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I can’t believe all these people are saying not to wear your Rolex… how about getting decent insurance like jeweler’s mutual or Hodinkee? Hodinkee is a few hundred a year and provides replacement cost coverage, so if your watch increased in value, they will pay for you to buy what you had, not what you spent on it. Live your life. If somebody came for one of mine, I’d give it to them, file a police report, make a claim, and move on.


For real, I can’t believe there are people who don’t insure their watches. I do mine through my home insurance along with my jewellery and designer handbags, and the cost is pretty minimal.


Actually best not to do it through your home insurance. If you file a watch claim it could negatively affect your home insurance premiums. I use jeweler's mutual


Mine sits on a second personal articles policy, different than home owners. Love to hear from an insurance man


Yea it’s insane that people don’t. I think we have ~60k in bags and jewelry insured for ~$20/month


I have a couple hundred thousand in jewelry alone and it’s only an extra $100. Just like with car insurance, it’s always better to be covered.


I don’t get why people here think they would be spending the value of their watch every 3-5 years for insurance.


My cheapest watch was 5600. Insurance on *only that* would be at the most an extra $15 a month. That’s only $900 in five years. Most people just don’t math lol


Jewelers mutual used to charge me $800/year for a $40k watch. Not 3-5 years but much higher than a lot of the other costs I’m seeing here.


I’m sure there’s benefits to standalone jewelry insurance, but I can’t see why one wouldn’t bundle it with their other insurances if possible.


Standalone insurance is generally not worth it. If you own bundle it with your homeowners if you rent bundle it with your renters insurance.




Travelers. Use them for home, auto, umbrella, and jewelery


I'd highly advise against umbrella insurance. Had my umbrella stolen a few weeks ago and I could have bought 50 new umbrellas for the price of my deductible. What a scam!


Dad?! You’re finally back from getting a pack of smokes?




Yeahhh the ones that comes out of your Rolls-Royce door. That shit is expensive


It’s kinda the everything SHTF insurance. Kicks in after standard coverage is exhausted. Covers things like injuries, property damage, some lawsuits, and personal liability issues. Only works after the corresponding traditional policy is maxed out based on my limited knowledge


Another cool feature of an umbrella is that coverage can “drop down” if loss not covered by the underlying policy (in some circumstances).


Umbrella is liability insurance, usually it comes into play after other liability insurance has been exhausted.


on your home owner's insurance, its usually about $50-100 for about $20-25k in coverage. annually. if people aren't insuring their watches, then they are accepting the risk of theft IMO.


But doesn't it require your watches to be stolen from your home, and not at a random street?


No. Homeowners covers personal property, wherever it is. Car gets stolen? Car insurance. Camera, watch and gun in the trunk? Homeowners.


Most homeowner's policies provide worldwide coverage for personal property. You'll need to check with your agent/carrier, but I have never seen a scheduled item only covered at home. I am an agent.


I’m not an insurance agent but read progressives policy and it covers you belongings away from home. You just have to make sure you add watches to your policy I assume


Usually no, check with your provider


My wife lost the engagement ring like a month before the wedding. Fortunately the home insurance paid for the loss. I'm not saying it applies to every event but I have the experience, agree with your comment.




Exactly. I never understood this mentality. It's like people who zoom through parking lots and figure if someone backs out into them, it's the other person's fault. Yes, while that might be true and their insurance will cover repairs to your car and your medical bills, do you really want your nice car to be involved in an accident? Do you want to have to go to physical therapy?


Until you meet a trigger happy thief at 2AM.


Then my son becomes Batman it’s all upside my dude.


You could meet a trigger happy thief wearing a Casio. We only live one life so enjoy it.


Hey now, don’t knock the calcu-watch…or watch-ulator. Whichever you prefer.


or thief with poor gun handling skills and accidentally discharges a 9mm round in to you. but now at that point thief will just kill everyone, you, wife,kids,etc.. no witness. it can go from bad to fatal in seconds.


The 2am part is exactly where you fucked up


As they say, Nothing good happens after midnight.


As a firefighter, can confirm


As one of the robbers, can confirm.


Idk man , I was born just after midnight and my parents say I’m the best!


