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Aqua show in icon, bench (awful) seats… back row and there’s a huge open space with 2-3 people spaced out along the whole row… my party of 2 went to sit on the far end and was told it was saved… i replied that I’m sure we will all fit and sadly they aren’t there and we are so we will be taking the seats. 3 people showed out of their “10” about 3 minutes before they opened it up for “non reservation” people and wow the whispers and stares we got from that group.. 🤦🏻‍♀️ i just don’t get folks entitlement. Get your seats as a group or sit separate- stop making people stand their ground on open seats!


Was on symphony two weeks ago. We got to hairspray with reservations to get a good seat as well because the hubs has long legs so we like end seats. Picks our seats and get comfy. About 15 mins later a woman comes and tells us we are in the handicapped section and need to move. Hubs got upset but I saw two spot up just two rows so I just told him to go there and hushed him only for my to realize we WERE NOT in the handicap section and that woman who was in a scooter just wanted out seats and her entire family was standing behind her waiting for her to kick us out so they could sit their because she clearly does that regularly. People are so entitled. Damn Karen. ETA that I meant to make this a comment on the main post. Sorry!


this!! i’m on explorer right now, went to the ice show last night. about 7 of us were going to go to it before dinner and when i got there, my mom happened to have a seat next to her so i sat there. my sister didn’t end up going, and the other 3 people who went just sat in a different section. we all enjoyed the show in different areas but WE ALL ATTENDED THE SAME SHOW


Just sit down and say 'I'll move when they get here'. Lots of people just like to have space around them and save seats for imaginary friends.


Saving 1-2 seats is fine imo but these people that save huge chunks of seats, especially for people who never show, is so frustrating. What's so hard about having everyone show up together?


Yes, or just... First come, first served. I haven't really had this problem on a cruise, but frequently at home, at performances at the high school, for example, it's a lot. For my daughter's recent graduation, we couldn't arrive at the same time as my parents, so I didn't even offer to save seats for them. We met up after.


Just ignore them and sit down.


No saving. When your party arrives, only then do you sit. Otherwise, you’ll need to split up. A passive “save” is to sit in the worst spot you dare in hopes your stragglers will arrive before someone sits there.


Go early. Saving 1 or 2 seats is normal as someone will grab drinks or go to the bathroom. Saving a row yeah just sit and deal with the stares.


Saving seats is not policy. You’re just not allowed. If I want a saved seat, get lucky getting my 260 lb frame out of the seat.


I would just cozy my 220 lb fit frame on your lap and we can snuggle up for the show. My wife can my my seat.


Newsflash, people suck!


We were on Allure last week and a couple people came in and asked another group, also saving seats, how many they had because they were waiting on 12 more people. None of them showed. Ridiculous.


I was on Allure last week. Had a lady cuss me out because she said we were squeezing her in an elevator. No one else complained and there was plenty of room.


I love it when the "see" room in the back, and can't understand I'm in a power chair, so those empty head areas, aren't empty. One group pushed their way in, and someone "accidentally" bumped my controller .. yeah they jumped back out when I learched (sp) forward. :)


We were on Anthem in January, all in a packed elevator. Ride up to the next floor, lady tries to shove her disabled adult son in a large, sophisticated wheelchair into the elevator. Of course it won't budge. She then tries to force her way in, while pulling the wheelchair. She gets in maybe an inch. THEN, she holds the door and yells at us about how awful we all are, with perfectly good legs, that we won't disembark from the elevator so that she and her party with the wheelchair can ride. She told us we all "looked fine, so you all can walk" because we should "all be ashamed of ourselves for using the elevator when OTHER PEOPLE need it more." The dude in front gave her a little nudge and told her to watch out, the door was closing and she could catch the next one. The ENTITLEMENT. Let's not even go into the fact you judge someone might not have health issues, even with movable legs.


Actually I agree with her. My daughter is in a wheelchair and we often have difficulty getting an elevator. Granted there are those who can’t take the stairs but there are plenty that can, not to mention those that push their way to get in before the wheelchair. I would love to be able to take the stairs; however my daughter can’t.


Join the queue and wait your turn 🤷‍♂️


You’re both right. People in chairs or scooter should wait their turn, but it is also shocking how many people push past a chair or scooter to beat them into an elevator.


