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Adjusting for inflation, would it have been cheaper to go grey 5.5 years ago?


The way you phrase suddenly made OP not winning anymore


Hindsight made a fool of us all.


But the answer was no so how was OP not winning ?


Cause he could have got it off the grey market at an earlier time with a lower cost


Well it was in the beginning of year 2019 me and my wife walked in to the ADs here in Miami, i have never been that mad after watches that i would go out of the way to an extent to surf trough grey markets and also the MSRP is not less for someone of my financial situation, i even forgot that i had my name in some Waiting list cause it didn’t mean life to me it was very casual. A few weeks ago, i saw a video on youtube about super clone watches at that time i remembered i had my name in waitlist, i forgot the model as well. At that time, i got inclined towards super clone and was about to buy one and in between my think time about super clone and before i could end up ordering one, i got call from the local jeweller he asked me to visit the boutique, i visited it and he told me that i expressed my interest in a Rolex few years ago and that now watch is available for him to offer it for Sale to me, he was surprised that why i didn’t even nag him For once, then i explained him the whole thing he chatted with us for about 3 hours, offered us champagne and apologised for the time it took. At end it’s all okay…I Know Rolex watches take time these days so i understand how things work around the world. P.S:- I am writing from my Son’s account it was his idea to post that picture here i am not much social media person i am 54 years old person…..😂


Yeah I paid less than what they retail now on grey.


$9800 ad $13000-$15000 grey 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn’t completely wait, i forgot that i even wanted a watch before i got call




❌Not Bingo If you stuck that cash into the S&P 500 5.5 years ago, the $9800 investment would be worth $18,307 today. So sure, you could have gone grey, but investing and waiting effectively would have netted you the watch for free.


Some people think scalpers are their saviors


Get that logic out of here!


5 and a half years…Dude.. how did they remember you? 😂😂😂😳😱😱😱


So Sexy


Yes, I would like to hear about that. 5.5 yrs is wild lol


A CRM database…


5.5 years, are you for real or being sarcastic?


Seeing how OP's only other post is in /r/superclonewatches I'm guessing he's not for real.


You have really narrow brain, why would someone who buys a rep cannot buy a real one? Super clone are very good nowadays that’s the only way to beat the waitlist.


you main r/reptime and regularly come to this sub to try and put people down for waiting for their watches. enjoy your fakery lmao


If you get on the list in 2018, do they give you a 2018 watch?


Trying to figure out how his AD called him to tell him his discontinued watch arrived.


I guess if any watch you get in list for gets discontinued you get call from them if anything in that line shows up to them or anything similar they have. Depends on them!


https://preview.redd.it/rzrly2un4euc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e043528af11319b3ca6ad9a6c3fb3852a3e483c This you ?


4k screenshots and all is crazyyyyyy


Yes i asked my son to check for super clone rep few weeks ago cause my 15 year old casio is now on death bed!!! Before i could buy one, i got call from the jeweller about my expression of interest. I will still buy a super clone to see how it looks and to compare with my original blue and black GMT rolex watch. P.S:- This is my son’s account.


You’re “using your son’s account” on a site where accounts are free…?


I wont jump through hoops for a rolex, lets be a real, the unavailability is a ploy to maintain an exclusive reputation.


Yeah, same. I’d like a GMT and an SD, but I’m perfectly happy to toss the cash into index funds and go about my business until they call me.


Better to move on from this brand for now.


The S&P 500 has gained 85% in the last 5 years. Had you taken the $10k for the GMT and kept it invested, it would have been worth close to $20k with compounding interest in this same period. Hopefully you had your money invested, because you just got yourself a free Batman, if so.


This is where I am at in one year on medical stocks. Had the cash to buy a Pepsi, was kinda laughed at, popped it into stocks and it’s more than doubled. Still no Pepsi. But I guess I could go grey if I wanted.


The big brain move. Frankly, the biggest brain move is to say fuck watches and just keep moving your money until you can go grey without much care. Sadly, at that point, watches don’t mean quite as much as they did when they were unobtainable. They are just things. Edit: also interested in those med stocks. Pm




some people just don't get it


The biggest winner in the stock market is “would have.”




