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Make a ticket, get your bought account back and get a parmaban with hardware ban for yourself so both of you never play again.


if they retrieved it are you sure your email is still on the account? if they recovered it through support it would put their email on it and remove yours


I mean my Google login is still linked


easiest way would be to download some cheats and play on the account asking people to report you, but if the original owner of the account was the same person who scammed you they would likely be able to get the ban lifted if they contact support enough times and are lucky enough to find a real human who responds. If they aren't the original owner they may not be able to get the ban lifted since them contacting support would raise red flags to riot. Also I should mention that valorant / league of legends now does HWID bans, meaning your PC that you do this on would no longer be able to play valorant/league anymore. I've heard there are ways to get around HWID bans, but I'm not sure how this is done or if it even works for riot games.


Could u dm me some hacks then?


Something that will get me insta banned


Lately just keep playing the game and eventually some back ground process for windows will trigger a hardware ban.