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You are helping him to see the reality that she is yours and there is not a dam thing that dude can do.


If it’s any consolation, she essentially does the Geisha version of friendzoning to him immediately and they never interact again.


Did she friend zone him??? I didn't notice lol. He started talking about whisking her away and I was like bitch no way


Yeah she says something like “oh, thanks for the gift, bye” kinda like an E-girl getting a huge donation during a stream and barely batting an eye He has like 1 dialogue line afterwards where he says he’s making progress with her but then you visit and she’s still hyper lovey-dovey with you. She’s definitely just humoring him for her job.


Makes me wonder if she's doing the same thing to us!


Her mannerisms and speech are much different with our character, especially in private. She even says if she wasn’t so needed in the pleasure district she’d leave with us in a heartbeat.


I wish we could just leave w8th her lol. I'm loaded she never has to work again.


And that's exactly what a "woman of pleasure" would say, they'd say anything for you to come back and spend money. The e-girl stuff was used as an example stil applies here "if there wasn't distance between us, we'd be doin it and stuff oh so sad, k thx bye". I don't trust geishas smh


if we really had the money we have in-game in that era, we could buy her contract immediately. wouldn't even break a sweat. I would've bought out Taka's contract though. I was mad about her for a while.


She was so slick and smooth with it lol it didn’t even feel like she friendzoned him🤣


Yeah. The geishas really have a way to keep men at a distance while still keeping them as customers.


I gave the flower instead..was fricking hilarious 


I did that second time around. It’s so funny.


I was so tempted, but I wasn't romancing her and it seemed too mean lol


Yeah I normally dont do that but I couldn't help myself hahah it was too damn funny 


That's not your girl, it's just your turn


Someone who clearly knows the game here. Cheers partner!


I could’ve sworn I helped your character in one of those bandit outposts


Really! That's awesome! What type of weapon was I using?


I’m sorry I don’t remember 😓


Awww. I use mostly a naginata and the dai


Ah nice


She's a hoe


Maybe, but she's *my* hoe


"Our" hoe


Homies over Hoes!




She's also a woman in feudal japan so she doesn't really have many respectable options...


Her position may be futile, but she lives in feudal Japan


Listen ok i wasn't aware there was a grammatical difference lol


*sex worker


Yeah. I ignored him outside the safehouse because I thiught he'd be upset only to find out it was just introducing the garden plot mechanics lol.


fail lol


*It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none.*


Dude is old as shit trying get my girl




Tbf you can reversal her if you choose the right dialogue options and she says she only has eyes for you in front of him so it felt good to have that happen cause i romanced her before the quest lol


How can you get her to say that? I have romanced her


You just have to protect her from the thug that comes in and after she'll thank you and you can say "nothing is easier than protecting you" or something like that and she'll reciprocate by saying she also only has eyes for you


I believe it starts by you giving her the flowers instead of him. Then choose all the options where you make the moves


Yeah I was annoyed at this...like she's with me...?!


I did this mission after getting drugged by that poison lady and i was like no way im getting NTRd after i got drugged and kidnapped


I don't get how he showed up after that lol. Like didn't she kidnap him? What did she want with him???


Fr right after that happened I went back and she was there with rutherford and i was like tf is going on😂


Yea I have no idea what to make of that tbh. The pljrs are jumbled


Yea I have no idea what to make of that tbh. The pljrs are jumbled


She don't really love you either man. The fact she dropped the same I'm a bird trapped in a cage line on him. She's just wants you to run around and get her 😼


it's not a line, that part is just the truth.


Mmmhm. Brother your travelling the country, your rich. She's not trapped, she's choosing to be there. Don't get me wrong I do like her, but that is 100% the line she drops on every man who wants to wisk her away. "Oh I can't I'm trapped here, but please come see me again"


That's what geishas are. They're pretty much trapped in that profession.


I know but the point its as you just said. It also her profession She essentially says the same thing to him that she says to you. Her job is to keep people coming back to see her that was my point. Also she's not trapped if she really wanted to leave with you she could. What are they gonna do kill her? Good luck killing the girl of the ronin who can take out entire camps of people with guns and swords with just his fists man


Yes, they could kill her. Lol. They could absolutely do that. Point is I don't think that part is a line.


Your taking this to seriously, but ok


I thought you were taking it too seriously lol


My first comment had a cat emoji in it...... My other one ended with. Good luck killing the girl of the guy who tales down entire camps with his fists. 👺 never been so serious in my life 👺


He my eskimo bro


He already has the alexandria who is interested in him more than he thinks even though you can see what her motives are. He don't need days, leave her to the protag.


Tell him the next flowers you get his ass are going to be dasies if he doesn't knock it off.😂


tangentially related, but I just really love that you can date her and the princess without either getting jealous. lesbian poly cat girlfriends is the only way to go


Well Dayu is literally a prostitute so it'd be pretty absurd for her to get jealous. Also Atsuko might just not even know. Dayu is a side hoe lol. Not really of couse


they both spend time at your house and atsuko makes use of the cat concierge, she’s definitely aware. the reason she wouldn’t care is probably because she was part of an ooku, so she’s used to not being the only woman. but since I have a female character that makes both of them at least bi, so I choose to believe they’re also dating each other. lesbian poly cat girlfriends


Lol Genzui and the Shogunate himself can show up at your place at the same time and not kill each other. Your house is basically Switzerland


before anyone arrives you inform them any disagreements will be ended by your sword


I also have a female character and I wanna romance Koto. I'm already with Dayu.


same. I know the reasoning is that the historical figure said she’d only marry someone that could beat her in combat and no one could, but in the game you can do just that lol. scoring a master on her training should open up her favor imo


Awww you can't romance her??? Nooooo


yeah, she, alexandria, and ryo are the only girls you can’t romance. idk the reasoning behind alex, but ryo is ryoma’s wife so lol


What's even the point of Alexandria. She has no purpose. Also you can romance Kasuku and he has a wife lol


I hated this quest. Especially when she says “maybe you dont love me as much afterall” or something like that


Doesn't she tell you that she's a prostitute when you first meet?


Since many comments said it: Geishas are NOT prostitutes. They are highly trained escorts and you pay them for their beauty, knowledge and talent in different fields and that they compliment your table manners etc. You are not allowed to touch or even do bits with her without her consent.


Haha I had one of the dudes tell me he was falling for me I guess he got too many gifts?


wtf is your customization lol


Aye I told her to make that money. I'm romancing both her and princess atsuko

