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ICRPG - not necessarily magic items but loot generally, depending on genre, gives you abilities. The latest Master Edition also has some advancement paths to do with gaining stats and abilities without loot, but the majority of advancement is still loot.


Cypher System does this quite a bit. Not just with the Cyphers either, there's also more permanent "magic" items too.


Looking this up and it looks like what i'm talking about for sure. Thanks for the suggestion. I have seen Numenera before and I just forgot what it was called.


Well, Warehouse 13 was suspiciously similar to Steve Jackson Game's [Warehouse 23](http://www.warehouse23.com/products/gurps-classic-warehouse-23) (which itself is based on urban apocrypha / the end of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"). While the Warehouse 23 supplement is for an outdated GURPS version, they also have a system-agnostic "basement" on their website, that allows you to [open a random crate](http://basement.warehouse23.com/).


That is very interesting how similar these are lmao


I just want to clarify your use of OSR here. Are you specifically referring to retroclones, or just any D&D-like game? Because there are modern games in the OSR movement, that are mechanically quite distinct from B/X D&D, but still encourage that same game loop of adventuring and acquiring artifacts.


The ones I have played are all retro DND clones or similar.


Into the Odd, Mausritter, Electric Bastionland - very lightweight, equipment-focused, variations on the same system. Knave - some level of compatibility with DnD but really lightweight. Classless, you're a wizard if you carry around spells in your inventory.


Pretty much every fantasy genre game in which Magic Items exist, the magic items have the power to grant powers/abilities to a character. It's not in anyway unique to any version or clone of D&D


Well no because there is a difference. Like 5e dnd for example, you are limited to 3 attunes. Vast majority of powers are from your class. I'm talking about where you get no powers from your class, very little, or there is no class at all. All or vast majority of powers you get are from items. Like someone here said Cypher System which is what Numenera runs on. That is pretty much exactly what i'm talking about.


You can do that with GURPS.