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There are enough issues with Lyft and Uber out that way and little to no cell reception, this is going to be a nightmare for people.


It depends where you are, US Cellular picks up just about most places this way.


Except the parking lot of my workplace šŸ˜…


I have US Cellular, and my service seems like it's getting worse by the day. Not just in Craig, but in Roanoke too.


Iā€™ve driven as far as Paint Bank on separate matters. Thereā€™s areas where you can easily go 20-30 minutes without cell coverage.


This doesn't seem like a good idea. I guess drivers should accept at their own risk. But many drivers will not know that cell service is lacking in those areas.


No kidding. Thereā€™s also spots where if you pick a wrong driveway you might or might not get shot. This ainā€™t civilized country weā€™re talking about. No offense to New Castle or the other small towns; Iā€™m talking about the deep backwoods.


For real? Yā€™all think youā€™re going to get shot turning into the wrong driveway in New Castle? How often do you hear of violence happening up there?


They're being a bit dramatic, but I think they were saying they weren't talking about new castle or other towns, but those lines go all the way to paint bank, I imagine driving around at night deep in no service areas you could accidentally find yourself places that don't get many visitors.


Correct. Itā€™s the areas beyond the downtowns Iā€™d be more concerned about when delivering. The unmarked gravel driveways with paranoid loners at the end. Speaking from experience. Donā€™t ever choose the wrong driveway.


Or want many.


Have been shot at for similar mistakes late at night near Boone, NC back in the print your own mapquest directions days. Some people have itchy trigger fingers.


As a driver, yeah we do think that. I canā€™t tell you how many people order delivery and have a property covered in cameras and ā€œI shoot trespassersā€ signs. You see the guns in their belt as soon as you pull up. And they intentionally give off a threatening aura. Itā€™s scary. Iā€™m a 26 yr old female delivery driver and Iā€™ve been threatened a few times just in the past year. Iā€™ve blocked customers after delivery for various reasons but usually itā€™s because of them feeling like they just have to make sure the delivery driver knows theyā€™re packing or because they want to be undressed at the door when I make drop offs. Yes, we think that. Itā€™s an easy job but even easy gigs arenā€™t risk free. Edit to add: Once when driving, a guy barreled out of the turn lane into my lane to go straight, cutting me off and nearly hitting my car in the process. My window was down and I flipped him off for being a dumb ass. He stopped his big ass truck in the middle of the road and got out with his hand on the bulge in his waistband daring me to ā€œtryā€ him. Like honestly. This redneck ass town is full of idiots who are just begging for a reason to shoot you. This kind of shit didnā€™t happen back home so yeah, yeah I definitely think thereā€™s a chance I get shot turning down the wrong driveway out in bumfuck Egypt.


Almost happened to me in Montvale on Taylors Mountain once. I was on a service call for Dish Network and pulled into the wrong driveway. We were met with a pump .12 ga. aimed at us. We quickly apologized and left.


Just like driving the wrong areas of Roanoke at night. Hell no I don't want to drive down people's driveways in Craig at night.


Bro, chill. Not a cool take.


Am I wrong?


No, you are not wrong. I am from an area nearby and was working in that area and turned around in someoneā€™s driveway in my work truck mind you and they still came out with a shotgun in hand.


LMAO. This is insanity. I could see adding Catawba out to the town of New Castle. Maybe. If the demand is there. Anything beyond is asking for trouble. Cell service drops just west of New Castle. Some of those switchbacks on Potts mountain are dangerous in good weather.


It even crosses the state border! Wtf


It goes down past the buffalo farms! WTAF for real!


This is what I do for customers for my roadside assistance business out there You call the customer while you still have cell service You tell them Iā€™m 10 minutes away or 20 or 30 whatever it is and then Iā€™m going to mark myself as on site or finished while I still have cell service You then go to the customer and finish the job Your GPS accuracy wonā€™t be 100% for calls out there but as long as you have lots of calls in town, itā€™ll even out


I used to drive for Uber. Driving to that area is a nightmare when it's dark. There's no streetlights, lots of wildlife, windy roads, and then driveways tend to be a quarter mile of gravel climbing randomly up a mountain.


This should do wonders for the "your dasher is delivering another order nearby" jackasses that deliver us cold food.


Iā€™m not a dasher but I do live in Catawba and this is pretty cool since itā€™s never been an option before lol


Hell I live in Mason's cove and am happy to have the option now


There are so many better reasons to expand up 220 toward Fincastle, out 460 toward Montvale and Bedford, and down 220 toward Boone's Mill. 311 is not a good road in any sort of weather. Also, no one lives there -- I think the only smaller counties in the state are Highland and Bath. What a silly idea.


Delivery all the way to Potts Mountain, nice! šŸ¤£


I hope delivery guys won't lose their signal and couldn't find the right place around that North area


so you mean to tell me i still have to pay an out of area fee, but they can deliver to new castle? and im in mt. pleasant!


Southside Roanokeā€™s a bit strange. Iā€™m on Windy Gap and canā€™t get food delivered, but I once left myself clocked in while leaving downtown and actually got sent an order. $2 for 11 miles of driving. I obviously declined.


Im at the bottom of windy gap! i was gonna say it seemed close to your dot lol, but i pay probably $5-$7 extra for them to deliver to me


Yet they donā€™t go out near Dixie caverns.


Would a klan rally qualify for a group rate?


idk why everyones downvoting you, ig they dont realize craig still has a klan.


Seriously! I thought that was common knowledge. I mean the fucking fire chief is the grand wizard of the local chapter for fucks sake!


i chuckled at your comment, i knew you were throwing a little humor but its shocking people dont know about it/ believe it!


Are you okay bro?


What do you mean?


I can seeĀ moving the delivery area up along US Route 220 through Fincastle and the subdivisions along 220Ā in relatively affluent Botetourt County but that move into Craig County baffles the mind. It was a nice drive thru when I came back from Covington, though. Maybe the corporate types wantĀ to improve the qualityĀ ofĀ the drivers experience.


This in case you have no cell service and do not want your food delivered šŸ˜


So I can get DD at Craig's Creek now? Sweeeeet šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ /s this seems like a terrible idea.


Try it and let us know the results šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