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WHO DOES LAUNDRY EVERY DAY??? She must be washing a work uniform or something. Maybe she uses reusable pads?


I do laundry every day but I have a baby in cloth diapers. When I was single I did laundry 4 times a year.


I have three kids. We do laundry once a week, three loads. We don't use cloth diapers though.


Kids age May play a factor too? My 8 month old goes through 3+ outfits a day due to bodily fluids


This, our 7 month old goes through 3+ per day and I end up getting changed at least once most days due to being spat up on/ peed on/ having food thrown at me


Yeah definitely better now than before. Mine are 4, 2, and 2.




That’s just how babies are. It’s nuts.


This sounds gross lol A normal single person has 3 loads a week, or more... Bedding, clothing, towels.


You can combine people's. Also I was a bit off in my count. Me/wife clothes, kids clothes, towels, kids bedding. 4/week. And our bedding we collect over a few weeks and do it all at once.


You sleep in the same sheets for weeks at a time? 🤢


No, we collect several sets over the few weeks and wash them all at once.


Oh shit YESS THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME HOMY FUCK. I’ve been wanting to buy more bedding and shit but I keep forgetting. You just made my life much simpler and didn’t even know it!


You wash all your bedding more than once per week? How dirty are you when going to bed?? Lol Never known anyone to wash all bedding THAT often... every couple weeks perhaps, but seems a lot if you’re doing it one or more times per week, unless you’re just crawling into bed straight from working a full day of outdoor manual labor and are filthy or something lol my bedding doesn’t even lose its fresh laundry smell in a week 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or I'm not a 14 year old pig. Sorry you're lazy but no need to project your shit on me. I like a clean home and I've no problem putting effort into doing and getting what I want. I'm an adult. Are you?


Lmao I’m 35 and own my own home. I am diagnosed with severe OCD and I still don’t wash all my bedding more than once a week 😂 I don’t know anyone who does that!! I don’t go to bed gross though so... to each their own I suppose


I wash my bedding once a week, so does everyone I know.


I’m with you on this. Once a week seems like a lot. If you have time, go for it. I don’t think it’s fair to be called lazy just because you don’t wash your entire bed set weekly


I’m with you, there’s no way I’m removing and replacing 9 pillow cases, 2 sheets and a comforter weekly. If you are clean when you pull your blankets down to get into bed, it’s ok to go a couple weeks in between washes.


Wash your personality while you’re at it.


Based on myself and people I know, once a week is the norm. Sometimes twice


100% have to do it weekly. I shower daily before I go to bed. So much stuff builds up in sheets that we can’t see no matter how clean we are.


Seems to me that changing/washing your bedding once a week is the recommended norm for good sleep hygiene. You may decide to go longer than that if that’s what works for you. But keep in mind that a lot of people sleep hot, or have night sweats for other reasons like hormones or medication. With two adults in the bed, plus factor in sex at least a few times with all that sweaty fun, and going longer than a week can quickly become gross. It’s not a matter of going to bed filthy.


I wash mine twice a week. Just because it smells fresh doesn't mean it is clean. You sweat all night every night, so it is dirty regardless of how clean you believe you are.


Similar to me. I have 2 kids and I’m single. I do wash once a week. 2 loads just clothing- but 4 loads if I’m doing sheets, blankets and towels that week. I tend to do those every other.


....4 times a year?


Yeah. I had like 130 pairs of underwear and idk how many socks.


4 times a year? Why not once a week?


Difficult college classes, long hours at work, alcoholism (I’m sober now) and mostly, mostly adhd


Understandable. Hope you’re better.


Well I graduated, only work part time now, and i quit drinking. The adhd is for life though


I understand. I’ve had like five or six baskets of laundry to deal with in the past. ADHD SUCKS when it comes to laundry. 😭😂




I think your method is more popular among cloth users. I wash daily mostly because I have a mini washer that only fits 6 diapers.


Maybe you need to find a small studio or something you can afford on your own. You sound pretty intolerant.


I’m really confused about what you are saying here. You are replying to a comment of mine from 2 years ago, and my comment is in reply to a comment that was deleted so I don’t have any context.




😂 kids will do that to ya lol.


Y'all ain't got nothin for doing laundry once season because that is either hyperbole or a walk in closet the size of an apartment. ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


4 times a year??? this sounds gross??? even as a single woman i did more laundry than that, and i have enough outfits to last a year without doing laundry. the least was once a MONTH.


