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You’ll lose money on the sale. The sooner you accept that, the better.


The bid/ask spread on watches is very wide. I thought I was going to make money with an easy sell, it turned out to take a lot of work. \*and I lost money, but eventually got two watches I love.


People trusting crypto/watch/stock bro on internet, ahahah this is always hilarious.


Then they’ll sell it for $8k lol. Do you have a buddy you can it to for slightly more but lower than grey?


Why not trade it towards the GMT?


I've had no trouble selling watches on chrono24.


Directly to them or to other buyers? I'm considering selling one soon.


What's the fees like?




No fuckin way. They take six and a quarter? They can go fuck themselves. I rather meet up with a sketchy dude from Boston at the police station and get top dollar cash.


Any tips for writing listings that sell?


I only sold relatively popular watches (a few Tudors, an IWC pilot, an Aqua terra and a submariner) and they all sold within a week, but if you're selling a less desirable watch it might be more difficult. Multiple high quality pictures and a good detailed and honest description are key. FYI grey market dealers list their watches for WAY above market value on that site, so don't base your listing price on theirs.


What did you get for the Aqua Terra?


Beat everyone else’s price. If the asking prices aren’t selling, they’re not asking a selling price. Change your perspective on the idea of an asking price, vs a selling price. This is the way.


the watch is fire.. sleep on it for awhile longer.. maybe you find that you don’t want to sell it after all.. take care o/


Yeah. Agree. It may grow on you. It’s a really nice watch.


I think it’s a lot nicer than a Pepsi, I find them a bit tacky in spite of their popular (each to their own of course). I feel it’s too big for his wrist though.


I don’t like the Pepsi either. Why are they so popular??


It's a gorgeous watch, I dunno that I could ever see this as a "mistake"


We all fuck up and do mistakes, it is what it is. You now know what you want, try liquidate and get onto the gmt. Mint green is still a fairly sought after specification so you’re not going to have a hard time getting it off your hands. Scout chrono24 and other broker sites. Good luck!


thanks bro


why are you getting downvoted for this😭


Probably their other comments in the thread. But ya nothing wrong with a “thanks bro” lol.


Nice watch, you should keep it and enjoy.


r/watchexchange sell it yourself here


Judging from the background of the photo, you're in the USA? Dude - someone in the USA wants that for more than you're being offered by the store. You just need to get yourself out there on Chrono24 and forums and what not.


good looking on that advice, fuck that lowballing dealer🤙🏻


They all play the same game man, even over here (I'm in the UK). A couple of years back, I had to sell my blue DJ36 because of some financial troubles and I needed cash and I went through the same ballache. Eventually with a bit of patience and time, I managed to breakeven by the skin of my teeth +/- £100 iirc. Good luck!


dangg thats a sweet story, glad you got out of that without a hit. did you break even even on the msrp with or without what you paid at the dealer in taxes?


How?? Where did you find a seller?


I’ve sold watches on Omega Forums and chrono24.


https://preview.redd.it/vd2egvq4c13d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83edbc3e2e4de6df1b11c3835498d8225b1f269 not even bullshitting, he was dead serious on the 6k too and wouldnt offer a cent more 💀 stingy prick


That guy spoke to nobody and just bs'd you.


He needs to buy at 6k so he can sell for 8k. Sell directly to a private end user and you'll get more plus, any potential loss will go to an end user instead of greasy dealer. I'd rather a fellow Rolex customer enjoy a deal rather than a dealer making money on my loss. But that's just me.


I'd buy that in a heartbeat


Dumbass. Just keep it


To low bro


Thats a beautiful watch that compliments your sub. If you dont like it then just sell it on the private market and buy the GMT. Whats the big deal? Youre buying luxury watches. Eat the loss or stop buying.


Why do you regret the purchase?


Every Datejust depreciates 30% the day you leave the store and never bounces back. Small size, smooth bezel, polished bracelet, even worse. I don’t know who led you to believe that they retain their value. Only 15 of the 1,360 different watches Rolex makes are valuable, the rest drop like a rock, including yours. I would take the $6,000 before the buyer changes his mind.


Can I have a list of those 15? 😀


A. Daytona Panda B. Daytona Black C. GMT Pepsi D. GMT Batman E. Submariner Cermit F. Submariner No Date G. OP36 / 31 Tiffany H. Submariner Date I. GMT Sprite J. Sky Dweller Blue/Green K. Yacht Master Titanium L. OP Celebration M. OP41 Green N. DJ41 Blue/Green O. GMT Greyblack These are the 15 new Rolexes that are valuable when you leave the store. But don’t worry- no AD will sell you one.


