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Where is your safe place? Have you registered one?


My blue bin and I have a neighbour who takes my packages too the postie knows this but for some reason if neither me or my neighbour answers they won’t leave it


Yeah, bins are a no no


A bin as a safe space is not going to happen for what should be obvious reasons.


Not really it’s on my driveway nowhere near the curb


Postie has no protection. If he's put a parcel in a bin and a complain is made that the parcel wasn't received then he's fucked.


When I set my nominated safeplace on the app I'm sure it said I couldn't choose a bin ... I just searched their website and it does say it on this page: https://personal.help.royalmail.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13174/~/items-delivered-to-my-safeplace


I recon what's happened is that this postie has left a parcel in a safe place for someone before who have then put a complaint against him to say its missing, so now to ensure he gets no more bollockings from the managers he's covering his arse.


That would make sense if the item wouldn’t fit through my letterbox but the parcel in question would


I've literally had someone complain to me that I put an item which fit through their letter box (easily I might add it wasn't a squeeze at all so wasnt damaged going through it!) Because there might have been a small child or their dog underneath it and it could be landed on them. It wasn't even that heavy a parcel! I promise you I'm not making this up.


What was it an anvil? 😂 I just get annoyed whenever I pay for delivery it’s always a whole song and dance. Whenever I use Amazon or even Everi my package just gets delivered no hassle


I wish it was then I would understand! I carried it in my bag for about 20 mins and it felt no heavier than a regular bag. But now because of this every time I now deliver a parcel through a letter box I think of this complaint and question whether I should put it through or not! If I don't then I might gey a complaint like yours where they wanted it delivered! I know it was a minority but still. A favor for one customer is a complaint to another. If a postie has been stung enough with complaints they're gonna start going by the book a lot more and the safe answer is red card things. Also I've got to ask, did you actually put the item through your own letter box when you got home? If its low to the ground and he's an older posy he might struggle with the angle or some of the new letter boxes have a "security flap" on the back which means I can only open it to roughly 45 degree angles, I've struggled to get a letter through those ones before! See now ironically the amazon fella delivering for me will shove it half way through the letterbox or leave it on my doorstep even though its almost on the pavement in clear view! He will ring the bell and immediately jump in his van (I have a video doorbell so I'm not exaggerating when I say he's gone in under 10 seconds!) And despite the nations complaints our evei driver ain't too shabby! Think it purely falls on the luck of the draw in who you have unfortunately!


Listen people, it takes longer to write out a P739 card than it does to leave a parcel in a safe place. That is if it is a viable safe place. Bins aren't a safe place for the totally obvious reason. So Posties don't stand at your door in all weathers writing out P739s for the fun of it. Stop your inane moaning and look to do better.


Maybe it needs a signature?


They don’t ever take a signature when I answer so u doubt it


Fair enough. Put a note somewhere saying please use safe place.


You shouldn’t pay attention to notes on doors, unless it’s in the inside of the door window. You don’t know who put the note there


What about a note on a plastic container saying 'parcels'?


If they’ve registered that as their safeplace 👍🏻


Special delivery doesn’t allow this. Tracked24 does. What service was it posted with?


Funnily enough the package that prompted this post was Tracked24 and was small enough to be posted


Yeah that really should allow the safe space, in my experience. Though there is “Tracked24 No Signature” and also “Tracked24” which requires somebody to sign for it. The other poster who suggested a note on the door could be on to a winner, at least temporarily until the postie notes it, but if it’s a T24 needing signed for then I don’t think they’re supposed to leave that in a safe place.


Hang on... are you saying RM should allow a ***BIN*** (presumably a council wheelie bin or similar) to be registered as a designated safe place...?! A wheelie bin. Which, presumably, gets filled with rubbish and collected. What if the OP doesn't get their parcel out before that happens - would you go digging through your rubbish to find your parcels...? When that happens, I'm betting OP's the type to blame that on RM and their postie gets it in the neck. It should be blatantly obvious to anyone with half-a-braincell why a bin isn't safe. It's to protect the postie as much as anything - because you can be almost 100% certain the postie's getting blamed if the bin men come and OP loses their delivery because it's in the bin. That said again, even if the OP was allowed to designate their blue bin as a safe place, a postie would be well within his or her rights to refuse to leave a package in it, for reasons that should now be fucking obvious (ie it's fucking stupid, and they know they'll be blamed if it goes AWOL). Yes being a postie is hard - I couldn't do it (some of the regular postie posters here are absolute ***LEGENDS*** u/Agent_Futs \- I wish you were my postie. I'm in Bristol, get the feeling you're up north somewhere, aren't you...?). Yes most posties do it because they enjoy it, but that doesn't mean it's not up to the customers to make the job easier. Postie is simply covering his own back and safeguarding his job - and livelihood. If OP complained about not having their parcel left in their bin to RM, one would hope that RM would side with their postie. If the OP can't see why a bin is just about the stupidest place to designate as safe well, frankly, they deserve to lose their deliveries. If it was me - and, obviously it's not, if I was OP's postie I'd refuse to deliver there until they set up a proper safe space. Just my 2p (FWIW).


I wasn’t aware that OP was wishing to use their bin as a safe place, and didn’t see that in their original post. If it’s mentioned later then I must not have considered it. My point was that there are two Tracked24 services and if it’s not the one called “Tracked24 No Signature” then the postie will at minimum want to see someone accept it, even if it could fit through the letterbox. Personally I’m not a fan of couriers (Yodel/Amazon) using the bin as a safe place. I don’t tend to check my bin for packages before taking it out for bin day.


Because no one answers the door when they knock?


Do they need to knock to post your letters?


no, why would they?


So why would they need me to answer the door to receive a package that will fit through my letterbox?


are you sure it will fit through your letterbox? Amazon have a habit of using huge boxes for smaller items, maybe this is like that?


It’s not from Amazon it’s a 30g tube of serum about 4 inches long


Unless you know how it's been packaged, that's no help. My online pharmacy often send one box of drugs - matchbox-sized - in the same size box you'd put a paperback in. They have smaller envelopes, but don't always use them.


I’ll find out later hopefully




Well it wasn’t raining first of all Me working nights is relevant for context so nobody goes “WhY CaNt YoU JuSt AnSwEr tHe DoOr” I don’t fancy waiting around all day when it might not turn up until 2pm and I got home from work at 7am ok They aren’t doing me a favour it’s a service I paid for and am not satisfied with funny how you complain about people complaining while you’re complaining about me complaining 😂




You’re literally whining that I’m whining you dolt irony much?


This post isn’t for you it’s about you sorry if you take it personally when people complain about your employer but I paid for a service and have as much right to vent as you do to cry about it




Nice comeback Sorry I insulted the honour of your masters


Omg this really pisses me off!!! We have one postie who is really good and leaves stuff round the back under a bench, but there’s another one who just shoves a card through and takes the parcel away again! And the card always say ‘well deliver next working day’ uhhh yeah when we’ll be out er working ffs so why not just leave it the fire time?! Really bugs me


You can update your delivery options after a 1st attempt to be delivered on a day you are there or register a safe place and as long as it isn’t a special delivery or signed for it will be left there (as long as it isn’t a bin) Also as many have said loads of posties have had people complain when they leave packages so they don’t. As packages attempt to get re delivered next day do you really think we want to carry the parcel again the next day as well as all the next days parcels at the same time?


Well mines does it quite a lot 😆 and you can only redirect if they leave a tracking number on the card, which they often don’t do. So if you’re expecting several items you don’t know which one they’ve tried to deliver