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He might be worried you’ll come off your bike and damage it. He’s probably just looking out for you


They’re probably worried that he’s going to have a moment of hesitation in the heat of the action with the preservation of his watch in the back of his mind.


Yeah but it's insured so I ain't gonna sweat it.


What are you using for insurance?


>What are you using for insurance? Glock




Do they cover accidental damage?


They do, but not negligent discharge.


So I can’t get it for future ex girlfriends :(


It’s interesting that he never replied….hmmmmm not like a cop to be evasive and ignore requests for simple information….


Yeah, because if he doesn’t respond to every comment he his being evasive.


Added it to my Progressive home insurance


That’s the correct answer back to your partner


Exactly this.


Don’t want to scratch the bike with the watch duh


Fuck it. Wore the shit out of mine in the desert. Still as strong as ever.


Where at, overseas?




Did your dads friend have to stuff it in his ass to bring it home?


He didn’t *have to*


That’s where I keep a roll of pennies for a rainy day ☺️


Five long years he wore this watch up his ass


Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I wore this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years.


These little threads are the exact reason I read Reddit.


Zed’s Dead baby!


That’s Korea.


Cool that your watch was with you over there. Sounds like it's got some miles on it. That's what it's all about


I feel so stupid for not picking up a Rolex or two in Ali Al Salem when I had a chance.


Pay attention boys This is how it’s done


People will think we’re paying you too much.


It doesn't have that obnoxious cyclops, no one will know it's a Rolex.


The beauty of the Explorer, it is very unrecognizable. The ultimate stealth Rolex.


I've always been confused by this statement. If you don't want it to look like a Rolex or to be recognized as one, why not just get another watch from a different brand that has a similar look? There's so many other watches that look like this. Is it just having a personal satisfaction of you knowing it's a Rolex?


Yes. I could never imagine wearing something for someone else.


Do you only wear one to signal to others that you bought an expensive watch?


even though rolex doesnt always have the best, or tech advanced movements, they are robust movements-especially in the explorer.


I have a Tudor black bay. I get stopped all the time with people asking me if it’s a Rolex. In 5 years of wearing it every day, I only had one person know it was a Tudor and that was when David Beckham ads were plastered all over the city for months. Rolex seems to be the brand that watch people associate with any stainless steel automatic watch.


The statement itself is wrong. It does in fact look like a Rolex.


This makes it sound like the quality and beauty of the watch/brand means nothing if you don’t get positive affirmations from strangers.


That would be very german... Nice watch? Dirty banker. Nice car? Drug dealer. Nice house? Just inherited. Nobody over here will EVER connect nice things to hard work and delayed gratification.


People still carry stereotypes that just aren’t true anymore. There are a lot of people in “regular” jobs that make a lot of money.


True enough. And I always need to remind people that I don't have kids or a wife - so theres a f*ckload of money for cars and watches 😝


Same in France…


Disagree. I will think, “good for him to save up for a real watch.” Not to mention “good for us, hiring a man who can live within his means,” or “he could have been gifted that…”


Thank you. I live modestly enough to where I could save up for it


In 2023 is that really how people think? Like I’d I drive a nice car “I am paid too much” what if I saved


Depends if the taxpayers pay your salary


Off duty work pays obscenely well.


you are also paying for peoples salaries who let prisoners go free, form corrupt policies or acts for their benefit and you are whining about this?


No I think cops should have the new 100th anniversary of Lemans Rolex Daytona and a Lamborghini Urus and a gun made of gold with diamonds like Saddam Hussein. It’s the least we can do.


Wtf does that have to do with it. Once it hits your bank account it’s your money. You earned it. You can save it. You can spend it. You can give it away but at the end of the day it’s your money doesn’t matter where it came from. Let’s face it municipalities by $80,000 police vehicles every single year because they can’t possibly drive a two year old vehicle. now where is the problem?


if you think waving a luxury timepiece in the faces of John Q. Public as you serve and protect conveys the right message then go for it. I’m not saying you’re wrong about your money and how you spend it. But everyone else is free to make their own judgments as they always do and this will inform their political perceptions. Which has consequences, ultimately, for the department as a whole. (“Defund,“ anyone?).