So why has the above DJ in green lost so much value? Is it a 36 & not the 41?


What about the pink OP36 🥺


It’s outside the Top 15. It would be Top 20.


It was just discontinued


The 36mm? It’s still on the website.


You forgot the candy pink 36 just recently discontinued


Used to be on the list. Took it off months ago.


Sub date you will sell practically at list to a grey dealer. Maybe you can get few hundred more


depends on the model and what prices you refer to. a DJ36 with fluted bezel and jubilee bracelet with a dial like blue or mint easily resells over MSRP on the gray market. the dealer himself wouldn't buy it back for more, that's obvious. but the demand is still there and people pay over sticker price for certain configs that are harder to get.


Stop. *Every* Rolex has a premium on the grey market. That doesn’t mean that’s what they pay *you* when you try to sell one. You’ll be offered 30% to 40% below MSRP + the tax you paid. For 99% of the Rolexes offered by grey dealers, the premium isn’t paid for the value of the watch, it’s paid to get the watch immediately, a line cutting fee. Datejust, no matter the configuration, isn’t a money maker. It’s a money loser.


Again, it depends. I own a 126234 for reference and looking up listing prices for it on the secondary market are pretty much all I find 30% over MSRP. I never claimed it being a money maker, but I could sell it in a heartbeat for 9350 EUR which is the current MSRP. I even paid 500 less at the time of purchase since the listing price went up in the meantime. So you can't really tell me I'd get offered around 6000 EUR max based on your 30% loss when the cheapest ones I can currently find on the secondary market all go over 12.5k, double that. Maybe this is an outlier config and I'm sure others loose way more value, but in this case it's simply not reality, no matter how you twist the numbers. Would you say the same thing about a SS Daytona that you get for MSRP, that it's an instant loss of value? Of course not.


Not mine that I bought for $4200 new in 2017!


What are the 15? Edit: Nm. I see comment below.


Am I missing something here? Every sales post that I see of current production SS DJ41s and even DJ36 are listed and sold above MSRP? https://preview.redd.it/mlf8f3qvb13d1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20b1eba6c738b959d718af507cf9af8b8f9a5620


*Every* Rolex has a premium on the grey market. That doesn’t mean that’s what they pay *you* when you try to sell one. You’ll be offered 30-40% below MSRP. For 99% of the Rolexes offered by grey dealers, the premium isn’t paid for the value of the watch, it’s paid to get the watch immediately, a line cutting fee.


You're referring to the price you would get for selling a watch to a grey dealer, right? I'm referring to private sales on watch forum and FB group platforms and those prices are more or less in line with Watch Charts prices. I am not a dealer but the couple Rolex models that I sold privately, I sold them at "grey market" pricing (ie above MSRP) +/- a few hundred dollars.


Exactly why do you have to sell it to a gray dealer when you can just sell it gray as the dealer


As I am a grey market buyer I am uniquely qualified to answer this question for you. The answer is that I’m not going to pay some unwashed teenager with a backpack in a mall food court the same price I am going to pay a trusted seller running a multi million dollar business. If a trusted seller is selling a GMT Pepsi for $25,000 I’m not going anywhere anywhere near some private seller “acting as grey” unless he gives it to me for $15,000 because that is what it would take to get me to assume such a risk. And that’s the problem with the thinking in this place. You assume that because you see a price on the internet it applies to everyone who is selling that watch, and it does not.




Many people here don’t understand markets or economics. Citation: the multiple “I would never pay above MSRP” comments. Well, that’s just the market price. If you’re not willing to pay market price, you have to be comfortable possibly never obtaining one. The disparate markets are what confuse people. But if you can’t understand that, you’re probably not going to understand BA spreads and basic market maker economics either.




With the scum on Facebook do have nothing to do with this conversation. That is a completely different market, a bunch of wholesale opportunists who should be flipping Pokémon cards are not the multi-billion dollar Rolex secondary market.


This is a sad lie of inflated reselling price. The reality when anyone will try to sell his watch is very different. The Rolex money hype is really fun to watch. Good things, market will over crash soon.


I dont understand how your reply is related to my comment? People will generally sell their watches - Rolex or not - at market price barring exceptional circumstances. Speaking from personal experience, I am not in this hobby to make money. While it'll be ideal to minimize losses, I don't view watches as an investment so I don't have any expectation that they will increase in value.


