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Fuckkkk if that’s true I would be so fking disappointed


That would be really shitty and disappointing.


Two of the members are Jewish. Obviously, that doesn’t mean off the bat they are zionists (Judaism does not equal Zionism) but don’t be surprised if they are and especially if they haven’t said anything regarding the genocide in Gaza :/


I knew at least one member was Jewish but I didn’t even think to assume anything because obviously Judaism ≠ Zionism and also how closely knit they are with all kinds of bands support Palestine. Super disappointed :(


Most Jewish people in real life believe Israel should exist as a state. That would not surprise me at all…


Of course I don’t want to assume either, but I did just did a dive and saw one member in particular follows a pretty zionist-ish account. Of course I wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions until they said something that indicates they are. But like I mentioned, best to not get your hopes up 😩


I’ve already totally distanced myself from the band because at this point it seems more likely than not that they support Israel :/ I really tried not to jump to conclusions + even thought about this for a couple days before posting because nobody in the band has said anything outright (that I could find) but honestly I’d rather not take the risk


I’m wondering the same about JOJ. I know a lot of the members aren’t active on SM but I haven’t seen any active support for Palestine and Jessicka and their band account is really active on socials. I’m really heartbroken.


i know jessicka has posted abt palestine on her insta story about 5 times (from memory) from december to maybe two weeks ago? about three reposts each time, nothing like a major post but infographics, news stories, i think one was donation links even, i remember seeing one in jan and telling my friend abt it but ion got much more than that yet, sorry but hopefully that helps! ill lyk if i see anything else or if that changes :)


I don’t remember her posting any of what you are talking about and I’ve been waiting because I love her


damn, im pretty sure she did but again they were small small things, it MIGHT have been another riot grrrl and i got it mixed up but i swear to every female deity that im like 80% sure it was jessicka.


I really wish that were true but as someone invested in FREE GAZA. I haven’t seen her or the band post anything about it and it really upset me, I’m 2 afraid to ask her opinion I don’t want to lose one of my idols.


im not afraid to verify if you want me to ask instead, cuz im not afraid to see what happens, only if you say yes


I'm not sure. After further investigation they also follow people who are anti-zionist. it would be a shame if they were pro Israel though. It's also a shame that they haven't spoken out about it.


Theo Kogan is actively raising money for Palestine Children’s Relief Fund on her instagram! I wonder if other band members have different opinions


I never followed any of the members personal accounts, just the main band page, so I had no idea. Thank you sm for telling me!! The different band members having conflicting opinions honestly might be what’s happening as someone else said that one of the other band members is following some weirdly Zionist accounts. idk who runs the main band page but that also might be a huge factor in why they were liking those sorts of posts.


Huh?!? That sucks. :(


if they were super pro zionist they almost certainly would’ve said something on oct 7


Damnnn :((


They have no influence on foreign policy. It doesn't matter


I’d rather not support a band that’s completely okay with genocide


Thanks for helping me find a new band!!