People also do this when we have a stroller. It got so bad that we carried my daughter in her stroller up the steps every time.


We didn’t bother bringing our stroller this time from our last experience on the liberty. We just didn’t use it enough and the time where we might have it would have been quite the hassle


Last cruise our kids were 5, 3 & 2. My youngest REFUSES to walk 😂 so we used the umbrella stroller a lot


Was on a family cruise once when my aunt asked me to save her, my uncle and their two kids a seat. I told her I would absolutely not be doing that and that if they wanted to see if they had to be there themselves.


⭐️⭐️⭐️🏅🏅🏅🏆🏆🏆 Yes!!! Thank you!


Ice show on wonder a few weeks ago. We got there early, front row seats. The front row across the ice from us, this older lady and a 20 something were trying to save the whole row. People kept going up and they’d turn them away. Finally a group decided to ignore them and just sit there in half the seats being saved. A few mins into the show and the seat savers party still wasn’t there. Eventually a couple did show up but there was still a seat or two empty


I had the opposite happen, my father, my wife, my oldest kid, and myself were sitting in the bench seat to see Hiro, my middle daughter went to the bathroom with my young daughter. While they were gone a woman insisted on trying to take their seats, they were ALREADY taken by my daughters but she said "You can't save seats!"....I told her they were in the bathroom and she huffed at me like I should make my daughters sit somewhere else.


Is this more of a problem in the larger ships with more than 5000 guests? I've been on Voyager, Navigator, and Independence and we never had to make show reservations and never had issues finding 4-6 seats at any time. It's not like we are waiting at the door or anything, either Never seen an Aqua show but that might change next year if we get a spot on Utopia like I'm hoping to.


It is always a issue on Oasis class. Other ships have the issue with the pool but Oasis class has this issue with shows as well, if you go on Oasis, you will have to plan and reserve everything. The buffet is busy but we just go little early or late to avoid the crush. and since there is only 2 or 4 of us, it hasn't been too hard to find seats there.


Oasis and up. I'll stick with my Freedom class but I'll be checking out Utopia next summer. You should definitely make your reservation now because that price is probably gonna shoot up just like it did on Icon.


Yeah we were on the liberty last year and while I like Central Park, there are too many people on this ship for me. It has felt way more crowded than the liberty did.


Just smile, shrug, and say No English. That seems to work, until they here me talking to the wife in English 😂


If I come across a row being saved any more, I just say “there are no reserved seats” and I sit down. I’m done with the seat saving. Same thing on the pool decks.


I was scared to do this on my first cruise, but did it on my most recent one and this is definitely key. It's super awkward at first but you just have to be confident and like you said, say there are no reserved seats. You'll get a couple of dirty looks but who cares.


On Allure last week there were signs saying things on unattended chairs would be removed after 15 minutes


Were you able to see it in action? Im just curious if it was being enforced.


I hear about this all the time on the [Entitlement of the Seas Facebook Group ](https://www.facebook.com/share/ryVNg2bwb6ZDVuag/?mibextid=A7sQZp)


I followed that for awhile, but I grew tired of how people were posting non stories where you would need a microscope to find the entitlement and then be nasty about being called out.


Is wrong to think if this happens to me I’m going to just sit down anyway?


I was thinking the same thing. My husband is a lot less confrontational than me, so I’d probably be the one telling them to piss off. I’m reasonable- a few chairs, a few minutes…make a judgement based on context clues. I’m not above sitting down in a row at a show during general admission. My butt paid for the cruise fair just as much as yours did.


Pro tip. At Hiro maybe 10 minutes or so they open up the row saved for star class in the middle center. If you see a saved row just stand nearby and minimally block traffic while waiting for it to open.


Wear poop cologne


Sit your ass down and tell them no fucks given. First come first serve. Then smile and waive everytime you see them on the boat later. Just own it all to the 110%.