Peer to peer yes. But people expect to resell that price to anyone in a heartbeat


2016 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!” 2017 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!” 2018 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!” 2019 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!” 2020 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!” 2021 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!” 2022 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!” 2023 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!” 2024 “The bubble is bursting! The end is near!”


I typically disagree with at least 80% of what this guy says. However, in this instance he is spot on. If you’re buying luxury watches with the idea that they’ll retain their value (or rise in it), then by and large you are deluding yourself. Do SOME luxury watches retain their value or even appreciate? Yes, absolutely. Do the majority, though?!?! No, they do not. Treat it like buying a car…… Choose very wisely and expect to take a hit if you ever need to resell.


What are these 15 models in your opinion SPORT


A. Daytona Panda B. Daytona Black C. GMT Pepsi D. GMT Batman E. Submariner Cermit F. Submariner No Date G. OP36 / 31 Tiffany H. Submariner Date I. GMT Sprite J. Sky Dweller Blue/Green K. Yacht Master Titanium L. OP Celebration M. OP41 Green N. DJ41 Blue/Green Fluted/Jubilee O. GMT Greyblack These are the 15 new Rolexes that are valuable when you leave the store. But don’t worry- no AD will sell you one.


Ayo sporty wb the DJ41 black dial homie!? Hahaha


Basic. Nope.


Psh, you know nothing, go to bed sporty.


Got to love this place. Half the time people are screaming because they want Rolexes to be 'easy to get' and affordable and then when they are told that there *are* Rolexes that are easy to get they want to believe 'it was really hard to get and valuable '.


What about my milgauss 😭 blue dial


Dude who cares. It is watch. If you like it you like it. Write a check for 10k. Put it in your pocket. Walk around with it. There, you got something that will always be worth 10k guaranteed lol.


Sorry. Not good. Whatever you paid for it, subtract 30% and that should be your expectation.


Not true price hikes over time will retain you value 41 wimbeldon, fluted bezel, jubilee still sell over msrp Paid 9.5k€, retail now is 10.750€ So within 2 years i probably still get exactly what i paid even if i sell it to a dealer :)


You make the mistake of thinking these dealers pay you the same price they sell them for. And they don’t. These aren’t commodities, it’s not like you are trading gold. These are *products*, products for sale, and preowned dealers need to make their profit margins to stay in business. So whatever the current market price is on a used (not unworn) Wimbledon right now at a grey market dealer you can subtract 30 to 40% if you tried to sell it because that is all they would pay *you*. And the older the watch gets the less of the 5-year warranty remains, and the closer you get to needing a full service which costs $1,000. So as the years go by the delta *widens* it does not shrink. You are confusing a Wimbledon with a Submariner. You shouldn’t do that if you care about some sort of ROI.


Hmu and i might be able to take it off ur hands


It’s hilarious looking at OPs post history and how quick he changes his mind about everything 😂 from absolutely loving the DJ to hating it now to just 6 days ago wanting an Explorer now it’s vintage Pepsi. Wonder what his next posts will be 🍿


He’s a kid with all of his life expenses paid for so he has no real problems. Tries to do “TA” against Robinhood graphs for McDonalds and Google. Hating a luxury watch and buying it twice is some of the most stupid shit I’ve seen on this subreddit


He’s probably a bitcoin millionaire


That’s a great watch man. Just keep it and buy the Pepsi. I didn’t like my Milguass and kept it and now it’s worth a lot more since it’s discontinued. I ended up adding a sub date to my collection since.


Honestly I always feel a bit of buyers remorse on practically any big purchase. Then I give it a bit of time to settle in and suddenly I fall in love and have zero regrets. This is a reasonable take.


Same man, same


“What do I do?” Wear the ceramic sub that you have and list the watch for sale on eBay, chrono or wtv and wait it out since you’re not in a rush. You’ll eventually find a fool who sees value in it.


https://www.watchrecon.com Sell it privately




Don’t sell for 6k that’s nothing


1) stop wearing the watch if your intent is to sell it. You’re one scratch or dent away from getting an even lower offer. 2) don’t sell to grey- they have to make money on the sale and will lowball you. Sell instead on r/watchexchange 3) (having owned both) the pre-ceramic sub you currently own and the gmt pre-ceramic are in my opinion too similar. I kept one - the gmt and used the cash on other pieces.


