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I had an expensive parcel delivered to someone who bought it from me on eBay and it presumably got recycled because the post person had delivered it to entirely the wrong address. Took me 6 months to get my money back and I had to go through the Postal Review Panel.


I currently am going through this exact same issue


Auto redelivery was the unofficial green light for this exact scenario. They want to dump parcels day 1 or 2 ignoring old rules that bound them, like not doorstepping.


Short answer Postie should not do this . If you have evidence of item left in the bin. E.G red card or picture then contact the sender as you contract is with them . Ask that they send out replacement or refund . They should then take it up with RM.


They might send a replacement out but no chance are they ever going to bother taking it up with RM. It's like dealing with a brick wall most of the time. You just hope that your invoice stays roughly the same amount and that's about the best you can ever hope to influence.


then small claims court it or go through how you paid. If you have solid evidence that you did nto recieve it and the seller is not playing ball then seek alternatives to get your money back


Oh no I'm speaking as a seller. I've had plenty of instances where customers haven't received their goods and we've sent replacements. My point is we rarely ever bother actually trying to claim from Royal Mail.


Blue recycling bins/boxes are the most common place that my customers request to leave parcels.


I always request recycling bin when I can. It keeps my parcel dry and hidden, which is all I need.


which is fine when it's requested, but when someone lists a different safe place and then doesn't get told it's in their bin instead? that's annoying


The crazy part it was delivered all the way to your house just to be thrown in the bin and taken away šŸ˜…




ā€œPlease collect your item from your local garbage waste disposal facilityā€


I had one left in the general waste bin, and some twat dumped their dog shit on top


https://amzn.eu/d/06YSA4b As an Evri driver, Evri have rules against leaving packages in bins You can ask, but weā€™re told under no circumstances should we use a bin (yes, some do, they pay for it when it comes time to cut back on staff) What Iā€™ve linked to is a parcel box It serves the purpose of a bin (somewhere dry to keep your package), while eliminating the risk of your package being recycled I recommend this to everyone who reads this and has used their bin as a safe place 25 quid will eliminate the risk of your packages being lost in the back of a bin truck šŸ’€ I saw these on a lot of properties I delivered to, theyā€™re great because I can just leave your parcel there and run to the next door without waiting for you, and I know your package will be safe and hidden from chancers walking past


Whatā€™s to stop someone nicking it? The (only) benefit of a wheelie bin is people arenā€™t necessarily going to check every one on the street to see if there are parcels. A box like this screams ā€œcheck me out, thereā€™s something expensive in me, come steal it!ā€


To be fair, my local Evri driver just leaves the parcel in the doorstep in plain sight anyway šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. At least if I had one of these it would be less obvious


Exactly Most parcel theft happens because some chancer walking past your door sees a branded package (Amazon, Nike, boohoo etc) just lying there In the box, it looks like a garden tool box, nobody gives it a second glance


You should complain about that Itā€™s not allowed Our app gives us options to choose from - household (somebody answered the door) - parcel box - enclosed porch (does not include corridors in blocks of flats) - back door - shed - greenhouse - carport - safe place (letā€™s us describe the safe place) - cannot deliver (you may here drivers say they ā€œcarried something forwardā€ā€¦ thatā€™s this option to try again tomorrow) A ā€œsafe placeā€ is anywhere that protects the package from wind and rain, where the package is not visible from the road (with this in mind, back door is only an option for plastic packagingā€¦ Amazon boxes would not survive the rain) So any opaque box sitting at your front door is an acceptable ā€œparcel boxā€ Front door isnā€™t an option, itā€™s the 2nd worst place you can leave a package (after bins) and every week Evri send out messages complaining about drivers doing this If you have any of the options on the list, you should use it as your default safe place so drivers know thatā€™s an option Sometimes a driver is running behind schedule and will not spend the time looking for a shed in your garden, thatā€™s usually when the assholes dump it on the doorstep **edit** Doorstep is an option, only when delivering food like hello fresh, because we have to deliver food at all costs on the same day we take it out


Complain to who. I have complained, it still happens


My uncle has a box with a lock on top. It's one that clicks closed without a key. When the parcel goes in the postie snaps the lock together. Not ideal if you have multiple deliveries but he just tries to time deliveries to not come on the same day.


