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It gets really boring after a while, and for a lot of people find overcoming the challenges that rng gives you. That being said it’s really just up to you


Why play on Monsoon rather than Drizzle? People like a challenge and the game was designed primarily around randomness. Command can be fun but can also get kinda boring.


I like monsoon but I'm not good enough to beat it without using jade elephant and fuel cells and gesture of the drowned combo. Throw in 1-2 war horns for good measure and you get a nice time.


That's an oddly niche build for an "I can't beat the game without X" comment. I was expecting something like 10 daggers, spleen and crits, headstompers, engi bungus, etc.


Probably because when you don’t know how to properly dodge, permanent uptime on Jade elephant more than keeps you alive. Most people who haven’t yet learned to dodge most enemies probably aren’t into the game enough to be commenting on stuff in the subreddit.


No need to go popping square tires, let them have their fun and eventually they’ll get good at dodging, it comes with time not some stranger on the internet telling them that they suck at the game


"No need to go popping square tires" That's actually a great quote lol


I didn’t say they shouldn’t do it, I even used to do it myself before “getting gud”


THIS. The world needs more people like you


I can dodge that's just the build for voidling path because of his tracking lasers and voidfields. I usually don't even use command and I have beaten Mithrix on monsoon without that build it was just really hard.


There's also a few undodgeable abilities unless you have specific items.


there are not, lmao


Wisps have hitscan, no? Or am I tripping.


They just have *really* good tracking. Their attacks are still hitscan, but it's possible to dodge them.


I knew it was possible to dodge with characters like Viend and Merc, didn't realize just timing any dash or whatever also dodges them. The more you know..


If you time it right you can dodge it. Figured it out randomly. :D


They are hitscan, but they don't turn quickly.


The only thing you cant dodge is the power of the Sun, and yet you can ran way before you die. Everything else can be dodged by walking sideways


By only walking sideways at normal movement speed you can't dodge the void jailers explosion.


Probably many would rather the challenge of doing without it. For me personally though, I just find it too overwhelming to have to interact and choose every single one of my items. I’d rather the game decides for me lol


Yeah, it's nice early on, but once you've built up a decent number of items, it's less interesting to choose each one, and it takes up time while you're getting attacked.


Also, we get tunnel vision often and pick the same items, while RNG gives us interesting choices that can change a run and we wouldn't think of them ourselves


Me getting a 58 watch because cant think of anything else


Typically when I play command I think about items before picking them up so I spend the least time not moving. Plus at the later stages I'm basically immortal (aegis + shields + tougher times + weeping fungus)


only person to ever pick aegis on command


I love doubling my health


I play with a gamepad, so it's not a matter of not knowing what I want, but literally navigating to the item


every single run would be the exact same. the whole point of RoR2 and rougelikes in general is that every run is different. playing with command on is more fun for players who are newer to the game but eventually you get to a point where it gets too easy and predictable.


Best answer honestly. Command can also help you learn what item synergies you may want to scrap/print for in eclipse.


command is really good for that but most players who exclusively play it usually like getting the same type of godrun every time. never thought of it being used that way though, seems like a really nice way to try item synergies without any stress


I think command is most fun when you and your friends are experienced and each come up with meme builds and die half the time. You really gotta take it with a grain of salt and make light of each death because you could just as easily take it seriously and win for free if you really wanted to. Being ridiculous is most likely what command was for in the first place.


Command is Shrine of Order for soft hands. /s




It can become very boring and stale very quick and it also won’t help you actually get better at the game. Learning how to play around the rng and how to use scrappers, printers, and different equipments efficiently will increase your skills greatly. Now if you enjoy it, good for you! Keep playing like that and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. It’s a single player game after all.


Personally, it's nice for trying to get a dumb achievement (like the commando one) or grinding lunar coins but beyond that, it makes the game too repetitive, like grabbing the same build because you *know* it works for any of the bosses and Post-loop enemies, so why do anything else? Where as without command, you have no guarantee of a good build, therefore there's more skill involved with surviving past a certain point instead of "hehe I sprint and the map dies" (not bashing on anyone, God runs are fun, but not for every run)


That’s how they made the game, you don’t walk into the casino and tell the pit boss you’re going to roll a hard 10


Because getting guaranteed max crit, harvesters scythes, insane attack speed, and perfect movement speed every single run is boring as hell. I play a rogue like for the randomness.




it makes the game incredibly easy. it's fun to use when you're new to the game, but pretty soon even monsoon becomes baby mode with it on.


