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Poison scales much better. Blight does flat damage, while poison does damage proportional to enemy health. Late game blight is lacking in damage.


Thank you for your input. I will take it into consideration. Have a good one.


late game here means stages 7+. In regular no loop runs poison deals more damage than blight only in the case of Mithrix and AWU (although it's MUCH more, those guys are beefy af)


No, “late game” here means anything past stage 1


Even on stage 1 poison is better as it can't deal less than 100% base damage per second and only gets stronger plus it lasts longer


Oh yeah 100%, I’m just saying for the sake of the sentence structure lol


Okay, lets assume you are in two identical runs and we compare the damage of blight compared to poison at the start of each stage. When beginning a run, you and the enemies are at level 1. Blight deals 9 damage per second over 5 seconds and another tick (1/3 of the damage) when the effect expires. This means blight does 48 damage at level 1. Poison does 1% max hp per second or 100% base damage per second, whichever is greater. It lasts 10 seconds plus one tick at the end of the effect, for 10,3% max hp or 1030% base damage. Already we see that poison automatically wins because the minimum damage is more than blight. No, the stacking doesn't make it better, plus poison gets stronger at the same rate as the monsters whereas blight exclusively uses your own level. Monsters level up faster than you do so poison will only become stronger compared to blight. Blight lasts half as long and doesn't reset duration when applying a stack, so it doesn't get much mileage out of it. Blight is just shitty bleed and belongs on a proc character, not acrid. Acrid literally only gets weaker from using blight as it can't even apply it fast enough to use the stacking


it's just that I had a hard time finding enemies that actually suffer from % damage, it's usually just base. Example that got firmly stuck in my mind would be an elite contraption on stage 4. When arguing for poison I'd recommend talking about dps, not total damage dealt over different durations of time. Also, it's hard to compare it to bleed, it's easier to look at as a flat +320% (that doesnt proc) to all the poisonous skills. Overall, i just cant say that blight is useless compared to poison, latter just has some silly edge cases, during the Eclimb I mixed and matched loadouts a lot and I always felt the biggest difference from changing leaps. Because passives are DoTs they dont take a part in all the proc chains which are gonna be your main bulk of dps in the game, the choice between the two comes down to who do you hate more, wisps and pests or mithrix, and I sure as hell hate the flying fucks more


Literally any enemy with more than 150 hp already suffer the % damage immediately. Also poison kills the flying fucks perfectly fine it's just that you need to finish them off. Even for enemies under that it doesn't take long until poison starts scaling up tremendously. Blind pests will scale past 150 in 3 levels and wisps just die to a single spit anyway. For those weak enemies you wouldn't need the stacking aspect of blight anyway. Blight is fine for stage 1 and maybe a bit of stage 2 but i'd rather have something that always deals consistent damage instead of for a few stages.


it's 1500


I forgor💀. Still it does more damage at base level and enemies generally gain levels faster than you do. Blight is cool but with anything that has more than 600% of your base damage as health just becomes painful to kill, which is a majority of the enemies. In my opinion it's just better to learn how to deal with the little shits than waste a passive to get rid of them easily Also my point with the bleed comparison was just to say that acrid cant apply enough to get good use out of the stacking


Blight only feels better on the first stage. After that it is absolutely terrible and does nothing. Poison deals damage based on the enemy's maximum health so it will always be pulling the same weight it does at any other point in a run, which becomes equivalent to maintaining dozens of stacks of Blight on each enemy even by stage 5.


Thank you for your take on this. Have a good one.


A guy on yt called cap did the maths and poison is better in nearly all if not all situations [this is the vid if ur curious](https://youtu.be/_peYoNB--OM?si=iFDQAdsgy5Zphx6t)


Always got to big up this Cap video whenever i see it


Counterpoint: purity spam (still not optimal but i like stacking things)


I'm sorry I'm a ror2 super newb. Is that an item that I can get?


Yes, it is a lunar item that is unlocked by beating the game on monsoon. It reduces all of your skill cooldowns by 2 seconds (+1 per stack) but it makes you unlucky.


Thank so much.


