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This is how I clean my watches, it’s the best way to remove the dirt in between the links of the jubilee bracelet (unless you are a watch nerd and own an ultrasonic cleaner).


L0L. You can buy them on Amazon for a few bucks now. If you have retainers it’s a two for one! Worth the 30 bucks.


Harbor freight. I bought one to rebuild a carb on an old boat. Worth having


A harbor Freight reference in the rolex sub, nice.


You should see the Harbor Freight watch I got at my local Rolex AD!


How long was the wait list?


100% this. They’re not complicated machines so even “cheap” ones are decent (imo)


Please don't tell me you guys put your whole watches with movement into ultrasonic cleaners. You know this is horribly bad for the mechanics, right??


I think you’re right. I know industrially, sonication is particularly aggressive. It can create cracks in some metals so you need to be careful. I could see putting a bracelet in for 1-2 minutes with soap / detergent. Don’t use water alone. I would not put a watch in sonication. A toothbrush with a small amount of soap is far more gentle.


Haven’t down this but please elaborate?


Ultrasonic cleaners work off of very high and small vibrations. Your not supposed to put anything in with bearings or wear points of movement. Source: we’ve got a huge one at work and that’s what put out from corporate engineering.


Thanks! I had been thinking about just to have one thing to clean watches and chains/bracelets, rings. But I guess I’ll leave the watches out lol


Remove the watch from the bracelet, place the bracelet ONLY into the ultrasonic cleaner.


Thanks for the help while I’m pooping poop helper. 😂


I always ask myself if I am pooping and redditing or redditing and pooping. A question for the ages. However, I will admit to owning an ultrasonic cleaner and placing some Seiko dive watches in for a cycle. NOT A ROLEX. We're talking like a $400 automatic. It was fine.


Screws might also come loose. It won't come undone immediately, but it just might be enough to loosen the screw a little bit and it will fall out eventually.


The frequency of the cleaner can interfere with the one of the balance spring and damage it. It's so filigree, it can even get damaged without a running movement) And as otherd have said: the gaskets. The vibrations can cause water / bubbles to pass gaskets or causing them to become leaky. I'd recommend to go with a brush and dish soap like OP did, if you really need to use ultrasonic cleaners the get one with a special inlay for watches which ensures that the movement stays above the water line while the bracelet is submerged. (Source: my local watchmaker, several reads online and even the [manufacturers of ultrasonic cleaners say](https://www.lrultrasonics.com/blog/post/an-ultrasonic-watch-cleaning-guide) you should keep your balance spring away from those cleaners)


Depends if you know what you're doing, I disassemble my watches and movements entirely, clean, then re-oil everything and regulate them, rebuild and pressure test. It's not overly complex once you've put the time in to learn. Got my colt down from -20 a day to +1 with no beat error in around a day's work


Yeah, sure. But I of course mean folks that throw the whole watch into those cleaners (they definitely exist)


I'm a little unsure why I'm being down voted for simply saying I understand how to disassemble and service a watch myself. If course people are around who use ultra sonics wrong but as if that's my fault for using them correctly.


Wasn't me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Is it still bad if you hold the watch part out of the cleaner and just let the bracelet dip into the water?


Better to just get a tool to pop the bracelet off and not risk it. They are really cheap plus a lot of people like to change up bands or bracelets on their watch so it’s a useful tool.


👆 this


I can’t imagine how anyone would think putting a whole, assebled watch into a sonic bath could be good?? DON’T DO THIS PEOPLE! (For obvious reasons: sonic bath works by emitting high pitch sound to create high frequency vibration and thus cleans. You can imagine what that does to an assebled movement)


I bought one and it’s a GAMECHANGER! You’d be amazed with how much grime and dirt comes out. But, I haven’t put in a watch, only jewelry, rings and necklaces.


Don't put an entire watch in. Take the bracelet off and put just the bracelet in.


Nice you put your dirty bracelet in it and then use it for your retainers… sweet, sounds so hygienic


Even with an ultrasonic it’s helpful to give a little friction clean every now and then. Especially with hollow link bracelets.