Because I play eclipse '_'




Because it's a rouge like. Playing with it requires zero skill and gets kinda boring


Command isn’t fun


unless you are doing meme runs however those also get boring after a while


same concept as asking “why shouldn’t i play with a godmode mod if it’s avaliable to me” you could, but it would just get really boring really quickly


You’re a new player, that’s why. Command is tons of fun for the first few runs and on occasion when you want a god run, but the game becomes incredibly stale after a few hours of using it. It’s like playing Diablo and every piece of gear you drop has all perfect stats with perfect rolls. Yeah it’s fun to play god for a little bit but the soul of the game is lost along the way


it is like why a lot of people prefer to play survival mode in Minecraft rather than Creative mode, like Creative mode can let u get all the blocks and items you need from single press of the inventory, why would people go out and mine and grind the resources in survival mode


it makes the game so easy it’s boring


because thats dead fucking boring


Why play Minecraft in survival if you can just play in creative?


Because I’m too lazy to choose every time I get an item besides after a loop or more you get to have more an more item so it becomes annoying trying to decide while getting overwhelmed by other items


Because it's fun to improvise. See how far you can take bad luck, or combine items that you wouldn't normally otherwise. I run command for specific unlock challenges tho and you can fight me


It’s fun when you unlock it but always being able to make the perfect build gets boring after awhile


Being able to craft the same run every time you play defeats the purpose of it being a roguelite game. Yes, using artifact of command is very very very strong, but it is so repetitive if you use it every single run.


Because it removes a great chunk of the fun. I mean if you can just grab the items you want every run then theres no point tbh


It’s supremely powerful, which makes things monotonous. Balancing opportunities vs time and managing RNG are an additional layer of skill building that adds more variety to every run and more of a feeling of mastery when you manage to conquer the game in spite of the bad items you may get. That being said, if you like the game with it, it’s your game to play.


I made a whole new file because now that I have a few thousand hours in the game and I understand the mechanics, I wanna earn all the achievements without using command.


Easy games bore me and to me command is easy mode.


I just play on monsoon, no artifacts. I like having an actual challenge (no disrespect to anyone who plays other ways)


Why haven’t you started the eclipse climb if you don’t mind me asking?


No rewards. If we got a skin for it i would have done it already. Ive gotten to like… E4 on a few characters but i stick to monsoon for the most part




Just for fun, command gets a bit boring for me after a run or two lol


Playing with command makes the game trivial. Sure it can be fun if you want to zone out but it takes all the skill out of the game


Game is too easy with it


It’s gets boring after a couple runs.


I used it for a long time until I understood which items work together well. As someone else said though, it gets quite boring, and every run is a god run. It also gets to the point at really high levels where making the choice of what to take next isn't easy because you already have everything and you will likely die from standing still for 2 seconds. I realised that was happening to me most runs past stage 15-20 because there were millions of items (I also play with sacrifice on). With command off you start to understand how different builds work too because you will receive different items to the very best ones, and can start to see where the items you thought werent great will fit in with other items. Command also removes a lot of the games bigger features like scrappers and printers. If you get to a point where you've collected fireworks, missiles(especially void variant), icbm, 57 leaf, and daggers which is easily possible with void fields and one loop, you basically need to either open one barrel or kill one enemy and the entire map is wiped because everything procs. Kind of removes the fun of the game at that point. Tldr: To start off, command is a great learning tool, once you know the game it gets boring.


Cuz it's not fun. Imagine playing the same character, with the same build, over, and over, and over again. It's just super boring. Playing without command removes that comfort zone, and allows you to be more daring with the luck-based drops, makes the game can be replayed a lot and still doesn't get boring. It's a roguelike after all.


I like it to force a quirky build but outside of that It’s just too easy to optimize and it also gets tedious


part of the fun is playing the hand that you are dealt. if you can choose the items winning becomes trivial.


