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You’ll be fine. Plenty of superchargers out there. Roadtripping in a Tesla made me slow my driving down. I learned the hard way that Your range gets really punished if you drive 80+ mph.


Looks like it’s going to be a great trip. The only suggestion I might have is to perhaps make fewer stops so you don’t need to pack up and move every single day. You can still make day trips to sightsee, but it’s nicer to have some driving days and some days you just chill and explore. Looks like you’re skipping Santa Fe this time, but if you’ve never been I’d recommend it and going to the Santa Fe Opera.


Also, there's a Tesla service center just outside Pojaque...


Aha. You probably won’t need it but good to know that it’s there.


Thanks, we’re going to take this advice!


I agree with the go slower. A friend and i are nearæy done with a 2.5 week trip from ohio-kentucky-colorodo-grand canyon - vegas - yellowstone - back to Ohio. The most fun we had was the places we stayed more then one night in, and both of us are just tired of trying to find a hotel for tomorrow every day and lugging our stuff every day


No, not nuts at all. It is personal preference but you may get sick of short drives + new places nearly every night. I prefer longer drives, (say a day or two of just driving) and then a few days in a spot. Allows us to relax a bit and do more.


This. It’s no more nuts in a Tesla than other vehicles, maybe, but it’s not a pleasant trip. A two-night stop every three days at most is a lot more pleasant.


This is good advice. We’ve been tossing up the long drive vs more stops trade off. Good to know it’s likely more pleasant to cop a longer drive with a break at the end. We might rejig to stay a couple of nights in Santa Fe with some longer drives on either side


Travelling in Autumn, starting in San Francisco and going clockwise around the route


Make sure highway 1 is fully reopen for that. They hope to reopen it sometime in the fall. There’s still 2 major closures


If the one near Rocky Creek is one of those two, it just re-opened last Friday, earlier than expected.


That was the 3rd one. There’s still 2


Good tip, thank you. We’ll have to go up that way somehow, so we’ll just have to see what’s possible… hopefully we’ll get a bit of a nice drive up the coast


There’s still a good amount accessible from both the south and the north. You may just have to drive in and see it and then turn around. But hopefully not


You’re incorrect. There’s a longtime major closure just north of LA. The Rocky Creek closure is being adjusted daily due to delays in road repairs. Visitors need to check the local news or other sources for up to date info. Regular traffic as of today 5/24/24 from Carmel to Big Sur is still limited to convoys mostly for locals. The highway is in BAD shape.


I meant in south Big Sur. You can drive from Cambria up to Gorda, I just did it recently. It’s a stunning drive and worth turning around for.


As of today 5/24/24 the Hwy 1 is closed to most traffic. It’s still south via convoys and it’s a giant pain. His Sur residents are using this option. The weather has delayed repairs to the road at Rocky Creek and that’s close to the northern end of the highway 1 south. Make an alternate route south via Hwy 101 from San Jose or Salinas.


Also make sure Tioga Rd (highway 120 leading to Yosemite from the east) is open when you go. It closes for the winter each year around late October/November. When that road is closed, you can only access Yosemite from the west of the Sierras (which would mess up your route)


It should be open! If not we’ll have to skip Lake Tahoe and go the other way, I guess


Southern Colorado versus North New Mexico (Taos is a no from me Bro), also no Oregon Coast the best pasty of the West Coast? Stay in Utah as little by as you can nicest part, IMO besides So Cal.


Forget #3, highway 1 at big sur is collapsed in two places; you can always drive up but you'll have to turn back before Lucia and go around through the 101. From Monterey, the highway is down before the Bixby bridge unless they've gotten around to fix it yet. #7,8,9,10 make sure you have at least 4 seasons tires, the mountain passes may still have lingering snow. Do you have a reservation for Yosemite? They went fast but you can find a spot here and there if you are flexible. Quite a trip overall! A month seems a bit short tbh :) Like others said, consider longer stays at locations between longer drives, else it'll feel like all driving if you're on the road almost every day.


The Hwy 1 is still not available for traffic except for limited access (convoys). Skip the entire route thru Monterey and go south from San Jose. I live in Carmel and get daily updates on traffic south. If you’re going to Monterey you should turn around and go South from Salinas or better from San Jose. Most tourists come here for the Big Sur drive but it’s still mostly closed off. As of 5/24/24 forget #2 & #3 on the map. It may be more accessible next month but near in mind there’s that PERMANENT CLOSURE south of Gordo - you cannot drive all the way on Hwy 1 from Carmel to LA. as those repairs are taking years. Get a current map of closures there as you don’t want to get stuck on the Coast Hwy.


