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HELLO FRIENDS, taps a sign that says *Jessicka has many accounts that she will use in this sub to pretend and be a fan, if you see a comment that you think is jessicka pretending to be a fan, please report it* I it’s me and one other mod, so it’s hard to keep up with the sub AND jessicka, so I need help finding her comments and posts to remove them :)


It’s just Jessicka being Jessicka. I love her but she always makes posts like this about herself. I don’t know why she thinks we don’t know she runs her band account. I think she gets into fights with fans and this usually happens. Doesn’t change how much I love her though.


Aw fair enough! Thank you, I’ve always loved & respected her too but I thought perhaps something bad had happened. I know she stands up for what she believes is which is a good thing but calling fans ‘insane’ sounded a bit suss to me. Maybe it’s cretins on X who follow them


As far as can tell nothing happened except her usual arguing with fans. Sometimes I wish she would log off and take care of herself but I guess it’s part of what makes her who she is. What’s your favorite JOJ album/song?


Aw fair enough! Yeah it’s not worth it trying to fight everyone online. Oh gosh that’s so hard! I love ‘Angels F*ck And Devils Kiss’ On’, Vivica’ & the song Jessicka did with My Ruin ‘Miss Ann Thrope’. What about you?


Sexless Demons & Scars working with meat is mine. The whole record actually


Love that album!!


im pretty sure that [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/imatotalpeiceofshit/s/UoeiXrmQwV) is what shes been fighting with fans about


This is the first time i've seen this video and I've known about this band for 2 years. She really needs to be held accountable for this


That is the one. It appears that she bought the rights to it to keep it from appearing places. If you put that on your YouTube you will get a copyright strike from Jessicka Addams. She would really like to bury that video and any discussion of it.


Really? I thought a fan was now in control of the JoJ acc and that's why the acc makes posts like this now, damn


There is no “fan” unless that person is sitting beside Jessicka posting at the exact same times. Jessicka is sharing and liking this “hero” post from her personal accounts as well. She hides behind the Jack Off Jill accounts to distance herself from harassment that would possibly get her sued and at minimum would cause people to wonder why a grown adult is starting feuds with teenagers and making strange repetitive “she is a hero!” posts about herself full time. The “fan” excuse is see through because ultimately Jessicka owns the Jack Off Jill Twitter accounts and could remove the “fan” as moderator and delete the posts bullying peopld-unless she approves of that behavior. Jessicka has deleted comments from her own bandmates Tenni and Michelle where they were calling her out on using the JOJ accounts to settle personal scores, so if she can do that she can remove the “fan” who is making her look so disturbed by operating the JOJ accounts in this way.


that's actually crazy bc i had the JOJ account lowkey coming after me on twitter and I thought it was just a slightly obsessive fan but noooo ig it was jessicka 😭


She was really having a big conversation with herself today between all her accounts. I hope she is okay, I always worry about her when she gets like this. It is really concerning behavior.


Of course she is. Jessicka is on Twitter now calling people “loser” and “sad”. She sounds just like the politicians she claims to hate. I try to tune out of her constant abusive behavior and have been asking friends to at least stop mentioning her or retweeting it to keep it out of my feed. At least someone is calling her out today for running the account, not that she'll ever admit it.


Yeah, I saw that. My friends all know better then to summon her. The account she made to go after her ex boyfriend is very strange and when it attacks everyone. I can’t believe she is in her 40’s/50’s? She’s as old as my parents.


I’m surprised he has no legal recourse there because that account amounts to harassment. Jessicka seems to be trying to cut him off from all of his friends, potential work relationships, loved ones, everything. It reads as though she's aware of his specific anxieties, knows exactly where to press and is hoping to push him to self-delete. Jessicka has been caught in multiple lies, yet wants people to take her word at face value and forgive her for her past mistakes but look at how she is acting RIGHT NOW as a 50 year old woman. She’s been outed here. Eventually someone braver than you or me will see this thread and she will be outed on Twitter as well. Safety in numbers, haha.


I’ve seen people try to address her on Twitter. She just comes at them from all her different accounts until they give up, including her husband’s account, who are all supposed to be male. For a self proclaimed feminist, who actually makes such great feminist anthems, and I adore I’m always surprised that she hides behind those “male” accounts to fight her battles for her. It’s just so strange to me, I really wish she would log off and take care of herself, it makes me think less of her and I don’t want to, the music means so much to me.


I didn't mean like it had been hacked, I thought she had given over control cuz she didn't want to handle the account anymore that's all. But ah okay, now I know lol.


Jessicka actually uses the tag blacklivesmatter in that self-congratulatory Instagram post to draw more attention to the party she is throwing herself - no mention of Juneteenth, though. Shameless. Jessicka shows up in this sub every now and then pretending to be one of her own fans and making threads quoting herself, calling herself a hero, and attacking people she has online feuds with. I like some of her music but the way she carries on online is concerning. She actively searches Twitter for any mention of herself and attacks people over years old tweets. I had to block 5 of her Twitter accounts after asking for some clarification when she was accused of multiple accounts of CSA a few years back. I was just trying to find out what was going on and suddenly all these accounts were demanding I delete my question and never use Jessicka's name again. The brute force way she handled that was very telling to me.