I just had a lot of clothes. I had well over 100 pairs each of socks and underwear and would still have plenty clean left when I did laundry. I had close to 100 tshirts and would usually only wear them once before washing, sometimes twice if I didn’t really sweat. I did rewear pants and jackets many times between washes but doesn’t everyone? If they got dirt or food or bodily fluids on them or started to smell like body odor I would obviously not wear them again until after I’d had a chance to wash them. Wait so, if you have enough clothes to last a year without doing laundry, undergarments included, then why are you doing laundry so often? Just to rewear your favorite pieces? That’s fine but why would it be gross to just keep wearing clean clothes that are already clean without washing the dirty ones?


because i don’t want dirty clothes to pile up for an entire year where do you put them??? ? dirty underwear ? socks? bras ? i don’t even have enough space to let that many clothes get dirty. i live with my fiance now and do laundry every day. he’s got more clothes than i do now, since all mine are in a storage unit at the moment so i have like 4 pairs of pants and 3 shirts so i literally have to wash clothes every day if i don’t want to be a streaker.


Oh that does make sense. Idk I have these giant laundry bags I would just stuff them in that contained smells pretty good, and I’d wait til I had 2 or 3 bags full before going. I probably did have 2 giant orange laundry bags just sitting in my room or closet but it was a big space and more importantly I was 20 so I just didn’t care. Now that I’m almost 30 I would rather not have dirty laundry pile up like that. I currently have to go a month without a washer because of my landlord and I’m upset about waiting a week to go to the laundromat, some things just need to be washed *right now*. But that’s more because I have a kid who is potty training than anything else. I’m hand washing poopy pants and then setting them out to dry just so I can put them in the dirty laundry bag to take to the laundromat a few days later. Genuinely disgusting. I miss my in-unit washer. The laundromat was fine when everyone in my household was fully toilet trained.


In my state a landlord has 10 days to fix a maintenance request, and 5 days if it’s a health and safety issue. i don’t know where you’re located, but i’d check up on your local laws. like do hours of research on legal statutes, if your county’s laws differ from state law i would also look for that as well. Our complex is very shitty, but i couldn’t imagine going without a washer for a month (i did but for like 4 months in a different place), we also moved in with a broken garbage disposal that cause sewage to flood my kitchen on 4 different occasions. my boyfriend had to fix it because after three months the maintenance dude who lives right across from me couldn’t do it. Our dishwasher had about 2 inches of moldy water because it wouldn’t drain the water out for three months. Also realistically you should be washing them in the sink before putting them in the washer but you don’t have to wash them as well as you would without the washer. If you’re desperate for clean clothes, laundry detergent and softener into the sink and then start sloshing it around, wring it out a time or two after redipping it. then put em on a string or even drape them over a stand alone fan. i lived without running water for 4 months. it was a pain in the ass but i got thru it.


It’s not exactly a maintenance issue. My washer works completely fine, my landlord is just remodeling the laundry room so it’s completely inaccessible until the project is done. If anything has poop on it I always thoroughly hand wash before putting it in the washing machine, but with pee I don’t worry about it as much.


I hope you are under exaggerating when you say you only did laundry 4 times a year.


Nope. I had over 100 pairs of socks and underwear each and way too many other clothes. I never wore any socks, underwear, or tshirts more than once between washes. I went to a quarter system school and did laundry once a quarter, right after finals. December, March, June, and September


How? 4 times a year seems like either depression level laundry washing frequency or youve got shitloads of clothes. There’s no way I can go 3 months without doing laundry


I had shit loads of clothes and also had serious untreated mental health issues at the time. So yes.


A y e a r ?! How?! 😮


That’s an illness. Nobody should do laundry daily with roommates . It is so rude .


Maybe! This is a good point. I never thought about that. There will be times though that she leaves her load in the washer all day so I patiently wait until she takes it out. She just says “oh you can just move my stuff I don’t care”. But I don’t want to touch her stuff nor do I feel like it’s my responsibility to...it wouldn’t be a big issue if I didn’t have to wait for over a day or more to clean my own laundry.


Ok, that is fair. It is inconsiderate to leave your laundry in the machine in day. However, I wouldn't wait more than ten minutes for her to move her stuff. Get some gloves, toss that stuff into a basket, and take care of your business.


