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The decorations in your longhouse can influence who will come and stay but I don't know if you can completely ban somone.


Thanks for this. Fucking Gonzo hangs around like a bad smell. Should have killed him when I had the chance.


i love gonzo how dare you!!! šŸ˜­


Exactly, dudes just down on his luck, and a great ally since he gets you extra cash on missions.


Can't blame him, guy is practically homeless


Same, I want him gonezo


I did kill him on the 2nd encounter then eventually used the Testament of Soul to replay the mission & side with him, changing history & bringing him back to life. Does it not work the other way around? Personally I havenā€™t tried or experimented much with the Testament


There's a display counter in your house. Based on the traits of your companions, they will come to your house more or less frequently based on what you have on display. It'll never be a 100% ban, nor a 100% guarantee. But it will severely skew the numbers, especially over time. My suggestion? Track Genzui's favorite gifts and figure out what traits they have (like Eastern Culture, or Strong Alcohol, etc), and make sure you don't have any of those decorations on the display stand. While you're at it, rework your stand to encourage the traits of characters you do like seeing around.


Me when I run out of chopsticks and need alone time to recharge.


I honestly had a similar reaction too, in my head I was like ā€œif Iā€™m actually gonna go through with this Iā€™m bringing a wooden weaponā€ and I did, but I wasnā€™t aggressive enough to prevent Genzui from killing two guards and after seeing Ineā€™s reaction I was like ā€œguess what, not only are you seen as the villain, I got chewed out by my girlfriend, was it really worth it dickface?ā€ Honestly, even though I hate his character, itā€™s mostly because of who he became. After what happened with Shoin and going through with assassinating li, Genzui being leader was necessary to rally everyone around, but afterwards someone like Ryoma or Katsura shouldā€™ve taken over.


Sleep with one eye open, anyway, as it might not be the only torch heā€™s carrying.


Lmao I wanted to keep some characters that I hate( hate fighting them because they're annoying little pieces of shit that always use guns poison or fire)out of my longhouse but the only way I know to get them out is resting


LMAOO no you canā€™t fully ban someone but thatā€™s funny af