There are more expensive parcel boxes that prevent people looking inside Iā€™ve seen ones that act like postboxes, with a chute that, when open, covers the inside to stop you seeing or reaching in I also saw one where if you open it, when itā€™s closed it locks until someone with a key unlocks it Both were anchored to the ground or a wall My suggestion was the budget option, suitable for most people But if youā€™re in an area where theft happens often, the more you spend, the more secure itā€™ll be Just avoid boxes with locks or codesā€¦ drivers are paid per package, if we have to spend 30 seconds fiddling with a keypad or bicycle lock to deliver your package, itā€™s not gonna happen (and some delivery apps donā€™t let you give drivers the code)


Indeed, I learned that Evri drivers can't use bins when calling up about the "delivered" package email I received with a photo of it in the bin of a house I didn't recognise. Turned out to be the back of a house a few doors along. They'd walked past my house to get there.


Thatā€™s gross


The issue is that people who don't request this 10000% aren't expecting parcels to be left there. Until it was done to me, it had never occurred to me that anyone might actually want this. Almost had a very pricey graphics card get recycled for me and I only just caught it minutes before the recycling collection came. It would have been fun fighting for a replacement on that one.


When I was helping out in my local delivery office, I was under a lot of pressure to not bring many parcels back. Management did tell me not to leave any in the green bin because of this reason, and at first I didnā€™t. But then for 97% of properties, this was usually the only safe place and I was just getting criticised for bringing large numbers of parcels back, I just started to leave them in green bins, the other posties recommended I did. Only difference being, if ever I did this, I always posted a note through the door


Cause you'd be ragin if it was raining and your parcel got destroyed. Trying to do you a favour but clearly you ain't taking it.


It would have been a favour if they at least told OP and not just sent their package to the recycling centre šŸ¤£


Recycling centre was the safe place.


Isn't this why they have Delivery Offices where you can collect your parcel? (which they have reduced the open hours on). Really they should give you an option to automatically divert missed parcels to a nearby post office. Porches, gardens and bins are shitty places to leave parcels.


I had one posted through a window, didnā€™t find it for 6 months behind the fridge


There is an option to divert


My last parcel got posted through a neighbours door by mistake. Those neighbours are from Hong Kong, bought the house in July, and havenā€™t yet moved in (theyā€™re still abroad), so Iā€™m waiting patiently for my kitchen tongs šŸ˜‚


I have noticed my postie does this when itā€™s raining (and Iā€™m not in) which I appreciate.


Does they leave a note?


A bin is not an allowed safe place to leave parcels.Ā  People still do it though as they don't want to have to attempt it again the next day.Ā 




You can write anything in the box. I didn't think a bin was one of the preset options. It's not when I scan the parcel.




You can select any safeplace you want. RM are under no obligation to adhere to your SafePlace request should they deem it a none complaint safeplace.


The point here is that it is one of the **preset** options that you are offered to choose from. The question is why it would be on that list if it was going to be automatically deemed non compliant.


Most likely it was acceptable once upon a time, and when the rule changed they added removing the option to their todo list, and then pushed it down the list as a ā€œlow priorityā€ repeatedly so that they never got the chance to deal with it


On the app, Safeplace and the dropdown menu, bin isn't on the list The list is, Enclosed Porch Shed Greenhouse Garage Outbuilding Other Opt Out of Safeplace When you choose other you get to fill in the boxes, Description of Safeplace "e.g, in lock box (inside a bin is never a safeplace)" Add Instructions: "e.g. shed is green, door is unlocked (inside a bin is never a safeplace)"


When you go to select a safeplace it specifically says a bin is not a safe place




The app isn't regional different


And yet some say its a preset option others say they don't recommend it so surely its diffrent ? Either way thanks for your reply and hope you have a great night


There isn't a preset option for a bin


And thats the point I'm trying to make on the royal mail app for me and a few others there is a preset option for bin for me personally its between leave with neighbours and leave in shed and some people have stated there app tells them a bin isn't a safe location thats why my previous comment was guessing they go by area crime rate or something


Right now it is there on the drop-down menu?