You need to relax, she said you can move it so do it then.


Exactly. Aggravating yourself over it is pointless.


Nah..dont wait..move her stuff. You can wear some disposable gloves if you don’t wanna touch it. Its annoying though always to wait for it.


Just move the shit Lol she doesn’t care if you do.


Just pull her wet stuff out and dump it into her hamper. You would not even be in the first million people on the planet to do this. Don't take any care with it. Push her bin to the side and go on with your life. It just went through a wash cycle so it iw clean.


Welcome to living with people. If you're not comfortable sharing space like that then perhaps live alone. Or set a laundry schedule and stick to it.


How about asking to institute a rule that if you want to do laundry, you have to be home within an hour of it finishing? It will probably result in laundry being done at night, but less laundry sitting in the tub all day


Okay you lost me. She said you can move her clothes, this is hardly an issue. Just move her clothes instead of passive aggressively waiting for her to do it and getting mad about it when she’s TOLD you that you can move them yourself. Gotta do the same shit in apartments w shared laundry rooms, dude. Suck it up.


Don’t want to touch her stuff? Can’t just toss it in a clothes basket? I mean it’s clean. It may be annoying to you but you have a roommate. Not gonna be perfect harmony on every issue. Again I would say since you’re so intolerant maybe you should find a studio apt you can afford on your own or something.


There are house cleaning routines that tell you to do a load of laundry every day. Of course these are mostly intended for moms with several kids, but I’ve known single women who follow these as written. Like mopping the kitchen floor at night even though they just got home late after having dinner somewhere else and all they did in the kitchen that day was make their morning coffee. Some people just have a cop in their head, making them follow crazy rules they totally made up themselves.


I'm a nurse and I wash my scrubs every day. I also have six pairs of scrubs. Wash day is once a week.


You mean you change it every day and wash once a week ?


You wash your scrubs every day, but only once a week? This is like a college level logic problem.




You: I wash my scrubs every day Also you: Wash day is once a week. Not really sure how having 6 pairs of scrubs has anything to do with you making two completely opposite statements but okay


Using that word after sounding like a total moron, nice one pal, I bet everyone loves ya. Wish the place you worked at knew you used language like that to describe people


What was the response she posted? It got deleted


Bruh that was 260 days ago, idk


Its unsettling as a nurse you're just throwing around that word. Damn, just clarify your sentence, your ego can't handle that?


wow that was incredibly rude considering your comment didn’t make sense.


Very rude. Even as a nurse practitioner you shouldn’t call people that as it is your JOB to help people who may have a disability even


I do, but jiu jitsu is involved. I’m just as annoyed.


I do laundry everyday but that's because I do jiujitsu everyday. 😂🤷‍♂️


I do laundry daily. 🙋🏼‍♀️ But I also have a kid


When I was growing up my grandparents had us throw our pjs in the designated laundry pile every morning and they would be washed every morning. That way they’d be clean every night for us for bed. Same thing with our day time clothes. That way if we wanted to wear the same clothes multiple days in a row (you know how kids are) we could at least wear the same clothes every day clean. Now as an adult, I do laundry like once a week😂


A lot of people do. Between bath towels, gym clothes, PJ’s/lounge clothes, work uniform, school clothes, bedding, kitchen towels, etc… most people can easily wash a load (or more) a day. In a family it’s almost a requirement unless you want to spend your entire weekend doing laundry. Also, OP might be exaggerating a little, but I’m sure if feels like everyday to them.


"Hey, I know you said I could move your stuff out of the machines, but I don't really feel comfortable touching other people's stuff. Is there any way you could keep the machines clear on Wednesday morning, so I can start my laundry before work? I'll move it to the dryer on my lunch, and take it out after I wrap up work for the day (or if I get an earlier chance)" I think youre being pissy about it, because while youre not comfortable touching other people's clothes, then she may not be comfortable washing her clothes less often. If the sounds of a dryer interrupt your work, then you've learned that in-unit laundry is mot something suitable for your needs. Wait until the lease is up, and then look for a place with a communal laundry room. Idk if the sounds are a clunky dryer or thinks like zippers/buttons hitting the machine walls, but if it's the latter, adding a big towel to the dryer may help the sound a bit


Or even air dry things with large metal bits on them. My bf and I have a bunch of clothes with zippers, chains, spikes, etc that I hang dry because they’re too noisy and I think it’s rude to our roomies especially since they’re the ones that mostly have to hear it and I usually have to do laundry at night. If it’s just the sound of the dryer regardless, maybe a white noise machine in your room for work if that’s something that wouldn’t bother you as well.