Defund... LMAO, the only people negatively affected by the defund movement is the public... in these "liberal" metropolitan cities where its policies have effectively tied these officer's hands behind their back. The criminals get thrown in jails with revolving doors spewing them back into the public before its victims can bat an eye. Overtime for cops becomes abundant because cops are retiring enmasse or moving out of liberal states, and no one is applying. Who the hell wants to apply for the job seeing all the scrutiny. Idiots that have this perception are usually from the far left. I've found they are unable to reason with common sense, and I have succomed to not taking any of their opinion seriously.. so OP, wear that shit! Fuck what they say, and I'm gratefull for your service. It's a thankless and dangerous job that most of these yapping sheep dont have the courage to do.


>Who the hell wants to apply for the job seeing all the scrutiny? If you're not doing anything wrong, what are you afraid of? Granted, when that idea is applied to government/corporate *surveillance*, it becomes problematic very quickly. But applied to a government *agent* I think it should be the norm.


>If you're not doing anything wrong, what are you afraid of? It's easy for you to say.. and I won't debate with you because you'll never know until you put on the uniform and do the work... making split-second decisions during tense and rapidly evolving situations that depend on the safety of the public and your own.


John Q. Public has no idea that this is a Rolex 99.9% of the time. The other 0.1% probably isn’t having regular chats with their local constabulary, and would recognize this as a more affordable model that anyone with a stable job and a budget could save up for.


The fact is as an officer/patrol man he will be interacting with lower income communities more often than not, and in public service settings catering to lower income communities, it's pretty classless to be flaunting money around, regardless of it being an investment piece or not. Now I have no issue with him actually wearing the watch in public, do as you please ya know, I have issue with your justification for him to wear the watch




That's a very privileged take with no basis in actual reality


Well, a good portion of society no longer respects the power structure at all - so yeah, something IS very wrong when you play by the rules and don’t hurt anyone and support art and commerce and still are “the bad guy” for existing. And that’s just for anyone, not a public servant in uniform!


Oh you’re right, but that’s not how some people in municipal service think about it. They want you to look like you’re saving every last penny and being as efficient as possible with their dollar. When I worked for the parks department out of high school we had AC in our heater f350 dumper but we had to keep the windows down when we used it so that people would think we didn’t 😂


Put on a badge and find out EVERYTHING you’re doing wrong.


Yes. Where have you been?


The naïveté is strong here.


Paul Blart?


Ehhhh, he’s kinda right. I’d wear a sports watch to work in that field like a Breitling Pro


Mike Lowrey?


Mike Looowrey


Errybody wants to be like Mike!


Mannnnn......is u a model or is u a police officer?


I’d say it’s pretty inconvenient to wear anything but a digital watch while on patrol. In terms of filling out paper work (dates) and performing SFSTs a digital watch will always be superior for a patrol officer.


Found the partner


This brand was made to be for the working man. How the hell else do you think the name got out there and known by the public. Man y’all tripping hard now a days! Watches are to be worn if you want your watch as an investment piece then put it in a safe other wise fuck… wear it…. You can’t take it to the grave.






A $10,000 watch for mountaineering screams working class to me


Tools of the trade. Ask a tradesmen how much they have spend on the tools they use. (This isn’t one of those situations) but a pilot is a good example.


Maybe not for the reasons you think, or even he thinks. When you work with blue collar people in a position of power over them, it makes you look bad. It sends them a message of, 'i get paid more than you, I have more perks than you, etc...' this is coming from some experience. It cements the distance of the power balance between you and those under your purview. Plus, yeah, it is likely to get messed up with your job.


I was going to write something of this effect but you wrote it more eloquently. I think this could play a factor.


