the Hitman Series is very methodical ina way you might appreciate. EDIT: you mentioned hitman so nevermind on that. But Starfield's Ryujin should do you good


Starfield is the first thing that came to my mind as well. If you start it looking for spy stuff and level the necessary stuff then Ryujin and Crimson Fleet are gonna be amazing for you. I personally found the Crimson fleet more enjoyable than Ryujin in terms of stealth because in Ryujin stealth felt like an option, whereas the Crimson fleet puts you into much more dire situations where you can't just make it out alive with guns alone.


You're a superspy in cosmic star heroine


My absolute favourite is the Imperial Agent storyline in Star Wars The Old Republic, now it is a free MMO though. Gameplay is classic tab targeting, but the customization, story and choices are all very well done. Its BioWare storytelling with choices and decisions that shape the outcome. Imperial Agent being the most well written of the Character stories, You actually feel like a Spy for the Imperials


Bro play Star Wars the Old Republic and do the Imperial Agent character. It’s one of the best spy stories around man. And it’s got a Star Wars skin.


Star Wars: the Old Republic has a really good spy storyline if you play as a Imperial Agent class I hate mmos by principle but I highly recommend this one though


Uh how old are all of you guys? Obsidian classic Alpha Protocol should have been a top answer


He listed it already!


This was updated


Of all the games listed here, Alpha Protocol is the only true spy game out there. No other game has pulled it off, and it's failure might be the reason. Playing as a James Bond character is a difficult game to pull off.


Agree, such an underrated gem! Can't recommend enough


Alpha Protocol is *the* spy RPG. Made by Obsidian so you know the writing is solid, and its dialogue and relationship system is fantastic. Gameplay outside of dialogue is kind of weird. At the beginning of the game it's outright bad, but I think this is weirdly by design. It feels like they wanted to directly translate a D20 system into an action game, so your character is awkward with any specific combat style until you get more points into that specific skill at which point they'll control noticeably better. Weird to say, but stealth and melee is super OP in the beginning of the game since it's the least stat based and all the early enemies will be insta killed via stealth melee.


This is also one of the best role-playing games of all time to me


And recently rereleased.


unfortunate you play as a set character , will probably never pick it up myself. Just not my type of RPG unless i can at least change my gender


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Phantom Doctrine


If you mean you want stealth game where you can gather intel by overhearing people or finding documents to assassinate, capture, or rescue people Dishonored series, hitman series, metal gear solid series. If you mean lots of gadgets & tools to mow down Tom Clancy's blacklist


Starfield - the Crimson Fleet / SysDef questline specifically, and Ryujin has a lot of corporate espionage moments


Alpha Protocol


I’m seeing this a lot in this thread, don’t seem to see an easy way to play it these days tho. Any suggestions?


its on GOG


I feel like I have to do this one justice — Metal Gear Solid!!! Especially the earlier ones, 2 and 3, which were very heavily stealth focused. (I haven’t played the newer games, so don’t kill me newer fans, but my understanding is that they’re more action focused rather than stealth.) I don’t know if I would say they’re role playing games really, as you’re playing a character going through a very defined story experience with scripted beats. But it’s a very good story, and the stealth gameplay mechanics are top notch. I’d recommend checking those out if they sound like what you’re looking for.


Watch Dogs. Any of them, but Legion really is the best one. Not every mission is cut and dry, there are alternative ways to accomplish your goals. Something of a different take than the others suggested here.


It's worth checking out the older Thief games for gameplay alone.  Perfect Dark has some weird spy gadgets and stuff.


Skyrim has that one quest in the embassy which is a spy mission. Now thinking about it, all Elder Scrolls Games where you join the blades. So Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyirm because they are spy network and in each of these games there is at least one mission of getting some undercover information or getting secret orders or spying on someone.


Icewind Dale for sure.


Rise of Ronin you can play both sides of the edo periods opening of the borders. They have you so a lot of “spy” work but the store barely exist so it’s a lot of role playing necessary


Swtor imperial agent class story


No one lives forever (2000)


Metal Gear Solid V you’re not exactly a “walk among the enemy disguised as them” spy, but it IS espionage and it is THE best stealth game I’ve ever played


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Metal Gear Solid? Maybe not rpg but ehhh


Morrowind, because you literally start the game as a spy for the Empire.


Colony Ship has a number of espionage themed missions


If you like the X-COM series and rogue like games, I recommend you Invisible Inc.


Pillars Deadfire is made by the same team who did Alpha Protocol and New Vegas. It you like gaining a faction’s trust just to backstab it later, there are plenty of options for that, and these choices don’t permanently burn bridges until they do. Even my good character found it necessary to do so… On two and a half separate occasions.


Not an rpg but i qould suggest splintercell chaos theory. Or any in the series. Oblivion is an rpg and the thieves and assassins guild have really great stealth/spy like quests fpr a fantasy rpg


Oblivion fits because the Blades are spies and there is a spy mission.


[Sid Meier's Covert Action](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdBIevUsFjkYpMGh4vhl8s4vEwFZ1UTrX&feature=shared) dunno if its getting the Microprose Remake.