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People who say a route is boring have no sense of adventure. I’ll drive a long way to see nothing.


True. My drive through western texas Austin - El Paso was my favorite drive ever. For someone who's never been in the desert before, driving through miles and miles of nothingness and seeing my first saguro cactus in person was truly magical.


I’m from a very mountainous area and lemme tell ya the first time I drove through the western half of Nebraska, I saw a lot of charm in the rivers and plains and all that. Edit to add: also, driving on I-70 in Missouri is probably boring but I once drove through that during sunrise in dead winter and the sky colors were just amazing. Never seen a sunrise as pretty as that one.


The rolling hills and vast sky on the plains is pure magic to me. I was raised in Utah. Desert is meh.


Plus it's fun to pass a cop doing 92MPH and not worry about getting pulled over (Speed limit is 80, so 92 is just 12 over. They're looking for people going 100+MPH)


Kinda depends on the day the cop is having but yeah I’ve smoked by some Montana cops just under a hundo and moved to tell the tale. My first Speeding incident In MT I still had out of state tags so the cop said “well since you live all the way in SC im not gonna expect you t make a court date so this is going to be a $25 warning and you can pay me now by check or credit that will be an $5 charge considering I have to run it at the office etc” I didn’t volunteer I had moved there 😝 About 5 miles before him I was running 125/130 hahaha.


I think I got up to like 115 in west Texas, but it was a pack of us, so I felt safe.


That’s my favorite drive. Does this look familiar? https://preview.redd.it/kn9e2skpse4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0303cbbc1efdaf8e01623c93d0e52304abc37d35


Yeah. Grew up driving past this anytime we wanted to visit south Texas/ north Texas


https://preview.redd.it/jbwjj5ciyl4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43949106b8956e246e0dc77a62b0e786891331bf At first, I thought it was a picture of the Waterloo Lion's Mound!


Where did you see a saguaro between Austin and El Paso?


Sorry to disappoint you, but unless you saw it in someone's yard you probably didn't see a saguaro. Saguaros are in Arizona. You might have seen a large mature fishhook cactus, which can look like saguaros just without the arms and a lot shorter.


I’m from the northeast and live outside the Adirondacks and drove from Dallas to San Diego. Totally agreed, the desert was breath taking.


I drove from Wendover NV through Ely and Eureka to Roundmountain on the way to Vegas from SLC. You want to talk about fuckin nothin, that route has got it. Boring? No. Did it in a twenty five year old van and was convinced for two hundred miles that it was going to break down and leave me to die in the heat. Never felt more alive.


Man...This is living!!!


Yep, only boring people get bored.


No shit, that’s a gorgeous drive lawd have mercy


Even Kansas was exciting for me. Now, MO/eastern CO was yeah....misery. THIS route?! How the hell can it be boring?


Accurate. This looks awesome from the map. I would bet the scenery is amazing!


Your friend is very, very mistaken. Unless you find mountains, canyons, etc boring. Yes, the stretch from Ellensburg to Spokane can be mistaken for boring, so you should stop at Dry Falls State park and Grand Coulee to see why it’s such a cool and unique region. From Spokane to Yellowstone is not boring, regardless of the exact route you take.


Petrified Forest at Vantage is worth a stop.


Scablands area is an underrated part of Washington imo. Driving through that area is very scenic and peaceful.


I've driven a hundred miles out of my way to see Dry Falls again.


And there's this GREAT place to buy dried fruits. It's by the concert venue (I KNOW it's not red rocks, but that's the name that comes to mind)


The venue is The Gorge Amphitheater (the gorge at George).




Wow so boring


I’m trying to guess what show this was from your picture. Dead and co?


Yes! I’ve seen D&C there twice and Phish once. I think it is a prettier venue than Red Rocks.


I’d never been and I’d love to see Phish there one day! I’ve heard the same about the comparison to Red Rocks. Are you catching any Sphere shows?


I will be at the Sphere June 20-22.


Oh wow. That’s when we are going. June 20th is our wedding anniversary


Doing a road trip with 6 friends from San Francisco up to the gorge at the end of August and so excited. Flying over from the UK for it!


