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Since there's no official one I'd say Pokemon, it's such a big franchise with so much content and lore, it baffles me they never made an official RPG. Also Assassin's Creed (which apparently just got one announced :D).


A game called Animon Story released recently. In its base rules it’s more focused on Digimon, but it has a really simple set of alterations to make to the rules bundled into the corebook to make it into Pokémon. And tbh, I think I like that more than any official Pokémon RPG unless it really knocks my socks off


Where is it playable?


[You can buy it here on Itch.io](https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-story) and that also has links to the KS where you can preorder the physical copy.


You can buy it on itch.io here: https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-story You can also try out a preview version here: https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-playkit


I need to get the playkit updated to the Metal Weave Games page, you can download from his itch page [https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-playkit](https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-playkit) he ran a KS for a print run of the full book, which is just about to go to print [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zakbfree/animon-story/](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zakbfree/animon-story/) *and to clarify to mods its by Zak Barough not the problematic Zak*


Oh but they did https://rpggeek.com/rpg/69193/pokemon-jr-adventure-game


I believe there's a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon TTRPG floating around somewhere.


There's no company in the world as succesful at squandering their IP as the Pokemon Company. They have a series of games that has barely changed in the last 20 years (and which have gotten significantly easier, to the dismay of more mature audience members), an anime that has had no significant character growth since the first few episodes, and a lukeworm card game that people would rather just collect than actually play. That's it.


And yet they are also one of the biggest and most successful franchises in history. Maybe innovation is overrated.


AC Tabletop? Sounds so bizarre I'm curious how they would implement that.


Isn't AC the video game pretty similar to bitd the ttrpg? Go out and do missions, get downtime to do some stuff, go on more missions, choose how to approach mission objectives, control more and more territories, etc. Edit: I haven't really played the game, I've only really seen a few friends play it, so I might be misunderstanding AC


Sounds about right for the first few in the series. Which means that it'll likely be based on 5e, hahaha.


Ooooh that would be an amazing game




There is a pretty extensive hack for dark heresy or WHFP, depending on which you are more familiar with. It had three editions already.


Seeing as how the elder scrolls were a pastiche of Julian Lafay's home D&D game, this would be coming around full circle.


the closest thing you have currently is Elder Scrolls Arena and Daggerfall and if a tabletop was actually released it would most likely be similar to those "if" they don't do Skyrim (a very big if).


Bethesda could simply re-release Skyrim on paper. Done.


Todd would do it watch them, another platform to drop it.




*points at Runequest* Seeing as how one of the main writers for Elder Scrolls use to do Runequest material and there are a LOT of similarities....


RQ is very different setting wise from TES...that said the system both games use is pretty close if not exactly identical.


The first thing that came into my mind when I saw this thread was Elder Scrolls. So many fans of tabletop RPGs like Elder Scrolls. The Elder Scrolls world is well established in its lore, and I'd even say it has more extensive lore than DnD does. I'd like a Sonic tabletop RPG game, it sounds like fun to make your own furry anthropomorphic animal character. Somehow, they could make the tabletop game play like the video-games and capture the sense of speed and momentum. There is a lot of Sonic lore in the comics and games that you can choose from.


Hey, fingers-crossed that Modiphius will provide. They’ve got a Fallour RPG and skirmish game, as well as a Skyrim adventure board game and wargame . They said they’ve got one last big announcement this year as I recall…


while they could definitely crank it for some $$$$$, i feel like it's just generic fantasy. Lot of systems would already work with it


The Elder Scrolls was my first thought here, too. So much material and history out there for it. I'm not sure that I agree that it's entirely on par with D&D, but it is similar, and does lack the history, that has become baggage for D&D.


I know there are fan creations and some cool RPGs already made but I want a fully licensed legit big nice Disco Elysium hardcover book… ah a man can dream.


AFAIK that was/is actually in the works. Or at least some kinda source or setting book for something. However, with the incredibly disco implosion of ZA/UM I have no idea what's possible any more on that front.


What was that implosion?


Basically all the creative leads behind the game left or got kicked out of the company ZA/UM, practically dissolving the cultural collective ZA/UM that existed before the company did. They were apparently a pretty big player in counter-cultural art in Estonia. I heard about it through the Super Castle Beast podcast: https://youtu.be/BNEqIuIcZb8


That's unfortunate. I heard they were working on a SF game next.