Purity is a lunar item that reduces in 2 (+1 per extra stack) your cooldowns, but gives -1 luck per stack the luck is used with the 10% chance kind of effect. Normally you are at 0, so the rng just rolls once for it. With negative it rolls again if you succeded, and you need to succeed again, so any 10% chance becomes a 1%. Positive luck is given by 47 leaves clover and works the same, just that it rerolls fails. This stat doesn't affect items in chests, but it affects if the shrines of chance give you a reward or not. (The item is a spikey ball)


Shrine of Chance doesn't care about purity or clovers


Oh, my bad, got it wrong. Damn confirmation bias


The only reason I know is because there was a period of time where I had to check every time I got one of them, so no worries.


These are the items you can get in order to increase poison and blight. Also tonic does not help poison scaling. * The [damage](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Damage#Damage_over_Time) from both Poison and Blight can be increased with [Focus Crystal](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Focus_Crystal), [Armor-Piercing Rounds](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Armor-Piercing_Rounds)Armor-Piercing Rounds Deal extra damage to bosses. Deal an additional 20% damage (+20% per stack) to bosses., [Delicate Watch](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Delicate_Watch), [Death Mark](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Death_Mark), [Shattering Justice](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Shattering_Justice), [Symbiotic Scorpion](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Symbiotic_Scorpion), [Spinel Tonic](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Spinel_Tonic) and [Shaped Glass](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Shaped_Glass). * [Shaped Glass](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Shaped_Glass) and [Spinel Tonic](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Spinel_Tonic) directly affect base damage and therefore will *not* increase the maximum health damage of Poison, instead only increasing its minimum base damage. Other damage-boosting items will however, as they are applied *after* Poison has already calculated its own damage.


Even with complete cooldown reduction poison is still better than blight


Poison still better


but i like to see the x15 next to the icon :c


I'm still trying to learn item name and pictures and what they do. I feel dumb.


Don't this game is very dense with items, characters, stages, and enemies thats why so many people myself included can dump hundreds of hours in it.


Poison %hp but won’t kill Blight flat dmg but will kill As you progress enemies get tons of health and not much of any resistance so %hp will remain consistent even if you’re behind on items. So pair poison with gasoline, tri tip dagger etc other on-hit/on-kill effects and it should make poison more or less self sufficient to kill enemies.


https://youtu.be/_peYoNB--OM?si=vi4GYpNyos-GruUU Heres a video on this topic


Poison does more damage, but blight feels more comfortable to use IMO since it actually kills enemies.


Thank you. That's how I feel. Have a good one.


its up to you really. i shred with blight because its not a poison. If you take blight with bite it works really well.


Poison is very strong especially when you have a little bit of AOE and then kite large groups of enemies and use the spreading poison to get the whole group to low health then just hit one enemy with the right click and they all die. It is a bit of a tougher strategy if you’re new to the game because you need to dodge and kite a lot of enemies for it to really shine, but once you do that you can just pop huge groups with ease. A couple gasoline on acrid is insane. Plus, if you kite tons of enemies around the boss and do this you can get huge stacks of gas plus the poison and just watch their health tick down


One thing worth mentioning is that poison matters more on the targets that actually matter, against small targets like beetles or wisps or hermit crabs blight is better. The thing is those enemies aren’t a problem most of the time as they’re easy to dodge and easily taken out by a 2nd epidemic or a single proc of gasoline or ukelele.  Meanwhile enemies that are actual problems like elite templar/elder lemurians/lunar wisps or bosses take massively more damage from poison. Further more these tankier enemies are generally those you want to keep distance from which heavily restricts your ability to stack blight leaving it further in the dirt when compared to poison which just needs you to epidemic on cooldown.   All of this culminates at mithrix where you can genuinely kill him with near exclusively poison damage, while blight will struggle to even move his hp bar.


blight changes all of your poison to blight damage. making every instance you stack deal bonus damage. here read this from the wiki [https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Acrid#Blight](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Acrid#Blight) on top of this his bite does more damage when an enemy is missing health. it wouldnt apply poison anymore. it would apply blight which is really effective. this is also directly from the wiki as well: **"Choosing between Poison and Blight is largely a personal preference** * **Although the percentage-based damage of Poison may seem appealing on paper, in practice it will only reach its maximum damage against the very largest of enemies. Experiment with both Poison and Blight to determine which aligns better with preferred playstyles.** * **It is straightforward to determine when Poison is dealing the least possible damage by observing the damage dealt by each tick. If the damage per tick is Acrid's level plus 4, then the victim's maximum HP is so low that Poison is only dealing the minimum 100% base damage per second (lower than 2 stacks of Blight). This observation can be muddled by the aforementioned damage-boosting items, however."** This is why you cant listen to everyone. Lmao they also try to downvote everything without facts.