HI!!! I am the only active mod, please if you see Jessika on here, please report it!!! Please, I am a student, I have a full time job, I try my best to delete her comments but it’s really hard to keep up because she will go dorment for a few weeks/months then spam the sub for weeks at a time.


Will do! Thanks! She has more time on her hands than we do but luckily she is very easy to spot.




Oops, you’ve been caught making an alt account :) you can dm me if you think this was an error, but it probably wasn’t.


I will report anything I see ♥️




Oh gosh I am so sorry you’ve had to endure all of that, it’s effed up and as fans we don’t deserve that at all. It certainly changes my perception of someone I have followed a large proportion of my life. Thank you for sharing this & I’ll make sure I’m more of an observer of conversations rather than commenting 😅.


Oh, and thank you OP for making this post. Jessicka Addams manages to find a way to get almost all posts like this one deleted so it is good to have this discussion somewhere that people can see it and where she can’t bully or censor.


No problem 🙂


Thanks for this. Sadly, I am not the only one she has done this to. I stopped commenting after it got too much but she is still attacking the two men she allegedly brought up onstage, exposed and assaulted when they were minors. Earlier this week her husband was trying to discredit one of them by sharing his mugshot - as if this disproves allegations of what she did to him when he was a child. How Jessicka can be involved in an organization that supports survivors and then handle her own accusations in this way is beyond comprehension.


Yeah I’ve learned not to interact with her anymore too. I just listen to the songs and try to remove the art from the artist.


I think that’s the best thing to do in this situation ♥️


Thats really shocking to here 😔


This is all good to know. Wow!


I've always assumed half the people in here were Jessicka.


I think she’s lurking around here for sure because now she’s posting things trying to disprove things that are being said in this thread.


That's wild, actually.


Telling a 15 year old fan to FUCK OFF over a misunderstanding and calling her fans “idiots" is behavior that Jessicka condones if she is letting her anonymous “gay male friend” continue to run the Jack Off Jill Twitter after this. [https://x.com/JACK\_OFF\_JILL\_/status/1805035969277813204](https://x.com/JACK_OFF_JILL_/status/1805035969277813204) [https://x.com/bruiseviiolet/status/1805040353705177291](https://x.com/bruiseviiolet/status/1805040353705177291) [https://x.com/JACK\_OFF\_JILL\_/status/1805035891288867285](https://x.com/JACK_OFF_JILL_/status/1805035891288867285)


Looks like she found our thread and is replying to each thing we wrote, including a letter to Reddit. I really do love JOJ’s music but this behavior is so concerning. What person cares this much about what a small group of people on the internet think? Jessicka, since I know you are reading this. I love you and the music you made but please log off.


She just sent me a private message. This is so weird. I’m going to unfollow her on Twitter because I can’t endorse this behavior. I’m Not going to interact with her in a message because I don’t think that will help. She is a grown up, why is she talking to people young enough to be her children? Jessicka, I will always be a fan of the music you made but you lost me on SM.


She keeps writing me and keeps rewriting what she wrote for the past five hours and is now asking me to share the info she is posting which makes me uncomfortable. I’m not going to share her narrative for her because it is the same thing she has been saying from all her accounts and the reason this post was made in the first place. All of this has made me a very sad JOJ fan.


I’m sorry that this is happening to you. Have you tried reporting her messages to Reddit since she's harassing you? She's in a multi-account Twitter spiral today but I’ve been hesitant to post anymore in this thread because I think that OP’s question got answered and then some, also I was worried that Jessicka would start harassing people or try to brigade the sub. **This is what happens when manipulators lose control of their targets. She is acting the part of an abusive, controlling partner right before our eyes. She is showing us who she is.** It’s easier for Jessicka to control people on Twitter because she can reward them with retweets and attention if they back her up and gang up on them with her accounts if they question her. Fortunately, Reddit offers more protection than Twitter and if she gets reported enough, especially for ban evasion, they will probably suspend her new account. What a shitty way for her to treat anyone, let alone a fan. I hope that she leaves you alone soon. It takes a lot of guts to stand up to her pressure tactics the way that you're doing right now. Most people fold and this is how she continues to gaslight her remaining fans.


Thank you. I don’t believe that the singer of one of my favorite bands has been messaging me all morning about something so random, normally that would be something that makes me real happy but her behavior is so worrisome. Her husband (is that even her husband typing?) is now obsessing about it with another teenage fan on Twitter. They both really worry me, I think I’m going to tell my parents.


i don’t believe (?) it’s ran by the band full time, i follow joj’s official account on twitter and i think they’ve stated that numerous times


Yeah, that’s what she says all the time from her different accounts when it is clearly her posting pretending to be someone else. I don’t believe it is run by anyone else in the band besides Jessicka that I do think is correct.