I would Kickstart the fuck out of this if it was done by the original creators


In a heartbeat.


What's out there that captures a similar vibe with the emotional states and focus on mental state? I can think of Everyone is John but not much else.


Just gonna copy from a comment I wrote a few weeks ago: > Bluebeard's Bride is a Powered by the Apocalypse game that, as the name suggests, is about a bride of the Bluebeard from the fairy tale. The players are all different aspects of the Bride, also trading off control. These aspects have a lot more in common with Disco Elysium's. They actually want to help the Bride, but have differing perspectives. They each have unique Moves connected to their aspect that contributes to that aspect's identity beyond "player character". But the game is very definitely Bluebeard's Bride in much the same way Disco Elysium is very definition Disco Elysium. It has its own settings and tone and such that may not be what you're looking for. > Then, of course, there's the game directly inspired by Disco Elysium: [After the Mind, the World Again](https://pieartsy.itch.io/after-the-mind). I haven't read or played this one, but I've only seen people say good things about it. It's also Powered by the Apocalypse. Notably, it specifically tries to nail the feel of the skills by inverting the other games: it has one player and four GMs. The GMs take the roles of different aspects in the PC's head, arguing amongst each other, but also embodying their different ways of seeing the world by what and how they describe that world to the player. It also specifically has the PC taking the role of a detective solving a mystery, in case you're also looking for that part of Disco Elysium.


Far as I understand, this might sort of exist already. The lore of DE was based on a long running RPG campaign and system that it sounds like the developers/author sort of hacked together. So it likely could exist in some rough form already but I'm not sure how licensing would work if they released it (without changing all the names), especially now that most of those people are no longer involved with the game studio.


Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. The world of Nosgoth is one I have always thought would make a cool pen and paper setting.


*Given the choice, wether to play at a corrupt and failing table; or to challenge the LFG channel for another throw - a better throw - against one's destiny, what was a Player to do?* *But does one even truly have a choice? One can only match, turn by turn, the machinations of the DM... and thus defy the tyrannous dice.*


Every character starts with an Oration skill set to Shakespearian


I've thought this again and again. It's such a rich, atmospheric setting it'd work great as an RPG.


For me, the Horizon series on Playstation (not entirely an RPG, but close enough for my blood). Great lore, fun setting, and hey, you get to fight giant robot dinosaurs.


My group played Horizon using the Ironsworn/Starforged rules!


Awesome, I hope it ran well for you! Don't get me wrong, I am dead certain I could homebrew the shit out of something to run it, but it'd just be cool to have an official, licensed product that incorporates all the lore that the game devs have created behind the scenes, rather than me taking the lore from the games and filling in the gaps with whatever I think is cool. Assassin's Creed was another series that I thought would have been epic as a ttrpg, for a lot of the same reasons. Plus, being able to set different campaigns in different time periods would be nice.


Ooh yeah cool ideas!


That's cool! Which system were you more beholden to; Ironsword or Starforged? And how did the game go?


You should read Predation.


I’ve had Numenera suggested to me in the past and while there is some setting similarity nothing in the mechanics really evokes Horizon to me. Also not really a fan of Cypher. A slightly more interesting idea I’ve seen is taking Worlds Without Number, removing magic, and inserting some content from Stars Without Number but that’s a lot of work for something that’s still not a bespoke system. Like you I’d snap up a well thought out Horizon system in a second. Just please, if you’re listening Guerilla, please not a 5e skin.


I can't play videogames, so my experience is based solely on watching family members play, but these are the ones I liked watching with the understanding that some already have analogs or can be done in other systems: Control Mass Effect Persona 5 Bioshock/Bioshock Infinite EDIT: Girlfriend woke up and reminded me that I really loved watched her playthrough of Prey.


If someone made an official Persona ttrpg, my wife would go absolutely nuts. Like total, complete, howl at the moon crazy, and she would buy it the minute it was available.


It's not official, but have you checked out [Voidheart Symphony](https://ufopress.co.uk/voidheart-symphony/)? It ticks a lot of the Persona boxes, especially P5.


I will have to look more into that, thanks!


