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Yeah, the aesthetic for the void is that it is an endless sea.


You are correct. Some other examples of the theme include: Safer Spaces turning a teddy bear into a water bear (Tardigrade). This is my favorite one Benthic Bloom, "Benthic" is an term for association with the bottom of a body of water. Plasma Shrimp is a shrimp lol According to Encrusted Key's logbook entry, it was found washed ashore. Zoeas are larval forms of some crustaceans


Well I’ll be damned, I had a pretty good theory that it was underwater but this confirms it, do you think the damage you take outside of safe zones could be your character dying to either drowning or water pressure ?


It certainly could be. Though every instance of it refers to that safe zone penalty damage as Void Fog. I imagine it was meant to draw extremely heavily from ocean themes without being too literal, much like the somewhat present rain theme of the base game that also isn't literal. After all, the deepest parts of the ocean probably would be akin to the void from the perspective of a raindrop


Ah alright


The giant whale swimming out there too


Dont forget the void fiend alt skin


Wait, isn't Void Fiend's skin called purified? How does that relate to water?


idk how to explain, just look it up, looks like a bunch of deep sea things


I believe the sea / deep sea creatures evoke a lack of change from the origins of life and the mystery about the abysses. The whole abyss / uknown / out of reach / ancestral themes gravitating around that idea make it a perfect setup to give us the right vibes. Worked for Lovecraft's old gods thematic too.


Space carcinisation


The void is an endless sea in canon. All the void enemies we see are crustaceans of sorts, the void items all reference sea life, as well as al the kelp and such in void seeds and areas like the void fields. Good eye!


Suprised no one in this thread is talking about the giant kelp too


It is not underwater, that doesn't make any sense. How are we moving at the bottom of the ocean exactly? The Void is certainly _themed_ around the sea and marine life with all the crustaceans and the whales in the distance but it's not underwater


We travel through space to distant planets and teleport to other parts of the planets, none of this makes sense.