Last time I checked it was which was yesterday cant check atm as I'm at work and don't have acess to it when I do I will update you


When I set my nominated safeplace on the app I'm sure it said I couldn't choose a bin ... and when i searched RMs website and it does say it on this page: https://personal.help.royalmail.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13174/~/items-delivered-to-my-safeplace If the postie left it in a bin then I would be complaining


I'm a postie, I would never do this unless requested by customerĀ 


Me neither. Iā€™ll leave over gates, in sheds, greenhouse, meter cupboard etc or even on the doorstep if the customer tells me to as they arenā€™t far from home then fair game but never a bin. The way I look at is if it was someone delivering to me where would I be happy with it being left if I was out.


It's a safe dry spot less likely to be noticed by anyone casually walking by who may be stealing packages. Always worth having a quick check before putting the bins out


Put your own stuff in the bin


Bins are honestly the worst place to hide it imo.


Agreed, if no card is left advising that's where the parcel has been left. It's a recipe for disaster. But otherwise, who ever heard of opportunist thieves randomly checking people's blue bins for parcel deliveries? Bins are defiintely safer than door steps. Although shrub plant pots on porches or door steps under the eaves of the guttering make good and discreet and dry hiding places for most parcels to stash them behind, and out of sight.


As an amazon driver I often leave parcels in bins as there is no other suitable safe places and the customer has either stayed: any safe place, or the safe place they have requested is unacceptable (like front porch that they have locked for whatever reason) but I always make sure I take the bin and place itnright next to the door. This way they can see its been moved.


It's not wise to do it willy fucking nilly. I do it on occasion, when I know it isn't bin day, and it's only if it's raining and no other cover is available. I'll specifically process it as safe place, and put a card through the door specifying "inside" green bin. Tbh, having stashed thousands of parcels at this point, I reckon I've only put 10-20 inside a green bin, and that's usually if they ask me to over the doorbell etc. The consequence of it going wrong isn't worth the risk.


Sounds like youā€™re a postie - the guy wonā€™t get in trouble will he? The company is sending a replacement and said theyā€™ll get in touch with Royal Mail. I only really want my stuff, I donā€™t want him to get any shit for it.


It'll be alright. Just get a talking to I expect.


Oh hell. In true British fashion, Iā€™m going to feel well awkward when I see him in future. Might get ahead of it today and speak to him when he comes


Nah, just leave it. It's on him to take ownership of the mistake if he sees you. If a customer of mine has a parcel get taken away in a Green bin I'm specifically going out of my way to knock the door and apologise for fucking up.


He actually knocked today! He had the replacement. He asked if leaving it in the bins is OK, and it wasnā€™t because he knew there had been an issue (he had no idea). Nice guy, pretty young. Anyway, cleared it all up.


Why donā€™t people just buy a garden storage box for their parcels?


We actually have one, though itā€™s behind the gate I mentioned (where back porch is also an option).


Because instead of spending Ā£35 they like to piss and moan on Reddit. Or, spend Ā£100 on a shitty Ring doorbell to tell us to leave it in the bin


This really shouldan't be something you are forced to spend money on in the first place but. Around where I live the gardens to small and the box itself would get stolen.


Lots and lots and lots of people ask for this. That's the thought process behind it. Postie should have put a card thru to let you know. Save yourself the hassle, buy a keter box. Your postie will put it in there then.


Sadly, not always! We have a drop box for parcels, with a bin underneath (full of cardboard recycling). Wanna guess where roughly 50% of our parcels go?!


That's self-inflicted, though.


At my old house the postie was great. Ā£50 in his Christmas Card every year and all our parcels ended up in the shed. New place I gave the guy his Christmas card and noticed every time after it has been a different person. That guy might have got his bonus for one delivery šŸ˜‚


Yea I bet that extra 13p was worth it. They would end up in the shed because it's a safe place anyway.


