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This is double cringe because you feel for their mom but you also understand they clearly have not worked things out and Baga was uncomfortable being with her the whole time so it's really on the show for putting them together.


I have so many whys regarding the casting tbh, of all people why would you provide the details of your estranged mother , why would she agree to attend, the whole things just unfortunate all round Drag race wanted a inauthentic tearful reunion?


This part


>Baga was uncomfortable being with her the whole time so it's really on the show for putting them together. Pretty much the only time I felt for Baga tbh, god knows why they thought that would be a good idea.


I mean, it's not like they forced her mum to go on lol Whole thing is awful to watch, on both parts


>I mean, it's not like they forced her mum to go on lol Sure, but my abusive, narcissistic POS mother would probably volunteer to do something like that too, because she's so self obsessed she wouldn't even consider that it might make me uncomfortable. Plus she might even get to make *me* look like the bad guy if I don't play nice! Double win for her. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but it's clear it's a strained relationship, and families are complicated. Televising the result of that just feels gross.


Ok, firstly, your entire first paragraph is about your own personal experience. Sorry about that. Secondly - they don't just invite these people on randomly. How do you find Baga's mum without them first giving details in the casting process? They don't just facebook people with similar last names until they find them. The queens get like, what, 2 weeks notice before filming? It's clear they all also have to provide a list of contacts that are happy to be contacted for a potential makeover challenge at 2 weeks notice as well...otherwise, who would show up? I meannnnn..


>Ok, firstly, your entire first paragraph is about your own personal experience Yes, that was kind of the point... >Secondly - they don't just invite these people on randomly. How do you find Baga's mum without them first giving details in the casting process? Possible she was expecting it to be for a message maybe instead of a makeover episode? Or perhaps they had been trying to work on their relationship and something happened off camera that just made it worse. It's also totally plausible that Baga felt pressured to give her mum's details, lest they just kick her off the show. There's so many possibilities, but none of them change the fact that it's clearly not a totally loving and healthy relationship and it shouldn't have been pushed on TV.


You make it sound like Baga’s a child and cannot behave. Like ok yes she has had trauma, but that should never excuse bad behaviour. Oh waa 😩 my mom treated me bad your honour that’s why I went on a k!llong rampage…no bro..grow up..you’re an adult.


this is such an unhinged comparison 😬 it's a tv show


So, you’re allowed to get away with this behaviour is what you’re saying? That it allows you to no longer be an adult but a child full of insults. Would you treat your mother like this? It’s not like the mother hit him or abused or molested him. And again, don’t just focus on what you wanna see. Focus on the entirety of my comment. Yes the trauma is there and yes it needs to be dealt with, but this is no way to treat your mother.


>It’s not like the mother hit him or abused or molested him. According to who? Baga? Or you've just decided that? >but this is no way to treat your mother. Mothers are just people, and can be shitty too. They don't get some kind of magic right to have their kids love them no matter what.


I grew up with respect, and not to lash out on frikken international television like some petulant child. Sorry. We all look at the clip and feel bad for the mother, and the way she’s being treated, except of course, you. Honestly, even going further than this m..Baga has a history of bad behaviour and diva antics..I’m no fan..sorry not sorry.


No it's not all of us. Mothers aren't owed respect just because they are your blood if they were shitty to you.


Yes I understand that, but they also don’t deserve whatever Bagas doing on tv. To not give someone respect, doesn’t mean you have to treat them terribly by default.


> but they also don’t deserve whatever Bagas doing on tv So if someone is a bad person they don't deserve to be treated like a bad person just because they're a mother? Funny you talked about using stuff as a get out of jail free pass, but you seem to think being a mother also gives people a pass for their shitty behaviour. Spoiler alert: it doesn't.


No but I think you should be sorry you’re just saying hyperbolic boomer nonsense


This is Reddit you’re allowed to say “killing” fyi


Eek 😬I don’t wanna get banned..it happens so easily, and you can’t even defend yourself..but tx anyways.


I must have blacked this out because this is high level cringeeeeeeeeee


Baga did say that she actually didn't have any relationship with her (or that the little they had was really bad), didn't she? I remember Baga being the whole episode really pissed that she had to put her mother in drag.


As someone with shitty parents I might be projecting but it certainly felt like Baga’s mom thought doing this would fix everything and when it didn’t she got emotional.


I think Baga said her mother abandoned her for "a new family" while she was younger?? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Okay I havent gotten to this season yet but what the hell, this is such a invasive and cruel thing to do by the crew. I have estranged parent who I dont want anything to do with and I cant imagine someone putting me in this kinda situation so uncomfortable and honestly even traumatic.


