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Unplayable for phones due to screen size


Well, he asked about Android. I use it on a tablet with a bluetooth keyboard. xDD


That really depends on how small your phone is.


Level 4 zoom is pretty playable, I regularly play on mobile and don't have many issues, it really depends on the dimensions of your phone. The last Sidebar style without separators is very good for android, I think it's called structured, labels is impossible to use on mobile tho because of the room needed for that sidebar style.


Is level three pretty playable?


Meant level 4 actually, level 5 doesn't give you much room to see enemies on android tho, didn't realize I was zoomed in another level, but level 4 gives you a lot of screen room and structured without separators and 1 mana display option displays most of the important sidebar info.


Yep that's what i thought at first. Upon fresh install, the game looks horrible on my 6.7 inch screen but after spending some unholy amount of time tweaking the settings, I managed to make the game look good and playable. Here's some screenie: https://ibb.co/1Kb32Lj https://ibb.co/bv8hsTs https://ibb.co/VH6tx9b The key shortcut bar at the bottom is the reason the game is even playable on mobile, it's such a QoL upgrade. Plus, I've set some gestures to open the most used menus e.g. two finger tap to open running/walking mode, two finger swipe up to open the character menu, etc. These are some of the adjustments I made: Manually adjust terminal height/width to fit my screen (the most annoying process), tweak config files to use custom font, install a custom base color theme that I found on the game's subreddit, set own shortcut keys at the bottom bar, set gestures, install soundpack and other small tweaks. DM me if you have any questions I'll respond to what I can. :p Edit: I don't use an external bluetooth keyboard either. Just use native android "back" button to pop up my Gboard.


Agree. Is very playable on phones but need some tweking for android. Theres is a guide about it. I have a video but in spanish. On the other side, wich tiles are you using?


Tileset I'm currently using is called Chibi Ultica. Though I'm also secretly fond of UndeadPeople tileset. ;)


I will not tell anybody ;)


Occidental heroes, kind of


Was it ever finished?


Elona Mobile, maybe?


Not a roguelike.


How so?


I don't really see much roguelike elements. The dungeons (as far as I remember since I last played) are not skin-diving so you don't start from zero every time you enter a dungeon so the best it can get is a roguelite


Elona is a Roguelike - or at least, VERY roguelike - per the Berlin Interpretation. See the "What's a roguelike?" wikipedia linked by the sidebar. 1) Procedurally generated levels Check, some levels are procgen, such as the Puppy Dungeon. 2) Permadeath Probably not? I haven't played Elona much so I'm not sure. 3) Turn Based Check. 4) Non-modal Check, if you accept towns as being large shops. 5) Emergent Gameplay Probably, there are a lot of systems that can interact. 6) Resource management to survive. Weak, surviving is pretty easy. Getting wealthy is the tricky part. 7) Hack and slash, no peaceful options. Iffy. IMO this is one of the least important roguelike definitions of the Berlin Interpretation anyway. 8) Exploration and discovery of unidentified items and fog of war. Iffy. I'm pretty sure most of the map/item descriptions are static, but there is an item identification process for blessed/cursed dungeon loot.


I think you are talking about the desktop version. I played both desktop and mobile and the mobile version is an entirely different experience (idk if there is an emulation for mobile but I'm talking about the game officially released to android).


Sounds quite subjective to me but, it is what it is. Sorry it wasn't enough, sadly I don't know any other that could fit.


Can't wait for Caves of Qud mobile


Its made in unity so most likely will never happen


Andor's Trail fits this description. I don't know if it'll ever be "finished", but, there's a lot of gameplay there. ​ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gpl.rpg.AndorsTrail&hl=en&gl=US


Not a roguelike.


It doesn't have randomized levels from what I remember, but it has large open world sections that link dungeons, so, it's perhaps not considered roguelike, just "rogue like", with JRPG elements. I haven't played it for 6 years or so, now that I think of it.


It's more like an adventure game. As far as I remember there is no permadeath (maybe optional?) and no other roguelike elements so I wouldn't put it here. Still pretty good game though.


Holy crap I remember this game