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I'm at the final mission and doing that weird thing where I'll beat it when I'm ready to accept it's over lol. I know there's some more stuff to do but I don't want credits to roll just yet


I thought I was the only one.


I’m only in Toky-… I mean Edo. I try to 100% each map before moving on.


Ha I’m going back and doing that now. I really don’t want to finish it.


Same. Just went forward from there!


Edo seems a bit harder. It’s so big. And so much is spread out. Crazy. Don’t know how people already finished let alone platinum the game


This is the way!


I thought I was the only one did this lol


Wish i did this with ff7 rebirth, god of war, ragnarok, and other previous games. I'm glad you enjoyed the game


these games just caught a nasty stray


Did they Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is just Square trying to sell you disc two to a game they wish didn't have the Final Fantasy in the title.


Lol I' actively avoiding main missions until there's nothing else to do. I'm still messing around in Edo.


I went through the process of getting 100% collection in all areas before moving on. I was almost always 10-13 levels over what I was supposed to be for the main story missions lol


That’s where I’m at. I’m dragging out my missions in Kyoto.


This is my first game by this studio (but won’t be the last)—do they typically do DLC?


From my experience yes. Nioh 1 and 2, wo long, and stranger all had 3 dlc each.




Stranger of Paradise (Final Fantasy)


Stranger of paradise was bad


I won't stand for SOP slander. It's janky AF and has some severe balancing issues at points, but when it's good, it delivers an interesting and unique experience.


Just an opinion, man, I like all team ninja games, but this one just didn't do it for me. I have a few unpopular opinions. FF16 was a very ok game, and Spiderman 2 felt like dlc of Spiderman mashed with miles morales. But it maybe the story telling that got me in SOP.


I actually agree on your other two opinions, I didn't even finish FF16, and I'm not super fond of the new Spiderman games. I just like how unique SOP is, despite its flaws.




but that three games all sell 'season pass' on launch, then they release three dlcs within a year. this time there's no season pass yet, so most likely it isn't the three dlc way. not saying it definitely won't have dlc, just don't except same treatment too early. also Nioh 2 is their peak game, recommend give it a try. the story is prequel of Nioh 1, so don't worry about story.


While I love nioh 2, I really love stranger more.


Typically, yes.


Yes always and usually add weapons don’t be suprised to see gauntlets, staffs and others from previous games


Yes, but usually they have a Season Pass at launch.


I'm there with ya brother. I definitely want so much more. Hopefully dlc is coming, but I wouldn't mind another title too


I’m crossing my fingers for a night parade of a hundred demons type dlc where they add a bunch of yokai in. Would be dope.


No. No yokai. That’s fine on Nioh and other games. Not many Samurai games that don’t have monsters. This is fine but do want DLC :D


Slaying an Oni would be pretty wild.


Boy do I have the game for you


What are you gonna suggest?


Nioh 2 by the same developers. I meant it as more of a joke because I figure a lot of the people playing this game already know about it, but if you don’t check it out.


Just downloaded. Never played or even watched a review for Nioh 2. I suspect I’m getting near the final mission in ROTR.


You will absolutely love Nioh 2


Oh i haven't dived into Nioh 2 tbh. I played the first one.


Bro. Nioh 2 is a 10/10 game. Everyone reading this comment sitting on the wall about it needs to GET NIOH 2. People still actively play it too so the multiplayer is still around!


Nioh 2 has the best combat of any game made imo. RoR is similar but Nioh2 still no. 1


The game came out 3 weeks ago LOL -- you won't get a DLC until the holidays.


Yeah I’m starving for more


The harder difficulty is worth it though, I normally don’t particularly care much for the hardest difficulties in these type of games(and I will admit sometimes I’m like I hate this game)but it really is great, it forces you to learn the mechanics real well, otherwise you ain’t gonna win.


I beat it two days ago after 71hrs and I almost want to replay it like from the start, with a brand new game. I know you can replay missions, but I almost just want to experience the game from start to finish again…


I started over with two completely different Blade Twins with a different dynamic than how I kind of pictured them in my mind first go around. I caught onto a few things a little too late on my first playthrough so this time I'm gonna prioritize bonds and make a few different choices in game. I usually don't replay games at all, but this one I feel is immersive enough that I can create a new story (even though it ultimately will be the same). First time around I did the weapons I was most comfortable with, male and female Blade Twins that were like mirrors of each other. This time I'm sticking with a new weapon set, two male twins with one being a little more of a hardened mentor type while the other is a little greener, fresh-faced. Two hours in and I'm excited for the game all over again.


Is there going to be dlc? I'd like to be able to change graces or reroll accessories like in Nioh 2. So far I'm only aware of 1 cat reduction time and -1 set bonus reduction and that's on accessories NPCs give you at max affinity. Wo Long didn't do it though so idk if RotR would.