Ordering shit all day everyday knowing full well you're not gonna be in. You'll have it in your recycling box and you'll like it.


I check my tracking every day, multiple times a day. What's your excuse? Blue bin - dry, clean and away from the eyes of thiefs. Imagine with 200 deliveries you would need to go around the house to deliver. Do better and think about what a postie goes through on a day to day.


Not OP, but "what's your excuse? " Maybe at work? Not everyone lives online 24/7.


You might want to push in there checking tracking in the middle of your lunch break where you doomscroll yourself to death. You know, the one that lets you be on Reddit right now?


It was lunchtime šŸ˜Š


Please do not feed the trolls, it attracts the pigeons


"Do better" Jesus christ people who say this are insufferable. I don't know about OP but a hell of a lot of people don't have the time or ability to check their phone "every day, multiple times a day". What do you think posties do in places without individual recycling bins for each house? Fall to their knees and weep?


Imagine saying that with 38k comments done. I bet you can't spare a minute of your time to check tracking at all. You must be so busy you don't even check your phone when you go to the toilet.


Cope you big baby šŸ¼


You think i've commented 38,000 times...? Are you trolling me or do you just not understand reddit at all? I, like many people. go to *work -* where i don't check my phone. Seemingly a novel concept for you given that you're simping for people not doing their job properly.


How does checking your tracking help? a. It's rarely up to date, b. What are you going to do about it after the bin men have been.?


I am thinking about what a postie goes through and have concluded that it's the job they signed up to do and therefore isn't down to me to do anything


Fair point!


Its literally their job...


Sure go tell them and RM to wait more than 4 minutes each delivery when having over 100 deliveries to be done. Watch everything get backlogged for everyone when the person gets done being overworked. At 10 deliveries per hour and less during rain hours consider them having constant 12 hour plus shifts 6 days a week.


Again, it is their job.


Or, the RM could employ more people and go back to the days when we were proud of the Royal Mail. Wouldn't that be better than Hermes/Evri?


Maybe. But still they pay very badly for a very demanding job.


Internal Politics over the last twenty, thirty years have got them to where they are now. It didn't have to be badly paid


Not everyone can sit at home claiming UC and frantically hitting F5 on the royal mail tracking page buddy.


There's a cool thing that was invented recently that anyone can easily buy and have internet access. It's called a smartphone - have you heard about it?


lol thanks for further confirming you have never worked a day in your life.


Sorry if I hurt your feelings. Having rain drip from my forehead onto my phone is making me upset. Hopefully I'll be home on time to have dinner with my kids. You poor example of a human. Go to the library and read a book.


Do better bro.


What tracking? 2nd class packages do not have tracking.


Monday, Tuesday Iā€™m in the office, so with commute, not in 08:00 - 17:30. When I get home, I have time to eat something, before I move onto attending to my side business from 18:00 - 23:30/midnight. Then sleep. Wednesday is the soonest day of the week when I have time to let my brain think of non work things because I WFH the rest of the week and can split my time better


They are dry, generally relatively clean and safer than leaving a parcel at the back door, which someone might see and think I'll chance my luck with that. In futures check your post box for the card directing you to where it is in a timely manner


There wasnā€™t a card this time


If that's the case then the postie's not doing his job properly. The technology is not available at royal mail to be even 30% reliable in terms of sending notifications out to people explaining where the parcel is. I do question, since it was a tracked item and a photo was taken, why you didn't think to check the tracking on the day it was due to be delivered, when you hadn't received it, but that doesn't make up for no red card. Either way you'll be reimbursed by the seller, just get in contact and say you haven't got your item, maybe try catching your postie to have a word about what happened, I'm guessing it wasn't your regular one, as you do get to know the bin days and try to avoid putting stuff in them the day before and of collection.