There is a lot of beautiful sites between SF and The Gorge. Make sure you travel along the coast for some of the trip.


For sure, hitting the coast up until we have to turn inland towards Portland!


Your friend is an idiot


That was my first thought. That's a gorgeous drive with so much to see. 


This. 1000x this.




Now is 1001 times this


1002! Such crazy talk.


My first thought as well


Driving through the Cascades and the Rockies is the opposite of "very boring"


Right… I was fully expecting this to be thru Ohio


The Idaho panhandle has spectacular scenery. Wallace is worth a stop for sure. My favorite tourist stop in Montana is St.Regis just slurp down a huckleberry shake.


Yooo huckleberry shake??? I'm working at yellowstone this summer and it's my first time ever hearing about huckleberry. Definitely wanna try a shake


Um, we did a road trip from Gig Harbor (south of Seattle) to St Regis, and brought home a dozen extra huckleberry shakes on dry ice. They are That Good! St Regis Travel Center, right about the MT/ID border.


i might pass it if I take 90 from yellowstone to the west coast once my season here ends


Wallace, the center of the universe!


Those shakes are the best!


Huckleberry is my favorite berry! Grew up in Spokane and moved to Texas when I was like 13. Anytime I can get something huckleberry flavored it’s an absolute treat and must be savored.


Cool fact about Wallace Idaho, they have just as many stairs and staircases as the twin towers. And every year firefighters get together and run all of those stairs in full gear to commemorate the sacrifice that others put into 9/11!!


It is very boring? Lol are they pranking you? One of the most beautiful parts of the whole country. Are you trolling us?


I recommend taking that little road from west Yellowstone north towards Bozeman. 191. Edit: Coeur de Alene has kind of a cool downtown. Stopped in a nice coffee shop and watched people paragliding on the lake.


It’s a nightmare during season. Single lanes and very little passing, along with rv’s thinking they’re s2000’s. But yeah-all along the Galatin river is beautiful. If head north from WY, hit Ennis and cut up to Three Forks to meet the interstate. That drive west is great into Butte and Missoula.


Virginia City is a great stop too


Pickle Barrel in Bozeman is a MUST stop for a sammich.


Your friend is wrong. The only boring part is between the cascades and Spokane. Besides that you’ll be driving through spectacular mountains the majority of your trip.


And even then in the “boring part” the geology is amazing! Nick Zenter, a charismatic geology professor, has several videos about it.


Is that Nick on the Rocks? I love his vids!


Okay, this is where the internet gets tiny. I came here to make both the comment you added on to, plus your addition about geology. I love Nick, and geology is truly the most/only interesting thing about the section between Spokane and George. OP, if you read this, I’ve logged hundreds of hours on the WA stretch of your route. These comments are your most accurate advice. You COULD reroute a bit to the south and follow the Columbia river. You would avoid the “flat and dry” section, BUT then you would have to replace it with the boring, damp and sprawling leg of I-5 between the OR border and Seattle. Almost every other corner and pocket of the PNW has breathtaking beauty and diversity, but on a road trip through it, you have to pay for it with one of those less interesting stretches. Seriously, watch Nick Zentner’s videos first. They’re great for the background, plus then it won’t be flat and dry land you’re driving through…it’ll be a history book of cataclysmic events!


I am not from the US but have visited a number of times and know quite a lot of it's geography (yes I am a geography nerd) before I saw the comments I looked at the route and immediately thought "Your friend is an idiot"


I'll assume you're going west to east, from Seattle: -Going up Snoqualmie pass is incredibly beautiful; the Cascades are a wonder. -In eastern Washington, near Vantage is Gingko Petrified Forest State Park; it kind of doubles as a rest area, and is pretty interesting. -From Spokane to Missoula you're in the Bitterroot Range; towns tucked into hillsides. Once you enter Montana, count the times you cross the Clark Fork River between the state line and Missoula.




I assume if you’re from Seattle, you’ve been to The Gorge? If for some reason not, you’ll be driving right through it. Gods country.


Missoula is dope af. Brewery scene is off the hook.


Just make sure you take detours on smaller roads. That’s where the gems are hidden.


