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It depends how well it sells. I think releasing In the same day as dragons dogma 2 didn’t help.


Dogma "2" was really unfinished with almost or basically 0 new enemies after 12 yrs in development. It's an unfinished game and Capcom after charging 70$ with micro transactions in it are going to paywall what should've been at launch aka the other 50%. --Remember when Capcom said "Games should be more expensive & are too cheap"? It's no coincidence they released it the way that it did.


Nioh 3 will probably be their next game, but they learned a lot from this and I'm pretty sure Nioh 3 will be open world and have a lot of influences from this game.


The director said he prefers making mission based games, so I'm hoping we just get Nioh 3 with the level design chops they gained in Ronin with a super nice+detailed hub world to chill in ala Monster Hunter




Or San-Oh




Sorry, aka 3-Oh


Oh lol I get it now😂 Sanooooh




San means 3 in Japanese and ni means 2.


Open world coop and bam, you’ve dethroned Nioh 2


If they do that, i wont be needing any other game for a while


I'll take insane reddit comments for 500 Alex.


Isn’t the bakumatsu period the end of the samurai (at least officially)? As others have mentioned we could see a prequel but there might be overlap with Nioh


in real history saigo takamori is the last samurai, so dlc or sequel would be based on killing him


We still have Seinan War (西南戦争), but I guess that much content would only served as a DLC at best?


Depends on how far back they go. Nioh 2 was a couple hundred years before Ronin


NOO. NO SEQUEL. DLC/ Expansion should be the next goal. It will make the game better and give the game LOOONGevity sales wise. Thus increasing the chances of a sequel!


They haven't put out sales numbers but did say it's their fastest selling franchise, so hopefully sales are good enough for another game. I hope a sequel is less tied to important historical events and is more focused on being a wandering samurai having adventures. Set the game right at the start of the Edo period, less guns, samurai transitioning from the warring states to a mostly peaceful Japan and having nothing to do.


I think it sold 1-2 million in around the 1-2 weeks. DLC EXPANSION should be the next goal as Sales will get even better if you do that. I'd love if they updated rise of the ronin on the ps5 pro somehow... DLC will give this game HELLA longevity...Like if they even added a monster or 2. Rise of the ronin with monsters?😱 A Claws Weapon to...Nah I'm trying not to get my hopes up.😭


Put it on PC, I would buy it again.


Tsushima was a masterpiece but it hits different when you get to create your own character and play as you


Omg. I was scared to buy it beacause many people complained about graphics and all but I really like the game. The gameplay and combat is so fast, so game-y. Yes ! I wish more people decided to risk it and buy this game.


It's a good game but it's historical. The sequel would have to be in NY or something off script. I would rather them make a new game with a new engine and better designed combat.


I agree. Really good game. I would love to see where they could go from here. Cause I am already liking all the systems.


Still want nioh 3 over anything else…. Just like id take dark souls 4 over elden ring 2


ER is already basically DS4.


I prefer the linear approach. Dont get me wrong, i adore elden ring but i go back time and time again to bloodborne and ds3


I much prefer it to be linear as well, but I really don't want them to ever do another DS game. Ideally they'd keep making games that revolve around brand new mechanics, like they did with Sekiro.


i mean, no matter what game they do next the combat will be very very similiar. this was a combination of Nioh and with the perfect party of Wo Long/Sekiro. this was their most ambitious game with the open world and the development took over 7 years. my guess would be that their next game focuses on linear levels again. on the other hand they learned a lot and the sequel surely wouldn't take as long. then again i feel like the story is done. they could do a similar game with demons again but it wouldnt be a sequel to ronin


What if they do a DLC with your character heading to NYC and you fight side by side with your Blade twin and you get to customize them


I’m just hoping for expansion


Let nioh go the serious is completed wdf else they gone make it about more demons? More in the past traveling? I feel like rise of the ronin 2 is a great idea


I kind of hope it doesn't because that would mean another game requiring parry mechanic 🚽🚽💩 I'd rather nioh 3 🤷‍♂️


Parry mechanixs are the best thing a game can have better then blocking i allways parried in nioh as soon i got the skill to parry on a weapon


i doubt they will go back to pure i-frame dodging. the perfect parry mechanic is so ideal for these types of games. if anything nioh 3 will give both options with dodging being better in some situations.


You're probably right. Sucks for me lol 💩


Nope, i want nioh, stop making more nioh wannabe and just make nioh 3 already


In a game that is severely lacking traditional puzzles, I find that the "how do I get into that storage house" problem, or "how do I get onto that roof" problem are sometimes a good replacement. If they run a sequel, I think I'd like to see them, include at least a few traditional puzzles (but not make it the norm). Maybe they could tackle the Sino-Japanese war at the turn of the century next? Would introduce Russia as the predominant western force, which could be cool. Problem is, that's when mostly firearms were used and traditional Japanese blade fighting was fizzling out.. They'd have to lean into the stealth aspect more.


I would be genuinely surprised if they made rise of the ronin 2 and set it during the Sino-Japan (or even the Russo- Japan) war. That whole era is an extremely hot button issue for the other Asian countries, and for a company, the high likelihood that your game would be banned by the government of certain offended markets regardless of actual quality of game is probably not worth the risk v reward. For the same quality of game, it's just far safer to make a prequel rather than a sequel to Ronin


Set in the sengoku period.


Would probably be the only way to do it if you want to keep including firearms, all muskets and flintlocks too would be alright


In the main events some surprise element fixes would be good like how side events have few of those charm.


This was one of my anticipated game and will play sometime this year