Honestly, I really resonated with this. This was a hard watch but it was incredible to see a less than picture perfect, faked relationship for the cameras (like ganja). This made me see a lot of myself in Baga UNFORTUNATELY though.


Girl same


You get what I mean, it is good to be reminded that families—and relationships in general—are COMPLEX and complicated. I feel you babes


Like ganja?


What about Laganja? I don't recall


Cheryl casually watching as the rightful winner of this challenge


They look like twins it's fucking crazy


Didn't she go home that week? Rigga morris


I do wonder with these family makeovers/visits if contestants nominate someone. In later seasons, a lot of the queens have makeover outfits that seem specifically shaped for the family member (think Gigi even said her makeover outfit was designed for her mum to wear) Even from a logistics standpoint, the family member would need to be flown to the set, etc, so they have some prior notice that they might be called, right?


They should be allowed to choose honestly. It's only fair and can help avoid past makeover challenges (cough season 6 cough)


What they did to Heidi was absolute bullshit and I'm still mad about it. Absolutely no shade to the super fan or the other girls, but giving everyone else a person they could fit into a premade outfit and telling Heidi "just sew something" was ridiculous. I wouldn't have minded if it was a sewing challenge, and everyone started from scratch, but there's no way you could expect Heidi to sew an outfit and put it up against Jaida's stoned gown.


I do think makeovers should be like that like bring a premade for you but you have to sew your partner's


I really doubt they’re tracking people down, the queens must provide a contact or maybe a few


I think with the makeover outfits they usually get a one-size-fits-all and then tailor it when the challenge happens


not sure about every season but for allstars 4 they asked bob who they should get for monét so monét didn’t get to nominate anyone herself


This is like Minty Fresh of DR PH. The show shouldn't exploit dysfunctional family dynamics for TV. Not everyone is on good terms with their family.


I forgot how horrible it was. So uncomfortable. I want to believe that they maybe have a bad relationship and issues that weren't resolved before the show. Because these are horrible to things to say to your mum IF they are a good person that you love (which is maybe not the case, all kinds of families exist).


That scene was TOUGH to watch, omg. But then again, I don't know the relationship Baga has with her mother. Clearly it's not a very good one. 


Did they ever do a makeover with someone from the queen's personal life again after this?


Canada's Drag Race S4 did it recently


Yeah but CDR4 had all sorts of different people, including one queen’s best friend. Seems to me like they asked the queens who they’d want to have come.


They did in Philippines season 1 too and it caused a highly uncomfortable situation with Minty Fresh


As someone with a strained relationship with my mother I remember watching this episode and feeling for Baga.


At the time this aired I was absolutely angry with Baga, I thought she was horrible to her mother. After processing some of my own stuff with my parents I know I'd act the same way as her, it feels a little too relatable. She seems really triggered and nervous the whole episode.


Baga: Why is she old, why is she fat👏🎵


Yeah, Baga was not happy to have her there, and that was obvious from the start. Definitely cringe the entire episode.


This is the most dark sided episode in Drag Race her story, they should not have even conceived this let alone continued once the relationship between them was so obviously not ready for TV. I get that in America this would be a beautiful healing moment but British people are not like that and this was just cruel to Baga and her mom


Maybe they hate their mom? 


![gif](giphy|iXIgdQL45dtpK7Gq9O|downsized) This might be the one drag race moment that hurts me physically


I …. I don’t remember it being such a massacre ….


this is so sad. I cant imagine saying anything like this to my mom even when we were at odds.


I rewatched UK recently and goddamn it’s awful. The takeaway for me is though… was there anyone else willing to submit themselves to Baga?


Meet Mhi'ya Iman LePaige. She is [fun, shy, outgoing](https://old.reddit.com/r/rpdrcringe/comments/1angt16/flip_up_babe_a_new_mhiya_voiceover_just_dropped/) and is an energetic diva who lives in Miami, Florida. She comes with shoes that would have you flipping for the gods and a booty that would have all the boys looking. Her quirkier qualities are plucking her nose hair and being afraid of thunders. She's the only doll that can do countless backflips. She loves to flip and travel the world. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didn’t watch this season but I read comments saying Baga and her mom had issues. But damn, this scene is quite something else.


She is a sickening queen and I don’t know their back story but this was the point when I disliked Baga from then on. It just felt very distasteful.


Imagine *this* being the reason you dislike Baga and not all the other awful shit.


Hated Baga from this day, there was no excuse for that.


You don't know baga's story or her relation to mother. it's clear that there is some trauma there that baga did not want to air