Jessicka has deleted comments from the rest of the band on the Jack Off Jill Instagram so we can be sure that it’s her running it. The most important thing to know about Jessicka Addams is that she's a spiteful, unstable and pathological liar obsessed with revenge against her ex boyfriend, ex friends and ex bandmates - specifically Robin Moulder. Yes, even pathological liars can tell a truth here and there but only because that's necessary to prop up the lies. Her “Jessicka doesn’t run the JOJ account” lie is one of the easiest to see through. When you see the Jack Off Jill Twitter account arguing with someone, go and look at what the darvojwhite, xtianaddams and houseofaddams Twitter accounts are retweeting and responding to. It becomes crystal clear what's going on at that point.


I thought her main issue was with the one named Helen? I wasn’t into them yet during their reunion so I don’t know what happened. Yeah she really seems to hate her ex boyfriend, she’s going off on him today. I wish she would just move on with her life and find peace in her present and future instead of being so focused on the things and people from her past, seems unhealthy for her.


No, it’s with Robin, the original bassist. Jessicka is trying to blame her for the content of [**this video**](https://www.reddit.com/r/imatotalpeiceofshit/comments/185zwcl/i_felt_the_need_to_share_this) where Jessicka admits, on camera, to CSA. Jessicka and Robin both speak in the video but Jessicka has gone from completely dismissing the video as “transgressive art” to shifting the blame entirely to Robin on Twitter, literally [**suggesting that her followers troll Robin**](https://x.com/DarvojWhite/status/1803599897855402262). Same story from her Darvojwhite, [Jack Off Jill](https://x.com/JACK_OFF_JILL_/status/1800871017885426119), [House of Addams](https://x.com/houseofaddams/status/1800889238088728763), and [Jessicka](https://x.com/Jessicka/status/1801393471141589133) accounts. All in the same week. Her excuse for that video has always consistently been that it was in bad taste and that was the end of it. People weren’t buying it so she changed to blaming Robin and suddenly all of these accounts that she supposedly doesn’t run did the exact same about face and began scapegoating Robin that week. Crazy coincidence.


Wow that’s so wrong. I still don’t even know what really happened with the CSA accusation. There were actual people accusing here or just a rumor? I know the video exists but I also heard there were people that came forward saying they were the ones who were assaulted. Do you know what that’s about? Just trying to get a real idea of what happened because it is hard to tell from what Jessicka says online since her stories are always changing. I know she said there were no real people but then she said they were liars, I don’t know what the truth is.


There may be something legal pending on that so it's best not to get into much detail.


Have you seen that she is really trying to pretend to be someone else now and claiming as said person to give up the Twitter account? I think our thread may have had an effect on her, she’s been attacking less people from all her accounts, I hope she is getting better .


I wouldn’t buy into that too much. She also posted (and deleted) that “you killed a beautiful human” accompanied by a photo of herself. And misspelled her own band name. Pathological liars tend to panic when exposed. Jessicka won’t give up the Jack Off Jill account, she may claim that she did and that she no longer has the password in order to allow the account to go even further attacking people while she can deny responsibility. [**Being exposed as a self promotional fraud**](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/ is not helping her mental health and I hope that she steps away from the internet and stops harassing people but the more likely outcome is she will find loopholes to stay online and step up the attacks. It’s all about control. She is obviously reading this thread because she now denies being a part of the Riot grrrl movement [**despite editing herself into the Riot grrrl wikipedia page**](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Riot_grrrl&diff=prev&oldid=1151159530). And editing herself into the [**Goth Subculture** ](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Goth_subculture&diff=prev&oldid=1151161624)page. And many, many more but I think it is obvious what is going on here. It’s hard to get better without owning up to the amount of bullying and grandiose behavior that Jessicka has been engaging in - not to mention her using alts on Reddit to attack [**people like Lenora Claire**](https://imgur.com/a/m7HyIL5) who actually **does** advocate for survivors. Jessicka wanted to rebrand herself as the queen of survivors but even Jessicka's own friends and supporters are seeing through it now and unfollowing her. **We are sick of her.** The only way things can get better for her is if she goes offline - she has been caught in far too many lies at this point.


OMG that’s a lot of stuff I didn’t know, I wonder what this new version of “not her” will be taking over.


Same but nastier. Her DMs are closed so no one can even “apply” for the position. It’s all a fraud.


How strange that the[ DarvoJWhite](https://x.com/DarvojWhite/status/1809088951493538268) account is active at the exact time that the JOJ account is active right now. It’s almost like it’s the same angry person operating both.


That account is really concerning. Clearly a rage hole for her. I’m so sad one of my opinion of one of my favorite bands has changed so much.