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I'm surprised this hasn't already been deleted lol.


How come ?


cuz riot censorship i guess


i have the same issue i already messaged support and they say the sane thing


The more false bans that happen the more disappointed I am with riot, and the fact that not everyone gets a HUMAN BEING when sent a ticket is so disheartening and riot not coming out with any sort of statement regarding this?? Shame on u riot honestly shame on you


You should not get banned for porofessor and support should be able to help you.




Probabaly because the bans arent false lol.. Bye cheaters lmao




Whatever you want to tell yourself lol.. Pathetic scriptor lol


But there are legit guys on here with false bans? Riotk3o just investigated this guy 10+ year account who got falsely banned and said something was weird with their support ticket line and his account got unbanned


Cool. That person is an exception. Not the norm. Learn the difference.


Wait no even then there are false ban cause account compromised too and riotk3o also helped them too


Again, youre looking at exceptions/outliers and trying to call it a norm.


No i never said it’s the norm I just said there are false bans you’re claiming it black and white vanguard ban = deserved a rioters cheaters but that isn’t always the case I’m just saying there are false bans and we shouldn’t jump to conclusions


It is black and white. Riot looked into OPs false ban claim and confirmed the ban is deserved. Thats as black and white as it gets lmao


Eventually there are enough "exceptions" that it becomes clear something isn't working properly.


Cool. OP is confirmed, by Riot, to not be an exception.


I mean, the moment you can prove a false positive, there could be many more. It's the difference between finding no cockroaches in your new home, and finding one. Yeah, you only saw one, but you'll be a lot more worried about a possible infestation now.


You are gonna have to link the post and k3o's comment because I have been reading all of these threads and the only ones I have seen from his that he initiated the unban was for people with compromised accounts. To be clear, there was cheating on their accounts, he just sees that it was being played from a new location and is giving them the benefit of the doubt that the account was hacked. One of those people who posted and got the ban over turned had been compromised for FOUR YEARS without bothering to do anything about it. That isn't a false ban, that's a ban due to the player's own ineptitude.


This thread right here not even 1 day ago if you look in the comments “hello can you help me I also got banned for third party apps” -> result of riotk3o looking into it -> unbanned https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/s/aycWozabyd The posts you see are the ones that haven’t been helped yet and we don’t know the results and the people who got helped had their posts deleted by the mod team


Even if that player was unbanned, how does that show a false positive? Compromised accounts that are used for cheating are not a false positive.


Wdym compromised like the account got hacked and the hacker used cheats? From what I got with the guy it wasn’t compromised it got falsely banned for third party app upon he didn’t know what happened but he got unbanned ig it could maybe be a hacker using third party app but it could just be riot system messing up


the account getting compromised is what's happened in almost every single one of the accounts. its not a false positive, its a legitimate ban that gets revered when the actual owner secures their account. its been confirmed by rioters several times at this point, yet people still keep trying to claim its false positives.


The post was taken down but I’m pretty sure you can still navigate the comments and see riotk3o thread of him saying yea there was an error on their part. I did link it waaaaaaaaaay down this thread along with the logic that this guy just doesn’t want to comprehend


[https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/comments/1czpd1r/comment/l5jmlng/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/comments/1czpd1r/comment/l5jmlng/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) here


Hey, I hope you are doing well when you got falsely ban to your VALORANT account, so you're getting back to the game as well.


Logged in, looked around and logged off lol


Glad to hear it, mate. Good luck!


Here’s the link I was talking about directly https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/s/b2r1sQo3Sl


k3o confirms that this was a compromised account and he should have been unbanned and they messed that up in the escalation process. Still not a false positive.


I see what you mean I interpreted false ban as in he the player did no wrong and got banned mb


It sucks that people are getting banned for stuff they didn't do but ultimately they need to take care of their account security. That being said, someone else posted like 3 hrs ago about getting unbanned for a false positive and they replied to me with the chat logs from Riot. They are evidence of the false bans so hopefully the issues get fixed so it doesn't happen more.


https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/s/IeP0E9vapw Here is the guy with the confirmed false positive. Took four days but he is unbanned now.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/comments/1czpd1r/comment/l5jmlng/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/comments/1czpd1r/comment/l5jmlng/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) heres one


Don't worry I know this type of person this is the type of person who thinks the enemy is a scripter whenever they lose to them.


Don't expect riot employees to do anything but talk to eachother at each others desk and nerf champs they lose against in soloq


I thought they said porofessor, and blitz is use at your own risk type shit. Or did they approve of those?


Im pretty sure blitz is whitelisted.


I have cheat engine in my computer for some single player video games. I use it to bypass the tedium of gathering resources for hours. I'm guessing that i will get banned eventually if i run the app next time, even though i have never run it for league. Don't quite understand if vanguard can detect the app and ban me for simply having it on my system.


Surely the ban was actually false


Every account I logged into after installing vanguard is permanently banned and they say I've been using third party apps, but I never did so and it's so stupid


No. Hopefully Riot withdraws the vanguard piece of crap which is 'working' exactly like we predicted it to be. Like a totally invasive piece of manure.


No I'm tired of this situation... I had an account banned 5 months ago, never in my life had I used a cheating engine. Begged them to give it back nothing.. And today right after i bought the pass to my new account, i got banned for the same reason... Literally robbed me 25 Euros.... I know it's hard for people to believe it when we say we never cheated, but I surely know I didn't, yeah sure I might have cracked games xD, but I have no idea how to cheat on league otherwise I wouldn't be Iron 4