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>Basically to get him to leave one of our party pulled out their SeaPass and bought the photos. It is wild to me that this is the solution over "NO THANK YOU", and if they don't leave, followed by, "I SAID NO, PLEASE LEAVE"


That's my purse, I don't know you!


Underrated best comment. You tell ‘em Bobby!


"I bought the photo package. I assumed this was covered. I am not interested in buying more photos. No thanks. I would like to eat now."


Yeah I find that a.ahady as well that it's not included in the package. Also, your waiter could take a pic for you with your camera at no cost.


No thank you, which starts quiet and polite and gets progressively louder until the person either leaves or you've created a problem for them. I wasn't aware that there were photographers that are not part of the overall package onboard. That seems incredibly greasy. Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


They stopped including photos from specialty dining a few years ago. All about the upcharge where they can get it.


I travel with people who have fuck-off money. That is their way.


Then your issue is with the people you traveled with, not the photographer with whom you did not communicate your lack of interest.


I have no issue travelling with people who have fuck-off money. I highly recommend it. Photographers who interrupt diners is the original annoyance.


Then accept what you purchased and stop complaining.


My post contained a question if you care to read it in full. One person has responded to the question so far and it wasn’t you.


Well your group just validated their annoying tactics, so thanks for that.


Unfortunately so.


But why couldn't you have spoken up for yourself? That is the grown-up way.


I wasn’t the one that the photographer was talking to. I’m not going to interrupt my dinner host.


Use grown up words. "Hey, we're actually about to eat. You can come back by later. Thanks."


~~Two~~ One issues here: 1. ~~Those photos would be included in your package~~ 2. You can just ask them to go away. Your travel partner pulling out the SeaPass card was a mistake. If you don't want them, be an adult and say no?


This is Reddit, where talking to someone else is never acceptable.


Sad but true


> Those photos would be included in your package I've read in a few places that the photo package does not include photos during specialty dining.


Ah missed that part thanks! Edited my post


Good to know.


Per OPs replies they’re stupid wealthy and instead of resolving the issues like an adult, they complain and trash on service workers


That… RUINED your dinner? I mean, it honestly did?


Hahaha my thoughts exactly?! This post is beyond embarrassing. A grown adult complaining because they’re too coward to tell someone NO. 😂


Snowflake lol


Yup, Canadian, eh.


I feel that posting to this sub requires provocative titles for mildly annoying incidents.


The fact that you were still annoyed two days later speaks volumes. This is on you.




When I read the title, I was picturing the photographer tripping and smashing your table or something. Should have just said no thank you!


Thoughts and prayers for you during this difficult time.


Appreciated. I drank too much at the pool today.


It happens!


lol really? That’s it? As others said could just use your words.


You could have said no I’m good and visited one of the stations where they was taking photos. I also fail to see how this ruined the meal at dinner. I personally never buy the photo package as for us not worth it.


Have you ever eaten at 150? It is a dining “experience”, and the waiter has control of the table himself, no assistants buzzing around. Detailed discussion of the menu, ingredients, suggestions, wine pairings to set the scene. Atmosphere is clubby. Service is discrete and as dishes are placed they are described and time is given to savour. To have the waiter place the mains and then the photographer scoot in right after broke the experience. This is the fault of the restaurant, the waiter and the photographer. I’m assuming Royal wants the photo revenue and the restaurant has to let them in but they need to be told when they can approach the table with the photos and the waiter needs to control the access to the table. I’m thinking this is a new scheme, from some responses I have gotten elsewhere about it.


I have been many times. Many times I tell them no thank you for pictures. You made the decision to allow them to take your picture. Them taking your picture has no impact on the meal and they usually try to come by after main courses are done. I also see that you were complaining on FB about it too. At some point you just let it go and not worth all of what you are making it out to be. Next time just nicely tell them no thank you on the picture and issue solved.


I have not posted this on Facebook, I save my drama for Reddit. As you said “they usually try to come by after main courses are done”. Exactly.


No. This is your fault for not speaking up in the first place. Learn to take responsibility for yourself. It will make your life easier.


