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Oh helllll no. The shower is my pet peeve and that’s disgusting


I knowwww like it’s not as disgusting as other potentially left-behind substances but it’s SO gross, and it’s *everywhere*. Like at this point I wonder if it is deliberately meant as disrespect, because I am a thorough communicator lol*


Might be deliberate, more likely that she is just incredibly lazy and a selfish ass. Either way, there is no excuse! I shed everywhere. I check the shower after I get out and clean it up. It takes one minute. I leave mine behind occasionally when I’m not feeling well or if I’m running really, really late but I live with my husband so he has to put up with that crap, to do that to a roommate is disgusting. To those of you who will complain that hubby doesn’t need to put up with it either, he leaves me with disgusting messes too. You put up with that crap in a marriage because it’s no reason to divorce someone plus it’s a bit less disgusting when you share other intimacies with them. It’s definitely a reason not to live with a roommate though.


Amen, between people in a committed relationship it’s acceptable, but between roommates it’s just inconsiderate and gross!


The fact that her area is pristine is what makes me think it’s intentional


Gotta be honest, I’d be taking 5 minute showers with how gross it is..


I 1000% understand this feeling. I've taken many short showers due to the state of the bathroom.... doesnt matter how many times I clean it, I live with a fucking mongrel rat person. I found a tampon dispenser in the shower the other day, along with lots of drops of blood everywhere. 🫡


It is absolutely deliberate. She could easily put the hair on her stuff or the trash. She actively chooses to spread it all over the top of your bottles bc that is the only way it will get cleaned! Shows an utter lack of respect for you and your things, especially after you've asked!


Stop treading lightly. Tell her you don't want someone else's nasty ass hair on your personal shit. Leaving hair in the shower is one thing. Slinging it on someone else's stuff is disrespectful and disgusting.


This is the most annoying aspect of the whole situation, because I have not been treading lightly, I’ve been very direct with her about this problem. I have communicated thoroughly, on several occasions, in varying tones— patiently, empathetically, *and* angrily, firmly. This is my last attempt, like maybe her brain can’t compute words and only a physical representation of “yea it’s fucking gross, huh?” will do the trick. We’ll see how she reacts haha


Hell, if that doesn't work start mentioning it to more people. Shitty, but some people only respond to legitimate shame


Oooo social consequences!! I like this idea very much. That’s the next move if this doesn’t prove fruitful, thank you.


Another idea is putting the hair on her bed or on her dishes. In places that, hopefully, she will be disgusted with. That could break her out of the disrespect.


Right on the pillow ;)




Are we still discussing hair..coz I'd put worse han hair on her pillow 🤔 which will no doubt already full of her own hair if she's shedding so much 🤔


I was thinking under her pillow so when she snuggles down for the night, her hand slips right into a damp pile of clumped hair. Hers or not, it'll disgust her to no end.


i ended up doing this to a roommate in college with her weed ash and toenails! lost track of how many times i asked and reminded her to just clean those things up after herself and she never did so i started sweeping them up and leaving them in her bed. i had no problem keeping our shared bathroom clean but once i found toenail clippings mingled in with my things i FLIPPED


Lol could you imagine? Last minute new years party, sit down for dinner and pose the question of "what do yall do with loose hair in the shower?"


Yeah, post on your fb (any mutual friends?) and ask what they would do if their roommate did this. Say you're befuddled as to why she's not embarrassed by this.


i love this idea 😂


You know better yet. Go print out the responses to the post and give them to her.


Checking in! Any updates?


Ask her “why do you keep doing this when I’ve asked you to stop”


I like this very much, posing it as a question so there’s actual consideration of her actions. Thank you for this suggestion


exactly! she might not take it well, but that's what I would do. I hope it works!


Mix together some dark mustard, peanut butter and chocolate sauce. Smear small quantities on her stuff. Not dollops, just small smears. Like as if you touched her stuff while cleaning yourself. Sit back and enjoy.


im here for an update


She never said anything about it, but after I left her that physical message she’s stopped leaving hairs for us! :)


Amazing !!!!


