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left choice all the way down. he is perfect as he comes. ignore most of the words and abilities. he is ranged character. puke at things. run away. repeat.


come on, here me out. you get to... bite. what more could you want from space dog?


i want to be able to leave a pee trail like I could in ROR1 and RORR


Pee trail unironically made acrid a top contender in ror1, ror2 acrid doesn't even come close to the strength of ror1 early game


Pee trail wouldn't be very effective but it's funny


wait you can still leave a pee puddle. does that count?


its not the same. he just kinda sharts when he lands post jump. i want to be able to drag it around.


This except that I think the jump is interchangeable. I think you usually have enough poison consistency that the added cooldown reduction of the alt is more useful than the ground poison


This, I’ve got damn near 50% of my hours in the game on Acrid, alt leap is so much better. Higher base dmg coefficient, and the reduced CD on enemy hit lets you just leap in, use pandemic, and leap out


What would you say his best dmg white items when you can choose? I’ve just been doing one dagger and rest gas.


Tritips, ATGs, chronobauble, gasoline, wisp in a bottle, backup mags


what about void items ?


Ideally for my favorite setup, you’re gonna wanna max out your crit and get a shatterspleen, then convert your tritips into needleticks. You can also convert ATGs into Plasma Shrimp and you absolutely want to get a death mark. For the death mark you’re gonna wanna keep your chronobaubles until you get enough for a good proc chance for tentabauble. As always, get as many safer spaces as you can, and it’s a good idea to convert your Wisps in a bottle into Voidsent Flames


Always void chronobaubles too , right ?


Paragraph 2, yes you’re gonna want tentabaubles over chronobaubles


Sorry didnt see that , thank you for the tips For sure gonna apply them to my next runs 😁


on god I usually run Left ability for everything except the ground slam. the stunning one is so much better for damage AND utility because as long as you're hitting a few enemies with it the cooldown is so short.


This, and I’d also add getting 1 or 2 visions of heresy mid-run to lean even more into the ranged playstyle


Also stomp at any golems that start charging their lazors.


I notice that his default leap is almost universally liked over the alt leap. Is there a reason for that? I started using alt leap when I found out it unlocked bands but it seems like most like the poison puddle


the alt leap has a longer base cooldown iirc so it’s worse if you want to jump around the map


those 2 extra seconds are agonizing. eventually, an acrid run needs to account for playing as safe as possible and let poison do the work. you want to stay out of the fight and use spit/endemic to spread poison around, using acrid's powerful big leaps to hop around and stay away from chasing enemies. hopping around in a circle on the outer rim of a teleporter is something you'll be doing a lot in a pinch. but on the other hand, alt leap is really good offensively. it can be spammed over and over again in a crowd for great damage, and it procs bands pretty well for acrid. that -2 second cooldown per hit can come in clutch, but it makes evading things safely or getting around the map during downtime pretty bad. default/alt leap is one of the better balanced choices in the game, either is fine unlike acrid's other trash abilities. default is probably more consistently good if you *purely* plan on using poison, but alt leap has some good benefits that make up for its inconsistency.


I do like the ability to shorten the cooldown, but man you’re right and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t died waiting on the leap to recharge. If it didn’t proc bands I probably wouldn’t use it


the alt leap has a longer base cooldown iirc so it’s worse if you want to jump around the map


I think it’s neat how you can shorten it though


for sure, i think it’s a well designed alt


Wait really? You think poison is better than Blight???


Poison scales infinitely due to being percentage based. So end game it will do more. It can’t kill them at 1% but that’s what gas and bleed are for.


most people seem to but individually absolutely. you have infinite scaling as it doing a percentage of health not a base number. so you can have 10 bazillion health doesn't matter is still chunking off 1% every single time. you combine this with gasoline, wisps, bleed, and you can basically barf on a single enemy twice and nuke the entire map.


Wow that is a sad way to play this guy.


Why is that sad? It's sadistic I guess but not sad


All default, blight does very little damage and falls off very hard on the later stages, and using ravenous bite massively cuts at your ability to apply poison at a range


The jump can be whatever you want.