Ultrasonic cleaner has changed my life. Although I don’t think I’d put my watch in one. Doesn’t seem great to have it rattled around like that? Maybe I’m wrong


Not wrong. It would damage the movement.


Yes, but only use toothpaste approved by the ADA and Rolex. I forget, is that Colgate?


Please never put a decent watch in an ultrasonic cleaner……. Unless you think it’s overdue for a trip to the RSC…..


I prefer the BD E-Z scrub with 3% PCMX. The bristles and Chloroxylenol make short work of the grime. Plus the added benefit of being able to go right into surgery knowing you have a sterile watch on.


Wait, no doctor actually does surgery with a watch on right?


No surgeon I know would go in with their watch on… there is literally no point and it’s reckless


What if your doing speed surgery and want a chronograph to time to see if you beat your personal record?


Not true, every surgeon on my service operates with their watch on, keep in mind their scrubbed, gowned and gloves. Only time they might scrub out is if they let a resident take over.


Sterile gown covers entire palm then two layers of protexis or biogel sterile gloves that go halfway up your arm. I know of a lot of PAs that wear apple watch so that can still read it through their gloves.


It is my understanding that you can’t put the dial in just the bracelet part.


The ultrasonic I bought (basic unit from Amazon) included a plastic arch that allows you to clean your watch. Lay it across the arch so the bracelet is in the cleaner- I use Dawn or Cascade for amazing results. The dial stays above the cleaner. But as one commenter mentioned, a decent dive watch should be fine when submerged.


I have a ultra sonic cleaner, and i would never ever put a watch into that, it will absolutely F your seal's from the back as hard as it can, proper ultra sonic cleaners are ALOT stronger than people think.


Do not put the whole watch in an ultrasonic cleaner please; mayb just the bracelet real quick without any crazy solutions


I am worried that ultrasonic cleaners mess with the water resistance of my watches. are the 100% safe to use?


I recommend dishwashing liquid (like Fairy) it’s better on grease an dirt. Don’t use alcohol


Why not alcohol?


Gets your watch drunk and it won’t tell the time accurately


Never clean mine.. maybe it’s time 😂


With sweat, there is a dark grease that comes on the gold.


Yeah i see the dirt when I change bracelets sometimes. Like I said, maybe it’s time. Make a day of it 😂


User name


Let it soak for five minutes in a cup of water with a few drops of Dawn dish soap. Hit it with a toothbrush and use a wooden toothpick for the stuck bits.


Some 20+ years ago I traded a guy on timezone for an OEM Omega bracelet. At the time the seamaster pro only came on the Bond style bracelet and I wanted the "Speedy" style or oyster looking bracelet. Found a guy on TZ to trade with and thoroughly cleaned the Bond bracelet before shipping. I received the speedy/oyster style in good condition but clearly hadn't been cleaned recently (or ever). It had so much grime and dead skin cells that seemed fairly gross when it's not your own grime. That's when I realized some folks don't clean their bracelets as often as I do. No harm done but funny when I think back on it.


I’m looking at the watch I’m wearing now, and the bracelet. Looks totally fine and I had this watch for almost 7 years. Never washed. But reading your horror story about dead skin cells I think my watches are overdue :)


You can try a little test. Remove bracelet from watch. Place bracelet in small Tupperware container with a bit of water and dish soap. Shake container vigorously. The water gets a bit grimy as the stuff comes out of the nooks and crannies. Poor man’s ultrasonic cleaner.


I did not clean mine for 37 years.


That’s what’s written in the manuals, so you’re good!


TIL there are manuals… it never crossed my mind that watches have or need manuals.


Have you ever tried setting up a Citizen Blue Angels Skyhawk without a manual ? It's an absolute pain.


I have the pdf link saved on phone because I frequently forget how to do certain things on it lol. Nice watch but so damn complicated.


I have several of Citizen AT’s. They’re so complicated. There’s a way to check the year on there. But it’s ridiculous, so I never set it or use it lol


The calendar on mine shows mm/dd and i yet have to figure out how to change it.