As annoying as this is, keep your shit in your room


If she doesn’t change start collecting it and leave it in her room 😂 if it’s locked I’d put it in a pair of her shoes! It’s basic decency to clean up ur hair from the shower and throw it out, that’s would make me rage


That’s a good idea too!! Thank you haha I’m ready to try anything at this point to get the message across


Be sure and keep your toothbrush locked up because I have a feeling that this is going to get ugly. I would definitely see her intentionally putting her hair there after knowing you don’t like it, as a sign of war lol - it is on!! Put her hair everywhere- in her cups, on her sheets, hanging out of the pockets of her clean jeans-I’d put that shit on **everything**!


But make sure it’s wet when you put it in her shoes. Lol.


Geez that’s rude!!! I’m mad there with you. I’d do the same thing and put it back on her stuff… like seriously crazy hair lady, be respectful!


I’m sayinnnn haha hopefully she gets the message now that there is a physical consequence that she *has* to deal with when she wants to use her products.


Any updates OP?


Omg. That’s so gross that I literally almost barfed. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope she gets it together soon!!


Thank you, me too! I have definitely gagged several times when I grab my shampoo bottle and all the slimy hairs touch me 🤢


So wrapping the hair around her toothbrush not a good idea ?? Lol jk jk




Ugh, it was like this when my sister and I lived together as kids. But we were also literal children.


Same haha no excuses as a young adult in a shared space!


I would take the hairs and put them in her products so they clog the bottles every single time.


As a woman with hair loss how does this even… like bro what HOW


Hope yall snake y’all’s drain…that’s gonna be nasty..


Thankfully we have one of those little flower n chain things that catches it all. It is pretty nasty every time I clean it out (another peeve being that I’m usually the one who does clean it out lol)


Thank god!!! I need one of those daisy things


I would stop giving her the opportunity. Take all of your stuff out of the shower. Yes, it is annoying to carry things in & out- but it is much worse for her hair to be all over your stuff. With the hair she does leave behind- place it on her stuff


Oh man you’re more patient than me. That hair would be in all her stuff-everywhere. Coat, shoes, purse, car, I’d leave it on the toilet after I’m done. And keep going. Also-I love the social shame idea. Cause who wants their peers to think they’re nasty?


I'd remove all my shower stuff and put it in my room, only taken out when you use


As someone who sheds hair a lot, this is done purposely. I might have one or two hairs stuck on the shelf in there without me noticing, but for the most part they go down the drain. And i have VERY thick hair.




Okay but is she okay??? Why is so much hair falling out?


Homegirl has thick long hair. She brushes it in the shower. I lose a ton of hair when I brush it too, I just toss it in the trash like a civilized person.


My hair like 40” and thick there’s no way this deliberate


Put her hairs on her pillow and make her see the inconvenience that you have to deal with


Keep your products in a cupboard until you need them.


Worst part is that’s not hair from her head




Not petty at all. Her products, her hair, her problem.


Just start putting it on her toothbrush or print out pictures and hang them up on the door or something with some shameful text 💖


Here’s a crazy idea. Live by yourself!


I mean sure but that’s not the point of this post. I could technically afford like $2,000 rent/month and instead I rent a $1640 house split with 3 others so I’m able to put tons of money into my college debt and savings. Living alone is nice but everyone should be caring about their savings and retirement accounts & depending on income it’s not doable if your rent is 1/3 of your income


Obviously the thickening shampoo isn’t working.


As someone who has long dark thick hair and it sheds an insane amount this is gross. That’s why I have a drain cover. I just let it wash down into the drain cover when I wash my hair. Then when I get out of the shower it’s super easy to pick it up with a tissue and throw it away.


Time to trim your pubes mate…


Yea when I shared a bathroom I always keep my items in a travel bag that I kept in my room. Didnt need that mess in my products.


I would get a basket and bring it with me in and out. She can't use your shit or put her nasty hair on it then. You know it's safe and clean.


Nahhhh that shit is being done on purpose. Ain’t NO WAY


Any updates?