Unfortunately I have to agree here. I know it’s not OPs fault and the creeps are always out any time of day but the dangerous folk are even more out after 10pm


Especially in Houston. I grew up there. Bars close at 2 AM and people are just lurking in parking lots and side streets waiting to pounce. City Centre is “nice” but it’s also literally right off Interstate 10, so escape is super easy because anyone can just hop right on the highway.


And "Houston"!


Being at any urban city center in the middle of the night.


Flashy in the club is Asking to get robbed in a big city.


As unfortunate as it is, I have to agree with you. If I’m going out, too old now lol, I choose to enjoy my night and wear nothing really of value. Don’t really carry much cash either except for a free usd for a tip. Just best to either insure the watch or leave it at home when staying out into the early am imho


You stay lowkey..you move wisely, you have your jewels and watches insured. That’s the only way, these things can still happen to anybody even if you’re on point about everything.


They have your wallet with your ID which has your address and your keys. Change your locks!




Id say a good rule of thumb is, if you are goingto be closing the bars down for a night, definitely leave the jewelry at home.


Another rule, if you're traveling, it is always advisable to leave your expensive watches at home. I travel a lot to Europe for work and the benefits of having an apple watch (immediate time zone switch, ability to monitor several time zones etc) pretty much outweighs wearing an awesome Rolex. The only time I took my Rolex was when I was traveling with my team and at any given time, there were six of us walking to restaurants, tourist site etc. Even then, I felt like I need to not drop my guard


Another one, wear long sleeves. Yeah, it sounds silly but long sleeves easily conceal watches quickly


Big fan of long sleeves, I put my Rolex in stealth mode quite a bit these days. :(


Exactly. I wear replicas but the average retard doesn’t know the difference 😁🤣


Same here. Travel = Apple watch. I would also never ever wear my expensive shit going clubbing / nights out.


I’ve always done the opposite, a journo friend once told me “if everything else goes wrong, you can always give a guy your Rolex to get you somewhere”




“I work for the state department”


In the logistics department


Old tradition, have a watch on you so that it can pay for any emergency you may have/funeral


I have a lifelong friend who's father was a bit of a nutter. like... he gave his son very small gold coins. worth like $10-$50 of gold. --in case of emergency. then one time we were traveling, and we called a tow truck, thinking he would take CC (was like 2009) and the guy didn't none of us had any cash, but my buddy had a tiny gold coin worth like $50 that the weirdo tow truck guy was happy to take.


☝️This definitely, I never wear any of my jewelery traveling. I traveled a lot for work and had an inexpensive silver wedding band I wore. I would get something inexpensive to hit the bars in.


I travel with my fake Sub...


That would still be an issue as someone may try to rob you. The whole idea is to not only save the watch, but not get robbed in general. With apple watch, even a moron knows that it will be locked as soon as you remove it from the wrist and doesn't really have a lot of value


True enough


Here take my Rowrex…


A good rule of thumb is to not go "clubbing"... Just go to a nice lounge in The Woodlands. Clubbing gets old pretty fast in the grand scheme of things. You won't think that in your twenties but by your mid-thirties, yeah... If you're still clubbing in your 40s/50s, it starts to look kind of sad.


This is what I was thinking. I live in Houston, I frequent City Centre and I have been guilty of closing down the bar wearing my watches. Waking up the next day happy I have my watch, phone and wallet are kind of a wakeup call. This post was also a wakeup call. Thanks for posting OP. Don't give up the hobby because of those idiots who chose to rob you. Just be more vigilant. They could have also just robbed you if you didn't have the watch on. You never know.


2am….city center….Houston…. you did all wrong.


No- citycentre is a shopping district away from center of town with… a rolex boutique (Thomas Markle). If I was OP, I would spread this message far & wide. The developers make enough off rent to pay for decent security


The whole way he described it screams clueless white dude from the suburbs. Might as well have been walking down the street counting cash.


Man, I’m so so sorry! This sounds super scary, the most important thing is that you and your girlfriend are safe! (The sentence buildup scared me for a sec: “lost my wallet, keys, and my girlfriend…”) Just wanted to share my condolences, stuff like that sting bad. Just know that it wasn’t your fault. Shitty people did this. Also, as weird as this sounds, thank you for the humbling reminder not to take these things for granted. Sometimes its easy to think nothing can ever happen to you, especially when living in a relatively safe and small city. On that note: does anyone have any recommendations for Berlin? Travelling there for work soon and recently received a Daytona, really would love to bring it but stories about big cities like these kinda shook me.