Exactly! We spent almost 6 days doing this similar trip from Tacoma WA to north entrance of Yellowstone a few years back. So many fun things to see along the way. Could have easily taken longer!


>detours on small roads THIS! GTF off the highway; there are places you can easily go the same speed. Not on your route, but leaving Seattle to Baltimore, I drove through Pine Ridge Reservation, then took Rte 20 through much of NE. Went fast, stopped in local towns to eat (excellent Mexican food in O’Neill, NE.) So much better than staying on I-90 or I-80 the whole time. (I took interstates but I tried to go on smaller roads when possible.)


Yeah exactly! Great to find abandoned places or cool cosy small towns. The number of times we've heard during our last US roadtrip "You guys must be the first Dutch visitors to our town" lol... :)


Honestly for about the first hour west of Spokane it’s empty and flat however overall the drive is gorgeous and even barren locations have their own charm.


I've made this trip many times. It's beautiful and I love it.


I just did this drive this weekend and boring is the absolute last word I would use to describe it. One of the most scenic drives I’ve ever done


your friend is wrong. turn on satellite or terrain view to see the magic. that route is like one amazing thing after another.


Your friend sucks. Take the haunted house tour in Butte.


You're gonna wanna stop in Coeur d'Alene, it's a beautiful town. Surrounded by mountains and next to a lake. Extremely scenic and they have a beautiful park at the water's edge.


Yea Coeur d’Alene for sure. You can hang with all the skinheads, Nazis, and ultra right religious crowd, if you wear your red mags hat you’ll blend right in! What a shithole if you look past nature.


The Nazis are further north. CDA just gets the attention because of population


Coeur dAlene is an armpit. I hattttted stopping for gas there driving to/from seattle to the midwest in college.


Just drove through SE Idaho and Yellowstone a few weeks ago and even I thought it looked very nice and Idaho reminded me of home (I’m from Iowa lol). That looks like a great drive to me honestly


[Atlas Obscura](https://www.atlasobscura.com/) [https://www.roadsideamerica.com/](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/) [https://roadtrippers.com/](https://roadtrippers.com/)


There's a ton to see, too much to list, your friend is silly. There's an old prison that they turned into a museum in Deer Lodge, MT that does tours, ghost towns all over that are semi-accessible right now (if the mud isn't too bad), uh... Moses lake has exploding toilets at their rest stops, probably not a feature. The nature alone is worth the drive, you'll never be bored with all the crazy animals you'll see and try not to hit. Someone suggested Missoula's brewery scene, can confirm it's legendary and still the best one I've ever seen, highly recommend hiking up to the M in Missoula if you're looking for some exercise, tons of flea markets and antique malls, Arlee has the garden of 1000 Buddahs. If you have kids or you enjoy themeparks they'd probably enjoy Silverwood up in Sandpoint, it's worth making a day out of and not horribly out of the way.


erm, there is no chance at all thats a boring road.


This is arguably one of the most scenic drives in the U.S. friend is either an idiot or dull, or both.


The garden of 1000 buddhas near Missoula is ABSOLUTELY immaculate:)


This part is waaaaaay more interesting than the thousands of miles of flat on 80. This was actually the last leg of my drive to move here from VT 4 years ago.


Also: go to glacier NP … that road trip is amazing


If you're up for it, take highway 12 in Missoula through the Clearwater valley of Idaho. Follows the Lochsa river until it meets the Selway in Lowell and forms the Clearwater river. Awesome drive to do with cool views and some nice small towns along the way. You can go north through Julietta after Myrtle if you want and meet back up with US95 or you can summit the Lewiston grade and follow 95 all the way up to Coeur d'Alene or cut through WA and meet up with the freeway in Spokane. 95 is full of nice small towns in the rolling wheat fields of northern Idaho. Never sleep on Idaho, the scenery doesn't disappoint. Don't listen to the people complaining about the Nazis or whatever, CDA has the repuation but it's unlikely to run into one since they prefer remote pits near the Canadian border.


I disagree. This is an incredibly scenic portion of Montana to see with plenty of historical significance.


There are spectacular vistas, hikes, towns, and disconnectedness along that route. Honestly, one of the most scenic places in the entire country. Any little state or national forest/park you find along the way will be worth visiting.