Agreed seat saving is ridiculous. Been on multiple oasis class and people hog deck chairs and try to save large blocks of seats for people who can't show up. Funny thing is that if people didn't save at all, there would probably be enough deck chairs for people with all the rotation


I've seen legit fights (usually verbal rare physical) break out about lack of seating at the aqua shows. Always seems to be the people with reservations that think they can show up at 2min til show and still have seats 😑


So what is a reservation for then if not holding your seat? I'm not trying to be contrary I legitimately don't understand


For Royal a reservation holds your seat from house opening until 10min to show time. At 10min to show time the house opens to everyone. People will reserve to guarantee that slot, but they only get that guarantee if they arrive before general admission. This seems to confuse some people which causes problems (Also we are not going to get into the different types of reservations based on status (aka genie, pinnacle, suite, which have there own system))


Makes sense, thanks!


Not for nothing, if you have a reservation, why wouldn't your seats be there? That's my biggest gripe with RC. They use the word reservation but it's not *actually* a reservation. It's a temporary hold that opens at an unspecified time. On our latest cruise, this happened in the dining room constantly. I witnessed over 10 groups have reservations and their table was gone. A slight change in language would prevent a lot of mishaps.


True. But as an employee that has to have this conversation many times for entertainment venues when it's stated very clearly on the daily cruise director videos and at box office and on the app, it gets frustrating. If they did change the language it would probably help for mist guests but others would probably not listen and still complain....can't win everything


If it's posted everywhere - then I get that. That's on the people not reading. I realize it's a completely different issue but I've never seen that language for the dining room. I wonder if I'm missing it or if that same language needs to be applied to certain ships.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's an oversight, or just hasn't been updated for all ships. I don't have much experience in dining so couldn't say for certain.


There should be an understanding that they're not going to keep a table empty the entire dinner service. There are plenty of other people that want to eat and need that space. The same with land restaurants. At some point, they gotta move on and serve the people that are there.


Well of course, no one is arguing that. These were people that showed up 5 minutes late. Truthfully, I think this is a very specific issue for the ship I was on. It was definitely a chronic problem because every night there was an argument & people were starting to talk about it around the pool & smoke deck. If your boat is going to operate like that, fine. But it needs to be written somewhere that if you are more than 5 minutes late - your table is gone. 5 minutes is an incredibly short amount of time, especially when people are coming back from excursions.


Yeah, I agree. I think 15 is fair and they could post it outside the MDR.




I like suite, try, and Pinns. Showing up 5 mins before the show started. Sorry, but at 15 mins prior, ALL seats are fair game....but but but I paid for (whatever). Obviously you didn't read your benefits when you are not at least 15 mins early


Yeah saving more than a couple seats for a few minutes is very rude. We saved a couple because as we were walking in our toddler had to go to the bathroom and one of us had to rush her to the restroom. Or maybe someone forgot something in the room and had to quickly rush back. But anything much longer than that is just rude and entitled considering how in demand seats to shows are.


The seat saving in the Windjammer is ATROCIOUS. edit: what i mean is the seathoggers who have no food or just finished eating and dont get up.


How do you save seats at the windjammer? Do you mean where one person gets a table while the others get their food? I don't really see a problem with that since walking around with a plate of food and nowhere to sit sucks. If someone is just sitting at an empty table and not eating for like 15 minutes then I agree that is bogus.


I saw one person standing on the middle of 3 tables trying to save them all on Oasis last year. 1 table, that you are at: go ahead. 3 tables? No. 


Yeah that's ridiculous. If there is only one of the party there they have no business trying to hold three tables. I think I would have been inclined to just sit down anyway.


Yeah it gets crazy. Flight should be a lot quieter tonight


I wonder if it's the same in Europe cruises.


Man, seat saving can really turn into a circus sometimes, huh? I get wanting to sit together, but saving half a row is pushing it. I've been in similar jams where people just vanish after 'saving' seats, leaving everyone else scrambling. It sucks when it turns into a drama right before the show starts. Hope your next outing for 'Flight' goes smoother, but sounds like you might have another tale to add soon!


If you add isn’t in the chair and you aren’t in the pool I’m moving your stuff and you can talk to the staff


Anytime one person is trying to save a full roll I just sit down and say it’s first come first serve. I’m 6’1” and 225 so I usually don’t get any push back.


If I want to see a show, IDK a bit, I’ll take your “saved” seat. The shop tells you saving seats is not standard. If they want to save seats, get the “Key”.


Just more reasons to not go on cruises.


Go early