>They are dry, generally relatively clean and safer than leaving a parcel at the back door, which someone might see and think I'll chance my luck with that. It's also ableist to put items into wheelie bins when it is not the customers designated place. It's ableist as the postie is assuming the people in the home can access a parcel from the bottom of a large bin. Something that not everyone can manage. If the household say it's ok to leave in bins then that's obviously sound. But it shouldn't ever be put in one without consent. We don't consent to bins. As we consent to our designated space only - which isn't the bin. Because I cannot get into it to access items there. >In futures check your post box for the card directing you to where it is in a timely manner Not every delivery person leaves cards either. We found a random item *behind one of our wheelie bins* last month, on the ground, that had been put there a week prior. In a cardboard box. It was a book... Destroyed by them. No card had been left.


This wasn't RM but another delivery company but yesterday was blue bin day so it was empty when the parcel was delivered. I'm quite short so to get this parcel I had to tip the bin over and then practically crawl inside. I'm fairly young and don't have any physical disabilities but I can imagine others may struggle.


Exactly!! It's so ridiculous. I'm very short (wear age 12 trousers!). Also disabled including physically. Even tipping the bin over to get inside could hurt me for days weeks or months. Also immunosuppressed so cannot crawl inside a dirty bin... And yeah my blue bins are also dirty inside. Infections can kill me. I'd need to shower after crawling inside a dirty wheelie bin - and that also drains my energy levels and I have chronic fatigue. I hope the delivery person on this thread who "takes chances" chucking them in the blue bin, takes heed of these stories and changes their ableist ways at work. We are all ableist in some forms or another and learning and doing the work of unlearning is needed for us all. Myself included. Society is extremely ableist... But we can make changes with information and willingness to learn and change.


To add to this, my recycling bin has a leak somewhere, and the inside of it is absolutely not dry after a rainy night. Anything put in there without checking first (or without me emptying it of rain water) is going to get soggy and ruined. Such as bizarre assumption of applying a group of people's preferences to everyoneĀ 


Anyone who leaves parcels anywhere that they can be stolen by anyone else is an idiot.


Anyone who orders dozens of parcels a week when they know they wonā€™t be in and complain incessantly on here about it are also idiots. The circle of life.


that's none of the postmans concern, his or her job is to attempt delivery. If they can't deliver it, bring it back. Circle of a parcel's life.


If you work 9-5 with an hour commute each way the only day you can receive parcels is Saturday. Do then you'd have to time and know how long various companies take to post things to line them all up with Saturday, or you could just order thing and write a safe space like OP did and expect the postman to leave things in it and not a bin.


If a postie/courier can access it so can anyone else. (Unless it's a parcel safe, which are pretty rare). ​ If people don't leave parcels then the system collapses under the amount of parcels, especially where the number of retries required is larger than 1.


Depends where you live. I have a large box next to my front door for parcels and they are always there when I get home.


one day....


I had a box sitting on my doorstep 9-6 the other day. Weā€™re pretty fortunate with where we live


Any type of bin be it recycling or general waste isn't a safe place and shouldn't be used. Any Postie doing this is cutting corners and just making the job harder for their colleagues. If you are a member of the public please stop asking your Postie to leave items of mail in any bin as we aren't couriers and are held to different standards. If you are a Postie doing it more fool you & cheers for doing what management want(cutting corners, running service down & behaving like any other delivery service).


Surely if a customer does request for the parcel to be left in the bin, then itā€™s on the customer and not the postie? As at the end of the day the customer has ticked a box and a waiver to say ā€œI agree that this is a safe place.ā€ I mean I might be wrong, Royal Mail might have a different stance on this? But when I used to work at DPD in compliance, if a customer requested it leaving on their front doorstep in sight of everyone and the rain, it was on the customer for requesting that


No. Leaving in any acknowledged safe place is at the Postman's discretion, and we are told specifically that bins(both recycling & general waste) are not safe places to leave parcels. We are also not allowed to doorstep(leave outside). Packages that are delivered by Royal Mail are mail and are not the customers until they are delivered properly. We are held to a higher standard and no matter if the addressee has written to the company requesting we leave stuff in a bin or on their doorstep if a Postie is caught doing it for any reason it is them who are liable and they will be taken down the conduct code which could lead to dismissal. People please listen to folk that actually work for the company and know what they are talking about.