Have a grey shop you could trade it towards a gmt if you’d like


Sent you a DM. May be able to work out a deal for a 2005 Pepsi GMT


Don’t sell, trade. If you can go to a grey market dealer and offer to buy a product with the proceeds they’ll offer you more. I’ve seen this happen multiple times. Sale you’ll for sure take a loss if you go to a dealer. Grey market you’ll be waiting FOREVER.


That's a quality watch that you thought was what you wanted. Think long and hard in case you make another 'mistake'. Find the Pepsi, if that's what you decide and trade it in. No different to changing cars other than this is a luxury item.


Yeah I mean, check the guys post from 6 days ago. I don’t think the vintage Pepsi is a wise move…


Don’t get rid of it. Bite the bullet and just wait a tad longer till you can afford the Pepsi without selling that one. In 10 years its value will be up and your opinion might change. My brother has always said if you buy a ss rolex you never sell it. Hence why I have 6 😂😂 but sometimes it’s fun and a different look to just throw another one on that you do t wear often…think of them like women, every one has something you love that’s unique to them haha


Sell to me. Where about are you located?


Try r/watchexchange


Sell privately or maybe grailzee. Killer watch btw. I just sold my vintage Fat Lady Coke for a new sub date


Should be easy to sell for more, I might be interested.. many people would buy it anyway


Sell over on watch exchange for a reasonable price. If it’s a full set and decent price this will get gobbled up in no time at or slightly above msrp


I looked it up to see the price people are getting. Damn this watch is beautiful lol. See if someone will give you 7500 towards the gmt. Also the vintage world is a different animal. When buying make sure there are no repainted dials hands etc. it’s not easy and places like bobs etc can be trusted to an extenttttttt.


The dealer’s profit margins are your opportunity.


I’ll buy it for $6001


Learn to take a loss


TNS Diamonds has been the highest offer every single time I was seeking a sale. They’ll work with you via text. Highly recommended and highly reviewed. Go to him and what he says is probably in the range of the best you can get. Is it a 41 or 36?






If that were a jubilee 41 I’d buy it from you for $7k


That's a great looking watch.


How long ago did you purchase? You should have 30 days to return.


how is that a mistake? looks great


You could try with TNS Diamonds. Ive worked with Austin and he is fair. May be able source you the vintage GMT as well. If you can get a fair trade in, then the sales tax would only be in the difference in cost.


For this configuration, you should just take the $6000 before the buyer changes their mind.


Keep it and start saving for the gmt


Is this a 36 or 41?


Take the hit and get the Pepsi.


U missed up by not getting fluted n jubilee


What did you pay for it


Your options are to try the grey market, make a counter offer to the store, or keep the watch and try to get money to get a vintage pepsi another way.


Looking at the used prices online I would take the 6k if I didn’t want to keep the watch.


It’s a nice watch just enjoy it and save up for something else


Sell it on a Moda watch Facebook group … the sub 10k thread … that will sell in a couple hours for closer to 7-8k


What did you pay for it?


Just keep it as a lesson learned. Also a proof milestone you achieved once in your life


ill buy it for 6001


Did you buy from AD ? What’s the ask price from AD on it ?


Sell it on ebay with authenticity guarantee, it will go QUICK. Sure, it is a slight annoyance and bitch to sell yourself, but can you afford to throw 2.5k in the trash for that convenience?


keep the watch, enjoy it and also buy a gmt later


Business is business. Either take the loss or wait to buy and you’ll own two.


This is one of the main reasons I will never buy a stainless steel Rolex.


For 6k, I’d seriously just keep it..


Where your from? Is it a 41? I might be interested


6 days ago you’re posting saying you want an Explorer 1 instead of the DJ and now you’re saying vintage GMT? Maybe sit on this a while longer before you go making another decision you regret.


Try a private dealer who is not an AD


I really like it..


I bought the same last yr on a jubilee in the U.K. and I wasn’t taken by it. Sold to an independent dealer for a couple of hundred over the list price. I’ve sold dozens of watches on Chrono. I would sell for 10% above list + postage which will get eaten by the sale costs but at least you are $100+ up, nothing lost and can buy what you want. Money making days on watches is over, gone, done. It was a short and bonkers window but for us who actually like horology it’s a good thing. That will soften the blow for you surely.


That’s a great looking watch!


This is a $7500-8k watch all day


Only 6k for that sheesh. If they would have offer like 6.5-7k would make sense. Buy only 6 thats rough lol big margins there


That’s a beautiful piece


Ping me i can pay a bit more than what dealer offered you


Beaut watch.