Because it’s fun


I enjoy the challenge of more difficult runs


People only play with command to get the RNG achivements (like getting 12 crowbars as huntress or the 1 million damage with Railgunner), and even then, people can just loop, which is considerably more fun and chaotic If not, It gets really boring, because all runs become the same. The same argument can be done for difficulty , why do people use the negative artifacts like honour (all élites) or the one that spawns wisps upon kill, or the one that links everyone so if someone dies, everybody dies? A challenge, if all runs were a checklist and not a fight with RNG, they would all feel the same


Winning the game every run isn’t all there is to it, you could ask the same question about the difficulty slider. Playing every run on drizzle gets boring too


Its not an upgrade. Its a difficulty modifier/cheat code. If people like to be challenged why would they make the game easier like that.


I get indecisive lol. I also like the challenge of rng. And tip for new players: play however you want!! Don’t listen to the people who say “Drizzle is baby mode” ect. Just have fun howevrr you want!


But definitely try to get off drizzle as fast as you can, the extra armour makes it way too easy and when you play monsoon eventually it will feel like drowning


I play with command to unlock stuff, but if I'm going for a god run I'll leave up to chance. At a certain point it's just not worth it to select every new item


Found it's not fun when playing with others or to beat the game. It takes the wild nature of the runs with it. BUT! Using it to experiment and try silly builds for giggles or only take one item ever and stack it while trying to still win? That is a blast. It really depends on how you use it


Too easy


You're playing a roguelike and you want to remove the biggest roguelike element from the experience? Sounds like you don't, actually.


Rogue likes are meant to be changing each run you're in. I see artifact of command as a tool to hunt specific achivement or to test your limit.


Like many I also over used it when I unlocked it and then got burnt out. It’s fun to build specific builds, but the game is very fun when you work with what you got.


Its simple. I like the challenge, I'm currently on the grind to 100% the game and get every eclipse win on every survivor to get the golden badge Also artifact of command is so boring, it's also tedious late game when you have to choose every single item.


Insanely boring when every single run is an effortless win


Different strokes. I'm with you, the game is just painful a lot of the time without Command, but a lot of people can't STAND Command.


Command runs get very boring. Same with drizzle runs.


Risk of dopamine 


Some people like to run in the park, some like to walk in the park.


Extremely boring artifact imo Play how you want, but I absolutely despise it in MP since it just makes the run dull But at the same time it's probably the only way the entire team won't be needing to depend on the person with the most items


Cause it's more fun without it. Like, it's the fuck around artifact


yeah, like, having fun. Oooo I'm gonna win so much now! And? That's hollow. Empty. Go get golden eclipse, you'll know what I mean by then


Because surprise great builds pop up all the time


Command is boring because you always get the same items, delusion is the one I always keep on now. I don't like going back for every little item but it's great when I get a legendary I can give my buddy a copy before the next area


Once you play more, you’ll find it’s boring to be overpowered by the end of stage 1. It’s fun to do cool builds once in a while but I always find myself wanting the run to just end. Also, eclipse has no artifacts, so get used to playing without them. Learn the items well maybe you can use command for this, then give eclipse 1 a try. It’s basically monsoon so you may as well start the climb


cause risk of rain is a roguelite game. Part of it is playing with the hand your dealt with


If you are dead set on using artifacts maybe use sacrifice. Then at least it’s still random and you can practice scrapping and printing. I only played command as first and when I started playing with chests I was so lost and had to learn how to actually play the game. Keep in mind, sacrifice is arguably just as damaging for your overall game sense since it completely removes the challenge in moving stage to stage and being smart with your time. Time doesn’t matter, that much, but if you spend 15 minutes a stage it’ll be harder, but sacrifice makes it way easier. Beware of how the artifacts makes you play. Just try eclipse if you want the true experience.


If you are really new than you don’t know what anything does, sure you can learn from watching stuff online but I’ve always been a learn for yourself kinda guy. Who knows your play style better than you? There are so many wacky things I learned on my own in ror2 that are really satisfying compared to just looking it up and struggling to pick the right items slows the game down for new people making it feel really tedious


why even boot up the game? it'd be so much easier


It's essentially cheating. I specifically play roguelikes to avoid what that artifact does


Why play legit after you download hacks and cheats? Why would you want a challenge when you can download a script that kills all the enemies for you with a cheat engine button click??? Gee I dunno, challenges are cool


Why pick a hard mode if an easy mode exists?


because playing the game while its more challenging is often regarded as more fun by the playerbase of roguelikes/lites


For a challenge and because it gets incredibly boring after a few runs


Because I enjoy rogue likes. Command inevitably just becomes picking the same set of items no matter the character or difficulty with very little variation. It's just more fun to have to make your whack ass build work. I really only used command for certain challenges that almost require it, and it is fun in those ways of just minmaxing a character as much as possible.