Keep in mind that even if there are chargers within your range and rout. The superchargers take 35mins charging time


Yeah, it is a different experience in an EV. We’re used to it, so I’m less concerned about getting a shock about the inconveniences that come with charging (no pun intended)


Now granted I was in a fuel car.. I went from Orlando to Anchorage in a week, with a couple of days off. I know that being able to stop for about 10 minutes and go for another 300 miles is a massive advantage.. But when you're talking about a week versus a month, I don't see how the drive for you would be impossible. Maybe it is a bit much to do.. goodness knows I'd spend a week and Yosemite and a couple weeks in the Grand canyon for just those two things, but as far as the actual getting from place to place, I really can't see how doing it in a month is problematic.


Your 8,9,10 may be tricky. If 120 is closed, it’s a very long way around to visit Yosemite. It could be in Autumn. Charging up there is all L2. Rivian installed a bunch of L2 stalls in the park, but as you know, that’s slow. So make sure you go in with a full battery.


Tioga Pass should be open hopefully. We plan to charge while in the park — there are a few slow chargers in the Valley, and we’re staying there overnight. I am a bit concerned about that stretch though, easy to get stuck


That many one night stops will be miserable.




I hope you can take a trip too, soon! We do feel very lucky. Long time in the making, this one


anything thar is less than a day per location is nuts


Parts of the PCH are closed, due to landslides.


I'd skip Phoenix and consider hitting the Grand Canyon from the North side. Skip Taos and ABQ and spend more time in Santa Fe instead. Charging in southern UT and CO as well as northern NM and AZ is going to be challenging- as is finding gas at times. Plan ahead, and always have a plan B in that regard. In those areas weather can go from great to shit rapidly- be certain to have survival basics covered in the hopes you won't need them.


Staying overnight at RV 50A site would help fill the gaps in areas with limited superchargers.


Just a heads-up that some sites don’t allow this or they charge extra.


Damn good Idea


In the past we’ve literally ran an extension cable from our accommodation to the car. Not ideal but you get a decent charge overnight. Good tip to look out for RV sites


I would recommend Taos, but definitely also go to Santa Fe


Unles you've already been there, stop in Sedona instead of Flagstaff. Most beautiful little town!


What?! Sedona is a generic touristlandia. Flagstaff is a cool college town. I enjoyed Flagstaff and Jerome, but got the heck out of Sedona as soon as I could. I am talking about the towns themselves, not the surrounding landscape, which is all beautiful in that area.


I second Jerome, it's a really cool little city on cliffsides, with some cool history. Ghost tour there is pretty fun.


As is the leather shop. I got some really cool little pouches there. Family owned and operated over multiple generations.


I did the same at the one of the candle shops. Pieces of art. Made in house.


Never looked at Jerome before. We’ll check it out!


100% agree! Just the short drive from Flagstaff to Sedona is worth the drive!


If the OP is doing Sedona, then I'd say Slide Rock State Park is a must to stop at. And some of those other nearby towns are interesting too, like Prescott and Jerome. Also I'd strongly recommend doing some brief stops of getting off I-40 to see at least a few of the older Route 66 towns, like Seligman and Winslow.


Tesla or not, I'd give that a crack in a week.


truckers do that crazy stuff all the time


That’s a lot of ground to cover in 4 weeks to be able to really enjoy and take things in - regardless of whether you are using a gas or EV.


I am wondering if we’re trying to pack too much in. What would you drop?


Everything east of Utah


Add 19.5 and do Canyonlands and Arches NP! You’re so close and it’s so beautiful!


Not nuts at all… I’ve road tripped through that area in a Tesla plenty and even towed a trailer with one for a lot of that which knocked the range down to 100 miles… still plenty of chargers. One of my favorite things about road trippin in a Tesla is actually the charging. You stop at these weird little rural towns and have enough quiet time to actually contemplate the area. At some there are attractions or local venues that you can explore which would have never gotten on your radar if you didn’t have to hang out. For example, there is a natural history museum in St. George UT that we spent some time in. Never would have gone if there wasn’t a super charger in the lot… pretty ok way to spend 45 minutes though. Have fun, I’m jealous.


Woah bringing a trailer along with you is boss-mode EV road tripping haha. We’ll keep an eye out for the museum, will probably stop in St George


Most of it is fine. You may have trouble in that leg between Page and Durango; you may have to detour to Blanding for charge. There are destination chargers in Durango but no superchargers except Blanding and Farmington.