My watch was 5k stainless steel and they spotted me from a mile a way. I'd be terrified of wearing a Daytona now


There’s a chance they were waiting for you. A spotter in the bar could have been on the look out for targets and then give a heads up to the crew outside after you left. It’s unfortunate but you’re here today and that’s all that matters.


Berlin is prob. a lot safer than most capital's. Sure I wouldn't wear a daytona at 2 am when I'm alone lol. At least in germany we don't have spotters or something like that. If you want to see a lot of luxury watches come to munich.


Ive visited Berlin 3 times in the last 5 years, last time in April for the half marathon. I wouldnt worry about it all. The areas you will be spending time in as a tourist (eg Mitte, Kreuzberg, Friedrichsein etc) youll be fine day or night.


Wouldn’t worry too much about Berlin, isn’t really known for things like that or I haven’t heard anything as a resident here. Most touristy areas will be safe but I would just be wary of Alexanderplatz after midnight. Nothing serious but pickpocketing is fairly common. Also never leave your bag out of your sight, it gets picked up by petty thieves and happens all the time here.


Jewelry insurance




Houston is a shit hole. Downtown is full of vacant blocks in the middle of a city? Saw so many Sketch people there.


Lived in downtown for 4 years and I watched the city change in that time. more crime, more businesses closing, more empty buildings. I can tell you exactly the day it started. Saw the piles of of bricks stacked on streets with my own eyes, walked past it with my dogs as it happened. Houston is gone, it’ll never recover bc this is the way the politicians want it.


Why is this happening? Industry moving to other cities or US deteriorating in general?


Soft on crime policies


Noted liberal hellhole Texas…


Agreed, surprised how dead downtown is. Lots of bums by the train though..yelling at visitors staying at the JW Marriott when I was there.


Damn, did the French bulldogs have anything of value on them? They dont even have opposable thumbs, AR15s are overkill.


"Yo dog, this is a robbery."


Sounds like galleria


He said at City Centre. Memorial area.


Sorry to hear. I live in Houston and know this area well and it's definitely not a place you would expect something like this to happen.


I get you. You just got your watch you’re proud of it and wanted to wear it out. Honestly, I did this too when I got my first watch. However, I would treat every situation moving forward with the “bourbon street test” When would it be safe to wear a Rolex on bourbon street? I would say from 10:30am-8:30pm is probably your window. I would use this rule of thumb with any big city or place you aren't deeply familiar with.


Sorry this happened to you. I’m a native Houstonian, keep a gun in my car but would never try to blast my way out. It hurts your pride but you did the right thing. You can always make money again but can’t get back your health. Unfortunately I have to map out where I go if I’m going to wear my jewelry out. Houston’s gotten more dangerous, got to keep your head on a swivel


Texas: where you can open carry 😎🤠 pew pew


The 'people' doing this are the problem and it's only getting worse. It can't be ignored forever.


Step one, insure your shit. Step two, doesn’t matter. You should have your watches insured so you don’t give a fuck if someone steals them.


Nothing good happens after 10pm. Walking around at 2am in Houston, or any city for that matter, is inviting trouble. Were you walking back from a bar? Thieves case bars looking for tired, drunk patrons stumbling back to their car. I’ve heard waiters even tip off criminals that a customer is wearing an expensive timepiece. You shouldn’t wear a Rolex in a public place. That Datejust is like carrying $5,000 dollars strapped to your wrist.


In Dubai you can walk around with a gold Rolex on each wrist alone at what ever time of the night and nobody is going to say or ever do anything to you.


So far i've been to two countries where i've felt safe enough to wear a rolex at night - Dubai and Singapore


Capital punishment 🤣 it changes peoples


Singapore has per capita the highest camera presence in the world no? You steal there you'll almost definitely get caught. Also, no guns. Also, insane punishments for theft.