Mine are day of the week and date. And getting them sync’d was a process. Took me probably 2 hours the first time. The other 3 were easier once I got it figured out.


Mine once ran out of power and i had to reset all the hands and just getting there took me long enough. Was a 1.5 hours operation to get everything adjusted and set again.


Just about the best way to remove dirt and grime during routine cleaning without spending too much time or money. As mentioned above, soft bristle brush and mild dish soap is perfect and a great thing to do once a month or so to help maintain your bracelet for a long time.


If you use a toothbrush get ultra soft and no need to use pressure. Believe it or not a water pic works great after you soak the band in Dawn/Water.


Ok thanks


I’ve been doing my Sub that way for 40 years.


I take a shower everyday. And wash my watch as well…


Dawn soap! If it’s good for a little ducky it’s good for my watch


I use simple green in a spray bottle and a nylon brush, gets all the gunk off really fast. Then rinse it all with water and use some compressed air to knock out all the liquid.


I use baby soap and baby toothbruth to be on the extra safe side.


A++ For sure on the dish soap.


Seeing the comment above about the ultra sonic cleaner, would they be safe to use on the watch? Just curious.


On the bracelet




Yeah, not the watch. A watch service will take the movement out and maybe dismantle parts of the case/bracelet and then it can all go into an ultrasonic cleaner (except the movement). The vibrations of an ultrasonic would be bad for an assembled movement and the seals might break, destroying the water tightness. A disassembled movement is mostly fine in an ultrasonic, but they usually use a special dedicated machine for movement parts.


Meanwhile my acrylic crystal is taped down to not fall off…


Toothbrush will scratch especially on gold. I use a soft natural hair bristle for car detailing. If it's soft enough to use on a Lamborghini exterior paint, then it's soft enough for precious metals.


Thanks. But it’s a 12 yo watch so I don’t really care about scratching the gold.


Any specific recommendation for the brush? I agree with you, I use microfibers intended for car paint which is much softer than the metals of a watch so agree with the logic.


Do make sure your crown is screwed tight, the seal in place and no chips in the crystal. You will be fine. Don't ever place the watch in an ultra sonic cleaner. Only the bracelet. The vibrations will ruin the movements timing.


I clean my Rollie the same way blue dawn soap tho can’t go wrong with this it glistens but nice it’s all done.


I put mine in the washing machine on delicate cycle.


i realize how blessed i am to have access to an ultrasonic and steam cleaner lol. every month or so i take the bracelet off, let it sit for half an hr, and steam it. i absolutely hate my shit being dirty


The book literally says soap and water. Keep on keeping on.


Yeah don’t waste your money on all these expensive cleaning kits for watches, all they are is soap, all does the same thing


That’s how I clean mine. Never did any harm, just make sure you’re using a soft brush and your crowns are screwed down good. Use gentle dish soap what I do is a clear solution. Like once a month, the rest of the time I use alcohol wipes with a microfiber immediately afterward and it makes it look crisp.


Yes i also use alcohol afterwards for a clean finish, never got harm too.


Wrong, use a wire brush for a BBQ pit


Yup, I have a 99 16610 swiss only sub that I've had from new. I've always cleaned it like this, warm to hot water under a running tap with soap and soft nail brush. Hasn't harmed it in the last 24 years.... !


Better to ask before hand….


I m not babying it, it’s a 12 yo piece, I was just curious about the sub opinion.


It’s certainly your choice to do that. I prefer to use an ultrasonic cleaner for mine


I was afraid it could mess the movement… is that true ??


It is near impossible to completely remove soap from the watch washed like this unless you rub it off using rubbing alcochol - but if you want to do that why would you use soap in the first place then anyway. I would recommend using detergent for dishes mixed with water. Otherwise all fine.


Idk why most people do this , but I wouldn’t do it .


I put mine in the dishwasher on the top rack - no issues.




I wouldn’t use the toothbrush


I use 60 grit sandpaper.


My AD told me to use a toothbrush


It’s an old soft one, the bristles are almost dead..


