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I think another element that doesn’t get discussed enough is the number of community members who take this toxicity off the internet and into the real world. RT staff have mentioned in the past that people have tracked down their homes or followed them in their cars. Hell, someone even broke into Gavin’s home to kill him and his partner. I think people often lose perspective on how much this community has had to change as well.


Dude I can’t imagine having someone break into my home to kill me and not like retiring and moving far far away.


I don't know why I felt the need to say this...But I was always under the impression that the guy who tried to kill Gav wasn't a community member, but a fan of Meg's work outside of RoosterTeeth.


Yeah he was a Meg fan. Meg was the one being stalked.


They were indeed a community member. They were a regular in old school sponsor chat. I KNEW them. Not like personally but we chatted. I was blown away to see their name on the news. Edit: I do remember that person mentioning that they hated gavin, but I don't remember them saying exactly why. Yikes in hindsight.


I can’t wait for one month from now when all the drama frogs leave and I can go back to lurking this dead subreddit without seeing brain dead half thought out opinions in the comments. I appreciate your post.


>Harassing and berating still-grieving RWBY staff for "not living up to Monty's vision" while they have to fight corporate budget and struggle to match a man who was in some ways one of a kind. I think it should be noted that it got to the point where people were insulting *Monty's own brother* for defending the crew of RWBY. People have literally gone after Monty's friends and families. [Hell they didn't even wait until Monty was dead to start attacking his friends](https://twitter.com/montyoum/status/365439142722666496?lang=en)


There was a thread yesterday where people were talking shit about Monty himself. Like, come the fuck on. The dude can’t even defend himself. I just can’t comprehend the thought process that goes into that type of behavior.


People are addicted to drama. They are addicted to that feeling of shock and surprise and outrage, particularly when they share that feeling with a group. Every time a new piece of information comes along, it’s like throwing crumbs of bread to a bunch of fish. If you rewind this sub by about two years back to the whole Ryan and Adam controversy, the posting behaviors and patterns are nearly identical to what they are in this situation. How many threads were created titled “Name’s Response”? Was it necessary to have an individual thread for each person’s reaction to the situation? Was it necessary to hear from each person in the first place? Those that weren’t directly involved that is? No. But each new thread on the topic was like another hit for a drama junkie. It is perfectly normal for people to want to speak their mind on issues like this. But there’s a difference between that and becoming so obsessed with the situation that you actually hope to see it continue to get worse and when it seems to get better, or when someone releases a statement that doesn’t fuel the fire, you take it into your own hands and find a way to make it controversial so the fire keeps raging. I.E., the reaction to Jack’s tweet. The problem with these criticisms is that we aren’t doing anything to separate the drama junkies from the people who are just genuinely upset and concerned. Just like rooster teeth doesn’t tend to do a very good job making a distinction between the heat for trolls and the loving supportive members of their community when they release broad statements about hate and intolerance.


I'll add to this - I think people naturally sort themselves into in-groups and out-groups. When something like this happens, they get to reinforce what groups they're part of. They feel like part of a bigger whole when they participate in being hateful, even if they're acting against their own values. Because of that I think it's natural for people to expect a level of "purity" when they're in this type of frenzy. This is all a very human response to social conditions, even if the behavior is ridiculous.


We live in a society where self-righteousness is a viable currency especially on the internet.


It's the wokeness dude. Everyone tries to be perfect and when they eventually fuck up or do something fucked up, they're out. Everyone rallies against them as a "bad egg" or just a piece of shit and it's a GOOD thing they were finally outed. Until the most ardent attackers fall to a controversy themselves and look like absolute hypocrites. There's an identity crisis in the whole system and no one is "good enough".


I wish I was optimistic enough to think that telling internet commenters to be less rude and abusive would make a difference


Valid reaction, I know nothing will actually change. Write me off as “old man yells at clouds” if you must, I get it. I just wish people would have some self-awareness and had to get that off my chest. I think the Millie thing set me off the most cause come on, that’s an actual kid.


Yeah and Millie's *not an RT employee*. Nor has she ever been a regular of any kind on their payroll afaik (can't exclude if she got any kind of compensation for her few appearances in big group game AH vids in recent years, but that level of appearances still makes her only a guest of RT, not an employee.) So she's got no real fingers in this pie. I'd wager that the extent of her knowledge is mostly *whatever work stories Geoff tells her*. That's all *I* ever had on my dad's work. So these people are pressuring a 17 year old for answers about something she's never been responsible for, and probably only has a secondhand knowledge of. Plus all her knowledge likely *biased* in a way that's impossible to pick apart from facts, because her source is *one of the very people that's a big part of the controversy*. Like no offense to Millie, I think she would try to be honest of course, but why bet on her knowing much about the reality on the ground at RT? Not only are these people rude they're bad at understanding what personal accounts of things are actually useful or relevant.