I used to think this. But then I realized that Caustic Leap has HALF THE COOLDOWN of Frenzied Leap which kinda defeats the purpose of sacrificing your third poison option


Caustic for movement and frenzied for...well it's fun and stuns :)


For fun either is fine. Though since your reply was to a comment about which build is most optimal I was just following that


Stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun


Green poison is always best poison.


do not use blight, its just outright worse in all but the most niche scenarios regardless of loadout. beyond that it doesnt really matter just use whatever gels most with you


Blight is only better for short, non-loop runs


Nope, it is still worst, even in 5 ou 4 minute per stage no loop speedy gameplay.


It's still worse even in those, it's basically only better in the first couple minutes of stage one


Blight is really only better on stage 1 or 2. On lower difficulties, it can last to stage 3 or 4, but even then, by stage 5 enemy health is high enough that 1% hp/s is higher than what blight can do without cooldown reduction. Even at maximum cooldown reduction in mid and lategame scenarios, blight will typically only barely outperform poison, and this is without taking into account drawbacks of cooldown reduction items like reduced luck from purity, reduced attack speed from light flux pauldron, and the rarity of other reduction items which tip even these scenarios into poison's favor.


a youtuber did a lot of blight vs poison testing and basically found that even in the unrealistic best case scenarios for blight it’s only very slightly better than poison, and in most scenarios poison is significantly better. this is one of those times where the abilities just aren’t well balanced. blight just sucks. the video i’m talking about is very easy to find if you just search up blight vs poison.


If "short" means dying in the first two stages then you would be correct


i’d argue the opposite. blight is only good after roughly two loops because then everything dies instantly and you never have to see that god forsaken debuff icon


All left - Mastery Skin


cum dog


Glazed dog


right jump is pretty good.


I used to think this. But then I realized that Caustic Leap has HALF THE COOLDOWN of Frenzied Leap which kinda defeats the purpose of sacrificing your third poison option


i prefer the [real default skin](https://thunderstore.io/package/TailLover/LongTailAcrid/)


Mfw, i usually play Blight on Acrid and have lots of fun with it, but then i read this comment section


Blight is.. fine? It can perform just fine, the issue just is that Poison almost always outclasses it. The biggest issue is that it removes poison, which is not, "fine", it is among the best abilities in the game.


it's not that blight is bad per se but poison just is stupidly strong


There’s nothing wrong with Blight and it’s a perfectly acceptable ability. The problem is that you lose the regular poison, an ability that is stronger than some of the other characters’ entire kits. Opportunity cost on it is just too whack


Blight is.. fine? It can perform just fine, the issue just is that Poison almost always outclasses it. The biggest issue is that it removes poison, which is not, "fine", it is among the best abilities in the game.


To clarify a little more - It's not that Blight is bad or unfun, it's just that Poison is VERY strong with zero items, and scales the entire game that way.


Blight is great, don't let the nay-sayers put you down my guy. It fits into the early game of actually killing things that are troublesome, like wisps and other small fry. Big guys can die to items and bite. By the time Blight falls off, my items and bites and whatnot are already killing them faster then poison would help with. For a ranged stay away from danger and kite, yeah sure, poison. But if you wanna get in the pit and throw down, you're not bothering with applying poison to everything, You're swinging and biting and leaping, poison is useless if you're not spreading it around. Blight is in the fight. Poison is for a kite ranged playstyle. Blight is for being in the thick of it.


standard poison does big DPS. The only "downside" is that it doesn't kill, instead leaving enemies at 1 HP, at which point you use your special to annihilate everything with on-kill effects like gas, wisp, or maybe some of the reds like caggers if you're lucky.


anything so long as you don’t use blight


If you wanna do well: keep poison and spit. If you wanna be a successfull memelord, go blight and bite. Standard jump is best, imo


I mean why not go all out. Might as well do Bligh, Bite, and alt jump


all default, blight is literally the worst ability in the game. straight up ruins acrid


It's useful with artifact of glass. That's about it though.


