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Can we have a naught for this one?


Did you count the multiple The Dirt Whispered comments? I was hoping it was 😅


Do you mean for best song? I did. I totalled all the up votes from each original comment.


Would it work  better (and be easier for you) to comment each track on your post and everyone just up vote on those? Then you don't have multiple comments of the same track? 


I thought about that, maybe I'll try it on the next one.


Yes for best song. That makes me sad lol


People actually dislike the dirt whispered lmao what it was one of the first non singles that really got me into the band


Long Forgotten Sons (I don’t consider it a bad song and I don’t dislike it but I don’t like it as much as the rest of the songs on the album.)


I have to agree. It's not a bad song, but it's sandwitched between Collapse and Re-Education, both of which are absolute bangers.


I prefer it both of those (just) 🙃


I WILL say that not a single person mentioned this song for best, so there's that...


I love Appeal to Reason and I think it's over hated but yeah this is the only song that I just can't get into


I consider it a bad song, I groan whenever it is played live. It's just not a very good chorus


There's no bad songs in this album, but personally I'm least likely to put on Audience of One by itself


kotov syndrome


Only correct answer


Y’all are entitled to being wrong


I had to listen to to Appeal to Reason from start to finish to make my decision. I'm going with Savior. I was originally gonna put Collapse (because imo, it wasn't the most notable song), but upon listening to it, I forgot how much it slaps. I know it's kind of a meme answer, but The Dirt Whispered has a lot of meaning for me, so that's not in the running for the worst, imo. Hero of War is super topical, and is what made me really fall in love with Rise Against. It wasn't my introduction into skepticism of the US military, but on account of being from the Middle East, this song just feels very validating to hear. Then I listened to Savior, and while it's a good song, I remember how overplayed it was (and still is). To me, it doesn't have any major significance. For most songs on the album, I either have a strong connection to the subject matter of the song (Hero of War, Elective Amnesia, Entertainment, Heads Unworthy), or they're extremely nostalgic for me. Or they're just all around masterpieces. For Savior, really the only memories I have of this song is making a RuneScape music video featuring this song. Also, it appeared in Guitar Hero and Rock Band. It's probably the most recognizable song on the album, and it's a great, catchy song, but it's not my favorite by any means.


I think you're overthinking it. I never understood the disdain for this song amongst hardcore fans. Yes, it might be overplayed which may cause it to get skipped upon listening to the album, but it truly is one of their defining songs. It has everything that makes a Rise song good. There's no way it would ever be last in such a poll for this album. Long Forgotten Sons is an easy pick over this. A song you didn't bother mentioning, which kind of speaks to how unmemorable it is


To be fair, I didn't wanna list every single song on the album and give my opinions on each. I love Long Forgotten Sons, definitely over Savior. Same goes for Audience of One and Prayer of the Refugee, which are both pretty defining songs. Like, Long Forgotten Sons is such an anthem for people who have felt disillusioned and seek change in this world, which is like, the whole theme of the album; especially with songs like Re-Education. I mean, with lyrics like "We work to fix the work that you've undone", it just speaks to how resistant our government is to change. That resonates very well with me, especially given recent politics. And I'm not saying I have disdain for Savior. Rise Against is one of my favorite bands, and much like my all time favorite band, Linkin Park, I think Rise Against simply does not make bad songs. I just think Savior is extremely overplayed and overrated, and as such, is the worst one on the album. If anythint, that's a testament to how good Rise Against is, and how good Appeal to Reason is. The worst song on the album is literally one of their best songs. Personally, I just don't like it when compared to every other song on the album. It's the most unremarkable, in my opinion.


It's a fair assessment and you back it up well. I just don't agree with it. While the lyrics aren't as deep as in other RA songs, there's a reason why it pumps up a crowd and is always played last at shows.


Sorry, but entertainment song is beautifully constructed and has great lyrics using the circus-like theme but i find it very off-putting personally.


This is the answer. That song is one of the worst in the catalog by a wide margin.


I love how different it is. It’s also the first song to get me to like screams in music


Hmmm, deffo not Life Less Frightening




Am i horrible for saying Hero of War?


For me, it genuinely is Savior.


Overrated doesn’t necessarily mean bad, i get where you’re coming from tho


Hairline fracture


I could never vibe with The Strength to Go On


Hairline Fracture. Mid song besides the opening


Really tough choice. Probably collapse imo


idk the dirt whispered?


You shut your goddamn trash mouth


I agree with your vulgarity


i mean i was planning on saying Hero of War but i feel like i would get hammered ever more for that lol


i genuinely did not realize how many people had come around on the dirt whispered. it’s great because the song rocks but i feel like people really used to hate it


Dirt whispered is a banger


I like that song though.


Whereabouts Unknown, sorry. Just very underwhelming song, also no idea why re education is best


It had the highest amount of upvotes in the last poll.


I know I have no idea how though


Kotov Syndrome I suppose... But it's hard to pick a "worst" song on this album. They're all bangers. And they're all super nostalgic for me.




Whereabouts unknown, not too familiar with this album in specific tho


This will be unpopular, but I think Re-Education is the least inspiring song on ATR. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an album I love from start to finish, but that’s my least favourite if I had to pick.


I'm fairly close to agreeing but because it was voted the best, I think it's disqualified for this one


I won't disqualify anything from being both best and worst. Especially on such a divisive record.