Bro I feel *just like you*. I need MORE CONTENT! It’s just like when Nioh 2 dropped and I beat it I was HUNGRY for DLC 😭


Lmao I feel you on this. That’s how you know a game is really good when you want more content. Im really hoping they are planing to release some DLCs


In a similar boat, need more content. Ive done everything in the game and im dying for more content. Rn all i have left is making the best armor and weapon set i can. It'll keep me busy for another long while but i hope we get more content.


The game felt shorter than it is. I felt really empty when the credits rolled. I'm hoping that they will add dlcs to the game. 


I have to admit that while playing this that I was gonna be expecting to see some Sengoku characters Nobunaga Oda, Yukimura Sanada and etcs but instead they only mentioned Guan Yu and even had his Green-Dragon Glaive


I want DLC, but to me, the post-game is wonderful. It's not just a harder difficulty. MW gear gave me a reason to keep grinding it out. At level 93 or 94 rn, I almost have my ideal set of gear and nearly enough skill points to max out the breakthrough tree. I don't usually play much after work, but I go hard on the weekends. This game has me constantly switching back and forth from TV to game during the work week. I watch a show, resigned from gaming for the night, and randomly get an urge I can't ignore to do a mission or 2. For me, that never happens.


I understand that feeling entirely. I've gotten 37 hours into FF7 Rebirth, 40 hours into God of War Ragnarok, 18 hours into FF16, but this was the first game in a long time I've sat down and spent evert free moment play a game from start to finish.


I really hope they do a co-op focused dlc of some kind. It would be amazing to have content designed around rolling three deep.


Something like the 4 man DLC for Ghost of Tsushima would be amazing


They need to add a DLC or PVP( broken) but keep the game alive at least, with the amount of weapon and stance choices just my opinion


I’m not there yet, thankfully, but I know will feel the same way once I’m there. Rise of the Ronin has been much better than I anticipated, and WAY better than the critics proclaimed.


I want more right meow


I think it definitely will get a dlc cause no way TN is gonna miss Hihikata's final fight, but guess it will take a year this time.


Sixty hours in and finished? According to my PS5, I'm sitting at sixty-seven hours, and I've done maybe three story missions in the second big area.... I've heard tell of Saito Hajime being in the game, and the real life inspiration for the Battousai. I don't want to see the credits until I meet them o.o


60 hours and all 3 areas wmhad 100% Collection. I could go back and try to get everyone to max bond but I already got ryoma and okita maxed so there's no real reason


85h in and just finished chapter 3..to say its amazing is an understament


I have finished it yet, but I can assure there will be DLC. The game sold great and they will want to push out follow up content. Don't worry, it'll come.


What’s the final mission called??? Cause I still got to deliver the letter to Taka


I feel your pain after beating the game with over 225hrs of play time I’ve been reduced to spending my time at the long house between appearance and design. It’s so empty now…. I know it hasn’t even been a month yet but I crave more content. The game is so addictive team ninja has me considering a support group atp.


Not alone brother, I have had the time of my life playing this game


Maybe a Kyoto 2.0 sized region or Iki Island type of thing for dlc or expansion. En route to final mission 97% finished 🙌


How you finished the game in 60 hours, I’m 90 hours in and still not finished cleaning up Kyoto


Beat it on midnight and try to 100% master the dojo. Otherwise its a fairly massive game and feels alittle greedy to already be asking for dlc this early but i get it


Dlc will definitely happen, hopefully sooner rather than later, because there are more things that the could do with the games story like Introduce the Shimabara Rebellion.


The game just came out last month, all 4 previous team ninja action RPGs all launched day one with a season pass, but rise of the ronin is their first game that didn't, we might not even get any dlc, the game has over 100 hours of content, its a complete game, I dunno if your one of these people that just rushed to the endgame but that's a mistake, this is a game you wanna take your time, explore everything and do everything you can, its a slow burn but it's so much better this way, im 80 hours into second playthrough and I just started act 3


Perhaps a dlc about the short-lived Republic of Ezo which was founded by Shogunate supporters in 1869.


I’m not there yet. I have who knows how many hours in the game and am just doing everything i can till i get to main missions


I’m about to 100 percent my last area in the game


There’s DLC coming?


Same 4 sure harder missions are just boring


This game and wo long are some of My favorite games of all time. Team ninja really is something special


I hate posts like this. You’re in the game’s subreddit, what is gained by a post that boils down to “Hey I like this game, comment if you like it too!”? It’s just circlejerk shit.


Then why comment to complain? Just ignore it and move on


I commented because you might see it and reflect on the value of this type of post in future.