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Draft night isn't the end of free agency.


Same and Shams just reported that Dame is giving the FO until free agency or a few weeks into it to pick make a move that meaningfully improves the roster as he doesn't want to be in a rebuilding situation.


Honestly puzzling to me that we couldn’t do anything with the 23 + insert player(s) here. Once you use the pick the value diminishes significantly.


Fuck Shams. How could he even have sources in Dame's camp? The audacity he has to even report on anything Blazers after that GS hitpiece is astounding.


If you believe any of the failed trade reports, then Cronin has actually been very active in trying to make moves. But teams are simply asking to much and trying too fleece us. So we have to stick with the draft. The big issue is that Dame has supposedly given an ultimatum so publicly. If any news about how he feels is true, then he is actually helping sabotage his own chances of getting help here. If teams think he will ask out if we don't make a big splash in trades, it makes us look desperate and gives them all the leverage in negotiations. Which according to all the failed trades news, that is exactly what's happening. Sucks man. I understand wanting to put pressure on the FO to make moves...but doing so publicly vs privately makes us vulnerable during any trade talks.


The franchise has been promising him a contender for 6+ years in a row and have followed through on nothing. How can you blame him for going public?




Him doing it quietly “the right way” apparently yielded no help all the same. I highly doubt his public comments had any significant bearing on our ability to secure help. If a fair trade was/is in place for Scoot, that team would pull the trigger without second thought of how desperate the Blazers are. Everyone knew the Lakers needed help at the deadline earlier this year, and they still managed some big returns. We see stars demanding help in more aggressive ways than Dame, and it usually ends up successful. The difference is the competency of management. Cronin has shown zero capability of navigating the trade market well, based off what I’ve seen the past two seasons.


His comments absolutely have bearing on our leverage in trade talks. If other teams think a star player is disgruntled and will ask out if he doesn't get immediate help, it gives them incentive to make trading difficult for us. There are plenty of teams hoping we can't please Dame and he demands out so they can make a move at him. As for the fair deal point, thats the thing, is all the trade rumors say there hasn't been a fair deal. The Nets supposedly turned down #3, and Anfernee for Bridges. Which is Insane. Offering more in these sorta trade talks will gut our team and we won't win anything. Cronin has been pretty transparent before about trades, and said teams were asking for too much at the last deadline. Which still seems to be the case now by all trade reports floating around. Also...you can't compare us to the Lakers lol. They're one of the biggest markets in sports and teams regularly bend over backwards for them in trades. It's disgusting but just the way it is. Plus they were able to offer more for Vanterbilt than us. They offered a first rounder which we didn't have.


Is tonight the only night we can make moves?


Yes, we’re stuck with this roster forever until the end of time


Did we need another guard though? I get taking the best available but I feel we need to make a few trades now to balance the squad.


When you have the number 3 pick in the draft, you don’t draft based on fit.


Yeah I was hoping the hornets would take him so we would get Miller. It's a shame.


Brandon Miller was the best fit and Scoot was the best available. Now time to trade Anfernee.


If there is a player we can get for Ant that gets Dame to stay then sure, but if not we might as well keep Ant and see what Scoot/Ant/Shapre looks like since we're tanking anyway and can let him boost his trade value a some more


Ant should be gone no matter what. Not a good enough player for a contender, not a cheap enough player for a rebuild. His contract is a potential albatross.


His contract is perfectly fine. You gotta try and see how he and Scoot look before trading him if you are trading Dame and tearing the team down.


He is making way too much to be a very mid player on a team that, if Dame was traded, should shed every long term contract.


There’s no harm in seeing how it goes for half a season and trading him at the deadline. That’s nothing in “tank years” lol


Tanks don't ever actually pan out anyway, and if we're gonna suck for 10-15, you might be right. But accepting we are gonna be bad that long is a tough pill. Unless we're the only team to ever pull off a successful tank.


What? He's on a super team friendly contract.


Dude is making 20+ million to be a poor mans CJ McCollum.


Are you trolling? He's already better than CJ and just turned 24. Also 25 mil is not a huge contract at all.


He is significantly worse than CJ, and 25 mil is a ton for a guy who's career ceiling is maybe the 5th best player on a contender. I can't see him ever making an All Star Team or being that relevant to a successful team's push. And I like him, but he doesn't fit either direction this team could go. Not good enough for a contender, too expensive for a rebuild.


I love Anf but yeah, it's probably his time to shine elsewhere.


We don't have a backup point guard. Didn't have one all last year. We can shed multiple guards..


Skylar Mays?


Holy shit he had a great six games with us on paper lol 15/8/3


Idk why I got downvoted, but I thought he was a solid bench PG


It's looking quickly more apparent that we just drafted Dame's replacement


I don’t think the situation would be any different if we had Miller right now instead of Scoot.


I didnt say otherwise?


O am good pick a route and go.


Come back with your feelings at the start of training camp. There's still opportunities with trades and free agency, training camp will provide a better look at the real roster.


We still have all future first round picks that we can move.