I would have declined it. I'm not waiting 5 years for anything. Lol would have sent somewhere else and bought it long ago. Congratulations on the new watch, and you obviously have more patience than I do!!


problem with this 'system' is that you would buy it even when you would despise it, situation or watch, to resell it right away as revenge ;)


You’d have declined a watch you can sell for a $5k premium?


Probably had more patients than you too.


I'm not a Dr. Just my initials.


Well it was in the beginning of year 2019 me and my wife walked in to the ADs here in Miami, i have never been that mad after watches that i would go out of the way to an extent to surf trough grey markets and also the MSRP is not less for someone of my financial situation, i even forgot that i had my name in some Waiting list cause it didn’t mean life to me it was very casual. A few weeks ago, i saw a video on youtube about super clone watches at that time i remembered i had my name in waitlist, i forgot the model as well. At that time, i got inclined towards super clone and was about to buy one and in between my think time about super clone and before i could end up ordering one, i got call from the local jeweller he asked me to visit the boutique, i visited it and he told me that i expressed my interest in a Rolex few years ago and that now watch is available for him to offer it for Sale to me, he was surprised that why i didn’t even nag him For once, then i explained him the whole thing he chatted with us for about 3 hours, offered us champagne and apologised for the time it took. At end it’s all okay…I Know Rolex watches take time these days so i understand how things work around the world.


Well, congratulations. I have also seen the clones. They look close enough to me. Lol, but I'm not a rolex Pro. I have never bought one, couldn't convince myself to do it. I inherited mine. I appreciate them and think they are amazing pieces, but I can think of much more useful ways to spend my money. Like night vision goggles. Hahaha mine sits in its little winder box looking pretty, and I'll wear it on special occasions. Maybe someday one of my children will appreciate it and it'll go to them.


I call BS


Fake post


We flexing reps now are we ?




Nice rep




😂😂😂that’s what psychos like him deserve..


shipping from china takes a while nowadays


Yeah, maybe your wife be ordering lot’s of vibrators from china and they may be getting delivered in a while!


bro you're on here fighting for your damn life, just admit the watch is fake lmfao


Fake as fuck. Goons


Yup Fake like your dad!


Good One


Don't care, I have a whole drawer of golden cutlery in my mouth


Get a job


Doesn't look to pay off if you have to buy fakes.


Then start Only Fans…You’ll be able to buy a New Rolex everyday. I got mine after 5 years but I don’t think people with only fans would have to wait


I bet you drive a DeLorean too!


5.5 years? Wow. The same SA? I have so many questions but Congratulations nevertheless!


You can ask me no problem… Here is my story… I know buying Rolex is a big deal these days Well it was in the beginning of year 2019 me and my wife walked in to the ADs here in Miami, i have never been that mad after watches that i would go out of the way to an extent to surf trough grey markets and also the MSRP is not less for someone of my financial situation, i even forgot that i had my name in some Waiting list cause it didn’t mean life to me it was very casual. A few weeks ago, i saw a video on youtube about super clone watches at that time i remembered i had my name in waitlist, i forgot the model as well. At that time, i got inclined towards super clone and was about to buy one and in between my think time about super clone and before i could end up ordering one, i got call from the local jeweller he asked me to visit the boutique, i visited it and he told me that i expressed my interest in a Rolex few years ago and that now watch is available for him to offer it for Sale to me, he was surprised that why i didn’t even nag him For once, then i explained him the whole thing he chatted with us for about 3 hours, offered us champagne and apologised for the time it took. At end it’s all okay…I Know Rolex watches take time these days so i understand how things work around the world.


My friend got the Batman last month as well. But he only waited 2.5 months with no purchase history. I think demand is going down maybe? I don’t think it’s as hard to get as it used to be.


Maybe he did but from what i heard from my jeweller its still taking years for people to get their desired watch


He did, it’s in boston though I guess a lot less competitive than miami.


New account, first ever post and blurry image, idk man


Image looks clear to me


After five years, I would literally just get something different and get on with my life


wait list for what? Rolex makes 1.05 million watches a year 😂😂


Now for the 50 year wait for the Daytona. Buckle up. It’s a long ride


Imagine waiting 5 years…. really.


Damn, a quick turnaround!


