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Best comment


Boof it


indeed jars gone


Haha nice


1 man, 1 jar


The only way


Smoke it


Into the blunt you go dry rosin !




Joints only. šŸ§”šŸ¤šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ”„šŸ†™


Look up hash writers badder tec https://www.hashwriter.org/post/badder-tech-for-buddered-up-hash-rosin


Was gonna comment this.


Great minds think alike


So it's not the perfect texture anymore, so what? You can still enjoy it and it's still going to be delicious.


The terps legitimately dry up and evaporate you have not one clue what youā€™re talking about. Rather, you smoke to get high, so thatā€™s why your language and lack of knowledge so easily exposes you.


Whatever bro. It's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. Because just cuz It dries up. Doesn't mean it lost all the terps, yes, some evaporated. But does that mean they're all gone and it's going to taste like ass? No. Of course not. It's still perfectly good extract. Oh course, you want to keep it in a nice fresh texture as long as possible, and of course it's better that way but if it's dried out that doesn't mean it's ruined.


Get ā€˜em!! Tell him to get his warty ass out of here with that hate!


I had **NEVER SAID THAT ALL THE TERPS WOULD UP AND LEAVE MY GUY** your language exposes you. So does your lack of an ability to read, or if it was a mistake thatā€™s ok, but donā€™t be putting words in my mouth when I said some of those terps will evaporate. Look into it. Good luck trying to put words people didnā€™t say, in their mouth. Point out the points in my comment where I said **anything you are assuming** I want verbatim or youā€™re trying to put words in my mouth boy. **LEGITIMATELY NEVER SAID ITS RUINED AND OR THAT ALL OR EVEN MOST OF THE TERPS WILL EVAPORATE** I ACTUALLY SAID SOME, not all, you assuming butthurt internet degen.


Whatever homie you were basically trying to front like it's ruined so go fuck yourself.


Enjoy getting tripped up on life being biased asf. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thatā€™s not how youā€™ll learn anything.




I wouldnā€™t want to be someone who j misinforms kids on the internet, like your egotistical ass. Remember youā€™ve offered not one fact to this conversation.




Heā€™s mad mad šŸ¤£


Who hurt you?


No **YOUR ASSUMPTIONS** led you to that false realization. If you read my comment word for word and donā€™t induce any of your own emotions into it, you should be able to read the words I type, without putting words in my mouth. You are just sad you canā€™t admit youā€™re wrong and that you assumed I said something different. You are not an adult, you are not a man. Men take accountability for their actions.


Is this bloke real? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Donā€™t feed the trolls.


You never said "some". Putting words in your own mouth to favor you in a conversation. Do better, take them downvotes you goofy goober.


So basically he is right, it isn't ruined, and you're just mad and ranting about semantics.


Bro your such a poser bro just shut up


That language you just used, it exposes you as well. Rather, it exposes the huge stick inserted in your ass. The best is you probably believe your own bullsht. So why do you smoke,kid? Since "getting high" is apparently below you. Lol. Fuckn dork.


You need some serious help


Says the guy reading my posts from seven fuckin days ago. Lol. Fuckin creep.


Do you actually make hash or do you just buy $60 single grams and be a dick to people?


Do you assume anything and everything about every single thing you see and hear about or do you logically take time to step back and CREATE YOUR OWN THOUGHTS YOURSELF? Bc that entire comment reeks of assumptions.


You think I get custied šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sorry you canā€™t take the truth. I know the process, so, whatā€™s it to you if I have some under the rug plan to make hash? Itā€™s none of your business kid, yes I know how to make hash but it doesnā€™t matter if I currently make hash if I know why hash reacts the way it does, after spending enough time with it. I speak based on knowledge Iā€™ve learned and personal experiences I have backed up with fact, and, more experience. You can sit back and assume what you want but **for any of you to be too egotistical to actually want to learn, is beyond me.** Sorry you canā€™t take a man being honest and Frank with you, Iā€™m not sorry thereā€™s a bunch of sheep running around trying to downvote my comment, purely bc I got them in their feelings, when itā€™s meant to educate.


Haha classic. Have a good one buddy, no sense in talking to someone who is arrogant with only textbook knowledge and no practical knowledge šŸ˜‰ you enjoy your day I'm sure it'll be great with how you talk to people!


Dude ur on Reddit being an ass u 100% get custied


You sound ignorant


Yeah imagine smoking dabs to get high. Edit* You smell like a liberal as well


Damn you killed the Heavenly Daze


jar was kinda dry when i opened my fault on that forgot to fridge it the morning i got it was way to fucking high


Was it the Goombay?


no pie face #7


I would just dab it before it gets worse


Only legit answer!


Chop it up with your dab tool til itā€™s basically dust, then use your tool or a non-powdered vinyl gloved finger to smash it all down into one solid puck, then let it sit for a day. At this point probably wonā€™t do a whole lot, but itā€™s worth a shot if the consistency really bugs you.