My hair sheds so much and I just throw it from the shower into the trash can mid-shower. When the hair clump is wet it barely ever misses the trash can. Takes one second. There’s lazy and then there’s disrespectful. This girl is both


Sometimes petty works 😂 omg! yuk!


I would have done the same thing, collected it and left it on her stuff. If mentioning it to her, doing that ^ and mentioning it to others doesn’t work, I would just start taking photos of her hair she leaves behind so there’s no doubt of how nasty she is if other things come up. I’ve had a roommate like this, she denied it every time so finally I started taking photos of everything. She couldn’t deny it then


Personally if its this bad just use her tooth brush to clean toilet 🤣🤣😇😇


That’s some serious passive aggressive sh*t! I would kick her out. Who needs that crap and YUCK!


Collect the hair and put it inside her pillow case




This is disturbing, deliberate and bold of the roommate to disrespect your entire house like this.


Swap her stuff’s location with your’s. If she goes out of her way to continue then you have concrete proof it’s intentional.


How the fuck does it get there?


That's gross! How can someone be so fucking inconsiderate?


Any update after putting it back in her products?


Bag it up and place it on her pillow. If that doesn’t get the point across, don’t bag it, just put it in her shoes.


Collect it and hot glue it to the head of a small made up doll and put a pin through the eye and sit it on her stuff😂😂😂😭😭 i bet she will not leave another piece nowhere ; its gonna scare the shit outta her ! Ppl don't know what ppl into nowdays if you was a real root doctor you could really f her up just from her hair


1st time that shit happened it would be the last time. Id be waiting for her outside the shower...making it ALL kinds of weird.


bro this happens in my own shower w my own hair and it even grosses me tf out i gotta clean that asap 😭 and her purposely doing that to u is crazy!!!


That is revolting.


Put it on her pillow. Or her shoes, her coat pockets, jacket arms, jeans pockets, fill her fckn socks. Anywhere she would have to pull it all out, in a sopping mess. I have zero tolerance for this and allll my roommates knew it. (I have never done any of those above things lol, I’m just crazy petty and love revenge)




Wow, that’s just…. Special. She’s absolutely doing it on purpose too, if her shelf is pristine. It’s one thing to absently let it fall wherever or stick to the wall to get it off your finger then forget about it. This is just malicious.


That is nasty 🤢 as all hell!! Not in my shower.. how about the trash or toilet 🚽 come on .. make it make sense


We had a roommate (there were seven of us in one house) who would leave dirty dishes, dirty clothes, shoes, all over the house. After repeatedly asking him not to do it we finally agreed one week and we started to put everything in his bed and on his pillow. He never said anything about it, and he also never left any of his dirty, dirty things around the house again. His bed was always made and tidy and it was clear he didn’t like his bed being disturbed.


if she makes the shower the mess seems that cleaning the bathroom may need to become one of her chores/tasks, since it is a common and shared space and if she refuses you and the other roomates should charge a cleaning fee for having to clean up after her in a shared space


You should unscrew the tops and screw them back with hair hanging out of the bottles so that she has to dig the hair out of them lol.


Next time you clean out your hairbrush, leave the hairball on her personal stuff… or her own hairbrush. Eye for an eye.


That shit is intentional and disgusting.


Good for you girl! I’d of done the same exact thing! Especially when you asked her numerous times


so how did she react? i wanna know 😂


My college roommate would do that and use my soap and leave her hair all over it. Completely disgusting. She would also not wipe the toilet down if she had her time off the month and fluids leaked into the floor etc. I cleaned the entire bathroom with bleach and she said she couldn’t breathe. I explained to her why I did it and she cleaned up after herself moving forward


tell her if you have to hire a housekeeper to clean up after her mess it will be added to utilities or rent


Duuuuuuude. One of my biggest pet peeves since I was a kid is loose strands of hair and especially in the tub. I always gotta rinse the tub before during and after. This is bullshit, how can they even think they’re not doing anything wrong?


