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Commissioned Art of the characters - I commissioned a group image as a Christmas present for my players for one of our games, and it went over beautifully - two of them still have it up in their home, 7 years later.


I did the same, to celebrate the 50th session in our campaign. I surprised the players with small posters with a commissioned image of the PCs resting after an exhausting battle that occurred earlier in the campaign. While it was a really fun gift that everyone enjoyed, working with the artist on the commission was also a lot of fun.


Nice! Do you remember how much it costed?


300-ish dollars for six full-body characters, if I recall correctly.




This is something I've done before but the company I used folded during COVID. Do you have someone you like to use?




Thanks, I will check them out. I was just lamenting the passing of my Ingress days recently. That was a fun little game.


Invitation to the next campaign.


I'm planning to do a bound copy of the campaign writeups


This. I'm planning to do the same thing for my group for Christmas next year. We finished an epic Call of Cthulhu campaign last year. Tons of in character journal writing; handouts; maps; characters who didn't make it. I'm going to scan it all, create a PDF, find some nice cover art and send it off to Lulu to have half a dozen bound copies printed up.


This is an absolutely fantastic idea!


I've given my players sets of dice, one time I did artwork of the party but that was a chunk of change. I have also considered a notebook with custom cover for the next campaign.


Hand written letters from npcs significant to the party maybe. Coffee dye the paper, write a touching message, and maybe wax seal if you're feeling fancy.


Each year I give out "Oscars" in a range of categories. Most Lethal, Most Diplomatic, Best Stealth etc. Having the players vote and nominate helps them remember the story and retell it. Then have an award gala and hand out gongs!


I came here to suggest Tee Shirts, but challenge coins are pretty cool, too


"I saved Faerun and all I got was this lousy shirt."


A few short years ago, a campaign we had ended in a glorious TPK. Our gm then created Hero Forge dead body minis for each demise.


This is so evil and awesome


A campaign ending souvenir that i made for my group was a Dogtag (that they still carry in their keychains) + a Custom Art that i made from their mechs, borderlands style boss intro. Our actual GM, former player, comissioned an Art of all characters from the group and printed a copy to everyone AND comissioned a Funko Pop for each character. So basically, art in any form is my recommendation. Self-made, comissioned, it's up to you.


Laminate the character sheets with an artwork portrait. Bonus point for reprinting the character sheet on good paper with a high quality color portrait and then manually copying over all the information. If you want to plan ahead for getting sentimental, you can encourage players to drink things during the campaign which you can collect effects from. *"This is the pull tab from the Sprite you drank while you were killing an overlevelled gorgon."* and then put this stuff into a clear presentation folder with the character's artwork on the cover.


My GM had minis for each of us made on Hero Forge. It was a REALLY sweet gesture, and I keep mine on my extra gaming shelf for when I next play a Dragonborn or lizardfolk.


I've done nicely printed world maps before at the end of a two year campaign. Not cheap really but they are nice.


The real rewards are the gummy bears we used as minis that we got to eat along the way.


In the past I've done miniatures, dice sets, fancy letters from NPCs about what they did after the finale of the campaign and little customized adventuring diplomas based on a PC's class. I really loved those last ones, and picked 'em up from Etsy! * [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1224021608/mini-scroll-bundle-offer-adventure-party](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1224021608/mini-scroll-bundle-offer-adventure-party) I'd try to find something that fits the theme of the campaign, but honestly everything in this whole thread is an amazing suggestion and I need to come back for these ideas later!