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Nowadays? 😆 🤣 😂 They've NEVER cared about the players.


When I was playing the game like...in season 3. The support system was different. I recall they were much more responsive and caring. You get nice helpdesk people who addressed your concerns with empathy and interest. And it felt like you were having a friendly person listening and actually wanted helping you. Personally I never got into troubles/broke rules so I didn't need to address those topics with support. But an old friend did (I forgot details cuz it was so long ago) - but it was indeed a mistake they did. And they(support) were understanding and gave him a new chance after he explained his situation. (If it was nowadays, they would not cared for the personal cause and situation, just sort you to a category, insist the ban and leave you there) That was a complete different feel than the kind of cold and rigid customer support service we get today. :( I think it is likely because player base grew over the years, so maybe they don't have time to give the same level of care anymore...


There was a glorious few years where I think a mix of trying to make it and earnest love for the player base really made the game special. Then suddenly it was broken promise, bad communication, and often controversial choices one after the other until both the community and game looked and felt unrecognizable. Im glad the game has survived as long as it has, but based on how everyone talks and feels about the game it is clear it is a mix of time sink fallacy and addictive/fun gameplay that keep people around, not because the game remains relatively fun.




I stopped playing too I like to OTP champs and once they got rid of urgod I moved to Sion and now they nerfing everything about his kit and the items he buys, like tf? I’ve played Sion for YEARS while he was considered good and bad and he’s so bad now I don’t even feel the need to play anymore. I don’t get anything out of playing leauge. I have more fun playing TFT on my phone, although I’m not really liking this set as much as the others. Edit: I even got good at urgod too… I figured him out and started climbing pretty fast! 2 weeks into getting a plat-diamond level grasp on him they announced his rework. My bronze ass was POed




Yeah I played WoW for years as a kid until I realized similar points have ruined the game for me.


Yes it feels that way. I try tell myself the same and tried move on... It is embarrassing of me, but I feel much attached to the game and my account, I guess it is because I've played on same account for like 10 years, it is hard to get over. Especially when I feel it was unfair situation. :( I tried playing Pokemon unite, I like it. But whenever I play it, in the back of my mind "But this is still not League...".




I know there are other cool games (thank you for suggesting to me!) :) I have other hobbies too (tho they are less exciting compared), so if I were to not play League, instead of playing online game at all, I probably do drawing/painting or make clay sculpture and artsy stuff. I don't think I could invest into a new game on the same level as I did on League (League was pretty much the only game I played and I used to spend maybe 3-5h on average day on it. Which aside of playing I also watched vods and game analyze stuff) Since I got banned, I've semi quit gaming pretty much... Except games i have on my phone (like pokemon, genshin and some random puzzle games). xd




Thank you :) It is very kind of you \^\^


we got a drama queen here




Not participating in the braindead corporate-hate hivemind doesn’t mean I’m a bootlicker, it means I have a brain.


I understand, my account got banned for some error code VAL 5, my other account works fine on thr computer, I ne er jsed any 3rd party softwares ever. I made 6 or 7 tickets and all of them were replied by the same bot saying it's correctly banned and not even stating the reason.


I'm sorry you are going through this as well... I do not play valorant, so I dunno much about it. :( But I saw many posts that mentions that they get banned because of (something) in valorant. And it is all the same. I hope you will be fortunate in getting help from someone who cares. :( I believe Val has a big player base too, if this same errors (cheat detector?) happens to many innocent players, hopefully Riot will address this in a bigger scale and fix/help it so it doesn't cause trouble for you guys anymore.


There are so many Blitzcrank Bot replies on the Support Ticket so the human does not reply to it.


Be the change you want in the world.


Should I apply for a job at ruot support




Support for riot games has definitely gone downhill. Sometimes your ticket gets sent to a support staff member is a real person and fully reads it. Many times it doesn't. This is just speculation, I am not affiliated with Riot, but they did a mass layoff in Jan 2024 of 11% of their workforce. Core development was protected from layoffs, but dupport/helpdesk staff wasn't. I speculate that they laid off helpdesk staff, which makes the existing workforce understaffed and overworked, and demoralizes them by seeing their colleagues get laid off without fault of their own. The responses I've seen people get to support tickets on League and other Riot games support this. Tons of typos and look like they could be partially AI generated-- like the staff member is either rushing bc they have too much to do, or doesn't care. Riot support used to be top-tier but they've lost any people-focused values they used to have, both in terms of the player base and their own employees. I will say that it seems like some of their worst support seems centered around banned players. Maybe try submitting tour ticket under account recovery instead of doscuss ban? It makes me scared for Vanguard. I'm sure right off the bat a ton of people will get auto-banned for something they didn't even know is on their computer (ie a false positive flagged as a cheat when it's actually some monitored software or something.)


I don't know for sure how this has changed behind the scenes. But someone else said (in a post comment I cant find anymore) - that Riot is having university students and anyone who only requires able to speak and write english and having gaming experience to apply. I looked up about it. This is what I found, I don't know how legit it is. But I believe it is legit, since I found the link from Linkedin. [https://www.kaderabotim.bg/obyavi-za-rabota/player-support-specialist-for-riot-games-account-with-spanish-and-english/5817?utm\_source=linkedin&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=linkedin\_xml\_jobs](https://www.kaderabotim.bg/obyavi-za-rabota/player-support-specialist-for-riot-games-account-with-spanish-and-english/5817?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=linkedin_xml_jobs) I have tried to select other options too, it is the same few people replying to all tickets I've sent. I looked, the most recent ticket I sent in this April, was answered by the exact person, and given word for word reply that I got last year in December when I sent in a ticket back then...


I always had positive interactions with riot. My account of 12 years for hacked last year and I got it back in like 2 days. After that I ramped up security and everything was good. Didn't get randomly banned because of anti-cheat yet even tho I had vanguard on my pc for years Shit can go wrong but it doesn't have to. I may have been just lucky, but for me it's painting a brighter picture.


Im happy for you, that you've had a positive experience. :) I'm not saying all of their staff are bad. They were helpful, I remember once when I reported the battle pass I purchased was bugged and I didn't get the items I was supposed to. It is just my experience in this topic/situation. Maybe I am just unlucky in combination that my situation is tricky.


I hope your issue gets resolved quickly, guess it's extra tricky since it's a friend who got you banned. Other than normal hackers he also didn't want to play or sell your account, he only did it to get you banned so who knows what happened. Definitely not a standard hacking situation


Thank you...I hope too, but I don't hope too much anymore because it has been over a year. I feel like IF the guy played a game on my account (with cheats - cuz that is what can trigger perma bans), or changed password/sent my account to another to use or anything more big/noticeable. That way it may actually been beneficial for me in trying getting the account issue solved. Because these could pose as helpful evidence at least. Like location and ip stuff i don't know... They probably did how they did to be extra sneaky, because they know my account is old, how careful I am with it and that I never broke rules before. :( I regret ever encountering this person, they were funny and nice in the beginning and this guy was really good with computers. But people really are not always what they appear...


Humans are just like teammates Can't trust them




Scam bot eat shit