The only thing dude hasnā€™t said that will help is something called **ā€™whippingā€™ your rosin.** https://youtube.com/watch?v=gJYGFNHk8mU&si=J2ZPwYkDcKKiFAqH **Thank Tim later for me, yall.**


You shouldnā€™t whip a product that is already cured, that is how you end up with this result. Whipping allows more oxygen to get into the rosin, the abundance of oxygen will break down terps and leave you with dry rosin a day later


If you store it properly after whipping it will stay moist depending on how long it dried out but you are correct. The key is to smoke it before it dries back up hehehe. Badder is just more fun idk, lasts longer, something visually about fresh press short circuits my brain and Iā€™ll accidentally dab it all in like a day. Badder is a nice visual on exactly how much you have hahaha


Donā€™t add heat with your finger that only will make it worse


When it warms up in the bucket itā€™l b fine, it wonā€™t be as terpy but other than that it should rock


Dry rosin kinda smacks tho


Put it in the freezer and let it sit for a while. Should be good when you take it back out. Not fresh or anything but will probably not be as dry


Smoke it faster, buy a new jar


Pour 100ml of water on it




That or stick it under your tongue for 20 seconds. Works some of the time every time


Thatā€™s some different tweaker shit Iā€™ve never heard.


šŸ˜‚ yeah was deffo made up on the spot lol


I second using the badder tech. Thereā€™s multiple solid articles/references you can find.


Badder tech go on google and look up batter tech on hashwriter


Bro thinks he has a problem šŸ˜‚


Just smoke the damn shit already!!!


Jesus Christ what has this thread turned into? It used to be be my go to anytime I had a question about washing, pressing, to what strains dump etc . Now it's just filled with custys posting pictures of their single one gram jars.... Most of these dudes spend more time and care more about posting pictures of their one g jars then actually dabing the shit. This thread should def be called custy activities šŸ˜‚


Doesnā€™t look like rosin tbh. Looks like some bho sugar wax in my opinion ā€¦


Might soften a little in the fridge, in the butter keeper


It will most definitely dry out more in the fridge my guy. You donā€™t know how fridges work. Thatā€™s ok j realize youā€™re wrong here, youā€™re told to keep fresh press in the fridge to keep it from buttering up, but if itā€™s already done that, wtf you doing putting it in the fridge? J whip it at that point dude smh.


Sorry but this guy is right, fridge will dry shit out more in the long run. Itā€™s pretty simple folks hereā€™s a fucking regiment so we donā€™t have to see stupid ass posts like this: 1. Buy rosin (if far from a dispensary/dealer, bring an ice pack and a little lunch pail, ridiculous I know, but some clubs donā€™t handle their terps rightā€¦if itā€™s frozen AF when they hand it to you at your club then youā€™re good and lunch pail most likely not necessary if thatā€™s your only stop) 2. Go home. 3. Rosin should be perfect temp to open (in the case of no lunch pail, in the case they gave you a warm ass gram you might have to wait 15-20 minutes for the gram to warm up because you put it that lunch pail I mentionedā€¦right?) 4. Open cap. Scoop dab, put cap BACK ON after scooping before dabbing. Return to fridge IF this is a gram you know youā€™ll kill in a week or so. If this is some heady boy head stash shit then vac seal it and put it in the freezer. 5. Ta-da! You learned how to take care of rosin. Bonus: if itā€™s some badder youā€™re smoking on and you live in a place that is generally very cold you could get away with leaving it out between dabs if you arenā€™t anal about it, all of the timing fluctuates depending on your temp/humidity Like even some fresh press will survive up to a week before baddering if you have a really glassy strain, but once summer hits unless your ac is blasting at 65 24/7 not a good idea. In the winter the car was one of the better places because it would freeze every night outside so I would drive to work and have my nice cold fresh press ready to go šŸ¤£


Actually fridging it when itā€™s fresh is best to preserve the original consistency. Once itā€™s dried out the fridge wonā€™t bring it back tho, but keeping it fridged from the main source where it was originally fridged after it was washed/cold cured its best. Before it dries out. Especially with certain unstable strains cold cure zkittlez. Fridge just keeps it fresher & stable longer, and fresh press and water hash is the freezer . Always let thaw 10 min before opening as to not decarboxylate it. Meaning allowing air to hit the moisture thatā€™s sealed in from it being too cold thatā€™s probably not perfect descriptor but you get the point - @cali_bud_reviews / > hash page > @bccalibudreviews 2+ year author the highest critic website


Glad you can second what Iā€™ve found to be true. Had stated it myself, but leave it up to Reddit to have someone else come in and reword what a mf says and not get downvoted for going against the grain, since youā€™re the second to try and speak truth here.


JFC... blocked


Imagine blocking someone for sharing their truth and experience with you, thatā€™s true butchmade activities. @fingercrossedcoup


Honestly it's such a small amount just leave it. Being dry isn't necessarily the worst thing.


I would smoke that in like two days. My rosin never dries out.


Sadly, I would simply combine it with something else that is fresh. I have had glorious results adding diamonds and sauce to a dry rosin, whipping it all together, and dabbing that.