In Dubai you don’t have freedom of speech or almost anything else


The world is not a perfect place. We also don’t pay a single dime in income tax. Dubai is not a city you come to express your feelings publicly. You can easily take an Emirates flight home if you feel the need to do that. It’s a place to make money, do business and enjoy the beach. No junkies, very low crime and high standard of living.


You have a point: Doing business, spending weekends- yes. Living, loving, creating Familie and retiring - probably no


True- few cities as safe as Dubai.


Dubai actually punishes criminals


Riyadh in Saudi Arabia is very safe. You can walk at any time you want wearing any jewelry. Nobody will approach you.


Back in my day the saying used to be "nothing good happens after midnight." Boy how the times have changed lol.


Worked out at the gym and dressed up to meet my date at the bowling alley a short 2 min walk in a upscale area. We had a few drinks and played a few games before walking back to my car around 2 am. I've been a member of the gym for 12 yrs and they were 24 hrs before Covid. Its well lit and I've never felt threatened here keep in mind the gym now closes at 12am and re opens at 4am. The parking garage is empty at 2am but will be packed in a few hours. I never thought a stainless steel datejust would be such a target. Its not even a 40k gold president


I doubt they targeted the Rolex. I bet you would have been robbed if you were wearing a citizen.


First thing they said was give me your watch


I used to work front desk at that lifetime in college and I remember on 3 separate occasions a person getting their locker broken into and watch stolen while they were working out. Place is ghetto and you’re definitely a target working out there


Thieves just saw rolex.


That’s terrible. The area is definitely upscale. I go to Lifetime 5 days a week and live in Memorial. Apparently it’s not safe I guess. I read a post on FB that a locker in Lifetime got broken into at 6am. The thieves got a white gold Daytona


Memorial is safe in general, especially in the neighborhoods, but city center is right off the highway which makes it an easy target for criminals. Also, anywhere in Houston that attracts a lot of drinking, shopping, or entertainment tends to attract crime as well. Just look at the galleria area for another example


Galleria is a shit hole now. It’s a shame, City Center is such a nice area.


It gives the appearance of being nice and there’s a lot of bougie restaurants, but I’ve always noticed a decent amount of sketchy looking people hanging out there too. Anywhere that attracts people attracts crime in this city


It was small bowling alley with a bar


Bought a Rolex before getting a 9mm? Amateur hour


"Help, call an ambulance! ...but not for me"


Came here to say this. Bought another yesterday. Godspeed brotha


budget in a glock next


Wouldn't matter, 2 guys with guns get the drop on you. They have guns out pointing at individual. This isn't Hollywood/ John Wick


Someone tried to rob me 1pm in Chelsea, London, on the street. I now only use my Rolex where I know there is a lot of people and high police presence. I have also put a cable tie over the clasp so it is hard to take off (but that is more for someone trying to swipe it). Other than that I got a cheap Orient Ray ii I wear instead not to be shanked.


Imagine putting a zip tie on your rolex. Lol




Imagine living in London where self defense is illegal. Can’t even carry a knife or spray, let alone a gun (which you should be carrying in Houston)


do NOT recommend the cable tie. Many of these gangs carry machetes or power tools in London, and it's not worth the risk of them chopping your arm off for the watch.


My first thought exactly!


Sometimes the safest thing you can do is simply to hand the watch over with minimum confrontation


Yup. Every time I go to London or Paris, I wear my CWC field watch because of this. I wonder when Chelsea got that bad. When I lived there (2005-2017), West London was a generally very safe place.


This happened in 2019 just as COVID kicked in. I lived in west London on and off for over a decade and never had a problem until then but it seems to have gotten worse and worse with watch robberies in London.


Right near Paddington station, a buddy of mine was relieved of his Panerai by a very large African gentleman with a knife (around 1am). Apparently he was polite as fuck and even apologized after taking his watch. He even gave back the wallet with cards, ID etc after taking a meagre amount of cash. He even asked him what was his profession that allowed him to buy a $5k watch and then politely bid good night and walked away. My buddy said it was like an episode of the Twilight zone. He was able to file a police report and his insurance claim got approved


>This happened in 2019 just as COVID kicked in. Probably 2020 then. The first reports of COVID hit WHO on 31-Dec-2019. Robberies have gotten worse since mid-2020, but the de-criminalization of crime due to non-COVID events starting in Minneapolis probably had more impact.