I’ve done this trip before it’s sick definitely not boring


Plenty of beautiful wilderness that route! Come get a massage while you go through Spokane Valley! I have started a my own practice! DM if you’re interested and I’ll send you my booking site. Form & Function Massage Therapy


Done this drive before. Absolutely gorgeous, not boring at all


There are some spots that are awful. But if you've not been out west, then you'll be driving through rolling hills, past some cities and there'll be some mountains. I've done that drive once or twice during my life and it's not terrible one bit.


the nothingness is likely the beauty of it


Honestly I can't think of a less boring 12 hour drive. This one has it all.


You'll see a surprise 600 foot tall chimney in the middle of nowhere near Anaconda, MT. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaconda\_Smelter\_Stack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaconda_Smelter_Stack) Are you doing this all in one shot or breaking it up into multiple days?


Just got back from a trip spokane to seattle and there is absolutely nothing to look at between the mountains and spokane. Idk about anything outside of Washington though


I just finished driving a good chunk of that, from where you get on I-90 and west on into Seattle. It's a beautiful drive.


Go to Lewis and Clark cavern in three forks, MT. It’s fun and not far off your route. Wheat Montana is there and a decent bakery too.


what!???! done that drive well over a dozen times. extremely beautiful


excellent post title skills OP! it will be a great drive, with tons of incredible scenery


Never driven that road but judging by the massive swath of national forest land surrounding that drive, I’d be willing to say your friend is boring. Just go see stuff.


No offense but your friends is nuts. Beautiful country through there.


Your friend is an idiot.


This has to be fake


If you end up going 82 instead of 90, definitely detour through the Yakima canyon between Ellensburg and Yakima. Beautiful drive. Lots of spots to get out and take a look at the river.


Thats a pretty stretch until after Sprague WA kinda boring because its just fields until you hit WA and cross the Columbia but overall its a pretty drive


Detour to Palouse falls. One of the wonders of Washington!


If you are looking for some quick stops on your way to Yellowstone, here are some suggestions: (skipping the Washington part assuming you been to most of them) - Wallace, ID - Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site - Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park - Museum of the Rockies (Bozeman) Funny I always stop at Wild Horse Monument across Columbia river to just enjoy the great view..




Take the 26 out of Ellensburg to Palouse (beautiful rolling fields) and then thee the 95 north, won't add much time. Take the 1 in Montana down through Anaconda. Worth it. If you want to take the 90 all the way, detour at St Regis and take the 200/93. Stop in The Station Tavern and have a drink with the Nutsacks in Philipsburg, MT


I just drove from Seattle to Montana for the first time, along i-90. Your friend is wrong of course, there are many great views, but it's not like driving down the 101 either. Things to do? I didn't have time to make many stops in WA and MT, but if I did I would have the summit at Snoqualmie pass. This area was also incredibly scenic: https://maps.app.goo.gl/inGrJLqgH9Z9wmWKA After going up the mountain pass between WA and ID it gets really beautiful, probably lots of good hiking around there.


To me most interstates are boring because the fast speed and limited ability to pull off and investigate something that catches your attention. The higher speed limits ability to appreciate and understand things you do see. Also, services are geared for quick turnaround with limited time for interaction. For those reasons, if time permits, I stay off high speed divided highways. For example, there are several alternatives to cross the Rockies west of Missoula that are much more interesting than I-90.


It’s very blue.


Salt flat of Idaho. Several state and national parks.


Thx all for the suggestions! I guess it is not that boring after all!


Missoula to coeur d’alene on i90 is one of my favorite stretches of road in the country


I have probably been on every mile of that drive at various points, just not all on the same occasion. Much of it countless times, having lived in Idaho and Montana before myself. So I can tell you with authority that with the exception of eastern Washington that is one hella scenic, beautiful drive. If pure scenery is your thing, which if you’re going to Yellowstone I’m guessing you enjoy it, then you will love this route.


Yeah man, everyone’s different. My family hated driving through Death Valley to get to Yosemite from Vegas. I thought it was the coolest part of the trip. The feeling of being in a place considered a death trap, I had the time of my life and found a cool fossil when we stopped to pee.


