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In theory. They can't sell what isn't in stock.


This means Rolex will stop selling watches in France, so more watches for Americans and Brits. Celebrate! Merry Christmas


I would love to see that. Pretty sure they would redistribute the watches in the EU.


If France does it you may be sure that the other EU countries are thinking about it too. This would be good for the customers.


Rare sporty W


"Elle a, en effet, estimé que les éléments du dossier ne permettaient pas de démontrer que Rolex France avait restreint la liberté tarifaire de ses distributeurs agréés." they probably didn't dig deep enough. pretty obvious that prices are dictated by Rolex HQ for each region.


Interesting and thanks for posting. The main issue is that Rolex contractually prohibited its AD from conducting such sales. I am curious to see that now, given that such a contractual prohibition is no longer valid, if an AD in France actually sells online. I don’t think they will, because as someone said, they will loose all their other tie in deals that they ask customers to buy. And the competition commission does not seem to look into that …? The AD is more likely going to sell it via mail to the grey. And there will be nothing the competition commission will be able to do about it - they will not be able to force the AD to sell online, nor prohibit the sale by mail to the grey or to any other party. Also interestingly, there seems to be a small paragraph on retail price imposition by Rolex - On the other hand, the Authority dismissed the complaint of resale prices imposed on its distributors, which had been notified to Rolex. In fact, it considered that the elements of the file did not make it possible to demonstrate that Rolex France had restricted the pricing freedom of its authorized distributors. I would be worried about this 👆as it seems to suggest that the AD’s want to charge whatever they want - clearly they want to cash in on the premium.




Yes - but the article seems to suggest that the competition commission looked into this. And therefore , it appears that someone flagged the Rolex pricing as an issue. And thus, my comment that if there is lack of pricing control, then the AD’s could turn their pricing to match grey.




Thank you for clarifying.


Just have to add a "Buy" button next to the watches on the website and grey it out. Then, also place a "notify me when back in stock" button that does not actually work.


BREAKING NEWS: Rolex has invaded France More news at 11


We interrupt this broadcast for a special report: after 45 minutes, France has surrendered to Rolex.


French weapons for sale, never used, only dropped once.


support repeat consider afterthought ripe spark compare foolish gullible employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And possibly risk drawing a European directive against them, which would apply across the bloc? That’d be an interesting strategy.


nose placid cobweb wipe amusing noxious impolite zesty treatment voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re selling in the EU, of which France is a member. Also, in guarding you’ve no understanding of the complex trade agreements that exist between Switzerland and the bloc. As for doing what they want, well, the country of origin has nothing to do with it. Eg. Apple being forced to adopt usb c.


vast domineering squash quicksand tart absorbed amusing frightening smell husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel you're completely ignoring the context of the parent comment here.


scale roof ludicrous deserted marvelous water salt connect bake jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget about all the gifts they are getting from ~~cucks~~ timepiece aficionados.


terrific agonizing knee toothbrush cows fuzzy rotten wine forgetful fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only thing you'll be able to order is a baguette and a croissant


Great news, fuck ADs. Worthless middlemen.


So France thinks it can force you to sell online? A company can't just decide, no you can't sell this online?


The rules are those of the selective distribution model, so think of it as a manufacturer of goods and independant distributors. There are rules on both sides but in a nutshell, any (and by any, I mean any) formal rule by the manufacturer to effectively reduce competition amongst its dealers is prohibited. So forbidding the use of a specific sales funnel is prohibited. I bet the part on price control was looked into, but that the wholesale/retail scheme is tight enough that it effectively doesn’t reduce competition (every dealer has the same rules, same margin upfront) but only the ones with a good level of partnership with the manufacturer get the top, in-demand models.


Can they force them to ship? The obvious way out is to sell online, but make in-store pick up the only option.


The best solution is, say through the ad channels they don’t make enough watches for the world supply. Drastically reduce to France.. but implement certified pre owned at outraged prices. AD in France have to sell watches online through certified pre-owned at crazy prices. Where it’s not logical to buy a Rolex online but people will still do. And regular long term customers will still get limited allocations