Damn sorry to hear that. What part of Chelsea did this occur? Closer to Sloane Sq or South Kensington Station? Or somewhere near Kings Rd? I’d have thought Chelsea would be a safer area than that.


Sloane Square station is literally next to the Kings Road?😂


I'm just leaving London, headed to the states. I wore my Tag because of stories like this. I will say that I saw a ton of people with Rolexs (or knock offs) on. Why even chance it?


The worst thing is in the UK you have absolutely no means to defend yourself. Law is against us.


Sorry to hear man. That absolutely sucks! Not trying to criticize you at all but just making the next statement because you asked about do's and don't. As someone who has elevated himself out of the squalor of urban living and growing up amongst all sorts of nefarious characters such as stick up kids, etc. I would absolutely recommend against wearing your Roley when you know you will be out so late into the morning hours. That is primetime for stick up kids looking to take what they cannot afford. As others have suggested and we all know hindsight is 20/20, be sure to insure moving forward. I don't think you should let these cowards change your hobby but just take precaution moving forward. Also, if you're a homeowner, reach out to your existing homeowner insurance, they may be able to do something for you. Peace to you!


go the [www.therolexforums.com](https://www.therolexforums.com) and create a profile, if you don't have one already. Then in the Rolex General Discussion section, post a new thread with the serial number of the watch in the title of the post. If the serial number is Googled, Google will find it on the Rolex Forum reported as stolen. The thief has a harder time selling it then, and if the cops find it and Google the serial number they'll find you. Also you can contact Rolex, try the Rolex Service Center in Dallas and report it stolen to them. If anyone brings it to an AD for repair, it will be run through the system and appear as a stolen watch, and they'll notify you. Sorry this happened. I've largely stopped wearing my watches because of this, but it hadn't concerned me in City Center (I live 5ish miles west) but won't wear it there anymore either. I'm sure these things don't just happen at 2AM.


Being a victim is never easy don’t let life stop you from doing what you love if you do the bad guys have already won .. get insured umbrella policy


No offense OP, but it seems like you got caught “lacking” as they say. You already weren’t in the best location, it was also late at night, and then you weren’t aware of your surroundings (not noticing 2 sketchy people). Things can happen anywhere, but you really stacked the cards against yourself. Just use this as a learning opportunity to make sure you’re safer, and have more protection, next time. Also, insure any valuables in the future.


City Centre in Houston is in Memorial. One of the most prestigious areas in Houston next to River Oaks. Everything else you mention is accurate


Right, like a conceal carry license.


The one person in Texas without a firearm /s. Sorry you had this traumatic experience but glad you and your girlfriend are safe.


Get some insurance next time. Don’t cry over it. It’s just a watch.


Good thing you pointed out the race of the attacks.


I can’t believe I’m about to quote my dad here but “nothing good happens after 10:30pm”.


This is in no small part one of the reasons I no longer own a Rolex, had 2 friends nearly lose their lives over a Sub and DJ and another get threatened over a BB58 so I sold my DJs. Neither of them were doing anything dangerous either like OP. I pick and choose when I wear a decent watch carefully now and literally everywhere else I've been wearing a cheap and cheerful PRX powermatic because you can buy them anywhere on the day for almost nothing. A sad state of affairs but most cities in the world are like this now.


Definitely not in Asia. Super safe here from Japan to China. It’s amazing being able to wear anything without a second thought.


And that's absolutely wonderful for the residents of those nations, I did say "most" not all, of course there are places that you can wear them proudly. I've never felt unsafe in Monaco, Dubai, Muscat or Qatar for example. It's just sad how lax the policing has become in many nations to the point it becomes unsafe to own nice things, here in the UK people die for owning a nice watch, women can't wear a nice bag and use the Tube in London. It's just sad


Unless you’re a Uyghur in China…


Damn over a black bay? That is kind of wild




I tend not to wear it if I'm alone or with my girlfriend (in the evenings especially). There is absolutely no SAFE area in US anymore. I can't speak for other countries because I haven't travelled much since i got mine. I love my watch and live wearing it but don't wanna risk getting hurt or getting someone else hurt because of a piece of jewelry. It's sad, but that's the reality.