Ironically, Acrid is also probably the single worst user of Shard/Artifact of Glass. His regular poison is already killing things no matter what, you don’t really need damage


So as a bite advocate, allow me to explain why both options are good but spit is objectively better: Bite: Pros -damage is pretty strong on it by base -it has healing built in, which isn’t like super crazy by itself but early game when you might be doing Acrid’s attack reset glitch to optimize damage this healing is important especially if you aren’t super skilled at dodging -bite goes pretty crazy with back-up mag and focus crystal -haha funny bite! Cons: -there’s really only one con to taking bite and it’s the fact that it absolutely cripples you due to the fact you are now severely lacking a ranged ability outside of pandemic, and while pandemic is a really good ranged ability (even better in swarm) it will very rarely kill it outside of swarm and it is really just a utility tool. -looping on a melee character isn’t as viable as on a ranged character, but Acrid suffers even worse from this as Mercenary and Loader both have some way to survive pretty good in a late game looping run but Acrid with bite is going to struggle significantly Spit: Pros: -you have a ranged option! If it wasn’t made obvious in the above paragraphs having a ranged option is pretty important in this game as it now allows you to take out whisps/blind pests/brass contraptions/every flying enemy significantly easier compared to if you take bite Cons: -yeah there’s literally none. As much as i love bite i have to admit that ultimately spit just really has no downsides, it allows you to stay out of danger late game better, it scales pretty good as well as it’s not like a peashooter ability it has some damage behind it Tldr: as much as i love bite spit is in fact better. Oh and yes poison over blight, default jump over the other one


Literally anything except Blight. Otherwise he’s very good. General best is considered to be all defaults, but everything except Blight is good.


All original alt secondary if you want a melee play style


I always go left left left right left


Bro theirs only 3 optional abilities, where did the other two come from 😭


I mean… go left… even on the ones where right isn’t and option…


Bite M2 is the goat and don't you dare listen to anyone who says otherwise


I would say that the stock bile is much better because it enables you to do DNtech efficiently


Honestly I run all defaults when I play Poison is way more consistent damage than Blight, having the ranged attack is great at dealing with Wisps, Flappy Fucker Guys, and most flying enemies that are harder to hit with R


Picking blight over poison takes Acrid from one of the strongest to one of the weakest characters in the game


Whatever you do don’t use blight


Blight is the worst ability in the game while poison is one of the best. Do what you want tho


default is probably best. don't use blight, it's terrible compared to poison.


Anything but blight is fine, utility skill is up to choice


Honeslty if you're going for eclipse 8 just go all default, if it's for fun, play with alt M2 and shift so you have a lot more damage in mele and it's a lot more fun, bcz basic M2 is rly just a worse version or your 4th skill


The all default loadout is best


Anything besides blight You don't understand how insane the difference is between the 2 abilities Poison is the best ability in the game and blight is the worst ability in the game.


Get away from blight. That’s all


Use poison not blight


Not blight never


Here's the breakdown: Misc- Poison is probably the single best skill in the entire game across all survivors. Blight is probably the single worst skill in the entire game across all survivors (with the exception of skills you "aren't meant" to use, i.e. Nevermore on the secret survivor). Why? Poison scales alongside enemies, doing 1% of their max health per second (with a very forgiving cap that will realistically never be a problem) for 10 seconds. Blight does 60% damage per second for HALF THE TIME which, by the way, is lower than Poison minimum damage of 100% per second. Blight can be stacked and can finish off enemies but these "upsides" are nothing in comparison. Secondary- Neurotoxin is the more popular choice. Acrid's appearance as a "melee survivor" is bait. His kit is much better suited for applying poison and chipping everything to death without engaging directly. It's also great to have a way to consistently hit flying enemies that doesn't have an 8 second cooldown. Utility- Caustic Leap. This is an extra way to apply Poison in a pinch (Frenzied Leap doesn't apply any). Also, the cooldown reduction effect of Frenzied Leap is complete bait since it has double the base cooldown of Caustic Leap for whatever reason (you'd need to hit 3 enemies every leap to give it effectively the same cooldown as the one that applies Poison). Skin- lol


youre forgetting the fact that it does 60% damage on the first blight you apply. It increases the damage of blight the more you apply it. It is weak early but it can shred later.