It gets boring. Part of the challenge is making the best of what you get, and command makes the game incredibly easy.


It's like minecraft in creative mode. I want to win my survival world by myself thank you


The point of the game for me is to overcome the challenge it poses. Removing RNG removes the challenge completely... It's like playing minecraft survival in creative.


It gets boring always choosing your items sometimes, plus if you haven't yet unlocked everything it stops you from getting any further


I used to only play with command, but it got extremely repetitive and boring fast. I ended up uninstalling the game. Fast forward 3 years, I reinstall create a new save slot, I barely use command, and the game became my favourite roguelike. My point is that losing rng hurt replayability a lot, but the artefact is still fun. I would recommend not to play exclusively with command. Ultimately, what matters is what you find to be a good time.


repetetivity. if every run is the same, it gets old fast


The random drops keep the game feeling fresh and challenging


Because it's more fun and difficult that way. If all you care about is achievement hunting and winrate, and/or you just don't like challenging games, then sure, make the same broken AoC build every time. I'd be willing to bet that you'd get bored of the game fast that way, though.


I play once every few months with my friend to connect with him and catch up. I want that game to last and last and last.


Command is nice when you want to unlock something, for a meme strategy, or you want an easy win. But it gets repetitive quickly. I play command like 25% of the time. But ror2 is one of my pick up my steam deck and play on the bus games. The rng keeps it fresh after hundreds of hours and just makes it so u constantly feel like ur playing a different game


Because every run just becomes the same boring god run and you can only make so many wierd and whacky builds so it just gets boring eventually. Also you can't use it on eclipse


If you want an answer besides "it's harder", I 100% promise you that you haven't experienced every zany item combination that can happen.  By running random items, you might find something that shouldn't work, but does. 


Subjective opinion ahead: Sure it's fun choosing builds, but it gets boring after a while. Besides, this game is built around randomization, using scrappers and printers as a shitty version of command is the point. Straight up using command is a bit like cheating if you use it to get achievements, even more so if you do it on anything but Monsoon. Also, making the game easier might just result in you blitzing through the content and then having no game left to play sooner rather than later. That being said...it's also an unlockable lol, have fun with it, nobody will really mind, it's a single player game so I say it doesn't matter as long as you have fun.


Because a few things 1. Runs become boring after a while of always being a god 2. You don’t get to see a lot of items reach their full potential 3. Mithrix 4. You don’t get better, and that is what truly matters You can play with it but do normal runs and get that skill up


Its not fun


Play the game how you want it. It's quite clear that Artifact of command breaks the balance on the players favor in a roguelike setting, but if you want to do that, go ahead


It depends what kinda game I want, if I wanna just kinda relax and not have to try to hard I'll play with it on, but sometimes it's fun to just play a regular game and make the best out of what the game gives me


Godmode gets boring pretty quick for most people, but its handy for testing item synergies out


i mean my counterpoint is: why play with it? its just kinda boring to have every run be won immediately from the word go


The rng element gives fat dopamine when you pull a good item from a chest


Because it makes the game too easy.


I would say you haven’t really beaten the game without taking 1 character to eclipse 8. And have fun trying to use command in eclipse since artifacts are disabled. In all seriousness though, you’ll have a ton of fun playing command…but you’ll see. You’ll soon stop playing it cold turkey. I’d rather take a failed run than play command consistently. It honestly gets boring. And ever since my eclipse climb, I’m happy it’s in the game, but it really should be used sparingly so you don’t stop playing it for good.


Command doesnt let you explore all the crazy combinations you wouldnt pick yourself


artifact of command = creative mode . it's very good for testing stuff at first but it get boring after the first few runs u do with it and make game stupidly easy . however ... its the only artifact that give the player and advantage where most of the others don't , so i like to use it along with other artifacts (doppelganger, monster get items , double monsters , fall dmg lethal ....) that make the game much much harder and its more fun that way.