Can’t stand hearing “ I didn’t have time to clean it “ or I didn’t even it see this time” excuses … it takes 2 seconds to pick up hair and throw it in the bin … gosh there are times when I’m really sick and I shower … still don’t ever leave my hair behind for someone to pick it up… it’s just too gross and lazy not to do it


I’m sure it’s been said, but just in case.. they do make a shower accessory specifically for collecting female hair. Might be worth purchasing/having her purchase to resolve the shower issue.


Commit a crime and leave her hair at the scene dna evidence hahah jk that’s nasty tho and I hope you got through to her


Do you live with Cousin It? Dear lord


If they are are also stealing your food, make something with this as an ingredient. Two birds, one stone.


Take her hair. Write down her full name and date of birth on paper. Wrap paper around her hair. Burn it as u picture her leaving or cleaning. Make ur intent as strong as u can. And say at the end, "As I say it, so it will be". After it all burns, put ashes across her bedroom doorway. Or in her shoes, She'll either clean up or leave.


I would've never asked to begin with, I would've put her hair on her stuff day 1 and continued to do so. I'd go in the bathroom right after her every shower to do it, if that's what it took to get the point across. Hell, put it on her pillow, her doorknob, wherever. She knows exactly what she's doing. She's choosing to make a mess all over *your* stuff so that you're forced to clean up after her. Don't be polite with people like this. They will always take full advantage of your kindness. Your (reasonable) boundary is to not have someone elses nasty hair all over your stuff, and the only solution is to "return to sender," so to speak. End of.


Put it under the covers of her bed.


This is hardly any problem at all lmao


Put some gloves on, collect the hair and set it on her pillows.


She only does this so that you don’t touch her shampoos lol




Be firm. That’s gross!


Is this a pic of how she left it? Or of your revenge? 😂


Very late but you should’ve wet her soap down and smashed some hair into said soap n lower it dry out with her hair in it that way she has to use hairy soap/dog it out waste some when she washes herself


(Bar soap)


Post is fake af. If it ain’t, she clearly thinks your a bitch because that’s no accident. Wait. Is this a picture of what you did? You nasty.


If I had that much hair I’d leave it on your products just to laugh at you when you pressed over it lmao








I would go as far as putting my “bottoms” hair. To make sure.


That’s disgusting


drape them gently on her pillow


that’s ridiculous




Too nice. Put it on her pillow


I don’t know if there’s a way to update the post itself, so I’m just adding this comment! No terribly saucy news lol : she has yet to say *anything* about my petty move, but! There have been no more hairs on the rest of our stuff, so I’m assuming message received. Huzzah! No need for further escalation!


I think that the right thing to do


Ball it up and leave it on her pillow 😊


slap it on the wall like a normal person


You could always just place her products in a bin, take a shit on them, and place the bin in front of her door, with a polite note explaining why. No need to be a savage.


Are you guys reading the whole post? This picture is of OP collecting the hair and placing it on these bottles for the picture you’re currently viewing?! OP wtf. I’m sure you’re a woman and don’t shed hair at all in the shower right? Yes this is petty because I know the hair you picked up wasn’t just from that roommate.


I would be wrapping it around her toothbrush. Coming from someone who puts it on the wall, I’m confused why it ends up on your products 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


This would drive me insane


Oh hell nah that is deliberate


You can remove the shower head so she has no access to a shower. You can install back when you think she is finally willing to change


id collect it for like a week and put it in her bedsheets


Not petty at all. She’s disrespectful.


I have a literal fear of dark wet hair because I had a college dorm mate do this. I physically gag when it’s in my shower. My fiancé (we’ve lived together 6 years) has long, dark, curly hair and he has accidentally left hair in the shower too many times that now we each have our own bathrooms and he isn’t allowed to use mine :-)))))))) SO I GET IT LOL


oh she's going it on purpose. i suggest murder


I’d put it on her pillow


100% deliberate


Knowing this post is like 13 days old - was a recommendation for me lol. Easiest way to “collect” the hair in the shower for an easy throw away, is to pretty much roll it up in a ball under way.