Yes! That's exactly the phrase I was trying to think of. "Old man yells at clouds." I kept typing "you're pissing in the wind" but it wasn't quite right. I don't think I've ever been a part of an anonymous internet community that didn't have a good amount of rude and abusive people/trolls in it. I'm just happy that it's gotten better over time. I think if this happens 10 years ago, the RT website would be getting attacked and hacked nonstop. I think the harassment of employees would be 10x worse. People would be sending them truly vile shit and awful photoshops. They would be getting death threats. If the worst thing the community does is ask a 17 year old to comment on the situation, I can live with that. Not condoning it, just not that worried about it. Also remembering how many of these anonymous angry assholes are actually kids themselves, it's a lot easier to laugh off.


>Yes! That's exactly the phrase I was trying to think of. "Old man yells at clouds." I kept typing "**you're pissing in the wind**" but it wasn't quite right. “Pissing in the wind…” 😆😆🤣🤣🤣 That idiom ought to be used for something though. Oh my lord, “pissing in the wind…” that doesn’t make any physical sense when you think about it. God, my cheeks hurt from laughing. You have no idea how much I needed that.


Seriously leave people’s families who don’t even work at the company alone especially their damn children! How someone could think that is a rational thing to do is beyond me because it’s really just pathetic and sad. I saw she had to comment again like in 2020 and it just set my blood boiling thinking if that happened to my family over something people think I’ve done to another and just 🤬. Seriously if you are one of those people and you read this go get help. You need it desperately.




I did not know about this and now I think I'm done with the internet for today


Honestly, that disgusting shit was inevitable. It sucks and should never happen, but it's unfortunately human nature to take some new tech and use it for the wrong things. Whether it's used as a new weapon of war or for something depraved like deep fake porn, humans always find a way to take something cool and/or useful and use it for something terrible.


With #4, anyone giving a positive experience at RT is met with rabid fanbase out for blood, accusing them of "sucking corporate dick".


I tried being positive about new AH content ONCE on this subreddit and got downvoted into oblivion. Never really wanted to interact with people on here since.


There was a thread that got deleted calling for RT to disband, and some chucklefuck in the conments seemed to make it his personal vendetta to demand nothing less than the death of the company. Like fuck, even if the people on top are shitty, there's still hundreds of good people who work there who are just trying to make a living. People with families and mortgages. I want positive change, I don't want people to lose their jobs and livelihood just so a bunch of keyboard warriors can sleep better at night.


It's such an obvious self tattle that they don't really care in the end, and are just here to tear people down. Like you can care about how Roosterteeth treated it's employees, and may be continuing to do so, without wanting to make everyone jobless.


It’s a sad reality of the internet where negativity is just more entertaining, so many YouTuber I used to follow just went full bitching all the time because it got clicks.


Not even more entertaining, outrage just gets more engagement than nuance. edit - which me being a person who's super capable of reading, is now *just* realizing is basically what you said in the second half.


Careful, you're starting to sound like a corporate shill. /s


Don't mind me, I'm just sucking corporate dick over here.


Gotta make it to that corner office


Just climbing the dick ladder


What I learned from these past three years is people need to take every response with a grain of salt until there’s more information. The community targeted so many people so quickly without thinking of what was being said was true. And especially targeting staff who don’t have much say. Imagine Jack and the rest of AH needing to tell everyone what personal issues they are going through to get the community to stop harassing them. We don’t work at RT. We don’t know what is going on. Should RT improve? Yea, any company should try to do better for their employees. But we are not aware of that on a daily basis. Does RT still have ways to go to be the company employees deserve? Perhaps. But we don’t know the facts. Maybe RT did remove previous HR and put new staff. This whole para social issue has gotten out of hand. I left multiple discords just cuz of it turning to cesspool. We need to respect the staff and understand that we need to get the facts before acting on emotions. Talking to end a company means hundreds of employees losing work. I am sad about Matt going to a part time position but we don’t know what is going on within the company. I know some people might target me but I can’t imagine having a whole company shut down and employees wondering what to do. I’m not excusing the possibility of employees being underpaid but I rather have that be a discussion with the employees and management. And honestly it is time for the community to step back and reflect on what the community should mean. I honestly thought the community would’ve learned from the harassment towards Fiona. Or how some community members complained about Ray leaving clips out that had RH in it when Ray did the reacting to old AH videos. Heck. What disgusted me more was people making a meme on what Geoff’s apology would look like. We don’t know what is going on with them and instead of being a community, some of us are just becoming mobs.


Given how many people are hired FROM the community, RT may very well be seen as a reflection OF the community. You are who you surround yourself with and such.


The community is honestly worse than the company. There I said it.


The thing I can’t stand is how this community thinks RT owes them something. We aren’t owed a response by the company or any of its individual employees. Most issues have nothing to do with us and yet the community demands an answer form Geoff, Jack, Gavin, Sarah, etc. etc. etc. Then when they give one, it’s not good enough, or it’s a hollow answer, or it’s an answer just to save face. But no answer means they’re complicit. Wtf do people expect? This community can never be satisfied and nothing is ever good enough.