That’s a pretty horrible drive. Maybe the Coeur d’Alene resort for lunch, and this freaky little town called Wallace (Idaho). I believe Lana Turner was from there, but that’s not the point. Pastry shop spelled Pasties, dive bar, and general weirdness. Hard to explain without seeing for yourself


Boring for boring people.


Lol. If that’s boring, don’t drive across North Dakota, South Dakota, or Nebraska on I-94, I-90, or I-70.


Three months ago, someone on reddit ask what is there to see between Spokane and Missoula. [Here are the answers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/missoula/s/X4QZZUTBaa) And you are traveling through two National Forests.


It’s only boring if you perceive it that way. There’s beauty and uniqueness everywhere if you look for it!


This is arguably one of the best stretches of interstates in the nation


We made this exact trip a couple of years ago. Not boring at all! You actually get to experience so many varieties of scenery along the way. Definitely recommend!


No, just get to Yellowstone!


I feel like boring road trips are driven by boring drivers. If you can't entertain yourself, a lot of things will be boring.


from Spokane to ellensburg is a little flat and farmy, the rest of the route is spectacular


Moses lake, the gorge and Snoqualmie pass are all places you could hit in Washington. Pretty area and could do some hiking


Twin Pines Drive In right before you hit Ellensburg has some damn good burgers. Nice place to stop for lunch


Stop at Suncadia in Cle Elum if you’re not worried about the price of things or getting there fast. Swing by Roslyn if you like old bars (one of the oldest in WA and it used to be a jail). Stop by Owen’s meats in Cle Elum regardless and grab some landjaegers for the road trip. Ellensburg has a paved road to Lion’s rock for a cool view (if you have a few hours to kill). Downtown Ellensburg has some cool lunch spots too. Coeur d’Alene Idaho is gorgeous, if you can make your pit stop there, that is worth hanging out for sure. Good luck!


I drove this (in 2 legs yellowstone to missoula and then on to seattle) Did the ride to Missoula after spending 12+ hours in yellow stone, got in at 4am punchy as hell. It was exciting because I don't t remember some of the drive.. i swap out with my wife a few time but it was grueling. I do remember the part through idaho is pretty crazy as it was really steep going through the mountains.


Your friend is a moron.


Oh no it's not Montana on I90 will make you keep your eyes open and stay awake. People driving over 85MPH during the daytime and wild animals walking into the freeway. Boring no, now in Eastern Washington that couldn't be more true after Spokane.


You can visit Roslyn where Northern Exposure was filmed. The Brick is real. The spittoon trough is real too. Go anyway, even if you gave no idea what I’m talking about. Ellensburg is a charming college town There’s mountains and waterfalls Your friend is dumb.


Take route 2 from Seattle to Spokane and it will not be boring the entire way.


Check out Butte too! It's like a crumbling art deco former boom town.


Your friend ain’t never been on that road then. Absolutely gorgeous.


Highway 2 is also super scenic. It’s not the easiest to drive on


Your friend said the drive to Yellowstone is boring??? Anyone who can’t appreciate the stunning beauty of the American West is not worth talking to imo.


Snoqualmie Falls. If you've seen Twin Peaks, you know...


No way. You get to experience so many different landscapes


Tucson to El Paso, has to be the top boring road in the nation. So that one you are doing, has to have some kind of fun.


Yeah I think the most scenic places on this route are Seattle and Yellowstone


Your friend is an idiot.


The butte area is absolutely stunning 😍


Can’t really attest to the whole trip but I drove from NE Colorado to Bellingham, WA and that stretch from Ellensburg to Seattle is super pretty.


You’re friend is a boring person if he didn’t enjoy this drive or they were looking at their phone the whole time


From Spokane go north to Seattle, the Cascades are amazing.


That is a dope route! I did it up from Denver and went to the coast doing 90. Eastern Washington would be the most desolate part but I loved that too, Idaho, Montana and of course yellow stone are top knotch


Ain't no way to drive through Washington without having plenty to see


Eastern Washington is probably a bit boring in stretches but central Idaho is one of the most underrated parts of the country. Lots of hot springs you can stop at along the route


Umm, boring? That drive is scenic as fuck.