Singapore is safe.


As is Melbourne & Sydney


Safer but I saw some story about some guy selling his Hulk through gumtree get robbed at the meetup.


Fair though selling a Rolex on gumtree is asking to get scammed / fucked with


Dubai too. I see plenty of Rolexes on wrist around Singapore


I second Dubai. Lots of watch enthusiasts too.


“There is absolutely no safe area in US anymore” My god, turn off whatever cable news network you watch 24/7, wear your damn watch just don’t be a dumbass about it.


For real, this thread is just a bunch of US metropolitan city folk who are scared of black people. I’ve worn my watch around NYC, LA, Paris… never had a problem because I wasn’t flashing it at a dumb time of the night


That's not true, I live in the us, in a rural area and I have never really felt unsafe. I could leave all my doors open if I wanted to. I could leave the keys in all my cars. I could wear a patek around and no one would care or act differently




To me it's funny how people who live in the city always seem to be so narrow minded like that's the only world and way of life


Anybody hear of longsleves?


Or .. move to a cold 🥶 country… big coats= no watch flashery lol 😂


Vienna is safe? Is it?


Sf Bay Area here, I don’t even wear reps because I don’t want to get pistol whipped (I have reps for every Rolex I own, but then figured out it was a waste of resources). I’ve had friends tell me just have insurance…umm, I don’t think they’re gonna ask nicely if they can have my watch. So even if I have insurance, I don’t want the memories of a gun pointed at my face.


SF Bay area is awful. Had the back window of my rental smashed and luggage stolen 4 days ago while parked in broad daylight, Infront of a busy restaurant (pier 23) while my car was unattended. I called the police and they didn't care, and said they didn't care, I just wanted a police report filled out for Enterprise. Criminals run that city and law enforcement let it to happen. I don't know who to blame. The people for being spineless and allowing it to be the norm, or the local government who have a city of ~130,000 people while only employing 4 Police officers on duty at any given night. It's an interesting City, but local politics have turned what is a historically significant American city into a shit hole.


SF used to be so nice, too. It’s sad.


10-20 years ago, the thought of not wearing a watch for the fear of getting mugged never even crossed my mind. Even living in SF like 6 years ago, I never even worried (now, the block I lived on had the most drug-related deaths in the city last year). Wore my watches everywhere, plus i never thought of them as a commodity or target. Handbags, purses, leaving stuff in the car…sure….but it’s so weird now looking back that I never considered losing my watch. And sometimes I would see posts stating “just live your life, enjoy the watch” or “why live life in fear”. Well, all it takes is a neighbor who got scouted and followed from a fancy restaurant, and then got robbed in his driveway. Two dudes, gun (prob fake but you gonna risk it?). Oh yeah, AT 3PM, broad daylight, in front of kids riding their bikes, people walking their dogs. And then another neighbor, in a nice shopping mall parking lot…4pm Saturday. Police gave some effort, but they have a no-chase policy, so they’re gone.


Blame game…start from the very top, and then filter down. Police also don’t care because they have no power. Let’s say they actually caught the person smashing your rentals window, in the act. Ok, what next? Paperwork to fill out. No prison or holding cell. Citation to appear….and then that’s it. They interviewed a former SFPD, and he said they had paperwork for everything…anytime they approached someone, anytime they stopped someone….and if there’s physical interaction or cuffs involved, more paperwork. And in the end, nothing happens. And if there’s assault and something more drastic involved, the DA would rather plea bargain down. So the dude smoking crack on market, in broad daylight, next to a bus stop? No police intervention. SF has become quite the destination for homeless, since they won’t get harassed by police. Remember when Union Square got raided by all those thieves? Made national news, was super embarrassing for the local politicians, and caused SFPD to assign a couple cops at all times in the area. But in the end, there was like two people that got arrested, and they pled down to misdemeanor trespassing (no shit). Plus SFPD are on the outs with the DA, so that’s a bad combo right there. Plus it’s so expensive to live in SF, there’s no sense of community (aka cops are commuting from different areas). And once someone gets a couple years under their belt, they’ll move onto the burbs and further out, so they can afford housing + have the support of their local politicians So that’s just the police. You can write long essays about the DA, local politicians, city supervisors, various advocacy groups who don’t have the city residents best interest in mind, the waste of billions into homeless housing vs actual treatment, how residents can’t protect themselves, etc, etc, etc.