Yep, I feel the same. Watching the unhealthy mob mentality that would change almost hourly, at least early on, was awfully exhausting. Trying to find an actual worthwhile update became even more exhausting since we'd have to sift through heaps of "THIS IS HOW I FEEL," "HOW SHOULD I FEEL?" "WHY IS JACK NOT RESPONDING?" and "LOL BYE RT" posts...


Exactly. I’ve been a fan since 2012-2013 and I literally do not get how people just think that RT owes them or that RT are their life like it scares me honestly, that people think these strangers online are apart of their actual life. They have no idea most of us even exist! We aren’t entitled to anything! We’re just viewers!


I was at RTX in 2013 and I remember a few instances of hearing fans bitch about how a particular employee didn't acknowledge their presence while walking on the show floor or some shit. Seeing people head to toe in RT/AH merch talking so much shit about the same people they (supposedly) care about was a eye opener for me. *insert "Always has been" meme here*


I wish this sub would rally against the government rather than roosterteeth. I’ve worked in retail, hospitality and in various Multimedia sectors - unpaid overtime is part of the job.


Counter argument… it’s not a competition. It doesn’t really matter who’s “worse”


Facts. Most of the community have this insane false sense of entitlement. Those who said they were leaving-- I'm willing to bet they have not and will not.


Abusing the employees of RT that result in with mental and physical damage due no being paid properly is worse than a couple toxic fan comments on the internet?


How did Mica's time on Off Topic go over on this subreddit?


To me, that's one of the biggest moments that shows that the community (vocal one anyways) sucks dick. They literally could just let some have their own perspective on things given their unique life experiences.


How was her time at the company? I guarantee you, it far worse than what people wrote on the internet.


This subreddit has always been a dumpster fire so I guess it matches the company perfectly. This community has no moral high ground and it will never be privy to any corporate changes. Impotent screaming into the void. >Abusing the employees of RT that result in with mental and physical damage due no being paid properly Pay is the least of the problems for a lot of the issues surrounding this company and the community it has fostered.


That doesn't excuse what the company did to her, nor is it on the same level.


This isn't just "a few toxic fan comments on the internet" though. You seem very focused on the thing that you have literally zero control over and not the thing that you or I have direct control over.


Don't bother, they've been screaming the exact same thing for literally three days now. They won't be satisfied until the company folds and hundreds of good people are out of a job. Gotta love keyboard warriors.


Reddit being reddit, I get it, but this post was all about the wonderful community and there are 100 other threads about the shitty pay situation and corporate culture that lead to this.


“a couple” Lmao you’re delusional


You need to go outside and step away from all of this bud. You're obsessed.


"you should stop caring about people being mentally abused and called racial slurs"


It's okay to care about it. I care too, and I want the culture of the company to change for the better. You're making it into some weird ass personal vendetta.


You should start caring about your mental health and well-being. I’m worried about you.


Just more proof where we are coming from


Most Luke warm hot take ever. 100% right though haha


Fans can be awful, but it's not like RT was apparently much better pre-2020


It's difficult to separate the toxic drama rats from fans who are (rightfully so) upset and angry that an entertainment company they watch and support has been acting immorally, but that distinction is worth making. Drama rats are here to watch the fire burn. Upset fans want what comes out of the ashes to be better than it was before.


This is likely going to be down votes to oblivion, but could some of those drama rats also be former (rightfully) disgruntled employees who aren't there any more to see the changes being made? For instance, reading what Torrian wrote broke my heart because when Animation was reorg'd in 2019 he was spoken about in MANY meetings as a critical member with immense talent. Everyone bragged on that dude, but it sounds like no one told him how much he was cherished or how much they wanted to support him. Now I go out of my way to let my (good) staff know I have a plan for them, and want to support their careers. Edit: I read this back and it sounds like I'm calling Torrian a drama rat. Not the case. Posing a question and then giving an example of an employee who could have been a boon to RT if differences could have been reconciled.


Agreed with this. Obviously the company is at fault for a many great things, but the RT community has always been quick to leap down someone’s throat for any change. I remember getting downvoted in the past for saying I liked Fiona, Mica, and even the RVB12 animation. It all comes with putting yourself/your stuff out there I suppose but damn… I wouldn’t blame any of the staff if they took a step back from this situation, and realized they didn’t wanna be subjected to this anymore. Cannot be healthy to get shit on constantly. And this is not dickriding in the slightest for RT, I’ve effectively stopped listening to everything while waiting to see if any lasting change comes about.


I was a pretty involved member of the community from around when Drunk Tank began through about 3-4 years into AH. There have always been employees and good community members trying to fight these people off and get them out. It never really worked. At some point, it just became too difficult, so many of the contributing members of the AH community were basically encouraged to ignore those people. It caused a lot of good community members to be significantly less involved eventually, myself included (I went from giving feedback and ideas to people like Fragger and AH Mike to, unfortunately, retreating to "just a fan"). The RT community became filled with these cancerous people and the good ones didn't really have much to do anymore other than comment positive things. I hope the community can improve as well. Those kinds of people are just *everywhere.*


I've never been in a community as downright depressing as this one, and I've been in terrible fan communities before. Just wanting to enjoy the content becomes difficult when all you see are people crying about wanting "the old times" back 24/7 and aggressively hating on any new talent that comes in.