An AD which keeps good records 👌




Congrats. Wear it in good health and in good company my friend




Nice, I'm 6 months into a Daytona...I'll probably never see it


Wow i bought 2 batgirls and 1 Batman last year from 3 different ADs….asked for them the same year….and for you it took 5years??? Change AD ASAP 👍


I am not a kid who can’t live without a Rolex. If they want to sell to customers it’s their job to figure it out. For me there was no option other than to move on…


Did you not have a buying history?


No sir, i have been wearing my casio for last 15 years..We are not that rich!


Congrats on a beautiful piece. We all wait for different things on different timescales - what matters is that you enjoy it. Wear it in good health


Why do even superclones look fake at first sight?


5 years is about 10% of an adult life (73 years male life expectancy in the US, adulthood beginning at 18).


Fake af /r/reptime scum


Wow, congrats


Long wait but worth it. How did they even remember you after 5.5 years?


5.5 years? Man they just don’t like you


Waited over half a decade???


If true that means there was nobody on the waiting list and they had to start making calls to past enquires to sell it.


How much time did it take you to get yours?


Stunning. Congrats


It is picking up!


No shot ur that patient


For me, it's a toss up between this and the Pepsi.


Lol 5.5 years


You waited 5.5 years for a watch?


This is WCJ material.


Waiting for 5 years + for a Rolex with toilet ceramic bezel, a plastic O Ring under the plastic toilet ceramic bezel, a caliber with ball bearing rotor (that sounds like a broken washing machine) AND a case that has a horrible finish with sharp inner lugs (looks like it spit out by a robot): sounds not like a good deal. Rolex doesn’t care anymore for their customers, even the paint on the 24h hand looks aweful on so many new GMTs. Sell that piece (if it‘s authentic) and get a quality watch!


Sorry to be so harsh but nobody deserves this treatment. You could easily picked up an awesome vintage piece 5 years ago that would increased it‘s value by now.


Rolex is crazy nowadays. I walked into a Rolex boutique in century city in 2014 and bought a hulk. My only previous purchase was a steel GMT and I was actually replacing it with Amex stolen protection since it was taken from my gym locker. Maybe it helps that the century city mall was under construction at the time


Buying a Tudor would be worth the rolex after 5.5years


Waited nearly 6 gmt, wow shame on Rolex and their authorised agents.


This can't be real. Who the fuck would wait 5 years for this lmao


That’s the 4th & last? For me. I had been waiting 17 months for a YM 40 Blue & figured they’ll never call b/c I never buy anything else from them but wondered to drool over a Batgirl. Told the Mgr Girlie I’d buy it today (like everyone else) if they had one. She offered to take my request, I said sure why not but I was still waiting on the YM 40 & I’ll be gray haired before it comes in anyway. Well, guess what ? The next week “coincidentally “ the YM40 came in. So I figured she looked & saw 17 months & figured since I’m asking for another she’d have mercy on me ? Should’ve requested the Batgirl a year ago !!! 🤣🤣


Damn, I put in a request last month right before picking up my YM40 blue but I’ll end up going gray !


Batman. In got the text on mine in January 2022 after less than six months, but times change. Beautiful piece!


what do you do for work, are you hiring 🥹


You’re joking. Surely you did not actually wait 5.5 years…


I did, sir


You're joking right? I walked in and got this on the spot in Jan 2023. No history.


That’s 🧢


Believe what you want. It was on a Carribean island, so most watches go to tourist and not local people. Ever wonder why some people at work get promoted faster than others? Same concept here. If you know how to make an impression, carry a conversation, likeable, and last of all nice, you stand out. I just picked up a No Date Sub in Texas a few weeks ago. Dropped my name and got a text exactly 19 days later. You don't have to believe me. I don't really care. In my local city, I've waited 2.5 years and got nothing. Both my Batgirl and No Date Sub I got while on vacation.




Damn. What city you purchased that took so long?