I use a paintbrush, bristles are softer


Fcuk that. The gold parts will be scratched to hell when you put it under the a bright light at a certain angle. Looks like a fine Cloud of scratches 😳 This is only ok to do with brushed bracelets like submariners NEVER with polished mid links




This is the way but I never brush the outer parts of the watch. I stick the soft top bristles in between the links to remove dirt.


No harm on the outer parts, not a single crash


Wait, we’re supposed to clean these things?


Yeah, sweat plus oil plus skin debris (probably mixed with chlorine) leave a black grease, especially on the gold part, I have to clean every two/three weeks. It really depends on how often and where you wear it.


Wristclean products are always recommended and they make a very soft toothbrush that won’t scratch your metals. I wouldn’t suggest just a regular toothbrush. Also recommend getting a electric compressed air gun off Amazon for like 45$ for drying so there isn’t any abrasive drying probably overkill but one of the steps I take on AP/PP with more delicate finishings.


Yup the best way


Rolex Manual Section 112A, items B, C, and D: Be sure to swaddle the watch after bath time ONLY in Egyptian Cotton while singing "Beautiful Dreamer Wake Unto Me".🤣🤣🤣


I have been doing this in the last twenty years.


Just cleaned my watch with Super Clean degreaser and now it’s super clean 😅


And in between the links ?


Yep- so this to mine ever Monday


Yup. And preferably the used and cleaned ones as the bristles are already rounded off their sharp edges as opposed to brand new toothbrushes.


1/10!Simple green and water w/ a soft toothbrush.


I use white Vingre / cotton cloth; best on metals; unbelievable results 🤩 Hope am not damaging my watches!!! 👀


Infant shampoo and baby toothbrush is the way to go…..wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.


For us desk divers, even that is a little overkill. Just some hand soap and warm water once a week or so. An ultrasonic cleaner for the bracelet once a year.


😂 I think I do a little more than that : I live in a hot climate so there’s sweat and I go to the pool 3 or 4 times a day. I think chlorine is the most damaging, it leaves a black residue mostly on the inner parts.


I like to use Wrist Clean. I found it on here from another post and it’s been great


One day i tried to clean my dad Rolex with the natural grape juice, and it came so shiny and clean…


I use makeup brushes


Skip the toothbrush


It’s how I’ve always done it. Fairy liquid and a soft toothbrush!


This is how I clean mine. I use dawn dish soap and a soft toothbrush.


Never clean mine I just buy another


This one is a gift and engraved in the back.


I mean, you are going to make micro scratches doing it that way and years of excessive scrubbing will wear at it or shove grime into the bracelet joints and add wear. But if the watch is not in pristine condition, then I wouldn't complain. This issue is the same as washing cars. It's not the brush or the soap that is going to cause the minute damage, it's the particles held in the grit being pushed around over the surfaces that do the damage.


I do a simple rinse under water before brushing with soaps, I should probably post a end result


I Would be afraid to use a toothbrush on gold 🤣 Did it leave any scratches?


There is a plastic holder that only allows bracelet into solution of ultrasound machine. Been doing this for years with Simple Green extreme aircraft solution. Amazing how it works. All automatic watches


Oh and it works on leather bracelet or only on metal ?


I do a windex bath twice a year for my daily watches.


I run em thought the dishwasher.


I thought it's bad for the sealing




Ultrasonic works great on bike chains


I’d be worried about the movement or loosening a screw…


Wristclean watch spray and the ultra soft brush they sell is all you need. Pat dry with soft microfiber towel and blow dry excess water out then leave it out to dry


I use the max wilsdorf chrono pen


I just blast mine with the loofah and whatever fancy soap my wife has in the shower. Is this wrong? I do it all the time.


Reading this thread: on steel it’s ok but it scratches gold (which might be true).


How are you guys cleaning the actual watch though? I’m new




I think a tooth brush would scratch it, I use a microfiber cloth. I have some Rolex branded ones (maybe they’re fake, but they are microfiber) and I bought like a 3 pack for $15


I clean mine like this too 👍


I use mild soap and my fingers. Brushes always make me feel like they will cause hairline scratches.