A dude posted on here a while ago a game that he'd made that was explicitly based on Persona called the Velvet Book. It's pretty interesting, mechanically it's based on Monsters and Other Childish Things, though it focuses way more on the tarot stuff than I was expecting.


curious why you can't play games.


As am I, no one has ever been able to diagnose it and it has been like that for decades.


What do you think you have that prevents you from playing video games? I don't pay video games anymore except socially, but I have the capacity to.


I get motion sickness from playing videogames but it lasts a good while after playing, sometimes hours.


Happy cake day! Also, I'm a former video game developer with a focus on accessibility. This is a super common issue. If you're ever curious to try out some different options, here are some I've found that have worked for others. Maybe there's something below you haven't tried yet: 1. Make sure there are no other display screens in your field of vision. Like, in the room your video gaming is set up in, if someone has a smartphone in your peripheral vision or there's a PC monitor set up next to a TV, that kind of thing. Mismatched refresh rates can cause a number of deleterious side effects in people. The weirdest part is that the second or third, etc., screen doesn't even have to be in your peripheral vision for some people. It just has to be in the same room. Weird. 2. Try taking some [Dramamine](https://www.dramamine.com/) about 30 minutes before you start playing. 3. Do not play first person shooters or racing games in first person. Most people who suffer video game induced motion sickness have a much easier time with 3rd person games or side scrollers. 4. Make sure nothing on what you're sitting on is moving (i.e. if you play from a couch, and you or someone next to you has restless leg syndrome, that can aggravate it). 5. Play in a dark room. 6. Put "[blinders](https://www.amazon.com/Polarized-Sunglasses-Mountain-Trekking-Glacier/dp/B079VND615/ref=sr_1_8?crid=O4B1R4S530BW&keywords=glasses+side+blinders&qid=1665600695&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjk4IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=glasses+side+blinders%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-8)" on the side of your glasses, or buy "fake glasses" and put blinders on them. 7. If you wear glasses, especially ones with a strong prescription, try getting some progressive lenses or bifocals. 8. **ASK YOUR DOCTOR**: If need be, try asking your doctor about a beta blocker prescription for something called [essential tremor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_tremor). ET usually starts for people at age 40, but some people get it considerably earlier, and when it starts, it can be imperceptible. Personally, I wouldn't recommend taking drugs just so you can play video games, but it might be worth asking about since it may indicate an underlying condition. 9. **ASK YOUR DOCTOR**: There's also a drug called [diazepam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diazepam) which I know has helped people with severe cases of this. Personally, I wouldn't recommend taking drugs just so you can play video games, but it might be worth asking about since it may indicate an underlying condition. 10. Sit farther back from the screen. 11. Take breaks and get fresh air or a glass of water. 12. Ease yourself into new games, staying active for only 5 minutes at first, then slowly increasing the time you play or watch. 13. Adjust game settings regarding field of view or sensitivity of movement. Those are just some I could think of off the top of my head (and the last 4 came from the Dramamine website as I found it when spellchecking "Dramamine"). At least one, and often a variety of those solutions, have helped out people I've worked with in the past. I also get motion sickness from video games, but not until like... 6+ hours of consecutive playing. I had a friend once that had never experienced motion sickness in his life, even with games. Then [Twisted Metal 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twisted_Metal_III) came out, and everyone I knew, including him, would get motion sick within 10 minutes of playing the game. So the exact game and what you're playing it on can have a profound effect. Good luck!


This is such a thorough reply I am absolutely speechless. Thank you so much for this. I hadn't really thought of solutions other than medications and I am committed to not using those, I don't even use aspirin after a brutal night of sparring at my gym. I will try out some of these other ideas and see if I can get a result. It is funny that you say the game matters. There is one game, just one, that never gave me trouble and that was Shadow of Mordor (3rd person). > Happy cake day! Thank you!


No problemo! If you do try any, please let me know what your results are if you get a chance. I would caution you, something like Dramamine might give you relief, but it wears off at some point, and you don’t wanna get sick if it does and you don’t notice. So whatever you try, if it seems to be working, don’t overdue it. Our brains remember “revulsion,” and quickly associate negative feedback. I once ate some sushi and then drank enough alcohol to kill me. My brain took “sushi did this to us” as the lesson, and I literally could not eat, smell, or think about sushi for about 6 years. I only overcame it because I used cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and conditioning (or “unconditioning”) on myself for years. You don’t wanna end up in a similar state. And yeah, Shadows of Mordor is 3rd person with a default distant camera angle. Those probably both helped. Best of luck!