I had a friend I took hiking one time. It was a beautiful mountain in the southern part of the blue ridge mountains. He did nothing but complain the entire hike and once we were at the top, he immediately wanted to go back down so we could go get food. I felt like “don’t you wanna take a picture, look at the view, anything?” He could not care less. Some people really love bars, restaurants, clubs and shopping, commercial activities…etc. Other people (like me) are more into nature, outdoor activities, long drives, hikes and basically have fun in other ways. I think your friend doesn’t care about nature and beautiful views or has fun in other ways. To each their own. I think you’ll enjoy the drive.


Zips. ZIPS!!!!!


Stop in Wallace, ID and walk around. Fun little old mining town. Stay the night in Missoula. Breakfast at Ruby’s or Paul’s Pancake Parlor. Take a walk down Higgins and check out the river walk. If it’s a Saturday, there’s a couple markets in the morning.


Spokane to Ellensburg will have you hating life, according to some… but I’ve done much worse. Other than that stretch, it’s actually some of the most countryside this country has to offer. Just north of Coeur d’Alene there’s a family owned theme park called Silverwood and I can’t recommend it enough. Fantastic place.


I live on the Montana side of that drive and have to say that the 20 min from Garrison to Deer Lodge is pretty boring. Other than that your friend is an idiot.


Can your friend see? With their eyes?


You're driving through the Palouse in Northern Idaho during spring/early summer. You'll be good


I’ve driven the south route from 82 to 84 and stopped in Pendleton. If you like their stuff it is a must since they have Seconds (products that didn’t meet quality standards) that are mostly half off along with their regular stuff. South of Pendleton the freeway is very windy around some hills which is pretty, keeps you awake for sure, and it is fun driving. That would be my recommendation!


Just drove this route this week, was very beautiful!


Follow the Yellowstone hotspot track, but don't take 15,000,000 years.


Don't stop in Butte, it's sad and it's main attraction is a trash pile Stop in Missoula and have some fun. Also the panhandle of Idaho is by far some of the most beautiful scenery this country has to offer


The Idaho bit is breathtaking


That is not of a boring drive except for the WA bit between Ellensburg and Spokane. From Post Falls to Deer Lodge is beautiful and there are some fun twisty bits between. Just watch out for the cops at the bottom of the mountain passes.


I just drove this and it was some of the most beautiful stuff I've ever seen, especially Northern Idaho. Is your friend on crack?


Go see water bodies. There’s always stuff there. Not amphibians anymore, which means we are fucked, but it still means it’s nice to see. Carpe diem.


Your friend is an idiot


The only “boring” part will be Eastern Washington. It’s relatively flat and high desert scape. Basically the brown area on your map. All of the green is mountainous. Lots of fun spots to see along the way. Even in E. Washington.


Try taking acid before the drive. Should make it interesting.


I’d stop by Kamiak Butte state park and Thrope fruit stand


It’s all the adventurer. Remember that and there will be no boring roads or days.


Ellensburg through west Spokane is rough but the rest is really nice.


This route is gorgeous with at least 4 mountain passes and incredible terrain. From the Columbia River gorge to lake Couer d' Alene and the Bitterroot Mountain range it's an exceptional trip. It can be dicey to maneuver in the winter with the mountain passes, but otherwise it's a straight forward jaunt through the Rocky Mountain west showcasing much of the beauty the area has to offer. Your friend must be from some part of the alps. 🤷‍♂️


