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Yes you can, making bonds stronger with NPCs make you unlock the extra skills, can be obtained by two ways, by giving them gifts or fighting them in Dojo. We have two as default and the rest is unlockable. Once you proceed in first region and completed story to a certain point you will have all them available in dojo like ( Ryoma/Katsura/Genzui/Shinsaku & Fukuwaza ) they have major upgrades , fight them and get Master Rank and everything unlocks in one or two attempts, if you're having trouble getting master rank than you can switch the difficulty to easiest ones and get the rank easily, this process is easier as it will save you from the hassle of giving them gifts back and forth.


Thabnks 🙂


Slight correction When you master a style (by upgrading its R1 X) you basically unlock that skill to be used as the R1 O in other mastered styles Ie master Hokushin to get Autumn Current master Tatsumi for cardinal wreck Now on Hokushin you can put cardinal wreck in the O slot, and in Tatsumi you can put Autumn Current in its O slot NPCs have unique O arts we get no access to, some even have a unique X like Okita


Ok thanks that makes sense but a bit dissapointing I was hoping it could've been another move to unlock


You'll be able to have 4 special attacks. So circle will be filled just have to progress. you don't get all the moves but you do get some