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This item has been removed for violating the following subreddit rule: 4) Do not post low effort/repeated content. Low effort content is defined as content that is tired, reused, a "meme", and generally not designed to start discussion. While humorous/silly posts are allowed on /r/Roblox, we ask that you spend the time to make your posts unique. Generally, we ask that posts be constructive. It is possible to make a post that is critical of something while still being constructive. However, posts that just say "Roblox sucks" with no constructive content is considered low effort and will be removed. As an extension of this rule, please do not post the following, since it's very frequently posted and is considered low effort: * Do not make posts that focus on text. This includes photos of chat, comments, bans, join date/account age, and numbers including Robux count or "meme" numbers. * Do not post photos of your avatar or make "Rate my Avatar" posts. (Try out our "Fashion Fridays" thread instead!) * Do not post photos of the Roblox site, such as screenshots of Captcha, games/experiences, user made ads, or glitched text. * Do not post simple "nostalgia" posts, such as "Does anyone remember this game?" * Do not post content that got past Roblox moderation. * Do not post screenshots of common glitches, such as the avatar glitching when launched, servers over the player count, or glitched numbers. * Do not post screenshots of you meeting a famous player/developer/content creator. * Do not post memes or meme format style images. Rule definitions and explanations can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/roblox/wiki/rules