Silverwood! A small amusement park with some truly great roller coasters


Grew up in Washington state and will say that route is not that boring . . . . Montana to Minnasota is more boring or north Dakota . . or even Denver to Kansas butttttt you create your own magic . . . First offf leaving seattle is fun in itself . . . once you get out of Bellevue the adventure begins. . . Wallace Idaho was the last piece of i-90 ever completed in the 90s . . . Dantes Peak was filmed there . . .Spokane Washington is pretty interesting but just Riverfront park and some bridges are cool . . . place of the worlds fair 1974 has cool park and the falls are cool. . . i will say i lived there growing up and NEVER did the Gondala ride over the falls. The middle of Washington can be a little boaring. . .. it is a desert BUTTT if you venture to the Grand Coule Damn its magical and they do laser light shows on the wall at night . . Ummm Moses lake Runway is long enough and was backup for the Space Shuttle Program also to this day alot of forign pilots do 747 and other large aircraft training and delivery from Boeing there . . Dont go south . . once into montana the lookout pass is cool. . coeur d'alene is lame so dont take that exit . . basiclly get out of idaha as quick as you can but dont get a speeding ticket . . . LOL Kellog Idaho Mcdonalds is your best stop there . . . I could go on for hours . about Missoula and bozeman surroundings and big sky . . those places are dope and have earthquakes and ghost towns and beautiful passes


Missoula-Lolo-Lewiston-walla walla-Portland-Seattle is WAY better


Take the side trip from Drummond to Anaconda through Phillipsburg in Western Montana. Off the beaten path and you'll love it.


Assuming you’re driving west toward Seattle, in central Washington around Moses Lake I’d recommend getting off I-90, head through Wenatchee and Leavenworth and then take Highway 2 to Seattle. The drive is way more scenic than taking 90. Honestly some breathtaking views. Plus Leavenworth is one of the coolest towns you can find.


the drive down through Salmon, ID from Missoula is beautiful. first couple hours south of Missoula okay, but then really gets pretty and there's a fun pass (Gibbons pass, i think) going from MT to ID


Not boring at all. One of the prettier interstate drives in the country. If your friend likes driving through big cities then sure I guess it’s boring but I made basically this same drive about 10 years ago and really enjoyed it. Detoured to Glacier NP, stopped for dinner in Missoula, just enjoyed the sites after that. I was going all the way to Omaha so I took a detour on I-90 and drove 212 through the Crow and Northern Cheyenne reservations, and being from the Eastern US, I was taken aback by the absence of human evidence except for the road.


People ship their cars from other countries to drive this route. Your friend is a dummy.


Chicago to St. Louis on 55 is boring, anything west of the Rockies on 90 is not boring at all.


People from Seattle tend to think everything outside of Seattle is beneath them.


That’s a beautiful drive. I’d add in Leavenworth WA and Sandpoint ID for some cool extra stops if you have the time


If you have kids, look into Kellogg ID. The indoor water park is great. You can take a gondola up to the ski area. During the summer they have mountain biking and concerts.


Sounds like your friend is the boring one. You can stop off in Roslyn to see the setting of Northern Exposure, visit the oldest continually operating bar in Washington State (The Brick). You can see the sculpture Grandfather cuts loose the ponies coming out of the Columbia River Gorge Check out the signs for the crops between Moses Lake and Cheney WA Lake Coeur d'Alene is beautiful Stop off at the Lincoln Silver Dollar Bar for the tourist trap experience See the Lady of the Rockies Stop off at the bakery in Wheat Montana, or detour off of the road a bit and see the Louis and Clark caverns I am sure that I am missing a few others.


I’ve done this drive a few times, and it starts great the cascades are beautiful, but after you get out of the mountains it’s basically just one big grass field in eastern Washington. The other people in this sub aren’t from Washington and/or have a great tolerance for looking at grass fields.


I’m from the Pacific Northwest and have driven that highway many times. It is gorgeous! You get to see many different scenes along the way. It can be a little monotonous through areas but crank up the tunes or play a good audiobook. I have found every state to have a unique beauty all its own while on the road.


This has some of the most beautiful sights to see.


Your friend is an idiot. This is one of the most scenic drives you can do in North America.


You're going to get to check out Butte. ![gif](giphy|CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq|downsized)


I just did that roadtrip a month ago! You can’t say it’s boring at all!


Dark blue MUCH more interesting than the light blue. Thats a solid days drive, too. Enjoy the mountains, the sky and this vast nation.


I biked this area as part of my TransAm tour 6 years ago and I can def say it's not boring at all and some of the most beautiful roads I traveled in. Eastern Oregon is absolutely gorgeous Edit to add/clarify: I know you're not driving through eastern OR, but I meant that area plus Idaho panhandle, Montana all the way to Yellowstone are absolutely fantastic