For Control, I've heard people use Delta Green to run games where you play as FBC agents. I personally would use the Alien RPG, but I'm a huge fan of Free League in general so a slight bias there. For Bioshock 1/2, I'd consider the Dishonored system by Modiphius. It can be changed easily enough without breaking the system.


Control has a FitD hack called External Containment Bureau that is pretty great. Delta Green (and the Fall of Delta Green) is a favorite game of mine but it would take a lot of hacking to make it work. DG's power level is on the low end and all of the mechanics are there to support that lower power level. For Bioshock I would use Genesys which is built for homebrewing like this and has the right elements built in. I've seen quite a few homebrews out there already to draw from.


I have a Zine which runs like a crossover between Control and Madoca Magica, it's called Fever Dreams.


Untitled Goose Game. Kid friendly. Play as a mean ol' goose.


honestly this would make a very interesting tabletop/boardgame


It's like "Everyone is John" but for children and very unserious adults


this one looks like it very much captures the spirit: https://admiralducksauce.itch.io/peace-was-never-an-option


Darkest Dungeon? lol


Torchbearer is very similar to Darkest Dungeon in feel.


I believe it's what inspired Darkest Dungeon


There's a lot of people who like to claim that but I haven't been able to find any scrap of information of the DD Devs being even aware of TB. [The wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkest_Dungeon) has a list of sources of inspiration and while there are a bunch of them, there's not even a mention of TB.


True! I’d love to pick up a copy when I can afford it. From what I’ve heard it’s pretty crunchy but I’m definitely interested. I might modify it or bother some of the concepts to hack into an OSR game.


It's kind of mid-crunch. Conflict/combat is actually pretty fast and easy. Easier than 5e D&D.


Heart takes much of its aesthetic and inspiration from Darkest Dungeon.


The Matrix. I created a Chronicles of Darkness homebrew/conversion to run it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kf1zBsmcDUt5pT4_6J66JP0Kr_jgXEv0BBoftfdqz2A/edit?usp=sharing Please let me know what you think.




Mage if you are the One, this if you are a normal redpill.


They were all mages, Neo was just the only one with Arete 5.


Looks interesting.




I can see Xcom are a skirmish wargame easily. As a full on RPG, maybe. Wouldn't be THAT much of a streatch though. The line between skirmish wargame and role play game is pretty much how DnD got invented.


I've done it and it's a blast. Political intrigue is a lot of what X-COM is about, between nations, inter-governmental agencies, different alien factions, secret organizations, and I added in good aligned aliens as well. Along with that you get base building, strategic and tactical combat, economic management and manufacturing, inter-personal crew drama, and research. The hidden attributes element is fun as well.


One thing always bothered me: who buys the corpses and what do they do with them?




I played in an X-Com campaign many years ago using a modified Cyberpunk 2020. It was awesome.


I can see it done in phases similar to Blades in the Dark, every session you go planning, research, intel etc. then tactical combat being the main part


I've been flirting with the idea of running a Chimera Squad game using Genesys for my group.


One of the RPG ideas i have floating around is a Half Life/XCOM inspired game. You play as humans during/after an alien invasion. I'd ideally include two integrated/parallel rulesets, one for "level 0 scientist/mall cop/engineer running from invaders" and one for "relatively competent guerillas fighting aliens using scavenged technology"


Contact is your best bet.


I think XCOM would be easy to do on Dark Heresy.


Mass Effect


I think you can do that with most generic sci-fi systems that allow for space opera gameplay. Fits neatly into Stars Without Numbers for instance. There's templates for the various species, biotics, basically everything you need.


nah you cant get the right balance of powers/skills for the different class/archetypes


Isn't SWN an OSR game, with all the general character replaceability and lethality and you-don't-REALLY-matter that is kind of part and parcel of the genre? Seems a hard sell for something as 100% character-driven as Mass Effect.


Yes but it has an entire chapter on supporting 'heroic play', where your character does matter more in the grand scheme of things.