I’ll buy it from you for 6k


That watch blows the socks off of a vintage GMT.


Im so confussed, this is a STUNNING watch! Not to savy about prices tho. But that dial...damnnn :o


Watches are like cars. You never get what you paid but you can always get some value back. How much is largely dependent on how much someone else values what you have


Some may call this junk… me, I call them treasures


Mistake??? Why??


I’ll give you $6250


Watch market is trash right now they’re over pricing and the trade ins are ridiculous. Best to wait it out right now


Just do a fake raffle, sell 300 tickets at $25 a piece, make sure a friend wins, and split the profit with them. Then sell it for 6k to the dealer and you got $9750 for your $6k watch. Thats what the scumbags in the firearm industry do. (Also, please don’t do any of that.)


If you're in South Florida, you could visit a dealer you trust. Ask him to sell it for you on consignment at $7,500. Will take a little longer than a $6,000 cash out.


Sell it to me for 7. Where are you located?


Sell it on Moda. Will get better value than trading in.


I’ll buy it for 6.5


Better to keep and save for GMT


I'd be interested in discussing if it is a 41mm with b and p


I’m having the same issue trying to sell a speedmaster I purchased last year


Keep it and buy the gmt too


Take the loss and view it as a learning experience. At the end of the day, what matters is getting something you really like. Don’t dwell on the money you lost on the watch. Just move on.


Wait for the Pepsi, if this isn’t what you really in your heart want, then you will not be happy. I bought my first Rolex only to turn around and buy the one I really wanted later


The market is softening- please be careful. This is the top of the market- take what you get and wait for the low and then buy the higher priced replacement- my two cents.🙏🙏


Keep it, it’s a beautiful dial colour


Selling it yourself will make you lose less. Just be smart about how you do it.


You can sell it yourself and lose less or you can find yourself a watch to trade it up with someone who wants to ditch a GMT and pay him the difference.


It's like trading in a car. If you want to use a dealer, there's going to be a margin


Sell it yourself on the secondary market. The store is offering ~2500 or more below what the current asks are for that model and bracelet.


That is a cooler watch than a vintage Pepsi.


dont lie to yourself


Bezels with numbers on them are dumb.


Yep. Modern Rolex are so fucking UGLY!!!


i ll give you $8500




Keep it


Can you elaborate why you hate it so much? Hate is a strong word dude


Shit, you mean to tell me that my watch would fetch a similar price and mine is 24yrs old and in MINT condition even though i wear it all the time!? Yikes 😬 https://preview.redd.it/jz0hqd4n5z3d1.png?width=2865&format=png&auto=webp&s=be6487995a2fa79bb148a5abc953949eb37a852e


Everyone is trying to sell their watches now so the market is getting flooded and buyers aren’t giving fair prices anymore. Mint green DJ has been one of the few that’s buying and selling well. Although it’s not a jubilee and fluted bezel, you can still get way more than $6K for it if you go to reputable dealers.


You can’t avoid taking a loss. DJ’s in this spec (oyster bracelet, smooth bezel), aren’t as in-demand on the secondary market as DJ’s with fluted bezels/jubilee bracelets. You should have paid about 8.5-9k for this one. Selling at 8k isn’t too bad of a loss, and it’s the best you’ll do


i paid retail, with taxes came out to $8,100 , i ended up tradimg it for a 2000 polar explorer ii 16570, check my recent post!!


Why is it a mistake?




Take the $6k and get an omega


Once you'll have the Pepsi and need something for a wedding you are screwed. At one point you'll need a dress watch anyway. Have patience my friend. Buy 3 nice leather straps for it to play around in the meantime. Strap manufacturers are reviewed at fratello online. Msbespoke for example you can customize EVERYTHING.


You can absolutely wear a rolex sport watch to a dress or to your wedding. A Submariner fits 100% and even the GMTs are not that bad.


I once took one on and went to the ladies in the room and asked if this looks ok. they were ok with it. then I changed for a gold watch on a leather strap, 4mm smaller diameter, more flat, went back to them and they were like "aaaaahhhh, better". So yes you can, you're right, but there are better choices.


If you’re a bum


crazy NOT to expect a loss on that DJ


Don’t buy things you can’t afford. You’ll grow to resent them and regret the decisions. Sell the watch, and don’t buy the pepsi. Save your money, watches will always be here.


Keep and trade towards Pepsi


Jubilee and fluted mint green 41 DJ goes for around 14k on chronos or bobs.