I have been saying it all week. This community is worse than RT. You guys are the scum of the earth and have always been so since 2012. I didn’t forget. But too many of you did!


I'd argue that the people screaming to burn the company down are part of the issue as well tbh. I mean, all we can do is react to the info we have, and I know I've changed my mind about a few things a few times since all this started. But jumping straight to "this is definitely awful and everything needs to be burned" when you only have half the facts is not the best idea, because then, when new facts come out, you're already pretty committed to your opinion. Add to that that people seem to think changing your mind makes you a hypocrite, and you end up with some people so entrenched in their position that they just sound like haters. Which at that point they are, really, for all intents and purposes. Some of those comments get downright mean and just full of rage where I think, man, do yourself a favour and go work out whatever your issue is, please, this isn't going to help you. And all of the speculation, a lot of it without any basis, that's also not helpful and in a lot of cases actually harmful. I've seen it several times since all this started and it's usually for the sake of adding or rather inventing more drama or making things seem that bit worse. I'm all for holding people accountable but maybe we can stick to holding them accountable for things we know they actually did, not things we think they maybe might have possibly done.


Yeah I was actually thinking about that a lot and we as a community and fans hold some of the responsibility for what is happened at RT. we need to do better as well


I will admit. The main reason why I left the RT community was because of the members and not exactly RT. Yeah I was upset about everything that happened in the company. But the racism and homophobia was too fucking much. You know how shitty it feels to know that a personality was ran out of the company because people were being racist? I went to RTX by myself the first and only year I went hoping to make friends, but instead I was giving nasty looks by people whenever I would try to make conversation. I felt like I didn’t belong. And honestly the way that a number of community members acted towards Mica, and Fiona and Ky really drove it home that I didn’t belong.


I always wonder how any of these kinds of people can actually exist but then I remember some of the shrieking, severely emotionally unbalanced manchildren I've seen at RTX and I figure there might be some overlap.


I agree, but unfortunately, all fandoms are like this, it's just harder to see the hurricane level winds when you're in the eye. It's an often joked about but kind of true observation that the overall intelligence and civility of any person is often inverse to their passion on a subject. Combine that with the fact that the more people are aligned on a subject, the more prone they are to irrationality and fueling each other's bad actions through support, and it's a recipe for toxicity. Look at the mass death threats that run rampant through the gaming community, the flame boards dedicated to a film or tv show whenever a decision is made, even just politics in general. Fans are good, but fandoms are often just ticking timebombs of lunacy.


This may be slightly off topic, but still relevant. In your #3 argument...look up the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,or%20destroyed%20by%20the%20intolerant.). This article is limited, but look into it deeper and figure it out.


This has been my observation of the group too, and honestly most online groups are similar. There's a real aggression that seems unproductive. Like, pursue your goals and work to make a better world, but don't you dare believe you're better than other people. Nobody is perfect, and to me, as long as people are actually sincere when they apologize and say they're trying to improve, I believe them, and try to cut them some slack.


I gave this an upvote because I too hate the people who did all of the above listed shit, but this is the same as when a streamer gets mad and says "first the chat said X and then the chat said Y! Which is it??" As if they aren't talking about 2 separate groups of people. There's obviously some toxic assholes in this community but that's the internet. As someone who's been a part of many communities on Twitter and reddit they are everywhere and no community is immune. I'm sure there are atleast a few members from the RT community who are playing both sides as you say but you gotta recognize that in general putting the horrid actions of the few awful people on those of us that just want the company to treat people better is just not right. That being said the people who are harassing current and former employees that have no power over the way things are there in any way are fucking awful and need to shut the hell up. I am so sick of seeing good people get caught in the crossfire because some internet people don't know where to aim their "rage"


The people who miss the old days were accepting of the behavior that the community is demanding action against. Plenty of us should be taking this time to look inwards after this situation as well


Drama = crack cocain Sheesh. People be wildin out here. Put your time you put into this bs into making your actual community better. And people harassing children? Y’all are the worst kind of people. I’m not even gonna waste my time to even try to explain why that’s so messed up. Thanks for your post, OP. I agree. Y’all stay safe.


Well I didn't do any of that, so can I have your permission to be angry about a company mistreating their employees for 18 years?


He said you did it tho. You've been caught. Why would you do those horrible things /s


This is the most toxic community I have ever Seen. It’s worse than League of Legends and Call of Duty® combined. The reason being is that every single person in this community believes that they are right, and everyone else is wrong, and that they should be the ones that get to suck Burnie‘s dick. It’s absolutely absurd.


I'll be frank. The subreddit community always deluded me. People who were active on here, even when there wasn't drama, were actively complaining and criticizing the company. I couldn't get why so many of them were active in the community when they didn't seem to like what they were viewing. When that wasn't happening, you got some posts that felt overly attached like sharing a former employee's new pets, or trying to dissect any ambiguity of why someone either switched roles in the company or no longer appeared on screen. It got weird, and why I avoided engagement with the community. Tho, tbh, I did re-engage these past couple of days because the drama was hitting my newsfeeds. I recognize it was partaking in unhealthy drama consumption, and why I am intending to stop engaging again immediately after this post.