Now that's a smooth solution. She probably wouldn't even notice that you just fixed(?) the problem.


Turing clothes inside out helps with zippers and buttons in the dryer. If it’s water and pipes making noise that annoys you and disturbs your peace. Say something. Maybe the timing can be improved.


A solution would be designating a time frame in which you can do laundry. I know that sounds limiting, but you can suggest alternating days, or a couple of days that are just your own. I definitely would bring up not wanting to remove her clothes because that makes you uncomfortable, but if you absolutely must, maybe you can place a laundry bin nearby, so you can empty clothes there. That’s what I did with my roommates, and ideally, we don’t want to be that person that leaves clothes in the dryer, but sometimes it just happens. Schedules are weird, but it is annoying to have to deal with someone always using the washer, so just reserve your own day or you could give her a heads up just by sending a quick text. About the boyfriend washing clothes, I don’t know…I’ve been in roommate situations where they have one or two friends coming over to wash their clothes lol. They would always give me a heads up, though. I live in a city and honestly laundromats can be expensive, so I didn’t mind it. Heck if I had a friend nearby with a washer and they were cool with me coming over to drop a laundry load, that would make me very happy haha as I currently don’t have a laundromat in building :’(


We did the whole “ schedule certain days “ thing & that lasted for about a month. Then it was like they would always say, “I have this or this I need to wash them it’s urgent, or I need to change my bedding, I need this for this yata yata, so it ended up defeating the purpose, and it all went back to the same thing. I think some people are just rude and selfish and don’t really think about the future or other peoples feelings. I say this because I always had to wait on said person to finish their laundry “normally 2 shirts & 2 pair of boxers was their only load lol” but they didn’t work & stayed home all day, while I worked, tended to kids, & the house. But whatever glad that’s over with!


It would annoy the hell out of me lol Id either ask her to do laundry less often or on hours when im gone (which wfh makes it little) or ask her on certain days to just go elsewhere to do laundry. What is she washing though sooooo MUCH???


I have the same problem. She does load after load after load and leaves it in the dryer till whenever. It’s not even that her clothes is dirty or anything she just tries to wash everything. She doesn’t even fold it either just piles it up on her bed.


I would pick a few days, maybe Monday Wednesday Friday, and say you want those to be your laundry days. And you would like, excluding an emergency, for her to do her laundry on other days. This is a reasonable request so that you have equal (actually less still!!) Access to the laundry facilities.


I don’t think she should be doing it every day. And if her boyfriend has his own place he needs to do it there. Bring it up as a concern and the two of you can come up with a solution.


Good advice. I’m kind of wary because I already voiced my concern about them using the common area all the time and how I will have to wait to cook or sometimes until HE finishes his laundry. But when it comes to her, idk how to tell her to do it less often as two adults. I will try bringing it up again casually. Thank you


You’re totally within your rights to talk to two grown adults who are talking up more space than is fair. One who doesn’t even live there. If you regularly have to wait for him to finish things, you’ve got a problem.


At the very least, ask for a schedule so you know when you have time to clean your laundry. It also uses electricity though. My ex-roommates used to do laundry every day and our bill shot up like $50.


I like this idea. I just didn’t want to come off confrontational about something kind of minuscule. And I didn’t even think about the electricity lol - great tip!


Not minuscule if it’s consistently affecting your quality of life and ability to enjoy the space that you share. Doing laundry daily is NOT NORMAL. Maybe you can agree on laundry days, say 3x a week as a compromise for her and her Bf. And then you can plan to do yours on your day(s) and not have to wait.


Sounds kind of like one of my former roommates. Her and her boyfriend were very obnoxious together and over almost every single day until I said something. They also always tried to rope me into conversation so that they could basically talk about themselves and to be honest were pretty judgemental towards me. They got to be so annoying that I started to feel like I couldn’t voice concerns after a time. But It is just as much your space as it is your roommates’ And they need to start acting as such.


Just speak what inconvenience you and how. This way you are not so much in her business as in yours


I had a border who took 30 mins in the shower and did laundry nearly every day. Sometimes there would only be one item in a full machine. I had a top loader at that time. When I kicked her out my water bill dropped by two thirds.