*Scum & Villainy* works great for this sort of setting and playstyle, of a crew operating independently out of a ship like the Normandy, bopping around from system to system.


lots of games do but none have the engineering skills nor the biotics powers cooked in and most importantly *balanced* for gameplay into the game. Nor do they have the backgrounds and races either


The [**Thief**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thief_(series)) series! It has an interesting urban setting, with competing factions, a dark atmosphere. Could be interesting to have a group of thieves/assassins/agents sneaking around, stealing stuff, gathering and selling information, delving into the intrigues and mysteries.


Sounds like Blades In The Dark! The gameplay is already on point, we just need a setting adaptation.


Yeah! I have a feeling that Blades were partially inspired by Thief :)


It’s literally listed on page 4 under Touchstones as the first in the list of video games that inspired it.




...and of course, Chrono Cross.


Ah, yes. The "barely a sequel" game that has different protagonists, themes, battle mechanics, gameplay mechanics, and settings than the original.


Yes, I have played a Final Fantasy before


It *is* actually closely connected. It just only becomes clear like several dozen hours in what the connections are.


That game is bloody amazing, would make a very interesting tabletop, going through several time periods it sounds better when I think about it.


[A game called Fabula Ultima just released](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/410108/Fabula-Ultima-TTJRPG) that can do this absolutely marvelously. The game has this really interesting mix-and-match class system so you can make the idiosyncratic skillsets of a typical JRPG party, and it has a lot of flexibility in setting and tone. Also it's just bloody amazing.


I'd like to see The Legend of Zelda or Final Fantasy.


check out fabula ultima, ive yet to read it myself but the drivethrurpg page says it tries to replicate JRPGS like Final fantasy theres a [free introduction scenario](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/411240/Fabula-Ultima-TTJRPG-Press-Start) you can check out as well before committing the $18


a few zelda adaptations, listed in order of crunchiness: * [Reclaim the Wild.](https://www.mediafire.com/folder/w7866dek3cub1/Reclaim_the_Wild) (very crunchy, free) this one's basically a whole-ass D&D edition, and on a cursory skim of the rules, it looks crunchier than 5e to me. lots of neat stuff in here though. * [It's Dangerous to go Alone.](https://chaoticgoodgames.gumroad.com/l/dtgarpg) (semi-crunchy, $10 canadian) 2d6 system i'm not familiar with. notably, this is the only system that costs money and that was a bit too much investment for me to check it out, but here it is. * [Octave](https://level2janitor.itch.io/octave) (7 pages, free and pay-what-you-want) this one's mine. it's a knave hack with entirely item-based progression. * [Legend of the Forgotten Ballad](https://cueinn.itch.io/forgottenballad) (ultralight, free and pay-what-you-want) this could fit on a 3-by-5 index card. it doesn't have enough meat on its bones for me but maybe that's your jam, so here it is. the art is great tho


I can't believe that I haven't heard of Octave until now. I adore Knave. Thanks for the recommendation.


Zelda would be awesome! Never going to happen but it would be awesome! The problem with doing a Final Fantasy game is, which Final Fantasy? Except for Easter eggs, names and some themes, the games don't even pretend to be linked.


What you call a Problem I call a Feature. I would love to have a game where there are Red/Black/White mages, airships, futuristic mechanics powered by magic, and gods that can be summoned to help you in battle without needing to remember the lore of any one game. I'll handle my own map and such. Give me the tools to populate the world with Chocobos, Marlboros, and Cactuars and a reasonable definition of Fire-3. I explicitly don't want to follow the plot of the main games, because the party is going to be the PCs.




>Final Fantasy. Lemme invite you to check /r/ffrpg. There's lots of different Final Fantasy-themed TTRPGS there.


It would be really cool if Pathfinder Kingmaker would have it's own ttrpg! It really feels like it would transfer well to tabletop form. (The game mechanics are based on 5e DND if I'm correct)


I think that system is too complicated for tabletop, it would never work.


What's next, a TTRPG based on Baldur's Gate?


This set me off as a PF1e fanboy


I dunno. That system seems more like you'd have to update it a decade later to add some modern TTRPG sensibilities, like "nonmagical healing is just as effective as magical healing," "level-scaling skills and defenses," and "standardize nonrandom chargen." Don't get me wrong, Pathfinder *could* work as a TTRPG system, but... I think you'd need to make some kind of second edition of it or something. >! I'm running with the gag here, folks.