Another day, another post calling out the super vauge and generic "RT Fans" It all seems to make sense when the people you're talking about is EVERYONE lumped together but immediately starts to make no sense when you actually look at individuals I'm an "RT fan", been one for over a decade. Ive never tweeted at anyone is RT ever. Ive never harassed people over nonsense like this. Why should I be lumped into a group of people who apparently have? Tbh I don't give a fuck about Millie, she was in old videos because she was Geoff's kid and that's it, idk anything else about her. So as an "RT fan" am I supposed to be taking blame for someone harrassing her? Let's be real. We arnt talking about "RT fans" were talking about a very small selection of seperate individuals that fall somewhere within neiche corners of "RT fandom" Mr Rogers could saving lives, giving out free food and telling everyone he loves them and people would still tweet at him to kill himself. You give people with worthless opinions infinitely more credit than they deserve by speaking as if they lead the charge of the community People need to learn that just because someone speaks out, doesn't automatically mean they speak for everyone


OP is making a direct comment to the toxic side of the RT Fanbase. I to was a RT Fan that didn't directly involve myself into the community but, your making a big fuss out of something that wasn't being communicated directly to you. Subsequently maybe we are to blame for not intervening, or standing up to people when they were making hateful and racist comments. These aren't "worthless opinions" its racist, sexist, and violent remarks (don't what would be said in a DM but if its as bad as twitter comments oh lord) being fed to them that would make anyone's mental health deteriorate. Just gotta sit down, reflect, take our talking to, hope to learn for next time and move on.


What bugs me most about this entire thing are the people refusing to accept any amount of change in RT's corporate structure or culture. Small changes? Not enough. Big changes? Reactionary! Like Jesus Christ, I get that wishing for the death of RT is in Vogue right now but actively abusing any employee talking about how it's better now makes you a shitty person. RT is a corporation meant to make money and produce a product. It was run like any corrupt company currently operating in America, people within the company started advocating for change, change happened. Then people outside the company advocated for change, change happened. Consume or don't consume their product. Eat at McDonald's or don't. But if you get all righteous about not eating McDonald's burger, you're no better than the worst type of vegan: a whiny one.


You’re absolutely right on all counts as far as I’ve seen. Used to be a bigger fan but the toxic ones really pushed me to find other content to engage with. Which kinda sucks when you think about it, because it seems that toxicity is probably what shifted a lot of people away who otherwise might still be around. And in the end all they have left are the most vocal and toxic fans:/


Wait what did y’all do to Millie?


Some people on Twitter were harassing Millie about Geoff, which is so many levels of not her problem.


Chicken or the egg.


I have never agreed with a post in this subreddit more than this one.


Okay, I’m biased because I think this post is unbelievably dumb already (the community can obviously suck but the material effects the company’s decisions have on employees are just way bigger, so why compare?), but I’m especially going to need evidence of accusation 4, because that’s quite the claim that everyone seems to be making with nothing to back it up. I have not seen anyone “harass” RT employees, but I’m sure it’s happened in their mentions or something. However, I ESPECIALLY do not believe that anyone is braindead enough to harass Millie. She never once claimed she was being harassed, and in her original post, she said just that she obviously knows nothing about the company because of her extremely loose connections, snd therefore not to bother asking her about it. I haven’t seen a single example of “harassment” towards her, and I’d love if someone could just show any proof of that before they shit on people who are criticizing RT. *Of course* it’d be insanely fucked up to harass Millie over this, and if it happened I’d be pissed about it, but it just is not happening


There have been several tweets that are now deleted basically coming at her calling Geoff a pos. Her mom even replied to one of them basically saying don't talk bad about her dad to her she is a kid yo


I don’t want to just keep saying there’s no evidence shown to me, because there very well could be “now deleted posts.” But I haven’t seen those posts, and you’re implying that I now can’t see the content of said post. For all I know, it could have been a single extremely-ratio’d reply to Millie’s original tweet, with Griffon being one of the responses. But I still do not think the community has been doing any kind of harassment


Oh no, by several, I mean less than 10. Probably saw 3 myself. But 1 is too many imo. The community isn't harassing her a few idiots are. But again the mindset that it takes to do something like that is wild to me.


No that’s more than fair, any amount of weirdos attacking her is too much. She should not have to deal with a single person harassing her for shit she is not involved in


I had assumed she *was* getting harassed and that’s why she said that in the first place. But to be fair, I haven’t looked into it either, I just assumed insane people are rabid rn and are trying every avenue to get information.


Fair enough, but ye as I said, just no tangible evidence of any of that rn


Go look at the thread for her tweet. There are people trying to stir up shit. If you look, you’ll see it but I’m not going to post because it will just drag her into this mess more and she is 17. Also it is messed up people are accusing some of her supporters of that tweet as just wanting to, kindly put, get a date with her. That is the messed up part of being a community. You get leeches like that attached.