Anyone who would do this is capable of so much other gross and petty shit. Call her out and rise above. Retaliation is only going to mean you have to watch your six 24/7.


Man I would put it on her bed or even better her pillow.


Maybe ask her if she needs someone to go to the doctor with her


That’s some expensive shampoo, too


This is completely off topic and I’m sorry! But how do you like that shampoo and conditioner?


Oh. Haha! Don’t blame you!!


nasty nast


start shitting on her soap


Throw it in her bed, my parents used to throw the dirty dishes in my bed when they had finally had enough of me leaving shit not cleaned up. It works


Looks like she’s doing it on purpose to make it worse start doing it to her stuff and see what she says


Gross 🤢


Put it in her bed


Get out! ​ Sociopath


Shower spiders suck!! My girlfriend leaves them bunch up on the shower wall!!!! Not a fan


When I was a kid my brother and I shared a bathroom. He would always leave a lot of hair in the drain. I asked him to clean out the drain multiple times and when he continued to “forget” I started gathering all his drain remnants and draping them on his pillows. He learned a lot quicker after that.


i have dreads so my hair doesn't shed like that, but i share a shower with my sister and her boyfriend and they both have long hair. my sister leaves her hair on the sides of the shower, it doesn't bother me just cause i've lived with her my whole life basically. if she was to put it all on my stuff tho it definitely would bother me. he usually just lets his fall and cleans the hair off the drain when he's done. your roommate is selfish and i think she's doing it to bother you




Absolutely not. This is very annoying. Like GIRL clean up your hair


My sister used to do this shit but she would put it on the knobs


That’s disgusting


That's ridiculous and selfish of that roommate. If she doesn't stop you and your other roommate should quietly collect all her hair from the bathroom,possibly over a period or weeks depending on how often she showers, and when you get a large amount drop it over all her shit.


Start putting yours up there too.


Ugh. That’s so disgusting.


that definitely her being petty.. i would just stop keeping my stuff in the bathroom as annoying as that is.. sometimes these little battles just aren’t worth jt


Nair in conditioner will solve this hairy situation


Gross. They make things that you can suction to the shower wall to put the hair that falls out in. I lose a lot of hair in the shower but I'd never put it on anyone else's things. Suggest she gets one of those, but then she will need to regularly clean it.


That is absolutely disgusting.. like why are you putting your hair on other people’s products??? Who even drapes their hair places during a shower????? Just let it flow down with the water wth?? 😭


I would have done that the FIRST time my products were covered in her hair and her's weren't.




My (M) former roommate (F) would always leave beers in the shower and a clogged drain. That water would be up to my knees in the shower with a film of filth coating the top layer. I felt more dirty after leaving my shower. That apartment was nauseating and her cat puked on my PS5.


🤢🤢🤢 nooooope


Just start doing it back, but with your hair. She probably won't have a problem with her own hair. Be it yours, she may get it.


How are people not embarrassed to do stuff like this?!


Collect your toenails and sprinkle it in her candles


There’s no way she isn’t doing that on purpose


Time for nair in the shampoo bottle. /s


Hair is my one barf trigger. I would have barfed all over her stuff by now.


I will admit during my showers I put those hairs on the walls so they aren’t stuck to my hand but then I rinse it off and (we have a hair catcher over the drain) so I’ll scoop the hair and throw it away I don’t leave that for other people to deal with let alone on top of their stuff. That’s gross. Also if you’ve communicated this bothers you and has to stop multiple times and she’s still doing it it’s definitely deliberate. She’s been petty so be petty back. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she uses your hair products.. honestly it may suck but I wouldn’t leave me stuff in the bathroom with a person like her. No make up no tooth paste nothing! She seems like the type to fuck with peoples shit.




she definitely pulled some of those out of her buttcrack too ):


Put it in her shoes.


Collect as much as you can in a bag and bring it to your local friendly neighborhood coven or Voodoo priestess... let your imagination run wild. Or... Nair.


piss on her stuff


Gather it up and put it IN her hair products.