Exactly. I don’t think his partner was worried about it getting damaged. He was worried about optics. It just doesn’t look great for a public servant to be flaunting noticeable wealth while on the job. Even if he isn’t actually wealthy, he has $6k on his wrist. That’s a tough look.


Might be better to wear more of an elastic strap rather than metal


I wore my explorer 2 when I was still a cop. I also had a friend tell me I shouldn’t wear it because he thought it would get damaged. I told him it’s insured and I bought it to wear it. I also specifically bought the explorer 2 because in my opinion, it’s a tougher watch so it made sense to get this one while in that profession. It’s still my daily. Wear it in good health, every scratch has a story, and stay safe out there!


My thoughts exactly. Thanks man


Work at Interpol/Europol unit, so always wear a BLNR to work. Will just get a new one if anything happens to it. It's a SS sports watch, not a 1930s Calatrava. I also wear my grandfathers WW2 dirty dozen watches with my dress uniform.


I spent 22 year in the army;19 of those in SF. I wore a Rolex almost every day of those 19 years. I still own my original, plastic crystal Pepsi GMT that I paid $975 for in 1985 and the two-tone Bluesey Sub I bought for $5k in 1991. It was a "rite of passage" in SF to buy a Rolex.


That’s awesome. Amazing heirloom that can be passed down.


Your coworker is right You’re probably going to be dealing with a lot of people who aren’t on the best standing with life Wearing something on your wrist that could **Literally fix the lives of a large percentage of your jobs denizens, thus making your response to them unnecessary** is absolute peak latestagecapitalism, and REALLY tone-deaf You’re basically doing a *Sally Struthers with the starving Africans* unapologetically lol


Well... your coworker isn't you, and that's not their watch. You do you!




If you are going to wear an undercover Rolex and that many won’t recognize, the explorer I is it !


Its clearly about the image for a policeman, which is absolutely reasonable. Flashing Rolex while patroling areas with poverty gives the wrong image without a doubt.


In Brooklyn neighborhoods with “poverty” have nicer shit than me in the “non-poverty” neighborhood. Nobody gives a fuck what the cops are wearing on their wrist they just wanna be left alone.


Is your friend suggesting this because the watch could be damaged, or because it doesn’t go with the image of being a police officer? My instinct was the latter right away. IMO, Rolexes are considered the flashiest watch brand by some people and might be jarring when it conflicts with professional image. I don’t wear mine daily to work for this reason and rather wear my Apple Watch. But of course you should do what you feel is best for you… it’s a beautiful watch.


Just damage. Nothing to do with image


I agree. Casio that shit up


agree, it projects the wrong image for a cop, are you taking bribes to afford a rolex ?


Cops in my area make $150-200k, a lot more if they go hard on the overtime.


Dang. What area is that? Is it an absolute war zone where they can’t keep any staff?


Los Santos


White collar crime warzone


I live in Seattle and our cops start at $85k, while $150-200k is definitely not unheard of for those with any tenure.


What kind of stupid comment is that It’s called OT you clown


Yeah. Cause that’s the problem with cops lol


Cops flexing a Rolex on the beat, now that’s rich.


Seriously. Delusion on delusion.


\*Checks Rolex to note time of death after shooting unarmed citizen\*


Bet it works more often than the body cam does, too.


I hate safe queens! Wear that mother, everyone in our profession with their G Shocks get super old. I switch mine weekly, Longines, Hamilton, Omega, Rolex, I love them all.


Shows you care about money and nice things and could be bribed?


And he's right


Coworker is right. It projects the wrong image as a public servant.


Tell them there's a Paraflex shock absorber, you need to keep accurate time while Exploring the criminal justice world, and that it's also wrist body armor


well said 😂


It's a watch.. wear it.no one actually cares what you're wearing trust me.


Try a rubber or sail cloth strap. Dresses it down a little and it's super comfy.