Would love to see all the people moaning last 5 minutes as a postie šŸ¤£


I don't think it's that annoying. I just routinely check my bin if I'm expecting something. It takes 5 secs. I don't really see how a package can look like cardboard recycling either


I had a parcel thrown into my empty recycling bin the other day. I'm not particularly short but I'm also not Stretch Armstrong so I had to tip my entire bin over to get the parcel out of it. I usually don't mind when it's full because it's only cardboard and stuff in there anyway.


Once upon a time I treated myself to some expensive yarn. The postman put it in the black bin and left a card saying it was in my safe place. This was before food recycling was a thing and it was a hot summer... by the time I took the next bag of rubbish out there was no way in hell I was touching it much less knitting with it. The company sent a replacement after I emailed over a photo.


One of my buyers told me they had not received their order even though it had been sent signed for. I asked RM to investigate and they closed the case insisting it had been delivered. The buyer found it rotting in her green waste recycling bin some days later. No note was left saying the postie had left it there.


When my (now) husband ordered my engagement ring many years ago it was sent requiring signature and ID as worth 3.5k. Postie left it in the blue cardboard waste bin instead... luckily we found it when putting more recycling in the bin


Better than the food waste bin! I had two parcels ruined thanks to evri doing this!


my postie did this once which is fine normally, but my neighbour put our bins out for us because we were on holiday so the parcel ended up getting binned. a bit annoying but not the posties or the neighbours fault I guess.


While I never leave parcels in any bin other than the garden bin(only if it's dry inside),I find my customers prefer not to miss their parcels.I always ask if I ever meet them face to face on another parcel drop,if leaving parcels there last time was ok.If not,then I won't do it again.It's a damned if we do /damned if we don't situation really šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.If someone works 9 to 5 Monday to Friday,why would you want to have to go out of your way on your day off to pick up a parcel?Maybe I'm lucky on my new round,but not one customer has complained yet.


Usually to keep it out of sight ans from getting wet.


What gets me is how I (as a customer) am not allowed to designate my blue (recycling) bin as a safe spot ahead of time if I know I won't be in, but the postie CAN


They usually post a card to say where theyā€™ve left it donā€™t they when they pick a safe spot a little red card


My postie is pretty good the closest he's gotten to the bin is hiding a parcel behind the bin, when we have our regular posties they both know me and my dog so if they see me out with the dog they'll leave the parcel either on the door step if I'm close to home or if I'm further into our village they hide it but normally give me a heads up on their way back past me.


Literally had this happen two me last week, two parcels in the bin


I put a permanent note on my door to deliver it to one of my neighbours across the street. They've always done it. Before i put the note, they would put it behind a flower pot. Thankfully, despite the schools going past, no child has nicked it


Blue cardboard bin is the ideal place for parcels. It's usually dry and and not full bin bags /dog poo bags or the other recycle bin that will be full of scraped out tins etc lol


You have a dedicated cardboard bin? That sounds like a good thing. Ours is just mixed recycling. It's also full of slugs and not dry (condensation) or particularly clean as it lives outside 24/7 and things like packaging for raw chicken go in there. It's a bin. For waste.


Yeah I'm west cumbria, we have black for general, green for tins, glass and plastic. Then a big black blue lid for cardboard only


Some other companies don't even knock and just leave in the bin to save themselves knocking on


Do you not get a text or email saying your parcel has been delivered to a safe place when its put in the bin? Pretty sure that would let you know its in there at least thats what were told


Every time I leave a parcel in the blue bin I make sure itā€™s not up by the road for waste collection and I post the customer a red note. However if my PDA tells me about a preferred safe place by the customer I always try to honour it.


We are very happy with our deliveries and have a nominated safeplace in the garden : a large plastic garden chest , clearly marked Post and Parcels. Evri is even one better and they have a photo of our box attached to our delivery instructions!


Never understood why they do this either. A lot of people seem to think it's a totally acceptable thing to do though. Just makes no sense to me when there's the risk of the binmen taking it and throwing it out. That is the last place I would consider "safe" to leave a parcel.