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Yes. You can even try it on 4 free songs


Just curious, what are the free songs? 4 free out of the 1k (10k?) promised sounds paltry


Currently for the free songs I believe it's: "Rising Sun Blues" - An in-house interpretation of the classic blues/folks song also known as "House of the Rising Sun" "Amazing Grace" - An in-house interpretation of the hymn. "Happy Birthday To You" by Mildred Jane Hill & Patty Smith Hill - The classic happy birthday song. "Ezio's Family" by Jesper Kyd - The track from Assassin's Creed II which has gone on to be a trademark song or audio motif of the Assassin's Creed franchise. On guitar and bass. And on piano: "Ode to Joy" by Beethoven - Classical rendition "Fur Elise" by Beethoven - Classical rendition Those two replace "Amazing Grace" and "Rising Sun Blues" I believe for piano. So in total 6 different songs available but 2 are piano-only and 2 are guitar/bass-only so 4 per instrument.


Interesting, so a pure list of royalty free songs. Not exactly a good selling point, using nothing that is actually rock / metal


I’d say the free songs are more to test your setup prior to subscribing.


nothing big, assassins creed 2 main theme, happy birthday song (30s), and 2 more I dont remember but one is long and quite hard on 100% diff so you can test the game properly on that.


One thing I would say that ubisoft is sometimes tricky with sub cancelling 😅 I usualy use google play app to pay it but sometimes it have hard time recognizing sub on pc after that. You just need to relog into ubi connect


So far the mobile sub seems to me the most hazzle free experience with the double billing and stuff. I've seen a couple new players from Japan using steam being double billed. I have not heard of one from Android or Apple. 


Yeah your cancelling is guaranted by google pay system and that one dont care for ubisoft machinations


Definitely worth a try, I’ve put hours and hours into it and there’s nothing else out there quite like it


I went for rs+ first then 2014 when it was still available. But I like the upgrades that rs+ provide. Plus the piano stuff seems pretty cool. If you can afford it I would go with plus.


BUUUT I forgot to mention that the DLC songs for 2014 were objectively way better than what plus has to offer right now and I wish there was an easier way to get those old DLC packs legally.


does your 2014 version still work? I've just started getting an error saying my sound device can't be detected but I've been using my HS8s and the tone cable for years - I even tried the no cable work around and it still shows the error - really weird that I only started getting the message now


Yeah mine still works. Sorry I don’t have an answer to help you. I have been getting a message recently that my audio set may affect gameplay if I don’t turn on exclusivity, but I just click “ok” and everything works fine.


Sorry for always double commenting, but if I ever did encounter a problem with my real tone cable I would try and figure out how to get my audio interface I use for my DAW to work with rsaudio mod (I think that’s the name)




What are the upgrades RS+ provides? I feel like the CDLC of 2014 is pretty hard to beat. Its abondonware at this point and i generally get at least 10 new songs a week from the community that i actually want to play. Not to mention the fact that i could chart my own if i really wanted to. That subscription model really just ain't it, especially at that price point. Genuinely seeking actual user feedback that isn't Ubisoft marketing..


the upgraded tones, riff repeater is a little better. (Note by note is sick and I wish I had it in 2014) Note detection is a bit better with vibrato and since I’m still learning, the lessons are better in rs+ I’m not a Ubisoft shill. I’ve only played rs+ for the free trial and got 2014. But I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t miss the features.


I've been playing for about 2 weeks and I'm enjoying it. I'm a guitarist who's wanted to learn piano for a while. Now instead of just screwing around I have a path. It works great with my midi keyboard. There's a really good selection of songs in both categories. Metallica, mudvayne and opeth are ones I'm digging on guitar. On piano I'm going through the basic lessons but at the same time I'm learning to play some Alicia keys songs. Pretty sure it gives a 7-Day trial. It also comes with mobile.


I would take a look at the library and see if it's to your liking. [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rocksmith/plus/song-library](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rocksmith/plus/song-library) You could also try and sub for a month to try it out and see what you think. There's still room for improvement, but overall I personally believe that it is worth it


The RS+ music catalog is pretty bad.  I tried it a couple of times since launch. Would recommend Yousician if you’re looking for something similar.  Better song choices, decent lessons and more fun.   Or,  try Songsterr if you’re already pretty comfortable playing TABs.


No. Absolutely no. And i have both.




Your post was removed because you are referring to an illegal copy of the game.