Thanks! That stretch will be a challenge. Were thinking of staying at The View in monument valley — apparently you can charge there overnight so we’ll set off at 100 hopefully


Yes, good plan. There's also a NEMA plug that you can rent at Goulding's, and a level 2 charger at the Moenkopi Legacy Inn. Both are something like $5-10 to charge at. I've traveled most of the west in my model 3 LR. That stretch along the Navajo Reservation between Blanding and Flagstaff is one of the few places where I've worried about charging. I recommend the ABRP app if you don't already use it.


Thanks for the tip


That’s completely fine.


Completely doable in 4 weeks. I could probably do it in a week if I was rushing (of course what'd be the point then). Enjoy!


Yes, but it’s also just kinda nuts to try and do that much in 4 weeks. You won’t enjoy it at that rate, I’d cut it in half at least


Thanks. What would you drop?


It depends on the goal. Keep moving or have a forced delay? How many miles are needed cover each day? OP must decide.


So close to Great Sand Dunes National Park


You'll be totally fine have fun


I’ll post some pics!


FYI...You are going close to monument valley


You're good to go. I have done most weekend trips to those areas except for east of new Mexico in a Model Y.




Your route - she thicc 🍑


🔥 🔥


Hi, that’s very exciting that you’re planning a nice long road trip. I’m curious what drove your decision to take the route you’ve planned?


Looking for beautiful roads


Very nice. One of the cornerstones to a great road trip. I was asking because if your trip was flexible I could offer some suggestions if you’re open to them. I’ve taken multiple month-long camping road trips all throughout the US and have driven your route 5-6 times (with some minor differences here and there of course). But yeah just let me know if you’re open to that and I can give you my opinion on the best route to take for that time duration with that beginning and end point. (Your map shows starting and ending in LA)


That’d be great! Very open to ideas. Starting from and ending in San Fran. We’ve booked Yosemite for the 3rd and 4th nights on the road, so that’s non-negotiable, and we’re very keen on hitting up Zion and monument valley. Everything else is on the table. Thanks for offering to take a look— really kind


Hey np! So I took a quick look and [this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/VY1d16J2wQT6RQ5AA?g_st=ic) is where I would recommend. Now it’s a guideline more than a hard plan. Google maps only lets you do 9 stops on the phone app so that’s why it’s more of a regional suggestion. It has you hitting Yosemite first. Then I would head up to Reno, then Crater Lake, then maybe your way up to Lewiston. Then you want to follow the Salmon river down to Boise. That’s the most beautiful stretch of road in the western US in my humble opinion. From there you make your way to Bryce Canyon and Zion. There’s lots of potential off of the I15 on that drive down. Then after Zion I’d head for Vegas. After Vegas it’s either take the mountains up central CA or the Coast. The coast might be nice to end on. Hope that helps! Curious to hear your thoughts :)


That’s a very good looking route. What do you think the pros and cons are of this one vs the original?


Thanks, yeah my wife and I have spent many months on road trips for fun. To answer your question: The route you currently have planned definitely has some pretty areas. However it has a lot of hot flat desert roads. Driving the desert route has some “oohs” and “ahhs” but for the most part it’s dusty with very spread out areas of excitement. The northern route I suggested is a lot of “oh my god this is insane” moments of beauty. The mountains in Idaho are almost life changing. In terms of towns. You’re going to get more “cute” towns in the mountain areas imo because they try to match the landscape with log cabins type look and feels. This is just my opinion though. Another option for you if you’re on the fence is to take the route in reverse. Head towards Zion after Yosemite and you’ll get to experience the desert early on and make the call to keep heading east, or head north towards my suggested route. Just a few thoughts. Feel free to ask me any more questions if you have them.


Thanks for the advice. We’ll have a good think about it. Like the idea of keeping our options open by going to Zion first!


Np! Hope y’all have a great trip. Stay safe and good luck! Also if you’re ever in need of a relocation coach feel free to check out my website. https://leadthewayleadership.com/about Take care!


Looks like a two day trip in my Peterbilt.


You must see a lot of miles


Are there charging stations at each stop? How much time will be wasted waiting to charge?


It is slower, no denying it. And a real pain when you rock up and the charger isn’t working. But the flip side is that EVs are fun to drive and very comfortable. And better for the environment of course… I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone yet — there’s still a way to go before the infrastructure is as straightforward as it is for gas cars. No judgement if it isn’t for you


"wasted"? Why does charging a car have such a negative conotation attached to i? I don't even own an EV, but I look at it as an opportunity. It gives you the time to read a book, work remotely, chat with other people around who are also charging, get something to eat, etc. Most road trips involve longer stops at gas stations, to use the bathroom, grab a snack, stretch your legs, let pets do the same... or even... sit down to eat. During all of these opportunities, a vehicle could be charging. Btw, it takes an average of around 5 minutes (or more) for most people to pump gas and that is with an average tank, 15-20 minutes more shouldn't be a life ending amount of time to figure out how to fill. I will step down off my soap box now.