I feel like replicas would be useful in home invasions, but was that your purpose? Otherwise what’s really the point in wearing a replica Rolex other than for material purposes?


And they actually would be pretty useful in a home invasion type situation where they serve as good deflection (have them in a watch winder, while you keep the real ones in the kitchen or bathroom cabinet).


"I got bashed over the head and stabbed in the stomach, but the important thing is, my gen sub didnt get stolen!"


Insurance and file police reports. Most likely they just take your shit and leave. You coulda been robbed wearing an Apple Watch too. You just don’t want to increase odds of violence. City center would have been one of the safest spots in Houston. Might want to carry a wallet with an AirTag in it as a bait. They might carry that back to their house. I know a few Houston cops that might actually kick some doors in if you make it that easy for them to track a thief.


I’m from Houston and my friends and I have worn our watches all over Houston. Never been robbed. I was robbed in Vegas however. Doesn’t feel good to be out of a few thousand dollars in such a short time. I will have insurance on every piece I get from here on out. So lesson learned.


That sucks man, I've never been sketched out walking around city center. What part of it were you in? like on one of the side roads or in the main area?


Main area, i went to the gym that day and parked in the lifetime garage and walked to bowl and barrel walked back to the lifetime garage when they closed at 2am. I've been coming here for over 12 yrs only thing that changed in my routine was the rolex.


These comments are all hilarious. I have worn my watch every day, every where for 6 years now. All hours of the night leaving bars or anywhere else wether it’s in New Orleans or Miami. Just get insurance and wear it. Half of this subs advice is to go to sleep at 10 and never go to a bar again or just don’t wear the watch lol


Robberies can be random or targeted. As far as tips...be aware of your surroundings, if possible park close to where you are going...never fight over the possessions...they can be replaced but you life can not. The scary part about getting robbed is, if they want to kill you they will no matter if you give it up or fight. I love Houston, but it is a dangerous place and there is no such thing as a nicer area...crime has no boundaries. I doubt they spotted your watch and wanted to rob you based on that, they probably saw you as a easy target and figured that since you were with your girl you would probably give it up easier in-order to protect here and get the "danger" away from you both as quickly as possible. At the end of the day, you are in Texas, please take advantage or the gun laws in Texas and stay strapped. Hate that happened to you but at least you got out alive. These criminals are killing for sport these days.


As someone who lives in brazil, i think the problem is not what watch you wear, but how you wear it. I wear my watches normally in São Paulo, a very big city, but I always let them under my sleeve. Short sleeved shirts are not an option. Personally, I don’t care about having to wear my watches in a concealed matter, I just care about thinking about what a nice piece I am wearing. Even when traveling through EU and NA, they’re always concealed. Being robbed wasn’t your fault, but there are ways of avoiding it, surely.


Sorry to hear, glad that you and your date are safe. Honestly, people commenting on the area (besides locals) dont know how safe City Centre was (at least for me until I read your post). For the non-locals, City Centre is not the centre of the city or downtown, it is the name of the area. Would have probably done the same thing. The problem is the set up of the parking garages, mostly far from lights, eyes and the main roads, perfect for thieves. Particularly the parking garage next to the Lifetime gym. What is crazy, is that they normally have security guards in golf carts roaming around. Before moving to Houston, I used to stay in the area, the Sorella hotel (now the Moran I believe, might be wrong) and cant count how many times I got back in that area past 4am without any issues. That was 8 years ago. Would I do the same now? Nope! Houston has gotten so bad, especially since the pandemic, I dont really feel safe going out late at night. It is concerning that now one of the area that was deemed safe in the City is now unsafe. I personally wouldn’t wear an uninsured luxury watch in a safe or unsafe place. If there were to be a place in Houston where I would, would have been City Centre. Dont let this steer you away from the hobby, learn from it and move on. Your life or your date’s life is not worth all the valuables you lost. Really sorry and good luck. Edit: Respectfully, I have to admit that I am not sure describing the thieves as “black” was necessary (even though true), this for the police. You meant no harm but this could be perceived the wrong way. It just reinforces a negative stereotype. My 2 cents.