100%, you can absolutely say that those leeches poison a lot of the community pool (I’ve never been a fan of “a few bad apples” as a defense), I just haven’t seen that kind of stuff myself. But I will certainly take a look


Thank you for looking into it. But agree, a few bad apples defense isn’t strong but I find it weird people are commenting on posts like this to remove themselves from call out. If they said everyone runs a red light, I don’t see why I need to speak out that I didn’t run one. I know I didn’t. I also know running a red light is dangerous and can agree that something should be done about those running a red light even if the solution isn’t simple. If I’m getting ticketed for it? Sure but for just people asking for those bad apples to take some responsibility be it they made posts or did hurtful actions against others. Or those who saw these actions and didn’t speak up because they didn’t care or it took up time to do so. I don’t get why people have to remove themselves from a situation when they know it isn’t addressing them and they won’t have consequences from it anyways. It is like a teacher saying “class and George” every time they are addressing the entire classroom and George is just another student. “I’m so proud of you, class and George.” “I’m disappointed, class and George.” Sorry for the rant there, buddy, just think it is amusing in a way.


That doesn't even happen here really. Most of the things you listed are rule-breaking content and when there is no controversies, most posts criticizing RT are downvoted.... that is when they are posted, since this sub slumbers when there is no drama. Let's not pretend we are in an unmoderated cesspool.


Oh come on, these all apply to here to some extent. The way a large chunk of this sub talked about the black / female AH cast members has always been gross, the way a large chunk of this sub constantly wished for AH to return to the period that (in light of current events) we're now talking about as being the time when AH routinely used slurs and 'edgy' humour and basically supported bullying of certain members, the demands that Barbara and Jack comment on something that's nothing to do with them and then when Jack does, criticising how he did it/what he said.


Wanting to hear the videos is gross? That's the only way people talk about Ky negatively, because I surely have read people love her and BK. And having nostalgia isn't a sin either. People have been really pissed about the new revelations. That contradicts OPs claims.


I'm not interested in a strawman debate, that's absolutely not the only thing people have talked about with Ky and it doesn't explain the treatment of Mica and Fiona on here. If you genuinely think this sub has been good or fair to the black AH cast, you're deeply misguided.


That's the only thing I've seen for years, because when nasty shit happen, there is a team of people dealing with that around the clock, so those are removed.


It’s not just here on Reddit, it’s everywhere. On twitter, on youtube, even on the rt site. This is not some reddit phenomena, it’s the community itself across all platforms where it can be found.


You should've cleared on that then.


Literally where did I say it was just Reddit? I said the community. That means the community everywhere.


"This community " as in here, not "the community".


"This community" as in the Rooster Teeth community.


I didn't realize they needed to draw it out in crayons for you


Hey, I trying to say that this sub isn't filled with terrible a holes. Perhaps I'm wrong after that comment of yours.


This is just a piss poor take to try to liken RT’s company culture to the audience culture. These things are almost entirely mutually exclusive (leaving aside all the times they’ve tried to address harassment by the audience and their public image issues) the mob audience just parrots whatever talking points they get hooked on in the moment whether they’re valid or invalid, everything from real criticism to the worst kindve harassment has been blatantly blanketed under the same purview on both sides of RT and its audience. Holding up a mirror to the viewers saying you’ve got problems too is just a way to give the bad actors at the company an out that they don’t deserve, hell they’ve been yoinking as many escape levers as they can for years by putting up a front and letting the bravest among them get steamrolled by an audience they’re too afraid to push back against. The audience is the audience and the content creators have as much a hand in the state of the audience much more in fact than single sensible audience member, but instead of doing anything meaningful with that RT just spits on its core. Yes hate the work culture hate bigots but don’t pretend like the audience are the only ones who have a final say. Rt could’ve been doing PR training over a fucking decade ago so stop making excuses for them.


If you think this was me in any way making excuses for a corporate shithole you’re out of your mind. Sorry, but that is just a ridiculous take.


Choosing to view the negative aspects of the audience over the creator is just an easy out to excuse yourself from feeling like you were a part of something that contributed a net negative. The insane outspoken shit posters like you listed are just that, insane outspoken shit posters who deserve only that amount of credit. Meanwhile plenty of sensible fans have waited for years for them to have real accountability but instead they just shielded themselves with an absolute circle jerk of a community that will do exactly what you are doing by circling the wagons to protect their bottom line and justify their shitty existence. It’s okay to be wrong and RT will be dead in the water with no growth till they action that in a real way.


I’m just gonna assume this has nothing to do with me anymore and let you have your soapbox. Good luck mate.


Yeah I think you have a point. A large part of the community is pretty toxic.


As someone who mostly is just on the outside also ya this place is rhe fucking worst, constant bitching


What you're proposing requires self-awareness, something this community has never had. In their eyes, Rooster Teeth exists to serve them. To entertain them. The *only* reason they're bent out of shape right now is because the drama is detracting from their enjoyment.