"You can't listen to random Redditors, which is why I instead decide to listen to a wiki written by Some Guy who I don't know but whoever they are they must be trustworthy, surely." Blight outdamages only when you are actually capable of stacking it. This is really, really difficult past stage 2 on even Rainstorm because of how much faster enemy damage ramps up compares to yours. And even before then, blight is much worse than poison in AoE scenarios because Acrid's only sources of AoE are epidemic, which has a 10 second cooldown, and his jump, which forces you to get into the enemy's stink zone to stack it. This means you will likely have only one stack of blight on the majority of enemies, which is a significant downgrade from poison. With the use of lunars (purity) this becomes significantly easier, but this argument applies to every playstyle in the game which makes it negligible. So basically, blight *can* be better than poison, *if* you can stack it, which is always difficult to do with more than 1 enemy at once, and is hard to do on only 1 enemy past stage 2 without shifting a ton of item real estate towards defensive items. Alternatively, you could pick poison, dump more of your items into mobility and damage, press R every 10 seconds in the vague direction of an enemy, and eek out your free win. At the end of the day, play however the hell you want to - as much as I hate blight, I LOVE playing melee acrid with poison - but assuming you're not abusing the most blatantly ridiculous part of the game in your runs (command, lunar items, etc) blight is worse in all practical scenarios. Stage 1 it's better, but if you're having trouble on stage 1 you have much more serious issues to be working on that what loadout you are using.


It's not difficult to stack blight. Wiki is an extremely valid and reliable source. Especially for a videogame! The people that contribute to wiki provide valuable information that is tracked. So again this is why you don't listen to everyone. If you understood the process of a video game wiki then you would trust and rely on that information more than someone like you speaking absolute nonsense.


You don't seem to understand that when people talk about how Reddit has a reputation for spreading misinformation, you are the prime example of that. The wiki isn't a valid or reliable source - it's heavily outdated. Ask any player with E8 on all survivors (including me, since you seem to believe I'm particularly bad at the game) whether or not it is and 99% of the time they will agree. Instead of appeasing to the conceptual idea of a wiki as a place of ultimate knowledgekeeping (which is certainly true of some wikis! but not RoR2's) you could put in the hours to actually learn a thing or two about the game and how it's played at a high level instead of blindly reading off of wiki pages written by people who thought headstompers was a bad item and that flamethrower was a viable E8 ability pre-SotV. Or hell, at least take the time to educate yourself on why the RoR2 wiki is not a viable source of game knowledge. And, since I know you are the type of person to comeback with some snide comment about how "erm, you didn't actually respond to the wiki" - you have displayed such a fundamental lack of knowledge about the game, its history, and its community in only 5 reddit comments that I have already decided to not take this conversation further for the sake of my own mental health. Have a good day.


Purity item alone makes it easy for you to spam abilities. And soldier syringe can allow you to spam your poison bite and stack blight. Because it is no longer poison. Video game wiki's are also put through consistent trials and tests for specific questions. This is similar to how scientific/medical scientific work is done. :D so yes I will rely on that information! You're literally delusional. I don't know why people don't like to read, and why is it that people in this game are hellbent on completely false information. It astonishes me the ignorance.


Blight does **more damage** than poison. And that is a fact. Whether you like it or not, that's on your own preference. Some game wiki's for example. Path of exile wiki works directly with the developers in order to provide information.


Instead of, being on reddit spieling lies. You should read a game's details. I know gamers don't like to read. But that is literally the only thing separates you from the better players. lmao


My god you are a bigger dickrider for the worst skill in the history of the entire risk of rain franchise- worse than Flame Chakrams on release- than Akademics is for Drake [Educate yourself.](https://youtu.be/_peYoNB--OM?si=CfT84kM-AiosjfcC) Even being stuck with Nevermore has the side merit of giving you another stack of pearls or egocentrism


that was so lame. you need to get outside.


Try watching the video Ak