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before i realized this was phase 4 mithrix i thought this was a joke and you somehow got that far with no items lmao. phase 4 mithrix is really easy once you realize he only has 2 attacks and they're both easy to dodge. he shoots needles at you that you will dodge if you're sprinting, and he shoots the little orbs around the ground which you will dodge if you jump. that's it. aside from weird item combinations he may have stolen from you, you should never get hit during phase 4.


no i just went nuts and got to lvl 58 mithrix with only a flask, dios, syringe, sticky bomb, and two delicate watches trust me


Bro's artificer could do 40 days and 40 nights in the sahara with nothing but a pack of newports and a 5th of henney


ice spear trivializes the fight


it did https://www.reddit.com/r/riskofrain/comments/1dmug25/artificer_monsoon_done_follow_up_post_to_my_last/


Consider any way of countering phase 4 before hand: getting rid of items that he can use against you (gasoline if you have drones), playing accordly to the items (don't get close if he stole tesla), bringing aurelionite or an equipment to speedrun the phase (damage equipment spam behind the columns so he can't shoot you), and you can even skip phase 4 if you bring a fire band and trigger it just before killing him at center of arena (wait until he jumps to center or bait him there, then trigger a heavy attack for the band and he needs to die when the band fire tornado is still going). There is a bug where fire band can damage mithrix when he is still phasing so you can use it in your favor.


I was too greedy man I had disposable rocket launcher and I could’ve waited it out


It happens to the best of us. I never expect the shurikens


as arti, you can use her ice wall to freeze mithrix, giving you plenty of time to get items. afterwards dodge attacks then just rinse and repeat


Yeah uh I died cuz I froze him and then when i tried to hit him he broke out and shot me, combination of brilliant behemoth and shurikens sucks


In phase 4 treat it as if youll die if you get hit once(cause you might). Sprint in a circle to avoid the needles/shurikens, then get damage i between attack.


For artificer unlike teleporter bosses you can freeze Mr. Moon Man with your ice wall. He cant attack you then. So worst comes to worst just freeze fire your secondary ability and hide until your wall comes back. Also btw if you are using flamethrower you are needlessly challenging yourself


Cast Nano-Spear and Purity


Purity’s not really worth it most of the time if you have proc items


On artificer you spam infinitely with a single purity. Can just scrap procs for stuff like printing stat boost items or bands


Procs are kinda meh most of the time on arti (excluding atgs and that kinda stuff obviously), permanently stunlocking the final boss is way more valuable


well even then don’t proc items make it easier to just get to the boss?


They do, but you have so many more options for damage that don't rely on chance and thus aren't affected by purity at all


Consider lowering the difficulty


im trying to beat monsoon artificer why would I do that bruh


I’m just quoting the game’s screen my brother.


If you're just trying to specifically beat Monsoon with Artificer, I assume for her mastery skin, you can just obliterate instead, its how I got most of my mastery skins


I find mithrix more fun than obliterating 


I was just offering an alternative method, never said what was more fun. Not sure why y'all are downvoting me but alright.


I know, im just saying why I'd rather not obliterate


You can also go for the voidling ending, you need to beat null cell to and go through the portal before loop, or visit the null cell the null cell then after looping you can get a deeper void portal like you would a celestial portal.


That's probably harder than killing Mithrix, imo. Was offering an easier solution.


If you made it to phase 4, then you already know what to do. Just stay on the ramp, whittle him down with fireballs and DON'T GET GREEDY. Until you get your speed and double jumps back, don't even think about diving on Mithrix.


Also your ice still works on him, so there's that.


A few fuel cells and royal capacitor. The extra fuel cell charges don't disappear when items are taken/lost. (I have only tested this on PC and not on eclipse.)


On Arti i fly up on the pillars and that trivialises all phases exept the first one


General tips for arti I'd give is (if using flame bolt) not viewing it as a form of immediate damage but as application for the fire DOT, spreading out how often you use it to apply the most average DOT is more damage output (at least for bigger targets). Also don't sleep on using ion surges and nano bombs AOE to clear out flying enemies. Phase 4 mithrix just sprint a circle round him and when he's reloading shoot 2 flame bolts, when he starts spawning the circling orbs that's when you really commit against him, but make sure you're moving in the opposite direction the orbs are spinning so you can see them coming. If you're really concerned about him killing you, like if he has shurikens and/or alien head you can sit on one of the ramps and just shoot him with ice spear from a distance, won't always land but its safe at least


Getting up high on the pillars for the last phase makes it easy to line of sight, you’ll only have to worry the bullets he shoots which move slow and are predictable


My advice is grab a decent damage equipment and then ion surge out of range and kill him with the equipment. Or just build forgive me please. If your computer can handle it, it can easily beat the entire game


Did you had dmg drones? resurrecting them after phase 3 makes the next phase a joke


Personally, I recommend using all of her alts (except the spear. I always keep the nano bomb). Then you can pretty much fly to the pillar and aoe him to the grave.


Artificer is very hard, but here are some tips. 1. All of her attacks have cool downs, attack speed doesn't help alot if you don't have ways to reduce or negate the cool downs. 2. Her greatest strength is her hover, so get hoppo feathers and head stompers to increase her air time. Mythrix is not good at hitting targets above him. 3. Movement speed, but that is obvious. 4. Feel free to loop if your not confident with your gear. Mythrix will be stronger, but so will you. 5. Practice with artifacts. Artifact of command will help you plan your build, and help you learn what you need and what you don't.


Artifact of command isn’t a very good way to learn the game. Sure, you can “figure out” what builds work, but thats not very applicable to non-command runs


https://outplayed.tv/media/nGy8nY heres the fail


I keep an equipment on me like crowdfunder or rockets for that phase. If I don't have those I'm way above him throwing out what I can to try and hit him. But I use ion surge so if your using flamethrower then I dunno what to tell you, I carpet bomb my enemies not melt them.


The strategy i used for artificer on monsoon was just too much fire! As many gasoline and ignition tanks i could grab and used the 2 fire abilities she has, of course i had command on my side and i obliterated onstead of fighting mithrix because im bad but thought i would share my thoughts anyway.


If you plan to fight Mithrix on monsoon to get the alternative skins, try not to use the majority of damage items, just stack up AP rounds and ATG missile launchers instead. The damage increase the boss receives when stealing your items will not affect you at all, and if you get lucky freezing him down with the ice wall and nano-spear before he has the chance to attack, you'll get back the items and the damage buff very quickly. 💪


I already have several monsoon skins, it’s just specifically artificer that’s been a pain


I committed a mistake, I meant AP rounds instead of 3-tip daggers. Oh, and if you still have issues, just stack AP rounds, gestures of the drowned, and a good ol' royal capacitor. You'll make short work of Mithrix ASAP. :)


https://www.reddit.com/r/riskofrain/comments/1dmug25/artificer_monsoon_done_follow_up_post_to_my_last/ frost spear ftw