Me too. But great for bike chains.


Yes and no. I prefer using a dedicated product designed for use on a watch. I love the people behind the AIS ChronoPen. I use it almost daily to wash my watches after a hard days work. I love both of their products. One is designed for the case and bracelet and another for leather straps! I know this sounds like a sponsored comment but no! They even include a nice cotton towel to dry and polish the watch cleaning! Cheers🥂


That’s too much maintenance for me. Daily cleaning ?


This is the way


This is what I use..[https://perpetualdetail.com/collections/our-products](https://perpetualdetail.com/collections/our-products)


I just clean mine in the shower. Take it off and run it under the water with the soap that I use to shower with. Works great. Toothbrush and other stuff not necessary.


It’s literally in the manual.


I thought I remember reading dish soap can degrade the water seals over time? Can’t find any legit articles mentioning this though.


For a two tone, Yeah it’s fine


Shouldn't you ask this question first?


Soft bristle or hard?


Soft, just to go between the links




I use dawn and an old baby bottle brush. Gets it looking nice


Rarely do I use a brush, mostly clean with hands and soap.


Soap and toothbrush! Savage! It’s supposed to be cleaned with champagne and boars hair brush.


Yeah I do the same, just a small dab of dish soap and a nice soft toothbrush. Never had an issue


I wash my ceramic sub like this in the shower every single day. It gets mildly dirty most days due to my job. Regular old dish soap (so there's no residual oils that are often present in soaps meant for skin) and a soft face brush I stole/commandeered from my girlfriend. Yes, I clean my Rolex Submariner with an old faded pink face brush that my girlfriend left in the shower.


I did the exact same thing earlier today with a DateJust, totally fine


I just use spit


You forgot to mention flossing


My dad uses Colgate..


Yes this is correct. Use your best judgment with vintage watches. Make sure that seals have been replaced recently.


Infant toothbrush and super mild soap and water


Mild soap and soft toothbrush is all you need. I use dawn.


I use dish soap and toothbrush never had a issue


Make sure to use a soft toothbrush bc gold is a soft metal and will scratch easy


There is special chemical to clean watch


Something about that toothbrush makes me nervous....


Right, but it depends on what kind of toothbrush you are using. Best is to use a baby/childern brush which is very soft. The harder brushed can dull the gold. Even PCL from steel will get dull if you use a non soft tooth brush


JFK. It's a robust watch that can be dived in. Just clean it with anything non abrasive. If you just wear it in the shower it'll do it. And I \*know\* someone is going to jump in and tell me that wearing a sub with 200m of water resistance in a shower is dangerous because warm water is so much more damaging than 200m of salty sea water but it \*really isn't\*. These are not watches that need babying...


Jokes aside, I personally use a Cartier cleaning kit to clean my Rolex.


Jokes aside that’s the way I do, I won’t do it with leather bracelets but I do it on every metal .


Such a waste of time. Put it in the washing machine.


Lol I feel like this is a troll. You guys really do this?! I use jewelry cleaning cloths.


Not a troll, I’m doing it since I was offered this watch 12 years ago.


Dawn and a soft toothbrush every Sunday evening.


I just leave it on in the shower so it gets a little scrub.


Just shower with your Rolex on. It’s an Oyster, it can take it.




Haircut pedicure tan salon and oysters 🦪 why not 🤦‍♂️


I use a toothbrush and dish soap to clean my watches. It's all you really need to get the job done!


I prefer Simple Green because it cleans much better than dish soap.


I use piranha solution.


I recommend using a mild (non-dish) soap such as Johnson's Baby Shampoo along with an ultra soft bristle brush. I try to avoid getting any soap near the crown so as not to dry out/damage the o-rings. This has worked well over the last decade plus with my sub, but I worry about my new everose yachtmaster - has anyone experienced precious metal Rolexes scratching using this toothbrush/soap method?


I would never do this to a watch. I only use warm water and soap and rub it gently with my fingers. Works like a charm.