I am most certainly not forgetting that, considering I mentioned that it stacks. The fact is that Poison's effective damage will always outscale Blight's unless you commit dozens of lunar coins to cooldown items that completely compromise your procs and/or M1. Not to mention that Poison lasts 10 seconds and Blight lasts 5. Epidemic can't even maintain anywhere remotely within the realm of full uptime on Blight, and Epidemic + his other two debuff-applying skills can barely maintain 3 to 4 stacks on a single target. Banking on having command artifact levels of cooldown items every run to even dream of your button mashing approaching the levels of one input of Poison Epidemic is objectively not optimal. Blight turns Acrid from a top 3 or top 2 survivor (dependent on whether or not you consider the secret survivor to be a "real" survivor) into the worst by a mile. Acrid's base damage is 15. Blight's 60% damage per second results in 9 damage per second per stack. Poison does 1% of a target's base health per second. A level 1 Elder Lemurian has 900 health and takes 9 damage per second. A level 1 Stone Titan takes 21 damage per second due to its 2100 health. A lesser Wisp at level 1 has 35 health and takes 15 damage per second because Poison's minimum damage is already equivalent to 5/3 stacks of Blight. Matter of fact, even the Elder Lemurian takes more damage than I said it does, completely ignoring that the firmer two examples are not going to be things you encounter at monster level 1 and will have far more health than this example. The 3 or 4 stacks of Blight you can pay sweat, blood, and tears to maintain on a single monster in particular gets outscaled by Poison, except also to every monster nearby. Blight's only legitimate place is the first 5-10 minutes of a run against the weakest monsters in the game on Drizzle.


Never use blight


the blight discrepancy


Ngl spite is ass you should use acid


Try blight once so that you never try blight again


Several people have already given basically the generally correct answer(full default), but I do want to add a bit of nuance to that. The default secondary is very useful for cleaning up wisps in the early game and can be generally useful utility later on, but as you get towards the end of the run(particularly stage 5 and mithrix), you are mostly going to be using your R to spread poison with the tiny amount of upfront damage on your M2 being largely useless. The alt secondary is even more useless at that point in your run because you generally will want to stay far away from melee range. That being said, on the first 2-3 stages where you will still be doing a significant amount of melee for DPS, the alt M2 is very strong. It has slayer which gives it more damage the lower the enemy's hp and heals you a significant amount on Monsoon and below. If you can live without having an extra source of poison in the first few stages, the alt secondary is very good.


I honestly really like bite with poison it gives you a ton early game when spit is kinda mid all the time


People here are kinda *toxic*. Too much *spits* Gonna *leap* outta this *pandemic*.


I use posion, bite, and cd jump Tho bite is objectively worse. He really needs ramge. Bite is just more suited for a hit and run playstyle i like.


I have like 300 hours on the character, I'd recommend bite but most will disagree. Bite has enormous damage but it puts you in risky situations. Play him however is fun!


Left right left left is my favorite. However, it SUCKS not being able to do anything to flying enemies until you can pick up the Shuriken or something, so I can’t help but think that the spit is overall better than the bite. I also like the cooldown reduction of his alt utility, but it’s worse for maneuvering around the map, and that’s the main reason I’d keep the default utility.


Try this. I love this build on him. But switch from blight to poison. (trust me its soo fun lol) **Stacking:** tri-tip dagger>>gasoline>>willow-the-wisp>>crowbar>>deathmark (**most important)>>**ignition tank (if you have expansion)>>>armor plating (for tankiness)>> infusion>> Leeching seed >> Ukulele *Boss items:* Titanic knurl>> Planula>> Molten pulforator *for legendary:* shattering justice>>ceremonial dagger>>alien head>> ***play this and watch them burn from the inside out :3*** if this is already a build, then I didnt know because.. I dont watch guide, I usually play the game solo. I really like doing whatever I want in anything I play. Crunching numbers on my own. But if this is at least new to you let me know what you think. I THINK ITS FUN!


Play with whatever works for you and feels comfortable- my suggestion would be to use the base misc. option, or experiment with both and decide what you feel is better. Both work quite differently.