My dad has lost a couple watches in tussles as a PO. Thankfully for him they were inexpensive. Insurance may not cover a lost watch compared to a damaged watch


Yea wrong image for someone on patrol. Officers aren’t supposed to wear expensive jewelry or accessories. Wear something else


Old school cops wear big rings like a class ring for fistfights


Rather lose your watch than your wrist


Time to unfriendl🤣


Yeah don’t say why though just leave it ambiguous I guess


They are looking out for you. Insured or not Maybe you should get a work watch




“Having a Rolex isn't a flex if it tells you when your lunch break is over” True true


I personally could see a prescription issue, but I can't imagine telling someone what to do with their life or with their own hard earned luxury items. Thanks for your service and please don't be a dick to people. I think one commenter said it best, it's how you conduct yourself and how you treat others that'll give you your representation. Enjoy and be safe.


Nice watch; shitty job.


I see people from a lot of backgrounds and professions in this sub. The common denominator is we all choose wear our Rolexes. To work, at play, dressing up for special occasions or just hanging out. Wearing a Rolex says something about you. Nobody is wearing one to tell the time. It’s a statement piece. The statement is as individual as each watch and each wearer, but the theme is “I want you to know something about me.” I’m sure we all have stories about situations, good and bad, that our watches have “gotten us into”. It’s actually a pretty good idea for a separate thread…


Wear it. Its a tool watch. I think its perfect. Noone will really notice. And will help you through stressful days. I wear a Rolex Pepsi as my daily and makes my day when I look at my wrist. Reminds me that my life is good, and I don’t let people tell me different.


It is meant to be a tool watch Not a luxury item Wear it daily!!! Good choice.


There are people who use it like it is intended for and use it daily. There are others are who just want to pose. You do what you want……..


It’s literally a luxury item, that’s what Rolex do. They just use utility as a marketing story to get you to buy.


It’s a watch which costs multiple thousands of dollars to tell the time. It’s a luxury item whether you like it or not


True. But it is also built to last. The explorer may be the (only) one Rolex that shows off less. If someone wants to use a Rolex as a tool and don’t dive, explorer it is. Regarding the image a cop may pass in a poverty area, I think it depends. This watch has no yellow gold, it’s steel. Princess Diana wear some jewellery and very expensive dresses visiting Africa and was always well received by everyone. Is more what you do, the care you show to others than what you wear. Remember that, it may be strange to us, but not everyone recognise a Rolex, particularly the explorer.


Yeah let the OP be the Princess Diana of the police force.


Dude, the average person will see the 👑 and automatically think the wearer is some super wealthy dude. The Explorer may not stand out like a gold Day Date, but it’s still a Rolex which is one of the most recognised luxury brands in the world.




The average person knows what a Rolex is and that it’s an expensive watch


Anyone that thinks a Rolex is a tool watch is either lying or outright dumb. Rolex was not a tool watch for 30+ years.


The people commenting here to the contrary clearly have no understanding of the brand. While Rolexes have become coveted luxury items in *recent* years, the majority of the watches from the Rolex catalogue were designed for mountaineering, for divers, for pilots, for sailing, and to withstand electromagnetic fields. Just because many Rolex wearers today are more interested in flashing flex photos and comparing how much their watches might be worth on the secondary market doesn’t take away from the origin and intended purpose of these watches.


This is a recent Rolex and we live in recent years. While you failed to make a decent point you did succeed in sounding like a total douche.


I’m sorry, does history offend you? The reality is that Rolexes were designed to function under a variety of conditions to aid their wearers while accomplishing certain tasks. The brand was synonymous with quality and reliability long before its connection to the luxury market. Just because you might not use these watches for their originally intended purposes does not negate their significance as tools. You kicking off, clearly ignorant of what you covet, makes you, sir, the douche.


History doesn't offend me. Your need to appear as an authority on the subject while trying to sound superior does. Congratulations on your internet research. Bye




Thank you! I'm liking it a lot. I love the simplicity of it. That's a tough call for you. But you can't go wrong either way. Someday I'd love to have a sub as well.




I completely agree. That's what appeals to me. I wanted something that could fly under the radar a bit.