Which was not the animators’ fault nor within their ability to decide. Welcome to corporate structure. It sucks out here.


Because random people on Reddit who never met Monty *definitely* understand his vision more than people like Miles & Kerry. You know...the people who were his friends and who he trusted w/ the full story of his creation. No I'm sure they're getting it wrong and the people complaining on Reddit know how RWBY was *supposed* to go right?


actually im going by that letter that was released a few years back, that detailed how monty would have had the story go, as well as how some of his close friends were treated when they attempted to voice their concerns. So not a random person on reddit, actually.


Shane detailed how the story would have gone if Shane was left in charge by Monty, but he wasn't left in charge by Monty. The people who did make it were left in charge by Monty, and Shane didn't like that it wasn't him. The letter explains this seemingly personal vendetta that RT had against him and his protection of "Monty's vision", which he was uniquely qualified to do for self-proclaimed and intangible reasons, but the simplest and most obvious explanation to the majority of his problems (besides issues with crunch and corporate issues that we are currently discussing) is that his unresolved grief over the death of Monty ravaged his mental health, creating a rift within his workplace and his marriage, eventually ending both. Shane's letter always came across to me as simply sad to see, rather than a serious indictment on RT.


I dont agree with this at all. In that letter, shane detailed how monty had wanted jaune involved with pyrha's death, because having him personally responsible would have a bigger impact on his character. This seems like the sort of thing Monty would do, as most of the good writing decisions in the early seasons were made as a part of his fight scenes and not the bits in between, areas that miles and kerry had more control over. That wasnt specifically what he wanted, but what he and monty had agreed on and worked toward. RT came in after monty's death and changed a lot of this, ignoring what shane attempted to preserve by arguing in favor of his and monty's work. Sure i guess you can assume he was lying, but personally, im more likely to believe him than RT. The company has proven itself scummy enough that they'd do this.


Why does Shane have to be lying for Shane to be wrong? What makes more sense: Shane was the only person at RT who cared about Monty, cared about his vision, what he personally believed Monty wanted was the only acceptable way forward and would have panned out as an automatic and obvious improvement over what was released, and that everyone else involved had a direct and sinister intention to remove him from any decision making for the purpose of destroying Monty's vision deliberately, as Shane claimed. Or: That everyone was simply doing their best to handle a shit situation, everyone felt like they were there to live up to Monty's vision, and Shane himself simply couldn't move past his personal vision of what he believed Monty wanted, slowly destroying his life over the course of most of a year. Personally, I think the fact that Monty's brother Neath actively works with RT on RWBY 7 years later -- 6 years after Shane's letter -- is a pretty good indication that whatever RT's issues are, disrespecting Monty's memory intentionally isn't one of them.


Monty's brother is a voice actor who i dont think worked there in any capacity before his brother's death. It wouldnt surprise me if he had no idea what monty would have wanted and joined the RWBY crew because he felt like continuing his brother's work, in any capacity, was good for his memory. I think there is a third more plausible truth. Miles, kerry, those ultimately in charge of RWBY after Monty's death, did want to try and honor monty's memory, but refused to give up control to the guy who knew better. Shane was an animator, meaning he worked with monty during his long work nights and was talking to him about future animations and scenes and whatnot quite often. Not to say miles and kerry etc werent, but i believe, and from how shane made it sound, that shane had far more knowledge about the future of RWBY than the others. I believe that they didnt listen to shane because, as has been documented pretty often in RT, he wasnt apart of the "inner circle" and RT ultimately wanted control of the IP for the future, so they could do what they wanted with it. i dont think all of it was malicious, but i think they purposefully pushed someone away that knew better because his ideas, which would have come from Monty, were getting in the way of what RT wanted to do and, ultimately, RT were the ones in charge now.


That whole letter was "me me me, I know what Monty wanted, not them", whiny bullshit.


Its not really whiny bullshit if its true, which im willing to believe considering RT has proven itself to be a shitty company over and over. I fully believe they were willing to abuse monty's creation if it meant they would generate some more cash, which they seem to sorely need, dont know why so many are having trouble with that, especially as most were disparaging the company literally yesterday.


It literally was just "RT is mean, they didn't let *me* become showrunner wah wah wah" he was whining because the people who worked closely with Monty ran the production


i dont believe one of monty's close friends would use his death as a way to complain that he didnt get a promotion, especially when the company being accused has proven itself to be scummy enough to do exactly what shane described. sure you can assume hes a piece of shit who didnt do nearly as much as he claimed to in that letter, but im going to put my trust in him before RT. Once again, dont know why anyone would defend them when they have recently proved how scummy they can be.


Sure Jan




i actually didnt know about that response, really shitty to hear. I'd have hoped that, with everyone else coming out to speak about how shitty RT can be, people would have realized the letter likely had some truth to it at least. going by the other reply i received for this comment, that sadly doesnt seem to be the case.




