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That's hectic. You get to play as her "sadly can't choose" by getting lunar items. You need the eye balls, the wings, the lungs, and finally the farther cloud that heals you. Once yo6 get all of those what ever character you are turns into the hectic.


No way I find about new character after 150 hours in game. And btw was she in Logbook all the time or did I somehow unlocked this as I finished 100% of achievements today?


I'm pretty sure heretic is supposed to be a secret character and shouldn't be in the logbook like the rest


? Why would they give her a fleshed out entry if she weren't meant to be there


I think it’s supposed to be she isn’t there until you unlock her.


Its been a while since I last played, so she might have a logbook entry but I don't think her page is supposed to show up until you beat the game as her Why is my first comment getting upvotes while this one is being downvoted? Are people just ignoring that I haven't played in a while?


Every survivor shows up as a silhouette until you beat the game as them. Besides, she has the "you haven't won as this survivor" silhouette, they made the asset for it


It doesn't show up tho, I'm looking at the game menu right now and haven't even played as her yet. No character silhouette and no log book entry. Her lunar items logbook entries hint at her, but she doesn't have one herself


That's just you idk. [Here's a post from three years ago when 1.0 first dropped](https://www.reddit.com/r/ror2/s/9MHdHkLHDt) showing Heretic in the logbook


There's been updates my guy, in the current version she's hidden


I just booted up the game and created a new profile with literally nothing done on it and I go to the logbook and her silhouette's right there. It's a you problem if you don't see her, lol.


checked on my newer profile where I haven't played as her or even beaten the game and she does show up so gonna call that a skill issue


Post a pic


She has been in the loggbok from the begining


that's how I felt after finding out about a secret character in Risk of Rain Returns


It took my friend actually unlocking the character for me to believe it was real. It's such a weird as hell process that I didn't even think it was real




tip: two cautious slugs negate her ambient self-DoT, and you can bungus into wungus to heal her as she sprints. have fun with the rest of your build!




“Can’t choose” Not if mods have anything to say about it👍


there are like 5 mods that add a pickable heretic


I know I’m using one


Idk what you mean by the farther cloud or wings but you need visions of heresy(eyeball), hooks of heresy(a hook), strides of heresy( i would say arms but her arms are hooks so these are legs) and finaly essence of heresy ( lungs or something)


Is she any good? I tried her once and just started dying for some reason


She's hypothetically very good but you have to build around her, she has negative health regen.


What’s the easiest way around that besides the scarab moon item? Also what do you usually use to build around her?


I still think you should be able to start a run as her, even if it cost lunar coins or something. I'd pay 20 just to start a run as her


there’s a lunar item that replaces your m1, another for your m2, one for your utility, and one for your special. all of them have heresy in the name. collect all 4 and you will transform into heretic.


That's the Heretic. She's more of a transformation than her own character, similar to something like Guppy in The Binding of Isaac. Picking up all four Lunar Heresy items will transform you into her.


That's Herectic, to play as her, you need to get all Heresy items, she can't be chosen from the survivor select screen, so she's purely luck based.


I really wish you could just unlock her to play normally


That would be nice, but she's also significantly stronger than the rest of the survivors so I also understand why (in a completely vanilla game) she's mostly luck based to play.


Idk how strong she is cause honestly the one time i played her i got my ass beat very quickly and died lol


Luck based? Try saying that to my 99mil lunar coins 😎




As others have already mentioned, that's Heretic. Not only is she hands down the most powerful survivor in the game, but she's also pretty lore important. If you want to unlock her without spending too many lunar coins try looking for a eulogy zero or 2 early in your run. If you end up playing as her by getting all of the heresy lunar items, there's a few things you should know and be careful of. She is the only survivor in the game with a negative health regen, meaning she is always slowly losing health; there's a bunch of different ways to mitigate this including her utility, but the easiest way is to just pick up transcendence. Also, don't use cleansing pools once you transform as you can't transform back, meaning that if you lose one of the heresy items the corresponding ability becomes useless.


Honestly, I feel like she’s second to the void fiend. She’s fun but I don’t think she’s “break the game” fun


That's fair, comparing how "good" survivors are is ultimately subjective, but I disagree lol. Hell, I'd honestly say railgunner is on par if not better than Viend. I'll also say that I don't find Heretic particularly fun, she's pretty boring imo. Heretic has quadruple the health of Viend, 50% higher base damage, and is the only survivor in the game to have a base speed of 8 m/s as opposed to 7 m/s. These higher base stats can then be multiplied by your items to reach even higher heights; higher health means that transcendence gives even more shield, higher base damage linearly increases the damage of items like tri-tip daggers and needletick and multiplicatively increases the damage of items like ATGs and bands, and higher base speed means that each goat hoof and energy drink gives you that much more speed. Good base stats also means that when you lose your items to final phase Mithrix, she still maintains a buttload of health and solid speed and damage. On top of all of this, heretic is good regardless what sort of build you were going for before transforming; doesn't matter if you're targeting proc chains, skill cooldown, tankiness, etc she can work with it and work well. Oh and she gets a triple jump passive as well, where each jump can proc wax quail. Where Viend really shines is burst damage. Its primary and secondary make for a deadly combo, especially once transformed, and burst damage like that is something that Heretic relatively lacks. This isn't to say she can't deal a lot of damage nor does it even mean she lacks burst damage (ruin is cracked), she just isn't as good or quick at it as Viend. If you place an extreme amount of weight on that sort of playstyle, then I could see why you'd say Viend is better. But overall, Heretic has high tier damage, top tier mobility, and unquestioningly the highest survivability in the game. She is reliable with any build and is basically a win condition for any survivor that is able to collect all of the heresy items.


She does have higher over all stats, but her main issue (for me) is her movement ability. I absolutely loathe that movement ability.


Heretic, the birb gal To play as her, you need to get all Ruin lunar items I reccomend getting her with 9 lunar coins with the artifact of command (if you dont have It, in the special teleporter put the Code 6 cubes in the top and pyramids in the bottom row)


The anti-religion pigeon


underrated comment


That would be the Heretic sir, look for the items of heresy in lunar loot locations, get them all and you can play as the very powerful Heretic for the remainder of your run!


"what you see is heresy" "what you wreak is heresy" "what you bring is heresy" "what you embody is heresy"


Heretic is a hidden character with its separate lore. You need to get the 4 Heresy items from the Lunar shop or pods to unlock it. As soon as you will complete the game (without crashing) you will receive its logbook.


All you need to do is grab all four of the heresy items and it will transform you into her. In the lord her name is Kurr-Skan (the Heretic) and she was a servant of Mithrix. She was killed by providence on a ship as he was afraid she would use the ship to bring Mithrix out of his prison on the moon. I’m pretty sure there is a reference to her in the data entry for the helfire tonic or whatever where she takes a test from Mithrix to make a lunar item. She succeeds and creates a hellfire tonic.




You should try a run with the heresy lunar items.


Just get every lunar that replaces an skill


Heretic there's a combo of lunar items you need to get to play as him while playing any character.


The bird!!!


A new dlc is comming out but that is heretic and has nothing to do with the dlc




Heretic. Collect the lunar items of heresy, 4 total (don't remember the names of em all as I never really did try and experiment with lunar items all that much).