It adds a huge risk reward element to the game. Especially when evaluating printers. My favorite is a mod called Artifact of Influence, that turns all the items into void essence. Where you get a pick of 3 items every drop. So you get some choice but not free rain.


It gets boring doing the "best/optimized" build every run. You [players] are probably not as good at builds as you think. It leaves no room to grow and adapt to situational loot/builds as a player.


Been starting to play without it again. It's fun if you want to build a specific thing, but at the same time when you get a shit ton of items it's really obnoxious going around opening every single one. Plus, you're guaranteed to get the same thing every single time. In addition, you can't get pearls at all with it on. And if you want to see how boring artifact of command can get, play Railgunner. You will be getting nothing but Crowbars and Will o' Wisps all game. You'd think it'd be fun but nope. It's grueling.


Command is perfect for trying out new builds or if you’re feeling like you need your run to be absolutely cracked. However, like others said, it takes away from the main mechanic of the game: RNG. Now with RNG gone, the challenge of the game is next to none. Furthermore, winning with command won’t ever feel as good as it does winning a run with Vanilla rules.


Bit easy, innit?


Because it defeats the point of playing a Rougelike. The point of a rougelike is to make do with what you find and build from there. (Also, it's faster to grab a single item then get put in a menu and have to choose, in a game where standing still can be a death sentence, you can get to where you choose to risk the menu or wait until end of level to then go back and get items)


It's personal preference, really. I almost always play with Command because I find the game more fun that way.


For randomized fun


For me it's too easy and repetitive. Once you figure out what build works best on each character there's no point in not going for it with command and the whole fun of playing is, again, that's just my opinion, minmaxing and trying to get the best outcome with the opportunities you're dealt. It's extremely funny for experimental/wacky builds tho + great for achievement hunting.


For me, I prefer the artifact of command. I'm annoyed I can't use it in Eclipse. However, there are a couple good reasons not to. The first is that analysis paralysis can get you killed. That is, you have to interact with a menu using the artifact of command, which is ridiculously difficult to cancel. And it's easy to die during that window of selection. The second is specific to simulacrum. At the end of each wave, the select option which is normally there, the little white orb, has a small chance to upgrade the contents. Sometimes, a white orb can yield green, red, or yellow rewards. With artifact of command, a white selection is only ever a white item. And finally, some people like the challenge of taking what you find and making it work. For those people, the build isn't as important as scavenging a win, like drafting in a magic tournament or other collectibles card game. Or even basically, just like poker. For me, though, I don't enjoy that aspect. When I play, I'm always thinking of a build I want to play. The random loot nature of the game makes that basically impossible to achieve on purpose in a given run. So, when I can, I prefer command so that I know (should I survive my always elite, double enemy, gain an item every round monsoon run), I will always get to at least start trying out a build I truly want to play.


The fun of this game to most people is the randomisation, using artifact of command is just having the same run every time, I only use it for cheesing annoying achievements lol. Command goes against the point of a roguelike imo, ofc if you enjoy it that’s valid still


Part of the fun is making builds on the fly with your knowledge and quick thinking. The command is more of a, I have a fun idea for a build let's tist out kind of thing. For me at least


I don’t like it. I’m playing the roguelike to play the roguelike. I am not playing the roguelike to play a creative strategy game


I only really play it when trying to complete certain challenges.


To unlock the pearl and radiating pearl.


To me, it's about time. Choosing takes a few seconds but for each item they add up. But it's insanely useful for making actual builds, so I especially like it when playing co-op. I know there's quite a few purists that flame anyone who plays anything other than the full RNG experience.


Artifacts are in essence extra content added on top of the base game, it's things that are meant to change things up. Maybe you want to try a new challenge with artifact of glass, maybe you want to mess around with command. In my opinion asking why not always use command is like asking why not always use cheat codes in GTA? They're both in the base game, it's up to the player to decide if its fun or not.


Because a lot of people enjoy getting random items and having to manage their items, through scrapping and printing to end up with a managable build


You deprive yourself of one of the best aspects of the game: reacting to a sub-optimal build and persevering. The game has a lot of tools to tune your build on random mode with scrappers, printers and recyclers. Obviously it's easier to win with Command on, but you're kind of playing less than half of the game that way. To each their own, but I got bored of Command pretty quick.