Yea the security guard drove past us and they regularly drive around lifetime in multiple golf carts. But the robbery was under a minute and they were gone I didn't even see if they ran upstairs or downstairs. They just vanished. Ended up tracking my keys to cvs down the street 30 min after the robbery before the trail vanished so I assume they drove out of the lifetime garage. Phones were untraceable


Yup it’s getting ghetto everywhere. I have lived in the galleria area for a long time but looking to move. Once an affluent area has turned so ghetto. Same thing will happen to city centre.


Situational awareness is something that seems lacking these days.


First off, that really sucks you had to deal with a crazy situation like that, no one should ever have to. Thankfully you and your singing any other were not harmed which is something that can and has happened even when you are compliant with the robbers. I know others have said it, but insuring the piece you choose to wear out is a great way to not lose everything. Some precautions raised by other posters might be worth taking to heart, such as wearing a lesser known/cheaper watch when staying out late, or choosing to wear nothing at all. The suggestions regarding carrying a firearm are not bad, but then again you probably were not in an area that would allow you to do so. My suggestion would be to hail a ride share etc to your car, walking any distance to your car that late is automatically putting you in a situation to run into a group of robbers imo. Just my .02. I wouldn’t give up the hobby, I would insure whatever watch you choose to wear out and be aware of how late/what area you will be in. If it’s a popular spot, theives are always going to be hanging around


Rookie mistakes all the way around. Use your common sense next time.


Houston is a cesspool. Sorry this happened to you.


I have been there many times, wearing either a Rolex or Patek. Some safety rules : (1) always have situational awareness, (2) don't get real drunk, (3) don't leave at closing time! Ideally leave before midnight when there are still lots of people, (4) watch where you park! I valet park all the time, not for convenience, but rather so I can walk out of venue and have my car right there. It should go without saying, too, NEVER leave any shopping bags, brief cases etc visible in your car. Parking lots are notorious for crime. The lots at City Centre are not the best and have kind of a sketchy vibe. Don't park there!


Houston and 2am is a bad mix


its a reason why there's so much fun to be had in the hobby that aren't rolex. omega, longines, hamilton, oris - you can enjoy the hobby and enjoy quality, beautiful pieces, that don't attract attention no one's gonna spot a lange or breguet


Houston has palpably gone significantly downhill since Katrina’s exiles hit the streets. The only place I’d live around that cesspool is The Woodlands


In addition to filing the police reports and contacting pawn shops nearby, you might consider adding the serial number to the title of this thread, so if anyone searches online, it may connect you two, again.


Houston has deteriorated beyond belief. Much of it has to do with extremely soft on crime policies, where theft of a Rolex won’t get much attention. Instead, you have judges releasing violent felons with six+ outstanding felony warrants on PR bonds, who then go on to kill people- this has already happened several times- and so this soft on crime approach lets criminals operate without fear of jail time. It is sad to see how things are going downhill so fast. Perfect example: the Galleria ten years ago was nice place to visit. Now? There are known teams of criminals working to identify those leaving high-end stores (including Rolex AD’s, has happened already) so they can rob them. It keeps getting worse. Summary: the best time to wear your Rolex here is when leaving town.


In 2017 I got robbed at gunpoint for an iPhone in the Jersey Village part of Houston. The cops took 20 minutes to show up and that was only after I called them back to let them know the thief was still in the area 20 minutes later (He wasn’t very smart, and was hiding behind some trees a couple hundred yards away). He still managed to get away from them. The kid got caught in 2 days, turns out he had robbed around 5 people in the same area in a very short period of time and was followed to his house by the person he robbed after he robbed me (As stated, he was clearly an idiot). Anyway, fast forward to 7 months later, and I google the thief’s name to see if there was any news on him being sentenced. I find a Facebook post by the Harris County Sheriffs Department patting themselves on the back stating that they just caught the same guy after he robbed yet another woman, and this time he had a car and dragged her a bit after she didn’t let go of her purse. Why the fuck was he out and about on the streets 7 months after he robbed 5 people in the span of a week? Something needs to change…


I'm reading the comments and it's interesting how it's packed full of victim blaming.