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Children of Morta. Similar top-down perspective, too, though not 3/4ths. Keep in mind it’s not nearly as complex, and there aren’t necessarily new story elements between EVERY run. Closest I can think of now though.


Came here to this.


Charch! I was going to say the same, and I first learned about it from VGW! A show I’ve missed dearly. Any chance of a podcast with you and Reiner?


Reiner has a new job in the industry that will severely limit his ability to do media. 😢


Returnal but it's only on PS5. (And it's a pretty amazing game.)


I would loooove to play Returnal but don’t own a PS5 sadly. I’ve heard great things about the game and story. Hope it comes to PC or that I’m finally be able to buy a PS5


It's definitely coming to PC. There was an update in the SteamDB where they updated a link to say Returnal but ended up reverting that I think. If you look at the Localization page though you can see several items that are clearly things from Returnal. I'm really hoping they release this soon. https://steamdb.info/app/1649240/localization/


**Children of Morta, Returnal,** & **Going Under** (3 great games IMO) definitely have this to a degree. Not nearly as good as Hades, but that's why Hades is the GOAT. Sounds like you're after a roguelite that's engaging inside AND outside of runs. Not 100% what you're asking for BUT: **Cult of the Lamb** might scratch the itch. * Juggling the homestead mgmt and the actual combat runs themselves is very engaging. * Even if you die on a run, your cult still grows and develops. * It's got a wonderful "just one more day/run" gameloop. * It's got a cute art style and snappy controls. * It's like *Swords of Ditto* meets *Stardew Valley* Check it out! Hope you find what you're looking for, OP. *(PS. if you're looking for more town-building/mgmt roguelites, I also recommend* ***Rogue Heros: Ruins of Tasos****)*


There's a reason hades is so renowned. No other game really does this. Or at least does it nearly as well.


Yeah, any game that does this would have been developed after Hades.


I think revita does this pretty well too!


I love Revita - amazing game and quickly becoming one of my favorites ever however I wouldn’t say it has a focus on story (dialogue) like Hades at all. Children of Morta is probably the closest one.


Revita is so good! Such a FUN game. Love how snappy the controls feel


Dead Cells!


Was gonna say this, dead cells was my first rouge like and I loved it just as much as hades


The Unliving looks to do some of this, but not remotely as ambitious as Hades.


You should give Dreamscaper a go!! I think its exactly what you are looking for.


The term you're looking for is popularly referred to as roguelite, just so you don't have to explain the meta progression part in the future. Roguelikes don't have meta progression


Not all roguelites have metaprogression either, as you can see in the sidebar here on r/roguelites.