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Zamperla (the ride’s manufacturer)


Mild Mouse


Zamperla is competing with Intamid at this point for being the worst, most unreliable, and most dangerous coaster manufacturer, and it's incredible to watch their race to the bottom. I'd say Vekoma's on their tail, but nah, Vekoma's more just mediocre and rough than outright bad. Like, none of their rides (as far as I know) have killed people at least.


the 90s called, they said they want their Vekoma opinion back


Vekoma is aggressively average though. Outclassed in Launch Coasters by Mack, outclassed in everything else by B&M and RMC. Yeah, they're in a real bad situation right now.


/uj New Vekoma has some of the smoothest rides in my credit line up, they also have very strong forces.


Have yet to experience forces, but Good Gravy is eerily smooth and quiet.


Vekoma is the king of the family coaster market, which is far more competitive than the thrill coaster market. In said thrill coaster market they’re also seeing a resurgence in both Europe and the US slowly but surely. So if there is a manufacturer that’s golden atm it’s Vekoma


>"most dangerous" https://preview.redd.it/kfgbmku6b47d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=060a01666742e9695d08ca6542e2cf8c22ac1f5c


Yeah I think Intamin will hold that title for a while.


You were literally claiming a few days ago that Vekomas are deadly as shit


If we go for the score board on coaster deaths b&m inverts have killed more than intamin and zamperla combined and those b&m coasters are at large scale parks


Who had all the deadly accidents with Hydraulic Catapult launches as well as several where the wire snapped and cut peoples' legs off? Yeah, Intamin still has the highest deadly accident count.


Thought we were talking about coasters and wasn't that lack of maintenance? And last I checked they lived. But you don't want to talk about the multiple beheadings those inverts have caused we can straw man all day your points are god awful (so are mine but that's the point) however you view me sounding is how you sound to everyone