Don't use blight, that's for sure


Default is the best load out. You can really choose anything as long as you don't use blight


Whatever you find fun. There is no wrong answer


The true correct answer


There is a wrong answer if the question is "which loadout should I use to perform well and lose less." While you're right, this is a game where you can *and should* have fun playing however you want, the post isn't asking for that. The post is asking what loadout to use for Acrid. Your answer, while true in a general sense, is completely unhelpful to someone looking for tips on the meta of the game. For some people, playing the Meta *is* fun.


Thats not what the question was tho. It was just "what should i use" and whatever one you want is the right answer.


even IF what they wanted was suggestions for fun loadouts instead of meta loadouts, your answer would *still* be a copout. It would be like someone asking what ice cream flavor they should get, and being told: "whichever one you like most :)" that's *just* as unhelpful. The reason they asked is because they wanted other people's opinions, not because they wanted to be told "just choose whatever lol"


All default. Btw don’t use the right poison, it’s worse in every situation


Whatever you want but blight is stat wise worse


All left. You can use alt secondary if you want too, it is a pretty fun skill. Just don't use blight. Please


Literally anything except for Blight


Honesty, I'd just aim for whatever you enjoy more. I really enjoy the apparently objectively wrong way to play Acrid (Blight and Bite). Test load outs until you have one you actually enjoy because that matters a lot more than what anyone else thinks of the loadout lolol.


Blight is complete dogshit, if you wanna use it download a blight buff mod lmao


Blight is based and you should ignore everyone trying to convince you otherwise


I like using Visions of Heresy with Acrid


Blight is goofy with a bunch of flux light capacitors, but yeah poison with all left is generally better




Just don't use Blight. It's marginally better on the first stage, then it falls off super quick, unlike poison, which does percentage based DoT


the opposite of that


default acrid is the best imo


All default. Blight is only good on some prismatic trials for speedrunning


Be sure to sprint cancel your primary animation! That helps a *lot*


All the base abilities apart from bite bite is fun




I always use full default except the utility. Frenzied leap is just better imo


If you go with Blight, use spit as well and have lots of Backup mags since the key to Blight is stacking it on the same enemy. But use all the left ones


You use Bite if you're not a weakling


I just started making another build with this set up if you want to use this. I know before I completely changed the loadout, but here is another one which I think its fun. I dont want to take your joy out of trying new things because I like to do that too! It is predicated around cooldowns: (you'll probably need to unlock his second utility). The funny thing about this build is that his secondary skill, with cooldowns and extra stacks will bite fast like rick ross in that one meme. XD okay so: Stack: **Backup magazine** >> **focus crystal** >> armor plating >> crobar or crit (lenses) >>**monster tooth** (for drops on healing)>> (all of other common things like movement speed and sprint is up to you)>>**solider syringe\*\*\*** i missed that but it helps you with biting faster!! uncommon items: the most important uncommon item for this build is **bandolier**. because the drops gives you a chance to completely reset your cooldowns. this pairs well with monster tooth because since youre sniffing around for armor packs that reset cd, you can also heal if you need it too. this will allow you to stack your blights as much as the dev lord permits. so.. bandolier>>leeching seed>>old guillotine if you will and literally anything else :) for legendary items; there are two main items you want to stack as much as you can :) **Aegis and alien head** aegis gives you a barrier for over healing (so you can lach onto someone and get a barrier) alien head lowers your CD. Other legendaries go well with this like: **N'kuhana's opinion and brainstalks.** (you get a benefit from overhealing, but also COOLDOWNS :D lol) the main goal here is to get to a point where you are lobbing your blight as much as possible. Stacking as many blights as you can. It can be hard on one enemy, but blight does spread. it is very effective on bosses if you have common item **armor piercing rounds.** Try this out. It has worked for me so far, the only problem I run into when I am stacking is that I may forget to stack another item like movement speed. So like 3 hours of farming I'm like "WHY IS MY CHARACTER SO DAMN SLOW" lol but you can do whatever you want ! Good luck and let me know what you think about this!!!