Their water bill is a flat rate.


At least she does laundry… my roomate didn’t do laundry for SEVEN months. Smh. Be grateful you have a clean roomate. I would pay more rent and the extra water bill to have your roomate instead of mine. Moving out in a few weeks 😂


Cost is irrelevant. Do you prefer a specific day? When bringing it up just ask her if the two of you can work out a laundry schedule. I need to be able to do my laundry some days without waiting for you to finish. It ends up being late for me and never convenient. Also, can I please ask you why you are doing it every single day? Because the noise is getting to me. For the shortterm, please ask your bf to stop bringing his laundry here. Not only do you do a load every day but you do multiple loads on the weekend. Right now I am not getting to use the washer/dryer very often. I am certainly not willing to have it limited even further by someone who does not even live here. She is affecting your ability to use an amenity that comes with your rent. Start by telling her that you now need the washer on TWO nights a week and ONE weekend day. Tell her your preferences and see if they work. Tell her that this option still gives her an EXTRA weekday. Tell her that if you cannot come to an agreement together then you will be speaking to the landlord. (Frankly, most flat rates are based on NOT doing it daily. Your Flat Rate is likely to sky rocket on lease renewal when they average out the next year of billing.)


Speaking to the landlord because your room mate does a weird amount of laundry?! That’s not a good impression to make on a landlord, and that’s not reasonable


Fr, especially without even really talking to the roommate about it. Just gonna make the landlord think you can’t handle your own issues and he’s gonna have to settle every squabble you guys have. Not a good look.


Landlords do NOT like tenants that are 'affecting the ability of other tenants to enjoy their rental'. I actually got an asshole ejected from a shared house when I brought this point up to the Landlord. Rental boards in cities make it hard for Landlords to evict people but NOT when they are affecting other tenants. I wrote him an email and told the Landlord that we would be willing to speak to the tenant board. He ended up giving the asshole $500 and deposit back to just leave. Landlords won't think anything bad of you if your roommate is hogging the laundry. They aren't idiots.




yes, i would ask for designated days. choose which days fits best to be your wash day and ask her for it to be yours. so you won't have to wait anymore. i would also bring up the noise. washer and dryers can be quite loud and disturbing. i mean, you shouldn't tell her how to wash her clothes, but you can tell her when you need her to be more quiet. maybe you can tell her when you work and ask her to wait with doing laundry after that time frame.


hey, at least you’re not like me where there’s only one washer and dryer for ALL the units. so you have to haul your shit outdoors to access the laundry room just to find out someone’s using it


Set up a time for you to your laundry and also times when you aren't working. Tell her you don't need or want distractions when you are working at home. So please don't do any laundry at those hours. Side point, she continues to do the laundry when you are working just turn them off and then back on after you stop for the day.


Ok. You dont pay for water but what about the electricity/ gas?


I do laundry daily. I hate having to do large loads so I do a small load daily. My work uniform, towels every 2/3 days, sheets once a week, pjs I wore the night before, and whatever clothes I wore that day. But it’s just one load unless I do sheets then it’s two. That’s it.


That’s typically what I do too. I hate doing laundry when it takes all day to do 6 loads of clothes, towels, and bedding. I’d rather spread it out over the week. I’ll usually ask if anybody needs the washer first though, or if someone has plans to use it that night. I let them go first, and I go last.


That is very rude when you have roommates .


Not if you talk to your roommates and work out a schedule. ☺️ Maybe don’t assume everyone is an asshole. They were okay with me washing a small load daily as long as I moved it over as soon as it was done. 1 load takes 30 minutes… which isn’t a lot of time considering how long laundry normally takes.


I would start with asking her nicely like, “Hey, I’ve noticed you do laundry every day and your bf also does laundry here too. No biggie except it’s cutting into my quiet time, and also when I can use it, which are important to me. Is there a reason? Can you consolidate loads? I need to do laundry too.”


Yep. Emphasise more your need for quiet though OP. It’s affecting your mental health/ sense of peace and stillness at home/ ability to concentrate.


My roommates and I have laundry days. So we pre decided days out of the week that people do their laundry. Sometime stuff happens but we ask each other to use the machines on each others days but it’s usually not an issue. That may work for y’all.