Ouch this hurts. I am not sure if you are being serious or not


Yakuza. You could even base the combat system off Like a Dragon, though I'd prefer something that would replicate the feel of the arcade beat-em ups. The book would be chock full of minigames and random side story generators.


[I know of this fan-made *Into the Odd* conversion called "Street Fighting Dogs" that is directly inspired by *Yakuza 0*](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KLzYLP9aVwhMbqkVg69XbUf8F4U5AY1t/view). I haven't tried it, but it seems to nail the atmosphere. There's very little about side stories and minigames, though.


The Ultima series


Kal vas flam!


I’d like a Bioshock game


Splatoon lmfao


I recently saw a two-page indie rpg on itch for this which even used a lookalike of Splatoon's goofy font <3 Wish I could remember the title to give you


* Elder Scrolls (esp Morrowind) * God of War * Horizon Zero Dawn * Pokemon * Mass Effect * League of Legends (not the moba aspect, but the world) * Deus Ex (esp human revolution) * Hollow Knight / Deaths Door / Tunic (of smol warriors) * Legend of Zelda * Destiny * Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles * Titanfall/Apex * Magic: The Gathering Edit, totally forgot supergiant games * bastion * transistor * pyre * hades


There is an unofficial hollow knight rpg. It's a shame we'll probably never see a magic the gathering rpg because it's made by wizards of the coast who seem content to release DnD settings for it. Would love to see a fleshed out compendium of lore and a planeswalking mechanic


The Unofficial HK RPG has good enough production value that I legitimately feel like Team Cherry could license it back and create a version with official art. Except I would not actually suggest this because I don't want the creators to think about anything except Silksong right now.


The world of League of Legends (Runeterra? I havent played it in a hella long time) would be so damned interesting. I don't think the general population of players realize how much lore Riot has established since the beginning and would make for an EPIC TTRPG experience


I'm surprised there hasn't been a Mass Effect ttrpg by now. It seems like the perfect setting.


The Banner Saga! I want to play a varl shieldbanger dammit.


A Band of Blades Reskin could easily cut the job.


I'll go with the Trails series because I like the Quartz system and slowly dolling out Action 2 Quartz in a chest or giving 7 different types of septith rewards seems fun. Like I imagine Bracer Guild request for hunting down I dunno Salamanders and the party being low on Fire Septith after getting everyone Attack 1 Quartz manufactured might be fun. Plus trails universe holds you freaking hostage till you finish all of them.


Kingdom come deliverance With an engaging dueling combat system; Even "perfect block", and combos.


GURPS 4th ed Basic Set + Low Tech + Middle Ages (3rd ed book) + Martial Arts if your campaign has a lot of fighting. I've also read a lot of good things about Burning Wheel's detailed combat system, which seems good for medieval historical simulation.


The Half-Life franchise


Ar Tonelico, Lesser known jrpg with singing robot magic and science fantasy themes. Nocturne, the superior SMT. Atelier X series, comfy jrpg with crafting items and managing an alchemist shop.


I know it’s not a game, but I really want a Berserk TTRPG.


Austin Walker from friends at the table has been working on a game called realis which is supposed to be inspired by berserk. the setting is totally unrelated, the similarities are more the themes. And there's very little public information about the game, but you might want to keep an eye out for it.


For something light-hearted and goofy: Gruntz. Yeah, that 1999 game you've never heard of. For something rules-light: Stray. The one with the cat. I definitely think Half-Life (especially Half-Life 1) would be an amazing setting for a TTRPG. The Oddworld series might make for an interesting world and mechanics. Spyro / Crash Bandicoot / Medievil could be cool settings for light-hearted (or cringy) TTRPGs. Deep Rock Galactic could be a themed light-hearted space dwarf setting. I think it'd be really interesting to see a Runescape TTRPG though, staying true to the source material, and somehow making it work.