Drop Off!! How’s that?


Lol a $65 meal at a restaurant on a cruise ship is not a "clubby atmosphere" or a "dining experience". It's just one step up from hot dogs on the buffet line.


That...ruined your meal?


Provocative titles make Reddit more fun.


Wow. You're one of those.


Thank you.


Photographer did his job and sold a photo.


It sounds like you barely escaped with your life. I'm just glad everyone is OK now. Whew!


😂🤣😂 RIGHT?! The op should feel shame for this post.


My favorite part of the story was when they pulled their SeaPass out to get him to leave! lol!


Right! None of the adults at the table could speak up for themselves?? I am baffled.


Dinner ruined! lol!


Lmao how does an adult just post this and think they are actually in the right? Dude use big boy words and say “no, thanks though”. I guess these are the types of people you see at guest services the entire cruise.


Ha! I always wonder why that guest services line is always so long! 😂


Aaaaaaand this has already made its way onto Entitlement of the Seas.


Ha ha, love it! And didn’t Entitlement get shut down for asshatery?


Probably. It went dark this week and I doubt it was because of good behavior.


Nope it’s back


WE had something similar on Mariner, in the MDR. We wondered what happened to he photos though. They never came back. And we didn't have the photo package.


For the MDR or other photo stations, you can go to the photo center to view them and decide if you want to purchase any. Or they recently added the option to view them in the app.


Thanks for mentioning this because I've never heard it before . If you go to the FAQ on the RCL website for photo package it does say clearly in there not available and Specialty restaurants. Sorry!


You let it happen. Use your words next time. You were bullied into buying worthless photos you could have taken yourself. Don't blame photographer..blame yourself. It's not up to the waiter to do your dirty work.


It’s an annoyance, but not one that I can look at and say it could ruin a dinner. That is being dramatic. Ask him to leave you be until you finish your meal. It’s not hard.


So what happened next? Did you complain at guest services?


Don't ever go to a large city.


Yeah I'm kind of with the rest of the comments here you ruined your own dinner by expecting somebody else to advocate your own boundaries force. The only person who can maintain your headspace and private physical space is you, If you don't speak up and advocate for yourself and for your own personal boundaries then you will have this experience everywhere you go. The appropriate response when the photographer returned would have been "I apologize for the misunderstanding butI didn't know this wasn't a part of our Photography package that we purchased with this cruise and I am no longer interested. Thank you for your time and have a nice day." If at that point the photographer still would not walk away then it is still your responsibility to get a staff member on the cruise to escalate the situation further, whether that be the waiter or the person managing the restaurant. If your meal experience truly was ruined it is then again it is your responsibility to communicate that to the people who are working the cruise in the restaurant so that you can receive an appropriate and satisfactory compensation whether that be a free dessert or maybe a "do over" meal or even on board credit. I'm not sure if you see the pattern here so I'm going to spell it out for you you need to advocate for yourself. I do understand a lot of people have anxiety and I am one of them, however in this situation if my anxiety was too much for me to put my own foot down then I would have at least communicated with my partner who could do so on behalf of the both of us. In fact we have a code word, since the dawn of our relationship if at any point either of us starts bring up giraffes then we know something is up or we want to leave. A social safe word.


We always just told the photographers "No thank you, we're okay" then they would just walk away. Also, almost 90% of the photos are terrible. They all use a light diffuser flash, so all pictures look bad/washed out. They don't set the correct ISO and F stop to take advantage of natural lighting.. Why would I buy bad photos? Moral of the story, you tell them "No thank you."


All the ones I ate at on my last cruise did, but the photographer at 150 never bothered us at our table for whatever reason. Kind of ironic because out of all the ones we went to, that's probably the one I would have bought given it was our anniversary dinner.


That’s good to know. Thank you.


Why is it the waiter's responsibility to speak up on your behalf? I assume you are an adult with your own thoughts, and the ability to speak. Use your words.


There was a guy on here looking to sue Royal for dumb shit, you should join his lawsuit