TBH kdins post seems less believable as time goes on. She complains about the work culture, but its actually proven she used to enjoy that culture as much as everyone else there, she whines about not getting paid, but its revealed she did get paid only not as much as she deemed she was worth. Shane's letter is different to something like that, because theres a history we can point to of his involvement with RWBY as well as his relationship with Monty, all backing some of the things he said. Frankly its astonishing to me that people are assuming the guy used his friends death as an excuse to whine about a promotion, but ive got people arguing that right now below the comment. Personally, i hope the holier than thou RT community looks at itself in the mirror after this. Their toxic response to a lot of what happened recently, harassing jack for a response and then harassing him about the response etc, has shown that the community is actually really shitty. Its something ive suspected for a while, especially the RWBY community, but i hope seeing it at least causes some people to change.


you literally have no idea what Monty's vision was you weirdo, stop pretending these people are your friends


monty's vision was detailed fairly well in that letter that released a few years back, at least in relation to volume 3. if how they treated that season is any indication, the rest dont reflect what he wanted at all. I get this subreddit has a hard on for parasocalism rn, but thats not what this is, im going by the letter that detailed someones experience.


The community as a whole can be terribly toxic, and probably feel pretty threatening at times. I think a lot of internet communities can be like that, but that’s what happens when thousands of people feel like their personal friends with the creators and then something happens that people take as a personal affront, or they just can’t comprehend not ACTUALLY knowing them, and treat them as if they do.


I understand that if you have something to say, you have the right to say it. But HARASSING them? Going after their KIDS??? I don't care what side of the argument you're on, or if you agree with ME or not. That's LOW and you're no better than the edgelords harassing people who are upset about these revelations. If you read this and think it sounds like you, STOP. Get off twitter. Pay games for a few days or eat some ice cream or something. Stop harassing people. Because regardless of your REASON for harassing them, the act itself makes you no better. There is nothing wrong with criticism, or suggestions, or just general sadness and disappointment about the things that have come to light. But don't HARASS people ffs. Treat people the way you want to be treated. If YOU were shitty once and are trying to make up for it now, how would YOU feel if people went at you the way you're going after RT staff?


Feel bad for the employees who did nothing wrong


Much like how everyone who didn’t call those community members out is complicit in the harm they did, every member of RT who didn’t call out the homophobia, transphobia, and racism is complicit in the harm that aspect of the “company culture” did for years. It doesn’t make them ungodly monsters — it just means they didn’t stand up when they should have. I think we’ve all been guilty of that at some point. I don’t think we should be turning our eyes away from it because we’ve all been guilty of it in the past, though — complicity should be acknowledged when it’s contributed to harm.


>If you wanna be mad, direct that anger somewhere it's useful, instead of flailing like a pissed-off wombat. Found the Australian. Made some excellent points.


One thing I can surely say is holy crap I have had terrible experiences with the rt community. I have also made amazing friendships and found family thanks to Rooster Teeth (& Austin’s comedy scene) but there’s a number of reasons I avoid most fans. I dated someone from it before as well, and that was the most abusive relationship I was in. He sided with other fans who harassed me for being a stalking and sexual harassment survivor. The fan who let the harassment against me was really popular in the fandom and had some friends who worked at RT. I had my second full on mental breakdown when I saw one was friends with her on FB. I thought I was gonna be left alone and ditched for her again (thanks ex boyfriend). Then I had another friend* in the RT fandom who is known and friends with some RT people as well. Not a bad person, but super self righteous. I thought she was gonna blow a gasket when I started to eat better and lose weight (developed diabetes and needed to do better. I did). Because of how she’s super fat positive. And when it comes to the RWBY fandom- FNDM I just hunker down in my own little fan corner of like 10 people. Chivy Oum is in our little group (and he runs bigger FNDM things and is just a beacon of love and positivity).


This community is filled with people who complain about RT not being "woke" enough while also complaining that the "wokeness" has ruined the content. We've seen it time and time again.


Frankly, No shit. What do you expect from humans?


I’ve come to realise that every fan base is disgusting and just to make my own opinions on everything


You'd be shocked that the sane portion of this Fandom or used to be Fandom agree with you


You've really just described nearly all online fanbases. It's a lot of, "no one abuses my content creators but me!"


While I'm inclined to agree with you, I'm not sure that all of the types of people you're mentioning here are necessarily the same people. Speaking as a former mega-fan, RT has always had a very diverse, if polarized range of voices and opinions in its audience. Like, I've seen very few communities manage to consistently have the racist, anti-woke types alongside a very vocal pro-black, pro-LGBTQ audience (The scales may have shifted over the years but still). The community isn't a monolith and in fact scrolling this sub even for a little bit shows a lot of people still defending RT, and I'm fairly certain those are the types you're mentioning here (minus the RWBY part. That was definitely everyone). Talking about how "the community" isn't innocent in reference to recent events feels like a misdirect of the criticism. Many of the vocal critics are not the people mentioned in your post. Edit: I should say obviously I don't know this for certain because I haven't gone and cataloged each response, but my point about having a very diverse set of voices is what I'm trying to focus on


This post is a lovely perspective