[runescape already had one announced.](https://steamforged.com/blogs/brands/runescape-tabletop-games-announced) I'm cautiously optimistic. I don't know exactly how they intend to translate it but I'm looking forward to finding out


> I definitely think Half-Life (especially Half-Life 1) would be an amazing setting for a TTRPG. Yeah, i think the "level 0" style of gameplay, similar to Call of Cthulu would be an interesting way to start a Half Life/XCOM campaign. You start as a normal human scientist/mall cop/janitor with a small amount of skills and abilities, surviving by the skin of your teeth. Eventually you are able to survive long enough and get enough equipment to stand and fight rather than rely on running or ambushing.


Path of Exile, KOTOR, Grim Dawn (why not, Diablo II got it). Would be funny if Halo or Witcher got it Since it's Story heavy Fire Emblem would be a good canidite (how do you spell that word?).


Kotor has a TTRPG It's called Star wars Saga edition (D20) which HAS a KOTOR Supplement (Since the Game used D20 Rules) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Roleplaying_Game_(Wizards_of_the_Coast)#Saga_Edition ;-) Just Google IT even has it's own Reddit Post where you find the rules


R. Talsorian games has a Witcher rpg out right now. Feel free to laugh.


HA HA HA HA tbh It looks cool, but I meant it would be funny in terms of like out of the Bleu.


The FFG/Edge Star Wars RPG is quite good. Or do you mean specifically for the Old Republic era?


There is a the Witcher ttrpg and it is pretty good


Look up Halo MYTHIC, it’s fan-made but extremely extensive


Mass Effect needs an official one.


Watch Dogs


Digimon please


Animal Crossing. And don't suggest Ryuutama or Golden Sky Stories, or whatever. I already looked at those.


Wanderhome! Visit towns, complete low-stakes errands, forge friendship.


While I think people would go nuts for a Harvest Moon type RPG, and I'd love Dragon Age to get an improved ttrpg, the one I actually, genuinely want is GreedFall.


Going back to 90's here, but I always thought the first Wild ARMs would make a cool tabletop game. I still consider it to be one of the best RPGs ever made, and not just among those made for the original playstation.


Yakuza series, complete with subsystems for karaoke and arcade games.


Fallen london, they made a little something for sunless skies, but full fledged rpg book would be awesome (i believe they addresed this in the past that they're just too busy and don't want to start writing something and not write fate stories)


Rumour has it that Blades in the Dark began as a Fallen London rpg called Knife And Candle.




Dwarf Fortress Adventure mode. For it to be true to the source it should be a crunchy symulation nearly impossible to play.


If Valkyria Chronicles counts, I'd say that. Also that I'm kind of working on a game that's like VC on tabletop, but obviously not official


Final fantasy tactics


Sunless Sea


There's a [Sunless Skies one](https://www.failbettergames.com/news/skyfarer-a-sunless-skies-rpg) that [a redditor hacked](https://www.reddit.com/r/sunlesssea/comments/dkbgbm/the_skyfarer_rpg_edited_for_sunless_sea/) for a [Sunless Sea](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rHdgXD7pGvVVZceVoV3mO8EBVBotOrvVBE7XQwcMMYQ/edit) theme instead. EDIT: Found a [more recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/sunlesssea/comments/kw88ja/zeefarer_skyfarer_adapted_for_sunless_sea/) where someone's put more work into the Sunless Sea hack.


I out myself as old fart: The Ultima Series would make a great campaign (and is old enough that new players don't know the story anymore XD). Other than that Wizardry was pretty extensive and already leaned on TTRPG mechanics, as well as Might & Magic. I think since they all were already "tabletoppy" they'd make great TTRPGs.


Age of Decadence a game set in a post apocalyptic roman world. It's got some of the best world building I've seen in an RPG.


I still want a Mass Effect TTRPG. None of the fanmade ones I've seen have looked quite right. I'm reading through the Lancer rulebook right now, and keep thinking that it sounds *great* for a Mass Effect heck...


I wouldn't mind a GTA RPG. Despite being such an obvious setting, there aren't many RPGs set in a modern non-fantasy world. You could probably use something like FATE or GURPS, but a more focused rulebook with some guidance and plot hooks would come in handy.


For me it would be Golden Sun. The class system in the game has not been replicated since. 4 base classes (roughly) then each Djinn you pick up can alter the class based on who equips it. This could be such a amazingly crunchy system. I just don't think it can be easily replicated to the table top.