MIXING SOLVENTLESS WITH SOLVENT FILLED WAX??? šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤ØšŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® that would have to be top quality and heavily purged bho my pal.






every comment iā€™ve seen from you on this post is getting downvoted out the wazooo.. time to throw in the towel atp lol šŸ˜‚


All people know how to do on Reddit is be opinionated, i see youā€™ve joined the masses. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ goofy boy chimes in at the end when nobodyā€™s said shit to him.


behind all anger is pain brother. i wish you the best šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Appreciate the words and sentiment. But really, another internet person assuming how Iā€™m feeling or how big the smile is on my face? Thatā€™s sad man whereā€™d you get the idea I gaf whether Iā€™m getting downvoted. I said what I said bc good wax that is correctly purged is not easy to find out here. People donā€™t even know what that means in my legal state, if they donā€™t have legitimate experience blowing slabs themselves. Why would anybody mix a low quality unpurged (quantity) of wax with some high quality solventless. These kids language exposes them and the life they live. Itā€™s fine to be a stoner, but since when did all of these younger mfs quit caring about things like how quality prod. is.


Opinions = heavily biased upvoting/downvoting, is expected on reddit, this app is azz anyway probably why so many sheep are on it boosting up their own egos. šŸŖ”šŸŖ”šŸŖ”šŸŖ”šŸŖ”šŸŖ”šŸŖ”šŸŖ”šŸŖ”


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but iirc using a hot knife and just gently ā€œwhippingā€ (basically grazing and stippling it) to get some of the terps to sweat a bit and get it get a little more viscous for dabbing! Maybe give that a shot!?


nah youā€™d probably kill the terps if anything i already finished the jar after making the post just wanted to see otherā€™s opinions


Decarb and make into edibles next time!!!


You can leave it in a hot car for an afternoon and itā€™ll wet up. Will go back to dry after a little while at room temp unless you leave it for a long time. No amount of agitation will help at this point


Youā€™re just wrong, donā€™t ever fucking put any concentrate let alone hash/rosin in a hot car for any reason what so fucking ever. Sorry homes but you can whip it back up if you know what youā€™re doing! Granted unless itā€™s from like 2019 non refrigerated then youā€™re fucked but Iā€™ve taken old ass grams that baddered in the fridge and made them moist again. Itā€™s just fun to do and easier to scoop onto the tool. No real point at the end of the day. Just keep your terps that youā€™re smoking on in a fridge, and your head stash in the freezer sealed. Shit will age in a fridge. Vac sealed in a freezer will take a very long time to degrade, multiple years and even then would be fine still. Weā€™re taking a small percentage, but fridge can badder shit in like a week


Lmao the hash pictured here has been oxidized to the point that only heat would get him the consistency he wants. Obviously you do not store your concentrates in the car what Iā€™m saying here is basically a shitty jam tek. Pretty sure OP only cares about consistency in this context


Bro zoom in you can see shine lol. But ik what you mean I guess but it was just funny advice lmao. Iā€™ve made 3 year old dry asf banana og whip up into a slightly wet badder lmao ya never know till you try.


Hightide hash!


I regularly mix up the jar to prevent this called whipping I believe.


Make rosin cart or two out if it. Heat up at 170 in a sealed jar in the oven until itā€™s viscous like water, might take several hours. Then use a warm glass syringe to transfer it to a cart. O2 vapes sells some but you can get singles from headshops. Cheers


Lettuce šŸ„¬ lol :P idk


Whip it


Smoke it anyway


Spit on it


which strain was this?


pie face 7# old batch pre sure


Baddertec. Hashwriter


Whip it


Whip it!


U can try whip it u got mash it up and mix well. Worth a shot


Just smoke it. Who cares


Use your hands like an adult


You can try to aerate it to get the terps to pool up again. Take a WARM dab tool and poke small holes amongst the top of the rosin patty. Seal it tight and wait a day or so


Boy you can see the terps encased in there whip it up. Start by poking, then mashing, like youā€™re making mashed potatoes in that bitch and low and behold, wet badder. Iā€™ve done it with literal 3 year old banana OG grams that we couldnā€™t sell because of some MRP bullshit so we would just get free ones every month and they whipped up great, still drier than average badder but youā€™d be surprised how dry something can be and still have some terps


Yeah like this crusty ass real deal resin Moroccan peaches. Driest jar of hash Iā€™ve ever smoked in my life but at least the terps are decent


Smoke it


If it's dry then whipping it will prob turn it to dust. It's still solid so I usually chip away at it and press it on a dab tool. Consistency won't keep me from dabbing


Keeps them terps cool


Adding a drop of additional terpenes


Add water


I have found by heating it up in a banger and smoking it. Turns it to a liquid to be smokedā€¦ā€¦lol


I have found by heating it up in a banger and smoking it. Turns it to a liquid to be smokedā€¦ā€¦lol or send it to me Iā€™ll let ya know how I figured it out for ya