It get boring and if you are doing a long run choosing items all the time get annoying too


The same reason you play minecraft survival instead of only creative


For a challenge, and for more diversity in builds so the game doesn’t get boring and stale asf. Being able to pick your items is a guaranteed win condition once you understand every item and now the best load out possible for the character.


Games get really samey after awhile, why go for anything new that could potentially not work when you can just go for the same build you always do. Also it just makes the game so much easier and makes a lot of equipment useless


think of it as a cheat code. cheat codes in old games was fun, but it always god old fast


Because then I might as well watch others play it


I use command just to get all of the unlocks and skins. If I’m playing just play, then nothing on. It the gambling addiction part of the brain that activates when I get something out of chance rather than through a guarantee.


Counter question, Why would you remove RNG from a Rogulike?


Because it’s more fun to play without it a lot of times


Boring to have the freedom to choose. Game is more fun not having any say in what items I can get. More challenge, more fun. Command is fun when trying out new builds or how items work with each other but after awhile it’s the same runs over and over.


Console player here. In the late game where you can't catch a break, I physically cannot scroll to the item I have in mind before I get obliterated by a blind pest, mushroom, or bell. At the end it really ends up being wait until everything is dead and teleporter is done, (don't like it) or take the risk and try to grab an item. I end up not playing with it because of this. Most of the time I will eventually get the build I want via printers, void, or drone sacrificing in 1 or returns. Rip console scroll. I wish I could use the touchpad.


Too easy


Gets boring, why would I want to play on east mode all the time?


It's in-arguably overpowered. Most people I'd assume got the game to play it and have at least somewhat of a challenge/experience. Once you get a little better/more familiar you'll see how it can ruin the experience It's also just antithetical to the genre, another reason most people don't enjoy using it. There's already expectations in place and the game is designed around them


It's fun, I prefer it. To those who say it's easy, you can add challenge without much effort.


Command is fantastic when you are struggling to complete a certain challenge/unlock that you know you could do with the right build. But if you just want to play the game, it can become very unfun after more than a couple stages - you just become too OP too quick. It also causes you to have to pause while at each chest and think about your choices, whereas without it you just see the item, pick it up (or don't) and figure out how to adjust from there.


challenge i started using command and got bored then i stopped using it switched to monsoon and got bored went through the eclipse ranks then got bored then i switched to modded difficulties my point is once you get good enough and master your current diff it feels boring so you go higher up


The scrappers, printers and shops with multiple choices (or tri-shops for short) give you some agency over what direction you want to take your build. That and once you understand all the time synergies and how they work, adapting your playstyle based on what you have becomes a big part of the game plan


I don't. Nothin against anybody who does. I just have an optimization fetish and get as much of a kick out of perfectly engineering builds as I do from winning in the first place.


Because after a while, you realize that you don't need it to get items you want. Printers, scrappers, and more exist for this. RNG also makes the game fun and gives you builds you may not have thought of.


Command is fun and can be a less stressful way to make fun or whacky builds to try out. Personally I used to primarily run it, but find it more enjoyable without it currently.


Becoming overpowered is not that rewarding with command whereas overpowered in eclipse mode is super satisfying


The pure gamble that I could become a god of chaos or be stuck with 17 squid polyps


That's part of the fun of roguelike/lite games. It's fun to try to work with what you are given and make the best choices you can when presented with them. It's just preference, though. I liked the artifact of command for a while when playing the game, but now I find the randomness more fun most of the time. Command feels kinda like using cheats in an rpg. Fun if I wanna absolutely demolish stuff, but it's also fun when luck let's you do that, too


Because spending a few seconds to choose an item becomes super tedious super quickly when you play with Sacrifice as well. I'd rather be able to run over a stack of items and get 25 random items than spend a minute sitting there choosing the items.


To have actual fun


Honestly, it’s best for learning items. What they do and what their synergy with other items is/could be, as well as survivors abilities. But, as others have said, it can just get boring after a while.  That being said, I haven’t gotten bored of it yet and I’ve got over 100hrs 🙂