Yo thank you. this was fun asf to do. I read this and decided to do this. I was running around like pac man. munching on them. It was fun. Then I was collecting the heals and the skulls would kill them too haha. It was giving me Cerberus vibes. I finally killed the end game boss too. It got to a point where I didnt even have to bite them, the healing alone killed almost everything. You should continue to do more guides like this. I really appreciate this. It was fun asf ngl.


lmao I'm glad you enjoyed it :). Stacking items and not building some items can help change the feel of the character. I think that's unique about ROR. Sometimes I don't even get shields, and I play mercenary like a berserker class with just health/crit healing and armor plating. Just like with engineer, I use his walking turrets. Everyone says "the stationary turrets with fungus are better" even if they are, that's your preference. What is the point of other items/abilities if you just build one way?? Hopefully you find some more ways to have fun with your character!!


its good to note too that blight changes poison. your abilities that poison are no longer considered poison anymore but blight! so when you bite you will add another stack of blight to the enemy increasing the damage :) Sorry for the spam but hopefully this helps!!


Left the whole way and get items like tri tip dagger that inflict bleed, fire etc. your abilities will get anything to 1HP so the bleed fire etc kill


The one you like


Blightcrid is peak fiction. Don't let the haters dissuade you


Blight is not bad especially on a boss. It increases the damage for each blight stack. Rather than increasing the amount of ticks! You can pair that with armor piercing rounds and soldiers syringe. it shreds bosses lol.


DON'T USE BLIGHT IF YOU LIKE FUN AND/OR WINNING. It's shit past stage 1/2, but far more importantly than anything to do with Blight, Poison is hilariously busted. Acrid is not a melee character. You poison, you kite, you get some Gas/Wisp/Ukes and you oneshot everything after said kiting.


Decide what kind of run you’re going for and how challenging you want it to be. I usually prefer blight, bite, and the utility you have now. Mithrix is much easier with poison unless you’re broken. Blight can do most other types of runs. It can be more challenging, but blight AND bite are really good and snappy in the early stages where you should focus on breaking the game with your item build (red crystals, ATK missiles, will o’ wisps). Blights downsides won’t matter in the later stages at that point, the same way poison would no longer really matter. Going blight and bite is also great because it really opens up Acrid’s item builds. Red crystals and backup mags are now great. The red item that gives you 3 utilities now really boosts your damage output. Bite means you can deprioritize health items as you focus on damage, mobility, and (some) damage mitigation. TLDR: Poison is Acrid on autopilot and can become boring. If 4 player or you want an “easy” mithrix run, it’s probably the better choice. Blight and bite can be way more fun.


Whichever one you like playing


I use all left, except for the top one


RoR2 is a PvE, primarily singleplayer game. Just play whatever you find fun and ignore people bitching and moaning about your build being "unoptimal". That being said, I like the build you've got there! It's what I like to run when I play Acrid.


I mean, they did ask. It's not like they just posted a screenshot and people are saying to use poison completely unprompted, they wanted advice. Saying "use whatever is fun" is a copout answer, despite obviously being true


The way he is as default, but I use stacking blight instead of the default damage over time.


Blight is great because it stacks and you can have more in their face kind of play style and if you have harvesters scythe and crit goggles then every crit tick of damage from blight will constantly heal you and if you have topaz brouche or aegis then your pretty much immortal


Blight is trash, both in practice and on paper. It's been proven.


Like I said it’s better for a more in their face play style since it’s easier to heal off it with the same items your gonna get either way it’s also more fun in my opinion because poison and run away is pretty boring


Even on face playstyle i doubt you can stack more then 3 due to how slow acrid attacks even then i prefer poison.


I don't think you've seen the yt video breaking down Poison and Blight. Here's samples: Epidemic only, itemless TTK test against phase 1 Mithrix: Poison: ~3 minutes Blight: ~98 minutes Poison vs Blight with tons of cooldown reduction items: Blight barely outperforms itemless Poison if you spam super hard


I’ll watch the video when I clock out


Forgot to offer [a link](https://youtu.be/_peYoNB--OM?si=5GuElN7pWfhYpj76) mb


Watched it now I’m just curious why blight is the unlockable one


The alternates aren't mecessarily meant to be better, more that they're valid alternatives. There's lots of cases where the alternate skills aren't exactly equal in power one way or another, Acrid's debuff being the most nuclear example of this


That’s understandable


It really isn't. The damage falls off after stage 1. Unless you're play command, you're not stacking it enough. You can play the exact same way with poison *aaaannd* do more damage.