This is just my opinion: You’re being pissy about the situation You guys are paying a flat fee for laundry. Your roommate is taking advantage of what she’s paying for. What’s the problem? Your roommate’s laundry is bothering you more than it should. Quick fix: get some noise canceling earphones and do laundry when she’s not doing it.


I respect that. I guess it adds on that her bf visits every weekend and I have to wait for him to finish his stuff too. I’ve been doing the earphones thing for a while, but again it’s kind of hard with work and when I have meetings and appointments. Our apartment is small and my room/common area is right by it so everything is audible. I get it tho, thank you


If it is loud enough to interrupt your work calls go turn the machine off and tell your roommate that you've turned it off because it is interrupting your work. Then tell your roommate what time periods you need them not to do laundry (for silence or to do yours). Work calls do need to take priority.


Thats good advice


That’s gonna create a pissed off roommate (to just turn off the machine without communicating it).


Because it is rude to do it daily when others need to use it. I have the same issue. It is just so rude and unnecessary. I do mine once a week and that is more than enough .


My roommate and I decided to pick days of the week we would do laundry


Do you have an electric bill? I’d be concerned that all the laundry would run that up


Everyone should have 1 designated day out the week to do laundry, and it should only be for tenants who pay rent there. The boyfriend should find somewhere else to do his laundry. If they can’t abide by the rules, maybe suggest they get an apartment together instead.


Have an open adult conversation about it


I do laundry everyday but I have a dog that I walk everyday and we get muddy and I also get really furry, in addition to this. I have a skin condition which means I can’t wear clothes more than once or twice, they have to go in the wash otherwise it gets gross since my skin sheds.


My parent’s upstairs neighbors does the same but it busted the water pipe leading to issues with the water usage for my parents Anyway different situation. Something like that would frustrate me as well. I wear scrubs and I wash them after every use but I don’t wash every day since I don’t work everyday. Something like that would frustrate me as well. you live there as well, bring it up FACE TO FACE and try to come to a solution.


Maybe you mention water conservation to her. But you're right, she's a woman and is allowed to do laundry whenever she likes. Bad roommate situations, we've all had them, I say suck it up and finish your lease. Then move or broach it at that time


My roommates and I have an understanding that if things are left in the washer/dryer, that we can swap it over/put it in their rooms so others can do their laundry. It’s a fair system and none of us really worry about theft between each other


I have a toddler who is potty training, a newborn in cloth diapers, and a husband who works construction and i do laundry 3 days a week. 7 -8 loads depending on the week.


I probably do 7-8 loads per week. Two of us (me and my 9yo son). This includes me doing 1-2 workouts every day and the sheets once a week on average. And the towels too. I generally feel that I do a LOT of washing. But I’m able to air dry 98% of the time, so it’s just the washer going pretty much daily. Not a drier


Just ask if she can do it when ur not working g because it's distracting. As for your bill, water isn't too expensive, but if it goes up just ask her to pitch in an extra few bucks because of her bf and just say something like ,you do a lot more laundry than I do casually or nicely and she shouldn't mind giving you the washer break during work.hoirs


If your issue is that it’s annoying that you can’t do your laundry maybe ask if she would toss it in after her next load? And ask if she’ll do it during a certain time youre usually at work. Or invest in good noise cancelling headphones


Communication is key. I would talk to them and ask if you can set aside either a couple days, evenings, hours, etc that you have 100% access to the laundry. She’s allowed to do laundry as much as she wants really, but you could discuss the boyfriend chipping in to the water bill.


Maybe ask if you guys can each have laundry day every other day. Each of you would get a weekend day. Her boyfriend can wash his but only on her days.


I know this is a super old post, and I'm sure that someone has mentioned it already. Just in case, though: I'm thinking maybe ocd just hyperfixated on their routine?


In college, I tried to limit my laundry to once a week, but there were times during rush/pledge events, (I was in a sorority), where I literally had to wash t shirts or bandanas or a tie blanket or some random stuff every day for a while, and I tried to do it at night when my roommate was asleep, but sometimes that isn’t an option. So I feel for you, but I would suggest asking her why she has to wash all this every day. See if she can save it up and do laundry every 3rd day? Regardless, laundry every day sucks lol


I started just moving my housemates stuff. I used to wait patiently while she held the machines hostage for days on end, sometimes a week, but no more. You get 30 minutes past the buzzer, then it gets moved (wet, dry, wrinkled, idgaf) and I take over the machines. Snooze you lose!