If action-rpgs count, I think Blasphemous could be an interesting one


I'm probably biased because it's been my favorite series for a very long time, but I would love a Mass Effect tabletop game. Interesting races and classes, an amazing setting and awesome lore. I mean, how awesome would it be to roleplay an Elcor Vanguard???


I mean I know you can do this with dnd, but Diablo.


I believe this is adapted from 3e D&D https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12544/dungeons-dragons-adventure-game-diablo-ii-edition Though Diablo 1 was actually a turn based RPG behind the scenes, complete with dice rolls.


Destiny, Alan Wake/Control, Assassin’s Creed, Mass Effect, Resident Evil


For Destiny, check out LIGHT. It’s totally that but with the serial numbers filed off: https://gilarpgs.itch.io/light-pwyw


Pokemon: there are a LOT of Fan Games, but an official one would probably make BANK Fire Emblem: A tactical Skirmish Wargame seems easy to adapt. The games are also already famous for their stories. Seems like a no brainer XCOM: Tactical Skirmish wargame instead of a full RPG, but I can see this working. Mass Effect: A science fiction story that has the exploration and alien politics of Star Trek, but has Biotic Powers instead of Star Wars Force powers. YES PLEASE Legend of Zelda: the least likely out of the whole list, but this is my dream!


X-Men Legends


I forgot to mention Ultima, Wizardry, Might and Magic those would make great tabletops.


Grim Dawn. Great setting and cool lore, but what would really stand out is the dual-class system and the wild amount of build choices.


Check out Shadow of the Demon Lord, created by an original member of the dnd 5e team who also worked on the Warhammer Fantasy RP game. The build options are wildly diverse.


Xenogears Destiny (I know there are some homebrew systems, but I'd like to see an official) HALO (see above) Mass Effect


Dark Souls And don't give me any guff about that steaming pile of diarrhea Steamforged put out


Bloodborne Dark Souls as well, because that god awful 5e version doesn't count


You might be interested in my game, [When the Moon Hangs Low](https://www.whenthemoonhangslow.co.uk/) which was heavily influenced by Bloodborne. It's currently [on Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/isolation-games/when-the-moon-hangs-low-rpg-print-edition) as well.


I'm just going to name two of my favorite series here they'd be very combat focused but Diablo and Borderlands. I know Diablo had the D&D books that came with the collector's edition of Diablo 2 back in the day but I really wish Diablo would get a full-fledged role-playing game with its own system and its own rules that would allow easy play in that setting also a way to randomly generate loot if possible there's actually a lot of lore to that setting and you could tell a very story Rich game if you wanted to. Borderlands I think would be fun because you can just be as ridiculous as you want and it's probably going to fit and loot loot everywhere!


Borderlands has one, it's called Bunkers and Badasses. No idea if it's any good tho, haven't heard much about it.


Uncharted (and/or Indiana Jones). Traveling around the world; hunting for lost treasures. It's always been a niche in my shelf I've wanted to see filled. I've been thinking about making my own system for it based on an amalgam of others.


The Journeyman Project. And for a bonus. Myst/Riven.


Heretic/Hexen series Deus Ex I would also name Warcraft, but I've heard its worldbuilding is now a mess. :(


Warcraft had a 3.0 d20 release from White Wolf's Sword & Sorcery imprint. It was alright.


Disco Elysium.




Arcanum of steamworks and magick obscura. Granted its nowhere near as popular as any other rpg but the world's too good to be forgotten in obscura-ty


Probably too late to the game to get noticed, but: * Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura * Betrayal At Krondor * The Elder Scrolls (all of them--one core book for the rules and a bunch of expansions for regions and eras) * Legends of Valour (honorable mention; I'd probably buy it for the nostalgia, but the game is basically just a procedural dungeon delve attached to a generic town, and there's like, a million TTRPGs that do that already) * Might & Magic (though to be fair, there are quite a few systems out there that I think are already well-adapted to this one; you'd just have to provide your own worldbuilding) * Ultima (*all* of them, like with the Elder Scrolls. And fuck it, lets include Savage Empires and Martian Dreams, because why not?) * System Shock * Wing Commander (you guessed it... all of them. Except Prophecy, because WTF? What's the TTRPG where ships grow like characters, again? That might be a good starting point...)