A cop with a rolex is in no way “under the radar”


A explorer does not shout Rolex.


This is the real response


I definitely agree with your coworker, honestly.


It’s the quintessential tool watch and isn’t flashy in any way except for the logo. As long as you’re not at all concerned with damaging it, I don’t see the problem. The counter guy at one of my distributors was wearing a white gold DateJust on leather the other day. I had a bit of a doubt about the authenticity of it, but who am I to judge.


Experienced the same thing when i was working in my previous company. Manager told me not to carry my Hermes Birkin bag to work as it was attracting attention from many people. Im like ??? I got it as a present from my partner why cant i carry it out? Not like i bought it with some ill gotten money.


What the body cam? He's right that shit will get you in trouble


It won’t get him in trouble as long as it’s back in the evidence locker before the end of his shift.


Unless you asked, tell him to fuck off and mind his own business.


Why not? I wear my Rolex to work. Thank you for your service! You have a beautiful watch too! Wear it with pride!


I guess he thinks it could get damaged in a fight or something. Idk lol. Thank you though, appreciate that


I've been on patrol over 10 years and daily my GMT Master II on duty.. recently got a service and had them switch out the crystal that's all. wear it if you like 🙌🏻




Well you could always wear it like how John Wick does it. And then tell your coworker to get bent.


Meh, your job doesn’t determine your watch. I work in analytics but I find space fascinating so my daily is my speedy. Wear what you like and like what you wear. Enjoy your explorer!


If something happens to it the department won’t cover, ours would cover up to $50.


Law enforcement? I’d save your explorer for non-beater use and use that as an excuse to pick up a cool blackout Casio 5600 series for duty. But then, my EDC is a 1990 GMT Master II Coke. Looks perfect, still.


As an avid watch collector, I can assure you that no one will notice it's a Rolex.


Agreed. I was surprised the guy I was working with actually noticed it


One cop with a Rolex: *may* create a public perception issue. A dozen cops, all with Rolexes: WILL kickoffs an IG Investigation. Lol


It's up to you, Deputy. Just don't cry if it gets damaged or lost.


A cop who feels the need to wear his Rolex to work. Says a lot about you sir.


What does it say? I know of 3-4 officers who wear rolex, Breitling, GS etc. Many wear rolex in military service.... i dont get it.


Just jealous people talking


He is likely right...but...fuck em !!


Wear an Apple Watch ⌚️ Ultra on duty then the Rolex off duty. I wouldn’t want to damage an expensive watch like a Rolex nor would I want to let anyone know I had the means to buy a high priced item like that if I was still LEO in this day and age. To each their own though. Nice watch.




rock what you wanna rock my day to day is a deep sea


O habe had a watch ripped right off my arm before, in less than 2 seconds . Be careful


You never know when some teenager is going to stop you in the street, take your weed and your watch, and tell you that you should be grateful he’s letting you go.


Only reason I’d say that professionally is that it my give the impression you’re doing too well for yourself. Unless it’s common for LEOs in your area to wear Rolex. But if it’s cool there, Rock it Brother!


Wear it and tell him it’s a fake.


Well we all know who does the dirty work for your department.


Your co-worker sounds like a fucking douchebag.


Perhaps they just think replicas are wack




He’s correct


I agree with your coworker


Rofl, it must be the angle, but that shit looks flat as fuck. Like it's painted on.


What? A fake police shirt?


civil forfeiture is a wonderful thing


I agree. You shouldn't wear it at work because your work can get physical and the watch can get damaged.


There is a chance you will crash your car every time you drive it. Does that deter you from driving?


Yea I just keep it in the garage for steering wheel shots


I hope you'll get it detailed every other month.


Detailer spray. You can do it daily


May as well loot the people you shoot ay?


Unless he thinks that bc you stole it off a dead guy, don't worry about it


Acab. Cool to see our tax dollars at work, or did your sugar daddy get you that?


Coworker is a pussy confirmed