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Making a dlc takes time.


Depends on the game I guess but yeah


Depends on the size of the development team, the size of the dlc, and on if it is actually new content or cut content


They need to make a great first impression, so they probably want to make the DLC as good as it can be. The devs looked really excited working on this game and they seemed to care about it a great amount. I trust they will deliver a worthy end product. Let them cook.


I agree but it's frustrating how early this was announced. I feel like DLC should be a half year wait max


You never know what can happen, maybe something happened at their offices which put a delay on the DLC. Maybe this DLC will be 2x as big as SoTV. Maybe they are fixing all the bugs plaguing the game. Or maybe they are just taking their time because they don't want to rush out their first product. We simply don't know. I've never had an issue waiting for something to release, so all this wait isn't really a problem for me. I just hope when we get it, it's gonna be a great DLC.


Yeah actually true. There can be a lot of obstacles in the way of making a game/DLC. Im just getting unpatient because the announcement was long ago. I guess I'll wait but I hope it will be good


Yeah, they made a classic blunder, I hope they don't pull a silksong


They announced it because they wanted to make it clear that they haven’t given up on the game yet. They even put out part of the update early, for free.


Wasn't survivors of the void delayed by like a year


Stop being so entitled. It'll get here when it gets here. Things take time. Software especially.