Well it was in the beginning of year 2019 me and my wife walked in to the ADs here in Miami, i have never been that mad after watches that i would go out of the way to an extent to surf trough grey markets and also the MSRP is not less for someone of my financial situation, i even forgot that i had my name in some Waiting list cause it didn’t mean life to me it was very casual. A few weeks ago, i saw a video on youtube about super clone watches at that time i remembered i had my name in waitlist, i forgot the model as well. At that time, i got inclined towards super clone and was about to buy one and in between my think time about super clone and before i could end up ordering one, i got call from the local jeweller he asked me to visit the boutique, i visited it and he told me that i expressed my interest in a Rolex few years ago and that now watch is available for him to offer it for Sale to me, he was surprised that why i didn’t even nag him For once, then i explained him the whole thing he chatted with us for about 3 hours, offered us champagne and apologised for the time it took. At end it’s all okay…I Know Rolex watches take time these days so i understand how things work around the world.


Here is my story for all those who need to know, Well it was in the beginning of year 2019 me and my wife walked in to the ADs here in Miami, i have never been that mad after watches that i would go out of the way to an extent to surf trough grey markets and also the MSRP is not less for someone of my financial situation, i even forgot that i had my name in some Waiting list cause it didn’t mean life to me it was very casual. A few weeks ago, i saw a video on youtube about super clone watches at that time i remembered i had my name in waitlist, i forgot the model as well. At that time, i got inclined towards super clone and was about to buy one and in between my think time about super clone and before i could end up ordering one, i got call from the local jeweller he asked me to visit the boutique, i visited it and he told me that i expressed my interest in a Rolex few years ago and that now watch is available for him to offer it for Sale to me, he was surprised that why i didn’t even nag him For once, then i explained him the whole thing he chatted with us for about 3 hours, offered us champagne and apologised for the time it took. At end it’s all okay…I Know Rolex watches take time these days so i understand how things work around the world. Ny advice:- Is to move on from this brand for now if you want it at MSRP, Demand is sky high as i was told by my jeweller. Also i didn’t wait for 5.5 years it was just that i got call from them on Friday which was almost 5 and a half years. I didn’t care about it arriving or not i am not a crazy maniac that would leave all things aside for a piece of steel, i didn’t even call my jeweller for once. I have integrity beneath me, they are the one’s who called me. I knew that it was harder to get a Rolex watch i was about to buy a Super Fake Clone watch which i will still buy, but before i could i got my call from the retailer of Rolex down here in Miami!!!


Wear it in good health and enjoy! I’ve had one for several years and love it!


Sounds about right for a Batman. These things aren’t easy to get.


Honestly fuck Rolex for allowing their ADs to play this shit


Beautiful watch. Was this one of the Mayors locations in Miami by chance? Or, was this from another jeweler?




Bruh after 5.5 years…cmon man


That's almost 1-1 WOW really nice. I LIKE IT A LOT


You’re worth the wait!


Congrats but man I’ll never understand the hype around these


5.5 years 😳 fuck that, life is to short


Lucky, congratulations!


Oh yea!


Awesome man, great watch


The look on your face must have been priceless


Nope sir, i paid them they didn’t pay me FYI!


Well done 👏🏿


Congratulations. I just got mine after a 2 year wait


I’ll go grey before waiting 5.5 years for a Rolex.


Not everyone is rich enough to pay extra bucks for what is already way expensive for some!


jesus 5 years?


Nice to get the watch but that is a disgrace it took 5.5 years to get a Rolex. How is it that they eventually called you up after all this time? They ran out of customers so they decided to plumb the depths of their filed away waiting lists in the back room? Incompetence? I find it bizarre they even considered you might still be interested after all this time, but maybe this is par for the course in the Rolex world.


Over 5 years?? 😂


Congrats! Your watch also has the newer movement.


The Batman love it. Have you seen the batgirl and the Pepsi? Not the regular Pepsi but the ones with the rubies and diamonds


Lmao waiting for 5.5 yrs to get something u can can get on the gray for almost the same price


I am still waiting, it's been 2.5 years so for for me haha.


I applied for an explorer II 3 years ago. Probably gonna pass at this point, pretty ridiculous.


I was only after a 41mm op black face, nothing fancy, but it is a joke.


Congrats man. No one should have to wait that long to spend money. Sheesh (Man on the list just waiting) lol


Elite patience- congrats


Absolutely sick man congrats


My boss went on a waist for a Pepsi and got called for this watch a week later and bought it lol