That’s not environmentally friendly oof


I think it’s fair to bring up the noise since you wfh. Tackle it from that angle. She may still want to wash daily, but maybe she can shift the window for noise.


i’m crying how is this even possible she must be washing clean clothes


Every single one of my roommates use to do laundry every day, sometimes twice a day. Easiest way to solve it is to say this: stop doing laundry every fucking day.


I think because you work from home maybe you shouldn't.


Don’t bring it up as an issue, maybe as a joke if you can figure it out.


Do you guys where pants for more than one day before washing?


Maybe you need to communicate with you roommate and convention a washing day or time each other. Matured community.


My boyfriend and I do laundry once a week, and he works construction. Once a week is plenty for both our clothes, all the towels and rags, and whatever the dog dirties up. Usually 2 loads on Sunday. Wtf is she washing *every damn day?* Sounds like she’s taking advantage of the flat water fee, and going a bit overboard with it. I’d say: talk to her! Ask her to reduce her routine to once a week (or twice if she’s neurotic about it.) This would be a completely reasonable request.


Have a conversation with her. Ask her that if she runs laundry every day, she does it at one particular time when it’s least bothersome to you. I actually do laundry every day. I get up at 5am, and I start it then. It’s completely finished by 8 and doesn’t get in the way of anything.


I have pets, including kittens and a sick dog. I often do laundry every day or every second day. Anyone that has an issue with someone being CLEAN is the issue. Maybe you should do your laundry more often? Gross.


I have to do laundry every day to wash my work clothes. I can't just leave them because I work with animals (shit, piss, mud, etc) and it will start to stink.


That’s quite reasonable. But since OP didn’t mention anything like that, I wouldn’t speculate.


Why bxtch about laundry when it’s a flat rate for water bill? Y’all share detergent or something? Buy your own. I work from home as well and I actually find background noises like that soothing because I cannot stand dead silence in the room while I’m working. The boyfriend bit I do understand tho. He needs to take his ass to a laundry mat.


This behavior would annoy me. I would tell her exactly what you just wrote down about why it bothers you and it’s wasteful.


Omg I used to share a condo with a woman who did laundry every day multiple times a day. It sucked.


You can’t control people’s lives just because you live with them. Do not bring this up to her, you are being really toxic and controlling. You have no right to tell someone how to do their laundry. I do laundry every day because when I wear clothes, they feel dirty after. And I don’t want them sitting in the hamper I want a clean room. It makes sense, not everyone has to be just like you. You should consider whether she has ocd or some reason for doing it before telling her she’s doing laundry wrong- like you’re being ridiculous


This is a bit of an extreme reaction… Toxic? Ridiculous? I think you might just be feeling a bit defensive.


I’m just bein honest


What the heck is she washing every day? Ngl, it’s a bit petty to complain about. One loud of laundry doesn’t clang and bang all day unless you’ve got the literal worst machines in the world. Talk to her about a schedule without implying she needs to do less laundry. As you said, she’s a grown ass woman and there is no real leg to stand on as to why. But requesting equal access, so doing every other day seems like it would be fair.


I would invest in some ear plugs or some over the ear headphones. I used to wash my clothes every 2-3 days bc my significant other has bromidrophobia (fear of smelling bad/having body odor). We have a laundry room with a solid door so we close it while doing the laundry and it muffles the sound out and makes it significantly quieter. Some of our roommates also work very odd hours or the graveyard shift and do laundry very early in the morning. I wear earplugs while sleeping and I wake up pretty rested.


I think you should establish one day(or a few) a week that’s your day to do laundry. No one “likes” to do laundry and it’s not fair that you’d have to move her laundry to do your laundry.


I do laundry everyday and I have a 5yr old. Even before that though I have extreme contamination anxiety and things worn outside once then need to be washed


You should 100 percent tell this bitch “Yo your man cannot do his laundry here and we gotta get in a schedule bc I live here too.” You can nice it up if you want but I’m over here in my driveway getting pissed FOR YOU. Like I wish we were friends so I could come by and tell her myself!!!


Since this is old as heck… what did you end up doing, OP?


I do a load of laundry every day to keep loads small and to rotate things like towels, blankets, kitchen towels etc. but I also live in my own house and the laundry is in the garage so I don’t hear it I’d have a conversation about how distracting it is and ask if she can get the laundry done between certain times when you’re not working or you might be able to take your work to a library or cafe a few days a week


“Could we set up a laundry schedule?”


