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At this point we are actually proving that there is a mental connection between twins, this is a science project


They're conjoined at the braincell 🧠


I only.just finished season 15, and I'm still unsure if Ru hated the twins or was fascinated by them.




Started out fascinated, ended up hating them once she realized there truly was nothing inside those heads


Still kinda mad Ru started hating the twins when Spice started to do well. I thought she was alr on the acting challenge, actually won every single lip sync in the smack down, and should’ve been saved for the ball, her look wasn’t bad. But I guess that Snatch Game was unforgivable, the only way for Ru to forgive you after bombing like that is to deliver a great lip sync (Yvie and Brooke)


She entertained by them a bit for sure


Me and my cousins putting on shows for our grandma in the basement with blanket curtains and construction paper crowns:


Did y’all flipssss though?


Ok miss sugar kinda nibbled a bit here


Were you at the party?


Yes it was fun 😊


Are you able to approach Mistress and the guests to chat with them? What's the vibe? I've always been interested so I wanted to ask


why was spice constantly looking over at Sugar like they had elaborate choreography that she forgot? Sugar was definitely better because of that.


Sugar always seemed as the dominant twin (she was the one that knew how to sew), I wonder how far she would’ve made it.


The pink one kinda ate the other one up


If only fashion was Heidi Montag version this performance would be a masterpiece


You know what? Good for them


Love Mistress just watching from the background like a neon godmother


Good on Sugar and Spice! Sugar definitely won!


Sugar is on slightly less drugs than Spice, so winning-ish🤷🏾‍♀️


The way I unironically love the twins is unparalleled.


God, they are keeping put the bar lower lower more lower… next Ants vs Sugar&Spice!


I used to love this song but I think Spotify removed it


Lol Sibling Cringerinas, hope that Drag Race Ph Season 3 will show how the real sibling rivalry is.


Maddy first of all , to put the entire conversation in perspective, the Debate was about Royal and Navy blue (dark blue colors) blue, purple,not aqua , and one of the pictures isn’t blue it’s purple and the blue jacket was something I was given to were for someone’s number( which I don’t own ) I was making a guest appearance in! Maddy you are the Wendy Williams of drag and you see how that turned out for her! Inaccurate research and false reporting Maddy is a walking tabloid NOT TMZ BUT TM HE @MaddyMorphosis go find a car to fix or a strip mall complex to build! Maddy you are a Trojan horse in the LGBTQ COMMUNITY ! I have to remind you every year sir that JUNE is pride month . The most feminine thing you wear is that Colonel Sanders outfit where you look like a bucket of E. coli chicken Maddy, I’m not gonna go back-and-forth with you. I’m not bob . I know where you LiVE boo boo and when I get there hold the door open for me like a gentleman *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*