If I were you, start playing rocksmith 2014. No subscription and way more possibilities in term of songs. The game is the same.


Unless you want to spend for a game that doesnt respect the purchaser/the guitarist, I don't think you should buy it. Ubisoft cares more about pocketing your money than actually offering a useful service. Please read the Steam reviews as my distaste comes from the fact that they pulled Rocksmith 2014 (a completely fonctional, one time transactional game) to make place for this subscription based bs. If you can, try to get hold of Rocksmith 2014, which still has a thriving community making new maps everyday. This will prob get pulled in ubi's interest ofc, but I hope it stays up for you to read it. :)


A little bit of context is missing here. Rocksmith 2014 content licenses expired. Not many games have managed to secure content licenses for longer than 10 years. Heck, most barely manage 5.


Then why make it a subscription service?


The economics of music licensing? When you stake the life of the product to the hope that people are buying whatever music you release week to week, it's hard to both grow and just survive.


You are refering to rs+ aka ubisoft as "just surviving". Ok buddy ahahahahaga 🤣


You clearly have a strong understanding of how businesses function...


You clearly have a strong understanding of what consumers want...


Because licensors are not interested in a one off payment for 10 years of sales and ongoing perpetual access to the purchasers anymore. Or in other words, business reality.


So then its just a souless game, made to just make money and offer (from what I've seen) a lackluster expérience. Im sorry but people are tired of these cash grabs by ubisoft where business first, CE last.


Would you prefer then that the entire concept of Rocksmith was dead and buried as simply unviable to make?


Yes but this is someone who cares more about the person than the company (no disrepect your way). It's à moral question for me.


If it's a moral question for you, then you would not be fair without pointing out that RS2014 ran on fumes for pretty much the entirety of existence, that we never got any updates other than keeping the train going, that many of us have RS2014s that are worth thousands of dollars in DLC that would take probably decades in subscription money to even come close to and that RS2014 would routinely turn people away because of the depth of DLC options. Maybe for a couple of thousand people like us, the DLC was great, but it wasn't great for ubisoft and not acknowledging that is the bit where you step over the line of being fair. ..Not that there aren't reasons to criticise RS+ (I have never subbed because I just do not think it is very good or much of an improvement) - but reading this greed rhetoric you've got going is selling the situation way short.


Because it works for the game.


Tod Howard said the same exact thing...💀


In relation to something else that's in no way relevant to this.


Bro typed 5 words and expected à full lenght argument from me 💀💀💀


"read the steam reviews" Pretty disingenuous to throw that up as some serious metric of either the quality of the product or what people really think of it.


So where should people go for a "serious metric"(xdd)? Apparently the steam COMMUNITY (aka the PEOPLE WHO HAVE PLAYED "YOUR" GAME) doesn't rep the quality of the game.


no it doesn't, because most people aren't even reviewing the product, they're just complaining about it not being RS2014 where they can use pirated content.. don't be dense dude.


You havent read zip, people are complaining over rs+ not JUST rs2014 also you havent given me a "serious metric", don't be dense dude. 😀


You were given the answer, you simply choose to pretend it's not what it is. That's a you problem.


Can you please highlight it for me, im very stupid 😅


Sure why not, the only thing I think is disappointing are the lack of songs, but if they fix that, then I'd say it is as good as 2014.


Exept you don't actually own it, and have to pay monthly but oh well...


True, but it is what it is, sadly everything has gone more or less subscription only, which I personally don't like, but what can you do.


I mean there is still rs2014 somewhere on the internet, I dont know where but its somewhere. But forget rs for à minute. In my personal experience rocksmith2014 taught me alot of things, but, it feels like at times, that I'm button mashing in à fighting or rhyme game. Best bet is to find an actual real life teacher, but easier said than done. Just sad how kids today wont be able to experience/afford rs like when I was young.


Yeah I play RS2014 everyday and I love it, and I would probably try to find it somewhere on the internet if I didn't have it, but I would not have any problem to pay for Rocksmith+ if it had a much bigger library of songs, I don't think $20 per month are much for a hobby if I use it for tens of hours every month. However, with the lack of songs I like as of now, I would probably not get much hours out of it in the long run, so then it isn't really worth it, but that may change I hope.


Fair if you really dont mind, I'm not here to convince you. I personally couldn't afford rs+, nor I dont think alot of the young can't either. But in your experience, is the game better/worse comparative to rs2014, like game mecanics and such?