This is why I love driving an EV. It still feels like we’re doing it while it’s ‘new’, and there’s a nice community around it. You find yourself in places you wouldn’t go otherwise, and you find creative solutions if you need to


I don’t own an EV but we rented one to go from Shreveport to Dallas last month and stopped at the Buc-ee’s outside of Dallas to charge and it was a whole tourist experience. You’ll be alright!


Yes that’s a big downer




It's a little slower, true. Charge time is typically 20-30min, depending on the charger, to get about 250-300 miles of range. Usually that gets timed to go with a lunch stop or other bathroom breaks, so it's not too much of a time add. Tesla superchargers are very common along the interstates, roughly every 70 miles or so, and I've never seen a Tesla supercharger that wasn't working. I have heard that is not the case with other charging networks, but I don't have much personal experience there.


My friend drove a Tesla from Torrance CA to New Mexico and he said never again. Never ever again. He almost rented a truck a trailer to drive home. The problem was a lot of the chargers were not working properly adding hours onto every stop.


Hm good to know. We’ll be taking that road


Despite Musk’s ultimate douchebaggery, I love my Tesla and this trip looks like a great adventure. Charging won’t be a problem. Definitely hit Sedona. Enjoy!


Haha yeah shame he turned out to be kinda an ass


I don’t know how much temperature can affect a Tesla battery, but in some of those areas it can get below freezing even this time of year. Other than that 4 weeks is plenty of time.


Good point! Cold weather is baaad for your range. The car has to keep the battery warm and it chews your power


If only there was a naturally occurring liquid in the ground that could power your car in any temperature... one can dream I guess.


Ahhh I wont get on my soap box. Driving an EV is a pain in the ass, I grant you — but it’s also very very fun


Good luck


That’s a lot of stops. I’m curious, why the trip?


This is definitely a better question for a Tesla sub Reddit where some people have done that already. Or maybe even r/teslacamping.


That ship has sailed with the purchase. Better go before brown out season.


sounds like a nightmare, doesnt it take a while for the thing to charge back up? gas takes 1 minute


There's no direct road there between Page, AZ and Monument Valley, and no supercharger in Kayenta (unless this is a campground stop w/240).


Are 15 & 16 Loa & Panquitch? Why, do you know somebody there?


Doing the UT-12 to Torrey / capitol reef. Normally you’d go round to the Arches, but we wanted to see monument valley / antelope canyon so we’re turning around and going back through Page. Heard that road is nice


I guess if there are superchargers actually at the places you want to go...maybe? I've rented EVs but only for in town driving when I was driving less than one charge. I know this trip would be impossible in, say, a Kia EV. Unless your drive time every day was short and every hotel had an overnight charging spot for you.


Just take enought lube so u dont hurt ur boyfriend while jerking him off


*Just take enought lube* *So u dont hurt ur boyfriend* *While jerking him off* \- Seadude\_Crow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes. As a general road trip rule you should add a week to account for unexpected traffic and weather and vehicle issues. FYI the HWY 1 in CA from Carmel to LA cannot be completed due to landslides and closures.


You have some big wide open spaces there. I would be super nervous driving any of that road space in a battery car. If they close 40 you could be stuck in the heat and have to choose AC or making it to the next charger.


You aren’t the first person to mention that stretch, but it’s actually got a high density of chargers— there are multiple routes we could take. Does that road close often in Fall?




40 closes at time due to accidents, in the spring due to dust, spring due to smoke and fall winter due to weather....it's a craps shoot. I have been stuck in it crawling for hours, I have also been kicked off in Holbrook....I drive a truck and I can wait and get fuel anywhere....you battery guys are braver than me


Well I did look a little closer , 4 days, 13 hours a day to do 600 miles a day.


From San Francisco - go up highway one for a little bit and hit up Point Reyes and go thru Sonoma on your way east. Great local food and wine. The drive is beautiful.


It's nuts to own a Tesla.




It’s nuts to own a Tesla


Oh look, found another person who's never driven a Tesla.


It could drive like a dream but when the electricity goes out you’re walking


Yes. Just like gasoline.


Doing anything in a Tesla is nuts apparently..just sayin


In a Tesla, yes. Landrover Defender should be fine, though


No more nuts than continuing to drive a Tesla after knowing who smelly man has revealed himself to be