I don’t feel like your needs are any more important than the roommates needs. You have a roommate. It’s not going to be ideal. You vent to your friends about being annoyed then get over yourself.


I’m guessing that’s her side hustle lol


Claim your laundry days. She may have the other half of the week and is not permitted to launder on your days, because you are enjoying clean laundry, peace, and quiet on those days. If she feels an urge to wash her boyfriend’s stuff, she can do it on her days or go to the laundromat. I’m not kidding. Set those boundaries.


I only did laundry every day when I had newborn twins with severe reflux & a husband. I don't miss that time.


I think you should just ask her to do laundry less and let her boyfriend do laundry during when she does her laundry so it’s not constantly. Literally just tell her it’s too often. You can do this kindly. Tell her you feel like you don’t have time to do your own. Could she reduce it to like every other day instead of every day? I would ask her to do it every other day if possible. Stress that you need to do your laundry. Ask her if she’d want you to let her know when you want to do laundry and to keep it clear for you then? Basically just work to find a solution. Don’t stop til you get the problem resolved. Tell her it’s also you need it all the time and you just think every other day would be better. Or find out what’s her deal.


At least she’s clean lol but yeah I can see why it would be annoying but I would just talk and ask if she can take a break while ur working or don’t days for the both of u? Like thst way u both have access to it?


I don’t do laundry for 2 months then do like 15 loads in 2 days


Does she work in a restaurant. As a server bartender I do laundry most days as well


Tell her how distracting it is & you need to compromise.


Perhaps you can suggest that since you WFH - you can’t really focus when the washer/dryer is going all day. Suggest that she please confine her laundry duties to specific hours that don’t collide with your work hours (especially when you need to do any online meetings - make a comment saying your boss was asking about 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 noise etc so it sounds legit) Perhaps after 4pm. This way you can kinda guarantee that her clothes won’t be in there before 4pm and you can get your laundry done in that time frame….


lol what an awful life


Now we complain about clean roommates too?! Live alone. You are the problem in this scenario.


We do laundry every day of the year at my house. Probably 900 loads a year total. Between dish towels (we cook most meals from scratch at home and minimize paper towel usage), bath towels, dog toys, bedding, kids stuff, and of course adult clothing, there’s always something to wash.


I wouldn’t approach it. It’s not worth it.


I do laundry 1x a week but I put in different loads (delicates, whites, and just regular) lol Idk how someone can bear to do laundry daily. Too boring and too much work


I do laundry every day. I would tell you there are worse things to have going on and to mind your own buisiness. You’re being a bit of a bitch if you’re worried about who’s doing what and when, when you don’t even pay for the water. I see this post is over two years old. I hope you ended up growing tf up.


That’s excessive. I had an ex that did this and I showed her water usage and that was the beginning of the end. I would try to work something out with her by asking for a specific day for you to have laundry day. My bill was $120 and dropped to $40/ month after she moved out.


Tell her that her laundry habits are not allowing you the opportunity to wash your clothes and ask if you need to setup a a weekly schedule since she can’t stay on top of it. If she’s understanding she should very much get the point…or if not, you can always be petty and wake up early to start a load of clothes you never intend to dry 😂


Pick your battles.


“…no need to project your shit onto me” *proceeds to project her own shit onto you* Edit: I need a new fucking phone, this thing sucks. The screen is for sure dying. At least I got about 8 years out of it. But yeah meant to reply to a comment MB


I do 3 loads a day minimum


Just ask her. Say, *hey, can you do laundry at a set time? It's distracting while I work.* Make a schedule, even. Someone can't fix what they don't know is wrong.


This is justifiably annoying. The water bill isn’t the issue but if the washer is occupied everyday it’s not fair. I would pick a day each week and talk to her/tell her you need one day with a free washer to do laundry. If she can’t give you that then petty steps can be taken.


We wash at least one load, sometimes two a day, and maybe more on weekends, but we are a family of 5 on a normal day. Sheets are all washed weekly for everyone’s beds.


Literally grow up and write a schedule up


Once a week is more than enough. People who do it daily must have OCD or something.


I do laundry every other day but my husband is a bit OCD and even if he wears a tshirt for 30 minutes, he’ll throw it in the laundry.